MTL - The Silver Hamster’s Daily Life-Chapter 36 (two in one)

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Unlike Qinzhong, H City No. 1 Middle School has always had the habit of studying at night.

Jiang Xingyuan arrived at around eight o'clock in the evening, walked around behind the school gate, and easily entered the campus.

In the first year of high school, Ruan Yingyin was enrolled in the eighth class of high school. Her former classmate should now be in the second and eighth class of high school.

At this time, it was time for the evening self-study get out of class, and the teaching area was noisy. Jiang Xingyuan, wearing a white shirt, walked upright in the classroom aisle and stopped in front of the second and eighth class of high school.

Along the way, many people looked at him. Jiang Xingyuan's appearance is outstanding, at least in H City, even the school grass is much inferior to him.

Such outstanding people, it is impossible for no one to know in a middle school. This only shows that Jiang Xingyuan is not a student of No. 1 Middle School.

Jiang Xingyuan glanced around and saw the men and women chatting together in the corridor by the door, he found the circle with the most people, walked over recklessly, leaned on the corridor, raised his chin: "Ask something ."

There were five or six girls and three or four boys standing beside them. When they saw Jiang Xingyuan approaching, they all looked up, looking at him and exploring.

A girl with good looks and good temperament smiled slightly: "What do you want to ask?"

Jiang Xingyuan: "Ruan Yingyin."

As soon as he spit out the name, the boys and girls frowned, and their faces showed a bit of dissatisfaction.

Jiang Xingyuan observed their expressions, propped his right elbow on the corridor, and put his weight on the right half of his body.

"I'm Ruan Yingyin's current classmate. She took the first exam in our school this month. It happened that my family and I came to H City for some business. Our class teacher asked me to ask her about her previous situation in school. A reference." Jiang Xingyuan said lightly, making up nonsense.

Suddenly someone jumped out.

"How is that possible? Just Ruan Yingyin, can she be the first in the exam?!"

"Brother, your school must have made a mistake. You don't know that Ruan Yingyin and our high school were in the same class for a year, and their grades were at the bottom."

"Yeah, she never listens carefully in class, and she often misses class."

Jiang Xingyuan thought thoughtfully: "Do you have any contact with Ruan Yingyin during the summer vacation of your first year of high school?"

These Ruan Yingyin's former classmates looked at each other, and then a boy with a stubborn yellow hair dyed at the end stood up: "No contact, brother, see you come all the way, I will tell you straight. Ruan Yingyin that person. , I feel that my head is lacking, and I dislike the poor and love the rich, and bully the poor female classmates in our class. No one in our class can play with her, but she has a good relationship with the girl from the vocational high school next door. During my summer vacation —" Xiao Huangmao lowered his voice, "I have seen her when I went to the disco several times. She and her little sisters showed off, saying that her father was going to take her to S City and send her to a noble school. That's proud. Strong..."

Xiao Huangmao shook his head disdainfully.

Jiang Xingyuan frowned, his expression darkened.

These things are like what Ruan Yingyin would do in a previous life. He substituted Ruan Yingyin from his previous life into these scenes without any sense of disobedience.

But if Ruan Yingyin in this life is put in... He really can't imagine her going to dance.

The bell rang for the class, and everyone entered the classroom. Before leaving, they also emphasized to Jiang Xingyuan that Ruan Yingyin's grades must be ghosts.

Jiang Xingyuan was noncommittal. He leaned against the corridor and lowered his head slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

The girls turned their heads one step at a time. The girl who was the first to talk stopped, she seemed to have made up her mind, she held the phone in her pocket, gritted her teeth, and wanted to go back and ask for contact information.

But at this time, their head teacher came.

The girl's footsteps were stagnant, and she could only bite the bullet and walked into the classroom.

The head teacher looked at the boy with outstanding temperament but very unfamiliar in the corridor, with a bit of caution in his eyes: "Who are you?"

Jiang Xingyuan looked at the slightly fat middle-aged male teacher and raised his eyebrows: "Oh, I'm Ruan Yingyin..."

"Ruan Yingyin?" The male teacher frowned, "Hasn't she transferred schools?" He still remembers this girl freshly, and it gave him a headache when he was a freshman in high school.

He read that Ruan Yingyin had just lost her mother and her father was not around. He often paid attention to her and tried to pull her back from the wrong way, so he talked to Ruan Yingyin in private.

