MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [Fan outside 31] truth (two more)

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Really a chaotic root!

Ganoderma lucidum looked at the blue test stone, but it faintly revealed a circle of gray: "Master, what is going on?"

The color of the water root is blue, the golden root is golden, the root of the fire is red, the root of the earth is brown, the root of the wood is green, and the root of the chaos is faint gray.

Chaos Linggen is really rare. The ordinary test stone does not have the function to test it. On the day of the new recruit, the Chaos Linggen coincides with the water spirit of other disciples, and Ganoderma lucidum is misdiagnosed.

After entering the millennium, Ganoderma lucidum has been absorbed by the water spirit. The practice of the water system is practiced. The roots of the body have always existed in the form of water roots. It is not to be blamed for all the water roots that she measured.

If it weren't for this big comparison, Ganoderma lucidum was forced to inspire potential, and probably won't know the chaos roots that he had never met in a lifetime.

Although the Dafa method has long been guessed, she can’t help but be sure of the moment: “Ganoderma lucidum, you are the root of Chaos.”

"Mixed... Chaos Linggen?" Ganoderma lucidum stunned.

Da Dafa said with joy: "It is the spiritual root that never happened in tens of thousands of years. So explain it to you. People with chaotic roots are equivalent to having five spiritual roots at a time."

Ganoderma lucidum does not understand: "Isn't that a hybrid root, can't you cultivate?"

Da Dafa touched the lips with a slight touch: "You first listen to the teacher and finish the words. People who are rooted in the roots cannot cultivate because there are too many spiritual roots. They must satisfy the needs of each kind of spiritual roots in order to enhance their own cultivation. It is already hard enough for ordinary people to absorb an aura. Where can they get more energy to absorb other things? Not to mention that there are two or two grams in the five auras, even if they are absorbed all the time, there are also Most of the aura is offset by incompatible properties.

The roots of chaos are different, the roots of water are good, and the roots of fire are just a certain form of it at that time. No matter which form you are practicing, as long as the ontology is up, other attributes will be With the rise, this is why you have not practiced the woodwork, but still played the wood spirit. ”

So Ganoderma lucidum understands that Ganoderma lucidum has turned around and whispered: "What kind of chaos is rooted by me... Is it better than Tianling root?"

This is natural, but in order to be afraid of the child's pride, the Dafa method still implicitly did not answer.

After Ganoderma lucidum left, Dabao went to Song Cuitang, and there were a lot of guests coming. Xu Zongzhu was handed over to Lu Yuanzhang and the second guardian to receive the reception.

The Dabao Law told Xu Zongzhu about the Ganoderma lucidum.

Xu Zongzhu’s eyes lit up: "This is really great. Ganoderma lucidum is the root of chaos, and he will be able to become a fairy!"

The big protector paused: "I don't know anything."

"What?" asked Xu Zong.

Da Dafa looked at him and said: "Is the chaotic roots born or acquired?"

Xu Zongzhu hesitated: "This... I don't know very well. This kind of spiritual root is too rare. There is hardly any record in the ancient books."

If you think about it, "I think, even if it is cultivated the day after tomorrow, it can be used for the first time in the first test of Ganoderma lucidum. In the past six months, her Linggen has even The grades didn't grow out, it was a bit strange. If other spiritual roots were gone, the village was apocalyptic and did not learn to absorb the aura. It is really difficult to make your own spiritual roots strong, but the chaotic roots can absorb the sun and the moon. The essence and the aura of heaven and earth, how can she reach the top grade?"

Xu Zongzhuo said: "Do you suspect that someone has sucked her spiritual power?"

The Dafa Law did not deny: "Besides, I can't think of why she was so weak when she first arrived in the Millennium."

Xu Zongzhuo snorted and said slowly: "This is all the past. You have the opportunity to check it. If you don't have the chance, don't force the child to ask. If you save her, you will be afraid. Instead, you will be confused."

Dafa nodded: "I understand."


On the other hand, when Ganoderma lucidum happily returned to the small courtyard, Qiao Weiwei had already waited for her at the door.

Ji Xiaoxiu was also at the door, and the two children moved to the small bench and sat in rows.

Since the painting, Qiao Weiwei has never kissed a small crescent again. I have to know that she used to have it once in the morning, once in the evening, and several times in the middle of the meal. I woke up again at night!

The three-year-old Ji Xiaoxiu put his left foot on the right leg, and the small hand was inserted into the chest. He thought that his face was cold and full of resentment and said: "Oh, little conscience!"

Qiao Weiwei stood up and came.

Ji Xiaoxiu arrogantly raised his chin: "I want to kiss now, don't give it."

Having said that, he still handed the little crescent on his face.

"Ganoderma lucidum." Qiao Weiwei ran in front of him.

"..." Fujun adults on the spot petrochemical!

Qiao Weiwei extended her small arm: "Ganoderma lucidum."

Ganoderma lucidum took her hand.

Qiao Weiwei does not leave.

