MTL - The Rich and Powerful Marry: the Rebirth of the Ace-Chapter 472 447: Yu Tingzhi: I have special needs?

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  Chapter 472 447: Yu Tingzhi: I have special needs?

  Who is Mr. Qian?

  The Duke of U.

  Even he could only sit outside the auction, which shows how powerful the people at the auction were.

   Not only Fang Minghui.

  Even Yu Zhihong and Mr. Yu were very surprised, their mouths opened into an 'O' shape.

  No one expected that these two conch pearls were actually taken away by Mr. Xian Ting.

   It's been a while.

  Yu Zhihong finally came to his senses, looked up at Mr. Qian, "Brother Qian, you, are you kidding me?"

   If he understands correctly, what Mr. Qian means is that Yu Tingzhi is probably Mr. Xian Ting.


   This is too dreamy.

  Mr. Qian said seriously: "You know, I never joke."

Speaking of this, Mr. Qian said again: "Besides, I won't make fun of this kind of thing. I'm not afraid of losing face when I say it. I wanted to take a picture of these two conch pearls that day, but I didn't even have the chance to raise my placard." nothing."

  Mr. Qian was bound to get these two conch pearls at that time.

  No matter how much it costs, he will buy it.

   Never thought that he would not even have the chance to raise his cards while sitting in the outfield.

  The last two conch beads were taken away by Mr. Xian Ting.

final price.

   Three hundred million.

  300 million is just the price of the conch pearl itself.

  If the buyer is not Mr. Xian Ting, the price of 300 million will be at least several times higher.

   Don't even have a chance to raise a placard?

   Mr. Qian's voice fell.

  It was very close in the air, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but no one spoke.

   It was Fang Minghui who broke the silence, "Brother Qian, do you mean that our Ting Zhi is likely to be Mr. Xian Ting?"

   "Yes." Mr. Qian nodded, "Although this matter sounds fantastic, it should be like this."


  What should be?

  Zheng Yuerong looked at Yang Zixuan, lowered her voice, "Sister-in-law, do you think it's possible?"

  If Yu Tingzhi is really Mr. Xian Ting, then what stupid things did they do before?

  Mr. Xian Ting was a family who ate and lived with them.

  But they forced the two old ones to separate, and they said harshly that they wanted to sever ties with Yu Tingzhi. No matter what achievements Yu Tingzhi has in the future, it has nothing to do with them

  Think about this.

  Zheng Yuerong's body was cold.

How to do?

What should we do now?

  Zheng Yuerong swallowed her throat.

  Hearing this, Yang Zixuan narrowed her eyes, but she wasn't afraid at all.

  How could a trash like Yu Tingzhi be Mr. Xian Ting?


  After a while, Yang Zixuan snorted softly, her eyes were full of sarcasm, and asked in a low voice, "Haven't you seen it yet?"

   "What do you see?" Zheng Yuerong asked curiously.

Yang Zixuan continued: "Obviously, this is a play that they and Mr. Qian put on in front of us. If you think about it carefully, if that trash is really Mr. Xian Ting, it has been so many years, our Yu family is still in this state Is it? If he is really Mr. Xian Ting, will Song Baoyi divorce him?"

   It is also ironic to say.

  Obviously they are all one family, but the parents-in-law are partial to the younger son, and now they do not hesitate to team up with outsiders to deceive them.

   Search the whole world, I am afraid there is no such parents.

  Zheng Yuerong frowned slightly, "But why are they acting in front of us?"

Yang Zixuan glanced at Zheng Yuerong speechlessly, "Yue Rong, I didn't say that you are usually very smart, why do you lose the chain at a critical moment? Why do they want to act in front of us? The reason is very simple! Because old Something wants to leave all the gold mines to that trash!"

"Think about it, if that trash is really Mr. Xian Ting, even if the old man really gave him the gold mine, then why would we dare to say anything? Not only would we not dare to say anything, but we would also regret it, regretting that the trash Get out and regret what you did!"

  If Yu Tingzhi is really Mr. Xian Ting, then they will definitely regret it!

   After all, that is Mr. Xian Ting who is aloof. If they continue to live with Mr. Xian Ting, they will also gain infinite glory in the future.

  They kicked out Yu Tingzhi, which is equivalent to driving out all the wealth and status in the second half of his life.

  But is Yu Tingzhi Mr. Xian Ting?

Totally impossible!

   Trash can only ever be trash.

   Nothing will change in this life!

  Hearing this, Zheng Yuerong suddenly realized, and looked at Yang Zixuan, "Sister-in-law, you are so smart! They must have this idea!"

