MTL - The Sage Who Transcended Samsara-v9 Chapter 1 Meet each other

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Outside the Yuxu Palace, the world is Jingping, and the massive destruction caused by the aftermath of the other side has returned to its original condition under the influence of retrospective time and history. Mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the red dust is surrounded by mountains. There are 24 in 36 ancient wells surrounded by jade railings. The flames and glowing clouds are constantly rising, like boiling, embellished with a dreamy and extraordinary feeling.

Deep inside the palace hall, in the Yuxu Hall, Meng Qi was congratulated by Guang Chengzi, Chisperm, Gao Lan, Jiang Yanwei and other friends and friends. He officially took over the place and became the master of the real Yuxu Palace. The new "Yuanshi God. "

After a few ceremonies, Guang Chengzi watched the golden lights lingering, the light of Qingyun was like Meng Qi in the water curtain in front of the eaves, and sighed deeply:

"Teacher, why are you ..."

There is also no substantial loss on its own side. Taking a step back is calm. Not only does the journey of the road mean that this era of detachment is hopeless, but it also eats away, and the form of the Taoist fruit that is not far away may become difficult.

In the realm of legend, if the historical change is great, it is like the beginning of the former Japanese yen ’s opening of time, intercepting and extracting Fengshen and a section of "river" after it. Powerful people will be located at infinite heights due to their natural aura, and the remaining part has nothing to do with them. Memory, but if this historical change directly involves one's own family, it will be confused and cognized, do not feel that there is any problem with his own experience, and only when he comes to the fortune and can feel the erosion of time, will he happen to himself The changed things are clear, but they still lack a sense of real experience, just like a strange dream, a dream of their own destiny.

If you do n’t reach the other side, leave the bitter sea, you will never see the truth, even if Guang Chengzi, who explores the other side without lack of accumulation, is also an unforgettable hatred for the original death, as if dreaming about who was killed and waking up without reason .

As for Jiang Yanwei and Ruan Yushu, it was even more difficult to understand the mood of Meng Qi when he cut off the sword, not because he didn't understand enough, but because he didn't understand what was going on.

Realms differ not only in strength.

And in so many realms, the difference between the other bank and the lower levels is the largest, and the difference between the sky and the horizon cannot be described!

Meng Qi's eyes were soft, without seeing the majesty of the other side, he looked around slowly and said:

"This is the best development for Golden Mother."

"If I forgive and forgive the enlightenment first, then in the current situation, it is nothing more than helping him. One is to prevent Maitreya from breaking through the sea of ​​suffering, and the Amitabha's efforts to reduce and seek stagnation are stagnant. Contributing to help Xiao Sang hit the other side and help the mother to get closer to the Tao. After breaking the grace of the Tao, I also affirm that the Tao is a prototype, qualified to participate in their contention, and the resentment and hatred in my heart still exist, plus Xiao Sang Relationship, there is no possibility of cooperating with Him. "

"So he deliberately urged me to cut off that sword. In this way, not only will my path be cut off, but this era will no longer hope to compete with him for Dao, but it will also delay Yuan Shi's teacher's detachment and leave hope for him. As for the golden mother's true appearance and the Amitabha Buddha's exposure to Empress Fu, it's irrelevant to me to help either side, and when Xiao Sang hits the other side, I will do my best to help. "

"With this one stone counting birds, it is self-evident how the golden mother chooses."

Listening quietly to Meng Qi's description, Wenshu Guangfa Tianzun couldn't help expressing his emotions: "In ancient times, he was good at planning. After becoming the other bank, his grasp of the human heart and the situation became even more shivering."

The key point of this matter is whether there is "the grace of enlightenment". The teacher ’s brother and sister will help the Golden Emperor to reduce the shortfall and hit the other side. In this case, it is obviously impossible for the emperor to waste the "enlightenment grace" on it. To get the maximum benefit, it is better to force the teacher's brother to go his own way, and by the way, he can hold the teacher's pace of enlightenment.

And this key point was created from the beginning by Jin Huang's manipulation of human heart and destiny.

From the birth of Gu Xiaosang, from the teacher's brother was put into the chess game by the devil, Jin Huang was waiting for this sword!

These details, just thinking about it, feel like falling into the ancient ice cave, the cold and despair from the bone marrow.

"But also the teacher and brother are willing to cut this sword ..." Guang Chengzi sighed again, unwilling to see Meng Qi doing this worthless thing for himself and other dreamlike lives.

Meng Qi smiled, and then said:

"If I can't cut this sword, I will be gradually assimilated by the‘ state of the other shore ’and become a supreme divine will, without any human touch.”

