MTL - The Silver Hamster’s Daily Life-Chapter 39 (two in one)

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Jiang Xingyuan entered from the east gate of the playground and stopped at the end of 3000 meters.

The playground was crowded with people all over the place at the moment. The track was surrounded by water, and there was no competition on the track at all. He pushed aside the crowd and squeezed in.

The surrounding students were very dissatisfied, and just wanted to scold them, but when they saw that it was Jiang Xingyuan, they all swallowed their swear words and made room for Jiang Xingyuan.

He squeezed among the crowd, watching Ruan Yingyin rushing not far away.

Her face was filled with joy and happiness, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

Her final sprint was so fast that even the wind speed she felt was different from what they felt.

The wind ruffled her hair and blew away her hamster-patterned headband.

There were crazy screams around, and it was Ruan Yingyin who had reached the end.

She ran a few steps forward according to her inertia, and then stopped, panting violently, bent over, and put her hands on her legs.

Liu Qin and their class teacher ran to Ruan Yingyin, surrounded Ruan Yingyin in the middle, and helped him to rest aside.

It's too noisy around, what Ruan Yingyin is awesome, Ruan Yingyin is my goddess, I love Ruan Yingyin's excited confession, Jiang Xingyuan couldn't hear what those teachers and Ruan Yingyin said, only Ruan Yingyin shook his head, the corners of his mouth remained the same. There is a smile, looking a bit shy and embarrassed.

Should be a compliment.

Ruan Yingyin was really different from the Ruan Yingyin he knew in his previous life. The longer they got along, the stronger this feeling became. At first, he blamed it on the butterfly effect. The hatred in his previous life made him reluctant to think about it. He just wanted to take revenge on her and make her feel bad.

But now, he couldn't fool himself.

Their personalities are different, their abilities are different, their habits are different, their handwriting is different, and everything is different except their bodies.

Jiang Xingyuan was reborn. If it was before his rebirth, he would not think about strange things. But now, I have to think about it.

After the women's 3000 meters, it is a relay race immediately. The relay race is based on grades, first senior three, then senior two, and finally senior one.

Seeing that Ruan Yingyin took the first place, Yang Tongyu happily went over to say congratulations, and went to find Liang Yuan.

Liang Yuan only signed up for two long-distance running events, 1,500 meters and 3,000 meters, and both won first place.

Liang Yuan is also an athlete, but he prefers and is better at long-distance running than sprinting. But in fact, Liang Yuan is also very good in sprinting. Although it is not as good as Jiang Xingyuan, if Liang Yuan can replace Jiang Xingyuan in the relay, their chance of winning the first place is much higher.

Liang Yuan had just finished 3000 meters before this, and he would rest in the stands and be with Yang Qingwei.

Although it is very unkind to let a person who has finished 3000 meters run a relay race. But Yang Tongyu had no choice.

"Liang Yuan." Although Yang Tongyu prefers Jiang Xingyuan, he is also an adult, the world of adults is not black and white, and his relationship with Liang Yuan is okay, "Jiang Xingyuan can't participate. In the relay race later, can you replace him?"

Liang Yuan was drinking water, and there was still excitement on his face at this moment. He also watched the whole 3000 meters just now, and seeing Ruan Yingyin running first, he was even more excited and excited than he had won the first place.

Hearing Yang Tongyu's words, Liang Yuan frowned, "Jiang Xingyuan can't run away"

Yang Tongyu touched his head a little embarrassedly, "Well, that's what he said, saying that he is not feeling well. Can you still bear it? I can't help you."

Next to Yang Qingwei's swashbuckling smile, she could hardly hold back her face. Her face was extremely ugly, her hands were clenched into fists, and her fingernails sank into her flesh, which hurt a lot.

She watched everyone spontaneously cheer for Ruan Yingyin, worry about her, cheer for her, and cheer for her. It seemed that needles had been inserted into her heart, which made her extremely uncomfortable.

These should have been obtained by her. If her leg was not injured, the person who ran on the 3000 track and enjoyed the worship of the crowd should be her and her leg was injured, all because Ruan Yingyin distracted her.

Ruan Yingyin is obviously not weak, but she hides it on weekdays. I'm afraid it's not intentional.