  She was so stupid to believe such a poor lie.

   After a while, Zheng Yuerong said again: "It's just, how can Mr. Qian and Mrs. Qian cooperate with them in acting?"

  Mr. Qian's social status is extremely high.

  Don't say you are in China.

   Even internationally, it is tenable.

  Yang Zixuan said with a smile: "Although Mr. Qian and Mrs. Qian are big men, I can't help but feel good about their relationship! If you play the emotional card, what else can't they do?"

  Yang Zixuan sees all this clearly.

  Zheng Yuerong nodded.

  At this time, Mr. Qian continued, "Even if Tingzhi is not Mr. Xian Ting, but being able to get two conch beads from Mr. Xian Ting also means that he is not an ordinary person."

  Mr. Xian Ting can be contacted by anyone?

  A person who can make friends with Mr. Xian Bing.

   are all top bosses.

  Choose one at random and it will become an international sensation.

  Yu Zhihong swallowed his throat. Just as he was about to say something, Mr. Yu stood up from the chair on crutches, and looked at Mr. Qian, "Then, we Tingzhi were hiding their clumsiness before, right?"

  In addition to hiding clumsiness.

  Master Yu couldn't think of anything else.

  Mr. Qian nodded slightly, "Looking at the current situation, this is very likely."

  Yu Zhihong continued: "I suddenly remembered that Ting Zhi told me before that he has another identity as Mr. Xian Ting."

  Hearing this sentence, Yang Zixuan almost laughed out loud.

  Her father-in-law really dares to speak.

  Do you really think that cats and dogs deserve to be compared with Mr. Xian Ting?

   Not afraid of being laughed at.

  Wan Yuezhu frowned indistinctly, and then she continued, "Mr. Xian Ting became famous in a battle twelve years ago. If calculated according to this time, Ting Zhi died at the age of sixteen"

  The rest is self-evident.

  They all grew up watching Yu Tingzhi grow up.


  Yu Tingzhi at that time was very good.

   Can appear on the news page almost every day, and is also called a wizard.

   But geniuses die.

  Sixteen-year-old Yu Tingzhi is a waste.

  At that time, he didn't pass the high school entrance examination, and spent his days in vocational technical schools all day long.

   It's really hard to associate sixteen-year-old Yu Tingzhi with someone like Mr. Xian Ting.

   The sense of violation is too strong.

  When Wan Yuezhu said this, several people were taken aback again.


  A person who is decadent all day long and has scored double digits in the high school entrance examination, how could he be Mr. Xian Ting?

   This is hilarious!

Yang Zixuan spoke at this time, with a smile on her face, she just looked at Wan Yuezhu like this, "Mrs. Qian, don't we always talk about miracles? Since all signs indicate that the third child in our family is Mr. Xian Ting, then he It is very likely that it is Mr. Xianting! Maybe there is a miracle?"

  Yang Zixuan made a pun.

  If miracles happened so easily.

  The miracle is not a miracle!

  Zheng Yuerong instantly understood the meaning of Yang Zixuan's words, and echoed: "Sister-in-law is right, maybe a miracle really happened? Parents, grandpa, sister-in-law and I are here to congratulate you in advance!"

  Yang Zixuan smiled and said: "Let me just say, our third child has been a genius since he was a child, how can a genius become a waste if he turns into a waste today! No, who will be able to climb up Mr. Xian Ting in the future?"

  Seeing this, Fang Minghui frowned indistinctly.

  The posture of the two daughters-in-law is really ugly. No matter what, Yu Tingzhi is their younger brother. In front of Mr. Qian and Mr. Qian, they just talk like this!

   Not afraid of being laughed at.

Mr. Qian knew that the two daughter-in-laws of the Yu family were not easy-going lamps, so she glanced at them, then turned her gaze to Fang Minghui and Yu Zhihong, "No matter who Tingzhi is, they will change whoever your son who is in the same line is." It’s an unreal fact. Actually, as parents, we don’t expect our children to have much success at all, we only hope that they will be healthy and safe!”

   "Tingzhi is doing well now. He has successfully got engaged to Miss Song. Speaking of which, I have never met Miss Song! Last time I got engaged, I couldn't come either."

   Speaking of this incident, Wan Yuezhu felt a little regretful.

   It is said that Song Hua is a slightly strange woman. She not only successfully completed the Sight Rehabilitation Project, but also suppressed the outbreak of the zombie virus. She is a great hero in human history.

  She really wanted to see the true face of this strange woman.