"Ruan Yingyin, your monthly test scores are really bad. On weekdays, you are often absent from class, so this is not acceptable..." He said bitterly.

But how could such a good-looking girl actually chastise him: "What about poor grades? My family is rich, and I can get along well without grades! Teacher, you should take care of yourself, I don't need you to take care of me. !"


He never cared about her after that. He was relieved until she transferred in the second year of high school.

"Yes, I'm here..." Jiang Xingyuan stood up straight, intending to find an excuse to leave.

Unexpectedly, the male teacher automatically added the second half of his sentence: "You come to fetch her something?"

"?" Jiang Xingyuan frowned slightly.

The male teacher said: "Her high school books are all in the school, no one comes to pick them up, they are piled up in my office. Come with me." Ruan Yingyin has a bad temper, but she is good-looking. Jiang Xingyuan's appearance is also outstanding, so the male teacher should think that they are related.

Jiang Xingyuan put his hands in his pockets, pursed his lips slightly, and followed the male teacher to the office.

The male teacher carried a stack of slightly tall books to Jiang Xingyuan.

Jiang Xingyuan glanced at it, almost all the textbooks and homework books of the first year of high school are here.

He reached out and took it.


In the car, Jiang Xingyuan leaned on the back of the chair and opened the textbooks and homework books.

Almost all of them are brand new, and she only wrote her name on the title page of each book.

The handwriting is not good-looking, and there is an arrogant and domineering feeling on the face, which makes people unhappy.

Jiang Xingyuan had just read Ruan Yingyin's textbooks, notes and exam papers a few days ago. Her handwriting, slightly round and upright, looked very pleasing, and he couldn't pick out any mistakes in the language.

It is completely different from the names in these books.

What was Ruan Yingyin's handwriting in the previous life? Jiang Xingyuan had never seen Ruan Yingyin write a few words, and he didn't care about such details, so naturally he didn't have any memory.

But he felt that it should be the same handwriting as these names. Arrogant and domineering, love to show off, except for that face, there is nothing worthy of being liked.

Ruan Yingyin's handwriting is still the same in high school, and Ruan Yingyin is still dancing in the summer vacation of high school.

And in just a few dozen days, will people even change their handwriting?

At least when Jiang Xingyuan was reborn, the handwriting was still the same.

Jiang Xingyuan threw the book on the co-pilot, his eyes were boundless darkness.


Games will be at the end of October.

As the sports committee members of the class, Li Tong and Yang Tongyu separately registered the events that each student in the class had to apply for.

Thinking of the sports meeting, Ruan Yingyin didn't look forward to it at all, and was a little sad. She bit her lip and asked Li Tong who was holding a pen and paper, "Do you have to report it?"

"I must." Li Tong looked at Ruan Yingyin with some distress. In physical education class, Ruan Yingyin is the last one in every warm-up run. "There is a rule in Qin that all students must apply for more than one track and field event. Come on Yinyin, don't be afraid. If it doesn't work, you can sign up for 100 meters. , the slowest time is only a few tens of seconds. If you look at Qingyan, it only reported 100 meters."

Cui Qingyan in front heard her name, turned her head and nodded.

Ruan Yingyin can only say: "Then 100 meters." Anyway, it only takes tens of seconds, very quickly.

She hated physical education classes and sports meetings the most. She wanted to meet the baptism of the sun under the open air.

You know, hamsters are afraid of light and heat!

Ruan Yingyin lowered her head slightly, hid her hands behind her back, and walked in against the wall.

Jiang Xingyuan is sitting in his seat to deal with the new company. He has a dual purpose, and the conversation between Ruan Yingyin and Cui Qingyan just now came into his ears.

It has been several days since he returned from H City. The new company is in the most important period of growth. He is busy with things and has not had time to deal with the problem of 'Ruan Yingyin'.

After explaining Xu Hao, Jiang Xingyuan threw the phone into the drawer, leaned against the back of the chair, cushioned the stool, and looked at Ruan Yingyin with his hands around his chest.

Ruan Yingyin sat in her seat, and the first thing she did was to put her hand into the drawer and pull out a marshmallow from the book hole.

Feeling Jiang Xingyuan's deep gaze, Ruan Yingyin's men subconsciously paused, but did not dare to take out the marshmallow and stuff it back again.

She was afraid of the marshmallow being robbed.

This morning, Jiang Xingyuan looked at her like this several times. His sight seemed to be carrying a huge boulder that weighed thousands of pounds, and Ruan Yingyin's heart sank instinctively.