Why is Ruan Yingyin always trying to steal her things?

Since Ruan Yingyin wanted to grab it so much, she let her

Liang Yuan has always been enthusiastic, so he nodded in agreement.

Yang Qingwei took a deep breath, then looked at Liang Yuan with a worried look, "Didn't you get too tired after running 3,000 meters?"

"It doesn't matter." Liang Yuan shook his head, "I've almost recovered. The relay race is only 100 meters, so it's not in the way."

Yang Qingwei nodded, "That's good, so we can run the relay race together."

Yang Tongyu watched from the side, thinking that if his brother Tong was here, he might blow Yang Qingwei's head.

"Then I'll talk to the head teacher." Yang Tongyu ran off the stand.

"Then let's go down and do some activities." Yang Qingwei took the initiative, and went down the steps while talking, but when he was walking, he limped subconsciously.

"Qingwei, are your legs really okay?" Liang Yuan was worried when he saw her back.

"It's alright." Yang Qing turned his head slightly and smiled at Liang Yuan, but accidentally fell forward.

"Ah!" With a slightly tragic scream, Yang Qingwei fell to the ground hugging his knees, and tears fell.

Liang Yuan was startled, and quickly stepped forward, "Qingwei, how are you doing now? Don't cry."

"It hurts." Yang Qingwei curled up all over, trembling in pain.

Liang Yuan was in a hurry, and without thinking about it, he hugged Yang Qingwei horizontally again and rushed to the infirmary.

Yang Qingwei nestled in Liang Yuan's arms, struggling and said, "Liang Yuan, if you let me down, the relay race is about to begin, we have to participate"

"Do you still want to participate in a relay race like this?" Liang Yuan interrupted her.

Yang Qing paused for a while, then choked up, "But it's okay if you're not going to participate, you let me down, I can go to the infirmary by myself"

Liang Yuan paused in his footsteps, but looking at the pale girl in his arms, he was still soft-hearted and ran away with someone in his arms.

Yang Tongyu also saw it, and hurriedly chased after a few steps, "Hey, you two"

Liang Yuan didn't turn his head, "I'll take Yang Qingwei to the infirmary first, Yang Tongyu, you can find someone else."

Yang Qingwei buried his face in Liang Yuan's arms, and smiled quietly.

Didn't Ruan Yingyin run very fast? She simply let the relay race out so that she would not participate. There were not many girls in the class. After much deliberation, she thought that the head teacher would go to Ruan Yingyin.

Isn't that right? Let Ruan Yingyin run to the fullest at one time, she thought viciously.

Jiang Xingyuan could not participate, Liang Yuan was also taken away by her, and the remaining boys could not sprint. Even if Ruan Yingyin is on, how can Ruan Yingyin who has just run 3000 meters go fast?

As soon as Liang Yuan and Yang Qingwei left, there were no two people in the relay race.

The relay race is the last event. Students who are good at sports have basically completed the competition of three projects. Each person can only play three times. Those who haven't played three times are athletes like Cui Qingyan who may fail to run 800 meters in physical education class.

Liu Qin rubbed his temples and looked at the two sports committees in front of him. Even though he cared about his grades, he didn't accuse him too much. "Well, you go ask anyone who is willing to participate, it doesn't matter if you are slow. We will finish the relay race. Even if the sports meet is successfully completed.”

Yang Tongyu and Li Tong looked at each other, nodded, and went to gather the students in the class.

Ruan Yingyin just finished the 3,000-meter run, and was treated as a national treasure by the classmates in the class.

But she wasn't tired at all.

Hearing what Yang Tongyu and Liu Qin said, she raised her hand without thinking, "Let me come to the relay race"

Everyone looked at her in unison.

Liu Qin was stunned for a moment. In fact, Ruan Yingyin was the first thing she thought of just now. But Ruan Yingyin just finished 3000 meters, even if she wants to get a good place in her class, she will not do it. But unexpectedly, Ruan Yingyin actually stood up by herself.

Li Tong said in surprise, "Didn't you just finish the 3,000-meter run? Take a good rest first."

"It's okay." Ruan Yingyin's eyes sparkled, "Isn't the third year of high school starting first? I can take a break during this time, I think I'm fine."