Mentioning Song Hua, Fang Minghui's face was full of smiles, and he continued: "Sister-in-law, let me tell you, Hua Hua is really a rare good boy. Not to mention good-looking, he has a good temper." Song Hua, Fang Minghui couldn't stop at all, wishing to praise Song Hua's whole body.

  Yang Zixuan hated Fang Minghui like this the most.

  Does Fang Minghui really think that Song Wei and Yu Tingzhi are such good-for-nothings?

  People are playing with them!

   Who is Song Hua?

  What kind of thing is Yu Tingzhi?

   Speaking of this, Fang Minghui paused, "It's a pity that Huahua doesn't have time these days, otherwise, I'll let her come and play with us."

   Let Song Hua come here?

  Hearing this, Yang Zixuan's face was already full of sarcasm, but at this moment she almost laughed out loud.

  Fang Minghui thinks too highly of herself.

  Who does she think she is?

   She asked Song Hua to come, and Song Hua would come?

  No self-knowledge.

  Wan Yuezhu then asked: "Is Miss Song still in country P?"

  Fang Minghui shook her head, "I'm not here now, Huahua is now in country P, and I heard that there is some kind of Ebola virus that she needs to deal with."

  Wan Yuezhu continued: "The Ebola virus seems to be contagious. If Ms. Song is on the front line, she must be careful."

  Fang Minghui sighed softly, "This kid is always at the forefront of everything, and I'm also worried."

  She knew the seriousness of Ebola.

  But Song Hua insisted on going, and she could only respect Song Hua's opinion.

  Wan Yuezhu smiled and said: "But Miss Song is the most professional in this area, so you don't need to worry too much."


  Fang Minghui continued: "Sister-in-law, why don't you and Brother Qian stay here for a while longer, and Huahua will definitely come when she finishes her work."

   Wan Yuezhu hesitated for a while, "If the situation permits, then I will stay here with Jieer for a longer period of time, maybe we can meet Miss Song at that time."

  She really wanted to see Song Wei.

   Wan Yuezhu wanted to know what kind of girl that was.

   It is definitely not an ordinary person who can achieve such a high achievement.

  Fang Minghui smiled and said: "That's a good relationship, we can walk around the island more and have fun."

  Wan Yuezhu nodded.

  Yang Zixuan looked at the two of them, squinted her eyes, and then continued: "Mr. Qian, Mrs. Qian, Grandpa, Mom and Dad, I have an appointment in the afternoon, so I'm leaving first."

   She couldn't listen to bragging at all.

  Song Hua will come to the resort island to see Mr. Yu?

how can that be!

   It's just a daydream.

  Master Yu nodded, "Well, go get busy."

  Seeing Yang Zixuan leave, Zheng Yuerong immediately stood up and said with a smile: "Mr. Qian, Mrs. Qian, grandpa, parents, then I will go first too."


  Master Yu didn't say anything, but his eyes said everything.

  He looked down on these two granddaughters-in-law.

   These two people look ugly!

  Anything can be done for profit.

  After the two daughters-in-law left, Fang Minghui walked up to Wan Yuezhu, and took her hand familiarly, "Sister-in-law, I'll accompany you for a walk around. We can't get in the way of their gentlemen talking.

  Wan Yuezhu also had the same intention. Now that Fang Minghui said that, she immediately smiled and said, "Okay."

  The two walked out the door.

  This resort island is very beautiful, which can be described as one step at a time.

  The island is divided into two parts.

  The northwest side has been fully developed, the commercialization is very serious, and tourists come and go.

  The place where they are now is the southeast of the resort island, which has been bought by Mr. Yu, and tourists are not allowed to come in and out casually.

   The two walked and chatted.

  Because they have known each other for a long time, and because they hit it off, they talk about almost everything.

  Wan Yuezhu looked at the bracelet on Fang Minghui's wrist, and said with a smile, "Your bracelet is so beautiful! How much did you pay for it?"

   "Does it look good? The latest model from the CG family was given to me by Huahua." Fang Minghui said with a proud face.

  Every time Song Wei was mentioned, Fang Minghui's eyes were somewhat arrogant.

  Wan Yuezhu was a little surprised and said, "Ms. Song?"

   "Yes." Fang Minghui nodded.

   Wan Yuezhu said curiously: "I see that you and Miss Song get along quite well."

   "Yeah, Huahua and I are like our own mother and daughter!"

  Hearing this, Wan Yuezhu was even more surprised.

  She knew that Fang Minghui was not the kind of braggart.

  She originally thought that with Song Wei's achievements, she must look aloof, and Fang Minghui, the future mother-in-law, was very satisfied.