Ganoderma lucidum was so good and funny that she hugged her in her head: "Get fat, it hurts."

Qiao Weiwei screamed at the gang, suffocating, and tried to smash back the round belly.

But for a while, I couldn’t help it. The little belly bui bounced out, and I heard three bangs, and the buttons were all bounced off.

Ganoderma lucidum: "..."

Qiao Weiwei: "..."

Qiao Weiwei covered her eyes.

Did not see and did not see.


Not long after the big comparison, the elders of the Mozu and the elders of Liu led a group of people into the middle.

They are looking for the vice-president and Qin Xuan.

This is not the first time the Mozu sent people. When the Dragon Ball first sensed the breath of the Devil, the Mozu was scared to find the vice-president.

But the induction was very weak, and the blink of an eye was gone. Dragon Ball could not detect the position of the demon. This time, the deity of the demon stayed in the middle of the whole half-stay and was successfully sensed by the dragon. Arrived.

So early in the morning, the two elders of the Mozu arrived at the home of the vice-president.

When the next person went to the vice-president, the deputy leader was feeding his son to drink medicine.

Qin Xuan is a large jar of medicines. Although it relies on countless Tianmudibao to raise the environment, it is still very weak. After staying overnight last night, he fainted when he came back.

Qin Xuan finished the medicine and handed the medicine bowl to the vice-president: "I am dragging my father. If my father is always busy taking care of me, I have no problem dealing with the affairs of the regional alliance. Now the position of the ally of the alliance is already in the bag of the father." Things."

The deputy leader looked at him and said: "For the father, there is no such thing as a lord. I only want you to be a good father."

Qin Xuan said: "I heard from the butler that when I was sunk by the people, my father arrived in time and took me out... Father, how do you know that I am your child?"

The deputy leader smiled: "Is there a second child in the sea? Besides the blood, and seeing your first sight, I know that you are the child of me and your mother."

Qin Xuan dropped his throat and said with a sad voice: "So the father spent so much spiritual power, even if he did not hesitate to repair it, but also to give me a life?"

The vice-president is in the right direction: "Don't say that it is a little repair, even if it is to release this life? For you, what I do is worth it."

Qin Xuan bowed his head: "But... I can't always be good, can I never inherit the Mozu?"

Qin Xuan’s weak body is not pretending. He did so in the sea of ​​death, and the internal organs were damaged. After fishing, most of his life was gone. The vice-presidents used a lot of spiritual power and treasures. He has been for so many years, but he still can't heal.

Qin Xuan couldn't help but think of the little dragon. The little thing was longer than him. It should be heavier than he was, but he looked at her, fat and round, and it was already great!

damn it! How is the little guy getting better? !

During the thought, the housekeeper of the house came over and arched the assistant to the vice-president. He respectfully reported: "Master, the elders of the Mozu and the elders of Liu came."

The vice-president patted his son's shoulder: "I go out, you sleep first, don't think about anything else, everything else is me."

Qin Xuan was so moved that he nodded and watched the vice-president go out.

The vice-president met two elders in the teahouse, and he politely said hello: "Bi elder, Liu elder."

Bi’s elder is a lean little old man. There are not many words and his expression is serious.

Liu Chang's body is wide and fat, and he is very amiable. He meets with three smiles. After greeting with the vice-president, he opens his eyes and sees the truth: "Dragon Ball sensed the atmosphere of the demon statue last night, but the devil is already in the middle. ?"

The vice-president shook his head: "Last night was a glimpse of the gods."

Hearing this answer, the faces of the two elders are not much different. After all, it is really difficult to enter the middle domain with the repair of the demon, unless she suppresses her own realm and overcomes the heavenly law of the middle domain.

But once she did, Dragon Ball could not sense her breath.

Liu Changsong sighed: "I guess it is also a god, can take us to the place where the demon gods appear?"

The deputy leader said: "In the barren hills a hundred miles away from the east side of the half moon, the two elders will come with me."

The three came to the mountains where the dragon appeared.

After entering the mountains, the Dragon Ball began to faintly shine. Under the leadership of Dragon Ball, the three people came to the cave of the fox demon.

Dragon Ball's light suddenly increased several times, which shows that the magic dragon's breath is the strongest here.

The three entered the cave.

Bi’s elders alone held dragon **** and explored them inside the cave.

Liu Changla smiled and looked to the vice-minister: "The second thing we have come this time is about the fact that the young master has inherited the Mozu. Can the Lord be transformed now?"

The vice-president sighed: "Xuan's body is too weak and can't be shaped."

The elder who had been silent suddenly opened his mouth: "Is it? What is this?"

The vice-president and the elder Liu looked at the dragons in the hands of the elders, and saw a cloud of faint clouds appearing in the golden beads. In the clouds, there was a dark and fascinating dragon, the arms of the dragon, and the group. A sleepy dragon.

------Off topic ------

Oops, the paper can't hold the fire!

It’s the second of the quiet Mimi. Will someone find it this time?