She actually wanted to keep running. She felt so comfortable just sprinting on the last lap.

Liu Qin was a little moved. She patted Ruan Yingyin on the shoulder and looked at the classmates in her class, "Everyone should learn from Ruan Yingyin more about the collective sense of honor."

Everyone nodded and looked at Ruan Yingyin with a bit of sincere admiration in their eyes. Even Ruan Yingyin's classmates who were dissatisfied with the first grade in the exam changed their views on Ruan Yingyin.

Yang Tongyu asked, "There is one less boy in the relay race, who can participate?"

Boys, look at me, I'll look at you, and finally a thin boy raised his hand tremblingly, "I should be able to run, but it's very slow"

Liu Qin looked at these students, and suddenly felt that grades were not so important. She was about to nod when she saw Jiang Xingyuan striding over behind her, with a cold face, she said impatiently, "Forget it, I'll do it myself. ."

Cheng Yang and Wei Xiangsong knew about Jiang Xingyuan's injury, and they were shocked when they heard "Brother Yuan"

Jiang Xingyuan glanced over.

In the end, it was settled like this. At 4100 meters, the first one was Yang Tongyu, the second one was Li Tong, the third one was Ruan Yingyin, and the fourth one was Jiang Xingyuan.

The four went to check and record together, Jiang Xingyuan was the last, standing behind Ruan Yingyin.

Someone just picked up her hamster head rope, and she put it back into a ponytail. It's just that there is no mirror in the end, and the ponytail is a little crooked.

Jiang Xingyuan looked at it, and his hands were itchy.

He couldn't bear it either, reached out and flicked her ponytail, which swayed from side to side in the air.

Ruan Yingyin immediately turned her head and looked at him with slightly pursed lips. Although Jiang Xingyuan didn't say anything, Jiang Xingyuan saw a hint of questioning.

Before, no matter how hard he bullied people, Ruan Yingyin would call him "Student Jiang" in a good voice when he saw him.

But this afternoon, he had never heard a word from her.

Is it possible

cat meowing thing

Naturally, it's cat meowing. Ruan Yingyin was very angry about this, so she didn't want to deal with Jiang Xingyuan.

Jiang Xingyuan smiled, leaned close to Ruan Yingyin, rested her right hand on her right shoulder, turned her head sideways, and whispered in her left ear, "I just saw you, you are running quite fast, it seems that if you want to make you run fast, it is not necessarily the case. to meow"

When he leaned over, he wrapped Ruan Yingyin with a compelling manly air.

She found it hard to breathe, and she could smell a faint herbal smell.

By the way, in the plot of the book, Jiang Xingyuan was still injured at this time.

He said before that he couldn't run the relay race, that was the reason for the injury, but why, he finally agreed to run again?

Killing Ruan Yingyin, she didn't believe Jiang Xingyuan had a sense of collective honor, but she didn't think about herself.

Ruan Yingyin took his hand off his shoulder.

Jiang Xingyuan shrugged, stood up straight, and kicked the gravel on the road, "Do you still use me to play music for you in the relay race?"

He took out his mobile phone, "The audio is still there, do you want to preview it now?"

Ruan Yingyin was instantly frightened by him, and hurriedly covered her ears, "No"

Then she immediately hugged Li Tong in front of her.

Li Tong turned around and looked at Jiang Xingyuan viciously. But even if she was the eldest sister, she was afraid of him, so she only dared to stare at him, and she could only change positions with Ruan Yingyin, standing between Ruan Yingyin and Jiang Xingyuan.

Jiang Xingyuan put away the phone, his eyes deep.

Ruan Yingyin still felt a little scared. Before finally going on the court, she couldn't hold back, she retreated to Jiang Xingyuan, and discussed with him nicely, "Student Jiang, I will run very fast, don't let the cat meow any more. "

Jiang Xingyuan looked at her, "Look at your first run of 3,000 meters, I'll leave it alone. If you're too tired," he was startled by his unconsciously softened tone, and then consciously lowered his voice. Line, "Allows you to run slower."

Anyway, with him in the back, the first place will be stable.

Ruan Yingyin breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that he would not let go. She scratched her hair, thinking about Jiang Xingyuan's injury, and politely said to him, "You can also be slower."