From the time she wore the book, Jiang Xingyuan looked at her with disgust, resentment, and contempt. Having read the book, she naturally knows the reason for these gazes, so although she will be a little scared, she can still stabilize her heart.

But today, Jiang Xingyuan's eyes seemed to shoot a line, and he could see the gaps in the bones of people.

This made Ruan Yingyin very uneasy. She turned her head and glanced at him.

Jiang Xingyuan curled the corners of his lips, turned his body sideways, and got a little closer to her.

"Ruan Yingyin, I think it's a little strange, why do you suddenly love learning?" His voice was a little intimidating, and his smile was superficial and cold, "I heard that when you were a freshman in high school, you often missed classes."

Ruan Yingyin blinked slightly, her eyes turned slightly, and her index finger subconsciously pinched the pulp of her thumb.

When she came through the book, no one else noticed her strangeness. Even Ruan Xudong didn't notice it. But Jiang Xingyuan tried her several times.

She thought she had passed the test, but maybe it was because of her good grades in the monthly test that he began to doubt it again.

Ruan Yingyin suppressed the nervousness in her heart, looked as usual, and replied softly: "Sometimes the change of mind is in an instant. Before coming to S City, I dreamed of my mother. She let me... live a good life."

"Really?" Jiang Xingyuan sat back, and his tone couldn't tell whether he believed it or didn't believe it.

The school bell rang and the teacher came in.

Seeing that he picked up the phone again, Ruan Yingyin let out a sigh of relief.

She doesn't want her identity to be known. If it is known that she is a hamster, she will be caught and subjected to human experiments. She was very careful about this before she never wore a book.

After wearing the book, she was even more reluctant to let anyone know. Especially Jiang Xingyuan, he is too scary.


After class, Li Tong continued with the sports meeting.

She asked Yang Qingwei with a bit of disgust on her face. But in line with the responsibilities of the sports committee, she still said: "Yang Qingwei, what project do you want to apply for?"

Yang Qingwei put down the pen, she smiled slightly, and looked generous: "Give it to me, I will tick it myself."

Li Tong shrugged and handed over the form.

Yang Qingwei glanced at it.

Li Tong: 100 meters, 200 meters, 4*100 relay

Cui Qingyan: 100 meters

Nguyen Ying Yin: 100 meters

She picked up the pen, lowered her head and thought for a moment, with a slow smile on her lips.

When Ruan Yingyin was in physical education class, every warm-up run was the last. Looking at Ruan Yingyin's expression, she knew that she hated running.

But there is no way, the Qinzhong Games must let the students choose a running event. Many people who don't like running will choose a 100-meter, long pain is worse than short pain.

Therefore, the 100-meter event is the largest number of people in the annual sports meeting. There were also many people watching, everyone was either laughing and laughing at the person who ran as slow as a tortoise, or they were amazed at the person who ran the fastest.

Yang Qingwei is very good at long-distance running and sprinting. She has been the first in her school career for so many years.

She was still struggling to choose 100 meters or 200 meters, but when she saw Ruan Yingyin's options, she chose 100 meters, 3000 meters, and 4*100 relay without hesitation.

She was looking forward to the scene where Ruan Yingyin slowly made people laugh when she won the first place on the 100-meter track on the day of the Games.

Liang Yuan glanced over and was a little surprised: "You chose 100 and 3000 at the same time?"

Yang Qingwei handed the form back to Li Tong: "Thank you."

Li Tong couldn't get used to Yang Qingwei's hypocritical appearance. She snorted and walked towards the previous girl with a pen and paper.

Yang Qingwei turned to Liang Yuan, smiling just right: "Well, I'm pretty good at sprinting and long-distance running."

Liang Yuan smiled brightly: "I can't sprint, but long-distance running is fine." Like Gao Yi, he chose 1,500 meters and 3,000 meters in this sports meeting.

Yang Qingwei sincerely praised: "That's great too!"

Liang Yuan smiled a little embarrassedly. Halfway through his laugh, he unconsciously glanced at the place where Ruan Yingyin was, and his expression darkened slightly.

Ruan Yingyin has not paid much attention to him since the last time he brought up Ruan Yingyin and Yang Qingwei at the same table.

During this time, he also heard some things. There is an irreconcilable conflict between Yang Qingwei and Ruan Yingyin.

Ruan Yingyin's mother was involved in the relationship between Yang Qingwei's mother and their father back then.