   Otherwise, Song Wei would never take the initiative to give Fang Minghui a gift.

   It is said that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the most difficult to deal with. She thought that the relationship between Song Wei and Fang Minghui was even more difficult to deal with, but she did not expect that the two could get along so harmoniously.

   As he spoke, Fang Minghui called up a selfie with Song Hua from his mobile phone and showed it to Wan Yuezhu, "Look, sister-in-law, this is Hua Hua. How is it? Does it look good?"

   "It looks good." Wan Yuezhu nodded.

  I saw the **** the screen of the mobile phone, with bright eyes and white teeth, and a beautiful country, making people wish to transfer all the beautiful words in the world to her.

  But Wan Yuezhu thought about it, now that technology is so advanced and the beauty function is also very powerful, maybe this girl is beautiful?

   It is not uncommon to cheat such things now.

  But of course Wan Yuezhu couldn't say this kind of conjecture in front of Fang Minghui. In any case, Song Hua was Fang Minghui's favorite future daughter-in-law.

  Fang Minghui continued: "It's also the ancestral grave of our old Yu's family that is smoking, otherwise, Ting Zhi would not be able to find such a good wife!"

  Wan Yuezhu smiled and said: "Your Yu family's ancestral grave is indeed smoking!"

  The other party is Song Hua.

  Song Hua with various achievements.

  Fang Minghui looked at Wan Yuezhu, and continued: "Actually, sometimes I feel like I'm dreaming. Why did Ting Zhi pick up such a great thing?"

   "It means that your family has such a rich life." Wan Yuezhu said.

  Don't say that Fang Minghui couldn't believe it.

  Even she found it incredible.

   That's Song Hua!

  Fang Minghui said again: "Sometimes I think, it would be great if the head of our family is really Mr. Xian Ting."

  In this way, he can give Song Hua better things.

  Although Song Hua doesn't lack anything now, what Yu Tingzhi gives is always different.

  Wan Yuezhu smiled and said: "Maybe your family is really the leader of the court?

  No one can say that this kind of thing is bad.

   "Is it possible?" Fang Minghui looked at Wan Yuezhu and asked.

  Wan Yuezhu smiled faintly, "I think everything is possible."

   Speaking of this, Wan Yuezhu went on to say: "Besides, this matter is really strange. It was clearly taken away by Mr. Xian Ting himself, but why did it end up in the hands of your family?"

  But Yu Tingzhi's age does not match Mr. Xian Ting's achievements.

  Fang Minghui sighed softly, "Forget it, forget it, I don't think so much now, I just hope that Tingzhi and Huahua will be fine."

  People should be contented and happy.

  Mr. Qian is right.

  Whether Yu Tingzhi is Mr. Xian Ting or not, there is one fact that will never change.

   That means Yu Tingzhi will always be their son.

  Wan Yuezhu nodded, "You're right, as parents, what we hope to see most is that our children can find their own belonging and happiness."

  Fang Minghui turned her head with a smile, "I have said so much about my family background, how about you? How is Jennifer now?"

  When it comes to her daughter, Wan Yuezhu is very helpless, "I can't control her. Her father, you know, has a very open-minded personality. Maybe this is the difference between Easterners and Westerners!"

   "Sister-in-law, what do you mean?" Fang Minghui was stunned for a moment, not understanding the meaning of Wan Yuezhu's words.

   Wan Yuezhu sighed softly, "We are not outsiders, so let me tell you the truth! Jennifer is currently preparing for an operation."

   "Is she sick?" Fang Minghui was very surprised, "Is it serious? Are you okay?"

   Wan Yuezhu didn't know what to say for a while, and continued: "This child is a transgender person."


  Fang Minghui saw this word in the news.

   But this is the first time I have heard of such a thing in real life.

  Fang Minghui froze for a moment, then continued: "You mean she's going to have **** reassignment surgery?"

  Although it was difficult for Wan Yuezhu to face this reality, she had to face it, "Well, that's why I decided to go out with Jieer for vacation."

  My daughter has made up her mind, and she cannot stop it.

Out of sight out of mind.

  She hid with her husband.

Fang Minghui frowned slightly, "How can you, as a mother, not be by your side for such a major surgery? I've read reports on this before, saying that this kind of surgery is quite risky, and after the operation, you must In bed for a week or so."

Speaking of this, Fang Minghui took Wan Yuezhu's arm, "Sister-in-law, as a mother, I can understand your feelings very well. Since Jennifer has come to this point, it means that you will do everything you need to do." You really can't change her mind! Instead of getting angry with the child, it is better to support the child, cheer her up, and let her bravely face the operating table."