The relay race is without exception the first. Li Tong, Yang Tong and Ke are all sports veterans, and the sprint is also the top three in all grades.

Not to mention Ruan Yingyin, she was in the third baton, and without the sound of gunfire, she quickly took away the baton from Li Tong's hand, and ran all the way to Jiang Xingyuan, who was on the opposite side.

Jiang Xingyuan stood there, watching Ruan Yingyin running towards the wind. She took big steps, and her whole body was slightly vacated for a moment.

The expression on her face, the swinging posture of her arms, and the movements of her legs are all so smooth and graceful.

Watching her run is a pleasure.

Watching her run towards him was an indescribable feeling.

Jiang Xingyuan's heart moved slightly.

He stretched out his hand and took the baton from Ruan Yingyin. Ruan Yingyin smiled at him naturally, which was an encouragement to his companions who fought side by side.

Jiang Xingyuan was slightly stunned.

Seeing that he didn't run, Ruan Yingyin became anxious, "Student Jiang, run!"

Jiang Xingyuan regained his senses, turned and rushed towards the front end.

Yang Tongyu, Li Tong, and Ruan Yingyin were all far away from the other classes, and Jiang Xingyuan, who was the last one, could actually take the first place in any run.

But Jiang Xingyuan didn't run around casually, and Ruan Yingyin's smile just a little stimulated him.

He ran fast and made great movements. The wound on his waist and abdomen was torn open, and it was painful.

The pain involved all the senses of the whole body, Jiang Xingyuan's whole person became more and more evil and flamboyant, and every move attracted everyone's attention.

"I got a lemon, why are all the handsome guys and beauties who can run in the sixth class?"

"I also want to ask why people who can read, run so well, even if they run so well, isn't it maddening to look good?"


In the sound of everyone's discussion, the closing ceremony of the Games was ushered in.

This year's women's 100m and 3000m were both broken by Ruan Yingyin, and the same was true for the relay results.

The second and sixth class of high school, without exception, won the first place in the total score of the sports meeting

The students in the class were so excited that they cheered one by one.

Li Tong immediately hugged Ruan Yingyin and Cui Qingyan, and said loudly, "Let's go to KTV tonight to celebrate"

The proposal won the approval of other students in the class.

"Yes yes yes, sing and go"

"Yeah, yeah, anyway, tomorrow is the weekend, it doesn't matter if you stay overnight"

"I agree, I agree, let's get drunk, let's not go home"

The head teacher Liu Qin smiled and watched the students make trouble. After hearing the words "no drunk, no return," she looked at the proposed student, her face instantly sank, "You can't drink, you are still students"

Ruan Yingyin nodded heavily, heavily, and heavily.

Seeing this, Li Tong thought that Ruan Yingyin agreed, and immediately said happily, "Let's all go back to the classroom to pack up, and then set off."

Yang Tongyu also pushed Lin Meng excitedly, urging Lin Meng to leave quickly, patted Liu Qin's chest while walking, and assured Liu Qin, "Teacher, don't worry, we don't drink, only drink juice."

Ruan Yingyin felt a little relieved when she heard the word "don't drink". Seeing that everyone was in high spirits, she also unconsciously had a sweet smile on her face.

For some reason, after working hard to get the first place, it feels good to be with everyone.

Ruan Yingyin had never experienced this feeling of being in a group before.


She pulled Li Tong, "I can't sing." She never sang or learned. So Ruan Yingyin thought that she could not sing.

Li Tong held Ruan Yingyin in one hand and Cui Qingyan in the other, and said domineeringly, "It's okay if you don't sing, just sit next to me and eat melon and fruit snacks."

Ruan Yingyin's eyes lit up, she nodded immediately, and her footsteps were faintly excited.

Jiang Xingyuan stood behind him, his arms crossed his chest, watching Ruan Yingyin and the others walk away.

Wei Xiangsong and Cheng Yang stood beside him. Cheng Yang subconsciously looked at Jiang Xingyuan's waist and abdomen and worriedly said, "Brother Yuan, are you alright?"