Liang Yuan is an outsider of these old things, and he doesn't think he has the qualifications to evaluate. But he felt that Ruan Yingyin and Yang Qingwei were both good girls.

So it's really a pity that the two of them don't deal with each other because of things in the past life.

Jiang Xingyuan frowned and raised his head to meet Liang Yuan's gaze.

Liang Yuan's gaze changed from admiration to disgust, and he immediately looked away from Jiang Xingyuan who couldn't bear it.

Jiang Xingyuan raised his eyebrows, and subconsciously glanced at Ruan Yingyin who was seriously dictating English words.

Ruan Yingyin seemed to be stimulated by him. After that day, she studied English like crazy. She was memorizing English words for ten minutes between classes.

Logically, Liang Yuan and Yang Qingwei had been in love with each other in high school in their previous life, but Ruan Yingyin, who had a crush on Liang Yuan, had suffered all the bitterness.

However, in this life, Ruan Yingyin seemed to have nothing special to Liang Yuan. On the other hand, Liang Yuan would go to Ruan Yingyin from time to time.

"Brother Yuan." Only after Yang Tongyu collected the projects of all the male students in the class did he dare to come over and ask Jiang Xingyuan.

Jiang Xingyuan said concisely: "It's the same as Gao Yi."

Yang Tongyu sighed, with a happy face, and ticked 4*100 in Jiang Xingyuan's row.

Then he ticked 100 meters, 200 meters, 4*100 for himself, and caught up with Li Tong who went out in a few steps: "Hey, Brother Tong, give my list to Teacher Liu too!"

Li Tong hates people calling her brother the most, she gritted her teeth: "Why don't you go by yourself?"

"I did so badly in the monthly exam this time that I didn't have the face to go to the office, so I'll leave it to you!" After saying that, Yang Tongyu put his cousin into Li Tong's hands and ran back.

Li Tong said angrily: "Yang Dahei! I also did well in the test, didn't I!"

Cursing, Li Tong finally went to the office and gave the form to Liu Qin.

The score of the sports meeting is related to the selection of excellent classes, and Liu Qin is very concerned about it. She took over the list. According to the situation of last year's sports meeting, she also specially found a few classmates who performed well in last year's sports meeting, and persuaded them to choose all the projects who had not registered for the three projects.

Of course, she didn't look for Jiang Xingyuan. It is good that Jiang Xingyuan can come to participate in the 4*100.

She didn't look for Ruan Yingyin either, because she asked the physical education teacher and said that Ruan Yingyin's sports were not good.


At eight o'clock in the evening, Ruan Yingyin tore open the plastic packaging and poured a packet of sunflower seeds into a white bowl.

A small spoon with a cartoon mouse in a bowl.

Ruan Yingyin sat down, opened the tenth page of the Oxford Advanced English-Chinese Dictionary, and began to memorize it silently.

Fifteen minutes later, she closed the dictionary, held a blank sheet of paper and dictated words and example sentences. After finishing, she opened the dictionary and matched them one by one, and found that there were no mistakes.

Ruan Yingyin was very happy, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She scooped up the sunflower seeds and stuffed them into her mouth, biting the sunflower seeds into a crunch, filling her mouth with sweetness.

After three spoonfuls, the doorbell rang. Ruan Yingyin quickly stood up, picked up the bowl of Guaziren, and hid it before opening the door for Jiang Xingyuan.

Jiang Xingyuan stood outside the door with a cold face. He glanced at the dictionary on the dining table behind her and ordered, "Go."

Ruan Yingyin was stunned: "Where are you going?"

"You'll know when you go." Jiang Xingyuan didn't want to explain, and turned to leave.

Ruan Yingyin hesitated: "It's getting late, I have class tomorrow. And I haven't finished my study task today..."

"Ruan Yingyin!" Jiang Xingyuan turned around, his dark eyes fell on her, and he was full of anger.

Tonight, he was wearing a black leather jacket, exuding a frightening aura. Like in a movie, the next second will take out a hand gun from your pocket, big brother who will give you a shot.


The car is parked in an open space.

Jiang Xingyuan got out of the car first. Seeing Ruan Yingyin still sticking to the seat, he bent down and put his hand on the window, and said solemnly, "Want me to drag you out?"

Ruan Yingyin shook her head, lowered her head, unfastened her seat belt, and slowly got out of the car.