  "You may think that I think too easily, but sometimes the bystanders are clear, and the authorities are obsessed. Sister-in-law, the situation is irreversible now. If you let Jennifer have any opinions on you, wouldn't it be counterproductive?"

Wan Yuezhu took a deep breath, "I understand what you said, but I just can't face the fact that my daughter, who I have worked so hard to raise for 20 years, suddenly turned into a boy one day! Could it be that there is something wrong with my education method?" But I really can't figure out what went wrong. Since Jennifer was born, I'm afraid she will lack the love of a father and a mother. No matter how busy Jere and I are, we will spend two hours chatting with her , play games with her, interact with her and listen to her heart, and our relationship has always been very good. How could she just..."

   Probably only a parent can understand this feeling.

  It's okay not to mention this matter, but now whenever this matter is mentioned, Wan Yuezhu feels so uncomfortable that she wants to cry.

Fang Minghui reached out and hugged Wan Yuezhu, and comforted: "Sister-in-law, it's not your fault, you don't need to blame yourself. As far as I know, transgender people have nothing to do with their upbringing. It's an innate gender awareness. The so-called Girls are male, Jennifer may not identify with her gender at birth, otherwise she would not go for surgery without hesitation."

   After a while, Fang Minghui continued, "When will Jennifer have surgery?"

   "Friday." Wan Yuezhu replied.

   "Then I will go back with you on Thursday and accompany Jennifer into the operating room. Listen to me, don't leave regrets for yourself at this time, let alone your children."

   Once some regrets are left behind, they will be irreparable for life.

  Hearing this, Wan Yuezhu looked up at Fang Minghui, "Minghui, are you really willing to go to the hospital with me?"

   "Yes." Fang Minghui nodded slightly.

  Wan Yuezhu swallowed her throat, "But don't you think this kind of thing is embarrassing at all?"

  Fang Minghui laughed outright, "What era is this? Besides, Jennifer is not the only transgender person. I think you are a fan of the authorities! Come on, let's book tickets now, and leave on Thursday!"

  Fang Minghui said this, Wan Yuezhu felt a lot better.

   F continent.

  Linta tribe.

   Song Hua spent two whole days in the laboratory, eating and drinking in the laboratory.

  In the past two days, she has slept for less than three hours.

  However, even though she hadn't slept for two days, Song Wei's mental state was quite good. There was no sign of fatigue on Qingjuan's face. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Yu Tingzhi kneeling on the durian.

  Afraid that the leader of his family would be angry.

  Yu Tingzhi didn't dare to be lazy. Except for eating and going to the toilet, he would kneel on the durian, and even when he was sleeping, he just took a nap.

  Seeing Yu Tingzhi, Song Hua was taken aback, "Are you really kneeling on durian?"

   She was a little surprised.

   Originally, it was just a casual remark, but Yu Tingzhi never expected to take it seriously.

  Yu Tingzhi just looked up at Song Wei, "Leader, I've been kneeling for two days."

   "It serves you right." Song Wei raised her eyebrows slightly.

   After all, he almost blew up his fiancée with his own hands.

   Yu Tingzhi couldn't refute this, and continued: "Then can I get up now, leader?"

   "Get up." Song Hua said.

  Yu Tingzhi propped up one leg and stood up from the ground. It may be due to the lack of blood supply to his leg while kneeling for a long time, which caused his eyes to go dark and he fell straight forward.

   Seeing this, Song Wei quickly stepped forward to support him, "It's okay."

   "It's okay. It's just that my legs hurt, my head is very dizzy, and I feel like I can't stand up." Yu Tingzhi leaned against Song Hua, feeling weak.

   Seeing him like this, Song Hua was a little nervous.

  This person has a leg problem, so it must be the leg problem?

  Thinking of this, Song Wei immediately grabbed his wrist and listened intently to his pulse.


   is not the cause of old disease.

  His body is normal and there is no problem. The almost fall should be due to insufficient blood supply to the legs.

  Song Wei breathed a sigh of relief, let go of his hand, raised his eyebrows and said, "Your body is too weak, it's time to mend it."

   "Void?" Yu Tingzhi was stimulated by this sentence again, and instantly stood up straight.

  How could he be false?

  Seeing him like this, Song Wei instantly realized that he was just pretending, and narrowed her beautiful eyes, "Yes, Mr. Yu, you are very vain!"

   Good morning everyone~

   See you tomorrow mua! (*╯3╰)



  (end of this chapter)