Jiang Xingyuan touched the bruise lightly through his clothes, and the wound split open when he ran, and it hurt a little, stabbing and stabbing. He is very familiar with this feeling, and it can be said that his childhood came this way.

"It's fine." Jiang Xingyuan didn't care much. What he cares about is Ruan Yingyin's affairs.

Liu Qin had something to do at home at night, and she didn't want to attend such a gathering of students, so that they would be restrained. So she didn't plan to participate, and stood in place to clean up.

She saw Jiang Xingyuan next to her, heard Cheng Yang's question, thought for a moment in her heart, walked over, and said with concern, "Classmate Jiang, are you feeling okay?"

Before Jiang Xingyuan said that he was not feeling well, he would withdraw from the relay, and finally came back to participate at the critical moment. Although he looked at Jiang Xingyuan as if he was okay, but his companion asked that, maybe it was really uncomfortable.

Liu Qin never cared about Jiang Xingyuan, but the events of this relay race gave her a different feeling.

Jiang Xingyuan lifted his eyelids and glanced at Liu Qin, his tone was not good, but not bad, "It's okay."

Liu Qin sighed in his heart, thinking that he had taught for so many years, and he had to think twice about what to say in front of a student, but he really went back the more he lived, "It's fine, they're going to sing tonight. , you're not with them"

"Let's talk about it." Jiang Xingyuan didn't like and was not used to this sudden concern. He frowned, nodded slightly, and strode away.

When everyone happily returned to the classroom, Liang Yuan and Yang Qingwei were packing up and planning to leave.

Yang Qingwei wrapped a few white bandages around her legs and sat aside, watching Liang Yuan help her pack up.

As soon as they saw the two of them, the students who walked in subconsciously closed their mouths and looked at each other, and the scene instantly became a little embarrassing.

Li Tong shouted carelessly at the door, "Why don't you go in? It's getting late, hurry up and clean up." When he spoke, he glanced at Yang Qingwei contemptuously, with a bit of provocation in his eyes.

Several female classmates who had a good relationship with Yang Qingwei in private on weekdays coughed a few times, and when they got to their seats, they subconsciously asked Yang Qingwei, "How are your legs?"

Yang Qingwei smiled weakly, "It's okay, but it will take a while to recuperate." She actually had a bad premonition in her heart when she saw everyone coming back in groups with laughter and laughter.

The nails got stuck in the flesh, and Yang Qingwei asked, "I'm really sorry how many times our class ran in the relay race, because of my legs"

"It's alright." The other party laughed. "Our class won the first place in the relay race, isn't it super amazing? I didn't expect that after Ruan Yingyin ran the 3000 meters, the relay was still very strong."

Yang Qingwei's body trembled slightly, angry.

Her heart seemed to be pressed against a big rock, and she was almost out of breath.

The other party was still caught in the exciting scene just now, "We're going to go to ktv to sing and celebrate, do you and Liang Yuan come together?" When asked here, the girl looked at Yang Qingwei's legs, and immediately made up for it, "Ah , I'm sorry, I almost forgot that you couldn't come because of your leg injury. It doesn't matter, the leg injury is also an accident. You go home and take good care of it. Don't talk, I'm going to pack up. "

Yang Qingwei's eyes were slightly red with anger, but she still tried her best to keep it down, maintain her usual good image, and forcefully pulled out a slight smile, "Well, go ahead." She almost exhausted her strength to spit it out.

Liang Yuan, who was packing his things, handed over Yang Qingwei's schoolbag, then picked up his own, and took over the topic, "Our class is the first in total score, right?"

"Yes, Liang Yuan, do you want to sing together?"

"I'll send Yang Qingwei back first, you send me the address, and I'll come over after Yang Qingwei is delivered." Liang Yuan said immediately, and then said, "Let's go, Qingwei."

There was a hint of urgency in his tone.

Yang Qingwei glanced at Liang Yuan in disbelief. Obviously, Liang Yuan was still very nervous about her just now, why can she agree to sing without saying a word?

Her leg was injured, but Liang Yuan was still willing to sing and celebrate with them

Everyone in the class was so excited that they were going to celebrate, so she was left alone. This made Yang Qing think for a moment, and felt that the internal organs were stirred together, and the whole person was about to burst.