"And the way of others is not the way of" I. "

"This sword cuts off the way and saves‘ I ’.”

"If even‘ I ’is gone, what is the fruit of the Tao?

He didn't say much about it. This is an idea formed by his own experience, three perspectives, and beliefs. It is normal for others to understand, and even if the road is difficult or even severed, he has no need to look back.

After hundreds of millions of calamities, after waiting for many epochs, it is Su Meng who is the "Yuanshi Tianzun" or the simple Yuanshi Tianzun.

Having said that, he turned to look at Gao Lan, and the Emperor Sword flew out of his head in a clear and clear light, throwing himself at the other party:

"Brother, it is difficult to recover on Monday, but the islands of the East China Sea, the nations of God, and the four major continents of the West are all promising. It is not difficult to be humane again. I hope that one day, you and I can stand side by side."

Gao Lan took the Emperor Sword, and suddenly felt a little more real about the experience before the change. Haha smiled, and boldly spoke:

"Don't be irritated, I'll live in this life, and always do not fall behind, sooner or later, the emperor and Tianzun are equal."

Having said that, he lifted the light gold sword and turned to walk outside the Yuqing Hall. Seeing this, Wenshu reminded him: "The whip is still under control. You should not forget to go to the palace to get it."

As Luojiao and Buddhism swept the world, Qi Fenggong Xiaobai hid in the Douze Palace.

Gao Lan's thin lips were light, her head nodded slightly, and her head was gone.

Meng Qi looked at Jiang Yanwei and Ruan Yushu again and smiled:

"Don't call me by the wrong name in the future."

Originally because Meng Qi landed on the other bank, his head was round and bright, his head was covered with clouds, and his body was surrounded by golden lights. Both Jiang Yanwei and Ruan Yushu had a strong sense of alienation. It seemed that there was an insurmountable gap between the two sides. Meng is already a high-profile figure, but following this sentence, Jiang Yan shouted a little, Ruan Yushu pouted and smiled, all feeling that the distance was drawn closer.

This is perhaps the least person who has no taste of big names and shelves.

"Yes, young monk." Jiang Yan answered with a smile, Ruan Yushu nodded gently.

Meng Qi said with a smile: "If you can deeply understand the aura of nature, and distinguish between the 'true' and the 'false' caused by historical changes, you will benefit a lot in the future."

After pointing out the red sperm and the door one after another, Meng Qi told them to leave separately, and they had to stabilize themselves first.

When the everlasting silence was restored in the Yuqing Hall, a bright light shone behind his head, the green and vigorous avenue tree was looming, and two illusive Dao Fruits, Overlord Judgment, Sambo Ruyi were hanging on the branches, and Gu Xiao Sang appeared before him.

She had disappeared before, and her eyes were full of tears, and her whole body seemed to be okay, but there was a little calmness in the ethereal temperament.

"Relax, you have been used to being hit, and you won't break it down, just a little dazed. In the past, you were not shaped by the Golden Emperor." Gu Xiaosang smiled lightly, and rarely felt calmly in front of Meng Qi.

Meng Qi looked at her and said: "The Golden Emperor can only guide, the key is still his original temperament, can pass the legendary level, I believe that you will come out slowly."

Gu Xiaosang sneered: "Sangong talks in such a tone, and he always feels goose bumps."

She paused and continued: "But I'm always unwilling to go out, how about coming out? Isn't it necessary to follow his" arrangement "to inspire myself to move forward with monstrous hatred and impact the other side with a decisive mind ... might as well Cut himself off in exchange for the hopelessness of his own era. "

"You won't choose this way. This is equivalent to acknowledging that you are affiliated with the mother of gold, and there is no meaning of your own." Meng Qi looked at Gu Xiaosang with a smile. "And you hit the other side, not just for the mother of gold."

"..." Gu Xiaosang froze, his eyebrows spreading, his eyes fluttering, "What other words would Xianggong say?"

Meng Qi coughed:

"After the achievement of the other side, time is hard to erode, and the people around me cannot be the other side, even if I use all the means, after hundreds of millions of years, after a few epochs, they will eventually pass one after another, let me and There are fewer and fewer red earthly ties, and eventually they are completely isolated and become high-profile figures. "

His voice was bleak, as if he had seen the end:

"This requires you to help me, achieve the other side, and live together."

Gu Xiaosang's eyes bent a little, then he smiled lowly:

"Sangong speaks more and more ..."

Having said that, she turned her eyes and looked out of Yuxu Palace with a smile:

"It's good to send it." (To be continued.) 2k novel reading network