This is the center of the city, a few steps around is a bar street, very lively. Come and go, there are handsome men and beautiful women, there are fat and rich uncles with big belly, and there are special industry personnel with scantily clad clothes.

Ruan Yingyin looks gorgeous, but she looks very well-behaved in her dress and temperament. The great contrast made many people look at her, with a bit of dangerous interest in their eyes, and a bit of eagerness to try on their faces. It was just that when he saw Jiang Xingyuan who was obviously not easy to mess with, he could only endure it.

Facing these unbridled gazes, Ruan Yingyin was a little panicked. She took a few quick steps and followed Jiang Xingyuan in front of her. After all, here, she only knew him.

"Classmate Jiang, why did you bring me here?" It was very noisy, she raised the volume, and felt more and more uncomfortable, "I'm going back..."

Jiang Xingyuan stopped and took a deep look at her shrinking body.

He stretched out his hand, pulled her to his side, wrapped his hand around her waist, and dragged her in.

It was already very noisy outside, and the music inside made Ruan Yingyin's heart skip a beat.

And the lights inside were so flickering that Ruan Yingyin immediately closed her eyes.

In the bar, the dazzling lights and the music that made people almost cardiac arrest were the things that hamsters were most afraid of.

Ruan Yingyin's footsteps stopped for a moment, as if she saw a cat that day, she was about to run out the door.

Jiang Xingyuan's hand, like the hardest iron chain, chained her to his side.

Ruan Yingyin could not run away.

He almost dragged her in.

There were three girls in exaggerated dresses, twisting their bodies and walking towards the two of them, bringing a smell of fat and powder.

Jiang Xingyuan frowned unhappily, and subconsciously moved Ruan Yingyin beside him, slightly blocking between him and the three girls.

He didn't want any woman here to touch him.

The eyes of the three girls fell on Ruan Yingyin. Ruan Yingyin was extremely unsuitable for the bar environment, and she was struggling with a white face, so she didn't notice the surprise in the eyes of the three girls.

Ruan Yingyin didn't know them anymore?

They each looked at each other, suppressed the shock in their hearts, and greeted the two of them according to Jiang Xingyuan's previous explanation.

"Hey, handsome and beautiful, do you want to be together?"

"The little girl is pretty."


Ruan Yingyin glanced at them, frowned, pursed her lips and said nothing.

A fool could see her unfamiliarity with these three women and her obvious dislike.

She was still struggling in his arms, looking like she was about to cry.

Jiang Xingyuan got what he wanted to know, so he let go of her.

Ruan Yingyin ran towards the door without saying a word, as if some monster was behind her.

Jiang Xingyuan leaned against the bar, watching her back as she left in a hurry.

Three women gathered around.

"Handsome guy, is that Ruan Yingyin?"

"That's right! They look exactly the same, but how come they don't know the three of us!"

"Handsome guy, what's going on? Could it be Ruan Yingyin's twin sister?"

Jiang Xingyuan stepped back a few steps away from them, and said lightly: "Don't ask if you shouldn't, I'll transfer the money to you, you can go back to City H."

After speaking, he straightened up and was about to catch up.

One of the three subconsciously wanted to hold Jiang Xingyuan. A few days ago, Jiang Xingyuan found them in H city, gave them 10,000 yuan a day, and asked them to come to S city to meet someone.

This money is easy to earn, and Jiang Xingyuan is very handsome. They agreed without thinking. They thought they wanted to accompany a boss or something, but they didn't expect that they would meet Ruan Yingyin.

More than a month ago, Ruan Yingyin invited the three of them to dance before returning to S City. But it's only been over a month, and Ruan Yingyin doesn't know them anymore?

But this is not the point, they just want to keep Jiang Xingyuan. Such a handsome man, what a pity not to have a haircut?

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xingyuan's reaction was particularly fierce, he quickly avoided, his face was instantly gloomy, his eyes were like beasts in the dark, with a frightening breath: "Go away!"

The woman took a few steps back in fear.


Jiang Xingyuan didn't catch up with Ruan Yingyin. After a while, she ran very fast, and in an instant she ran to the bus stop and got on the bus.

How is this like Ruan Yingyin, who is behind the team every time during the warm-up run in PE class?

And people who often go to bars won't be her reaction tonight. Her reaction tonight should have happened to someone who had never been to a bar.

Moreover, she doesn't know the old "good sister" anymore.

It was fun, it was so much fun.

He twitched the corners of his mouth, his eyes deep. An error occurred, please refresh and try again

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