But she couldn't get angry or even show a little emotion.

She could only be reasonable, knocking down her teeth and swallowing blood, "Okay."

When Liang Yuan helped Yang Qingwei out of the teaching building, Jiang Xingyuan, Cheng Yang, and Wei Xiangsong just came back from the playground.

Looking at Yang Qingwei's back, Jiang Xingyuan ruthlessly kicked a pebble under his feet, tilted his head and asked, "Have you done the things I explained to you just before the relay race?"

Cheng Yang touched his head and gloated, "Of course, don't worry, Brother Yuan."

Wei Xiangsong also said, "People are waiting outside the school."

Jiang Xingyuan pressed the tip of his tongue against his teeth, and smiled slowly, a dangerous and sinister smile.

Isn't Yang Qingwei's leg injured a second time today? It must be serious. After all, it's not justifiable to let people run 3,000 meters and let people run a relay race.

Liang Yuan supported Yang Qingwei and waited on the side of the road at the school gate. Just now, Liang Yuan called for a car on his mobile phone. The car should have been waiting, and now the car has not arrived. He just wanted to take his phone to see how far the driver was.

As a result, I touched my pocket, and the phone was not there. He patted his head, "I seem to have put my phone on the table."

Yang Qing smiled, "Go get it, I'll wait for you here."

"Okay." Liang Yuan turned and ran away.

Yang Qingwei took off his smile, and his face instantly turned ashen. Her leg wasn't hurt at all, she did it on purpose when she got off the stand.

She looked at her bandaged legs and kicked the pavement hard.

In her expectation, she should be the one who will show the limelight at the sports meeting. However, all became Ruan Yingyin

As soon as she walked out, she could hear everyone's comments on Ruan Yingyin, all of which were talking about how powerful Ruan Yingyin is and how goddess she is.

These words, like knives, pierced Yang Qingwei's heart, terribly uncomfortable.

The two big flower arms who waited for a while on the opposite side looked at the photos on the phone, then looked at each other, crossed the road, and walked towards Yang Qingwei.

"Yo, my little sister's leg is injured, my brothers will take you to the hospital." Dahua Arm stretched out his hand, looking like he was going to pull Yang Qingwei.

Yang Qing panicked slightly, raised his head to look at the two people, and ducked back, subconsciously calling for help

In a panic, the leg that had been slightly injured fell to the ground.

The big flower arms looked at each other, and then changed from pulling to pushing.

Yang Qingwei was unprepared and was pushed to the ground.

This is at the gate of the school. The security guard reacted quickly and chased over here. "What are you two doing, stop me?"

The two big flower arms ran away immediately, but when they ran away, they panicked and stepped on Yang Qingwei's bandaged leg.

There was a click, the sound of broken bones.

Yang Qing screamed in pain, his voice was harsh, and the birds perched on the trees by the roadside were frightened.

Ruan Yingyin quickly packed up her things. She was waiting for Li Tong and Cui Qingyan with her schoolbag and sun umbrella.

Everyone is going to have dinner first, and then go to sing.

Jiang Xingyuan walked in, looked at her and asked, "You're going to sing"

Ruan Yingyin glanced at him, and nodded after a while, "Yeah."

"You can sing" Jiang Xingyuan sat down in his seat and asked casually.

Ruan Yingyin shook her head, "I won't."

"Do you know how to drink?" Jiang Xingyuan asked again.

Ruan Yingyin paused for a while, then shook her head immediately, her reaction was a bit violent, "No"

She can't drink. Before she wore a book, drinking had a terrible result. Although she doesn't know what will happen now, she should not try it. If it is true, the follow-up will be too troublesome.

Jiang Xingyuan tilted his head and looked at Ruan Yingyin's expression thoughtfully. He leaned back on the chair, which was against the wall behind him, his feet on the drawer, and asked, "Then what are you doing?"

Ruan Yingyin blinked, "I'll go" to eat melon and fruit snacks.

She paused and said, "I went to listen to them sing, and everyone said no to drink."

When Yang Tongyu assured the head teacher just now, she could hear it clearly.

"Tsk." Jiang Xingyuan smiled badly, shrugged slightly, and gave Ruan Yingyin a meaningful look.

But he said nothing.