MTL - The Return of Cambrian Period-Chapter 277 New world

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Cong Xia stood up, "This is not the decision of Professor Cong alone, but the result of the overall discussion of the Academy of Sciences. All the consequences should be shared by us."

Daiqueline kicked the trash can with a beautiful face as cold as possible, "What are the consequences? Can we kill you? We used to be comrades-in-arms, and finally found out that you were hiding the truth and let us go We had other choices for our lives. Regardless of your considerations, we fought desperately, do we not even have the right to know the truth? I can no longer trust you, no matter what your suggestions for cooperation, as long as there is a little bit Threatening me, I will not participate. "

Neither Li Daojiu nor Yao Qianjiang made any noise. After all, they had a good personal relationship with Cong Xia and others. Although they were all gloomy, they couldn't bear to say harsh words.

Cong Xia lowered his eyes in guilty conscience. When they chose to hide the truth, they had already expected the blame that the truth would be confessed on the day. But when it really came, it still made people feel guilty and uncomfortable, especially the former comrade-in-arms. And angry eyes, making them panic.

Cheng Tianbi and Shen Changze, two informed natural forces, did not speak. Their positions were more difficult than those of Cong Zhenzhong and Cong Xia. Speaking at this time would not have any positive effect, it would only make other people ’s Anger escalated.

Zhou Fenglan also exclaimed angrily: "Yes, stop thinking about it, what do you want us to say, but if there is danger, I will definitely not participate, and I cannot believe you."

Zhuang Yu gave a cough.

Zhou Fenglan glanced at him, and the flame went down a little, but his face was still full of anger.

Zhuang Yu glanced at them and said, "It's a group of people in their twenties and thirties, can't you be so naive?"

Wu You tilted him a glance, and the knives were all carrying ice.

Zhuang Yudao: "You think about the situation at the time. Yes, if you know the truth, many people will not give up easily, but can you guarantee that everyone thinks so? You want to face the enemy like the king squid Time, is there anyone missing around you? Furthermore, can you guarantee that you are not leaked, can you guarantee that others are not leaked? As a natural force evolutionary person, your ability is on top of all mutants, and there are hundreds of people behind you Supported by thousands of mutants, the Academy of Sciences provides you with sufficient resources. No matter what happens, you will be the group that lived the longest, so you are full of confidence, even if you know the cruel truth, you will not give up easily. But If this truth spreads to the ears of other mutants, what will they think? How many people will lose their fighting spirit? We have maintained such a stable situation for a long time, and it is likely that these rumors collapsed instantly, and your orders were used as military orders. Those mutants who obey are also likely to be deserters at critical moments. Who of you would like to see that situation? "

Rong Lan said coldly: "Strong words make sense."

Zhuang Yaohan with a small face, "We are strong words, why aren't you angry? I know that the knife hanging above our heads makes everyone happy, but it's not us, but us The common enemy, Saitama. Every step we take, no matter how irritating in your eyes, is to keep everyone alive, isn't it trustworthy? "

Several of them were dull and did not speak.

Zhuang Yao said: "We have not only deceived you, but even Devil's Pine has been deceived by us. We have offended the world's most powerful mutants all at once. If there is a better way, we will not choose We do this, but we have no other choice, even if it will be questioned by you in the end, we cannot take the risk of leaking to tell you the truth. Yes, we need you on the battlefield, and you need to fight against the king together in the South China Sea. Squid, because that is the last chance for human beings, and it is also the opportunity for everyone in you and me present. This opportunity is jointly sought by us. No matter how the process is arranged, the result is indeed what everyone wants. This, Enough for you to cooperate with us again? "

The people at the scene suddenly felt helpless as they looked at the increasingly similar faces of Zhuang Yu and Zhuang Yao. Playing debate, who can be the opponent of the evolution of the brain domain, Zhou Fenglan and others were so glaring, but speechless.

Chong Zhenzhong quickly stood up, j □ j face, "For those of us, you are definitely not a life-saving tool. You are our most important fighters and the most powerful fighting forces. The Academy of Sciences has always put you on an equal cooperative stand. I chose to conceal the truth because I was really helpless. I apologize to all of you. Still, after this incident, I can leave it at my disposal. I only hope that everyone can trust us again at the last moment. Every time in the past, we have no guarantee of success, but as long as there is a glimmer of hope, humanity has never given up. Please fight with us once again to save humanity and save ourselves. "

The group was silent, still speaking.

Finally, the most prestigious Lee Dao-chan of the evolution of nature stood out and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, let's listen to their plans first. Don't say anything that threatens yourself and don't take part in irritation, no matter how much Dangerous, we all have to participate. We have worked so hard for so long and sacrificed so much, not to give up at the last minute, do you say so? "

Yao Qianjiang sighed, "Cong Xia, talk about what we should do in order to seal Saitama."

Cong Xia breathed a sigh of relief, cleared her throat, and said, "Actually, this seems to be of no danger to you. The only negative thing that can happen is that you may lose energy, but according to Zhuang Yao, this possibility Not too big.

Zhuang Yao nodded, "Yes, because the evolution of genes is irreversible. You have a 90% chance that you cannot change from a mutant to an ordinary person. Even if you really lose your energy and can save your life, it is a good thing."

Chu Xingzhou said: "Keep talking."

Cong Xiadao: "The piece of Han dynasty document I got from the five-color stone taught me a method. The combination of human and stone, the so-called one of human and stone, is straightforward. It is to use the five-color stone to put my body Temporarily turned into a stored-energy jade charm. When I and the five-colored stone become one, my body can absorb your energy, not the energy you store in the energy core, but a deeper level that allows your **** The part of the source energy of the gene awakening, that part of the energy that is directly incorporated into your ten people by Saitama, can only be absorbed by the five-color stone, and that is the missing part of Saitama. "

Everyone looked surprised.

"You all know that I can only absorb the energy of dead organisms, but I am not unable to absorb the energy of living organisms, but it is difficult for me to absorb them."

Yao Qianjiang said: "What is it?"

Cong Xia took a deep breath, "Attack. The energy generated by your attacks on me will be absorbed by my body." After finishing, he glanced into Cheng Tianbi, and sure enough, Cheng Tianbi stood up suddenly. When he got up, he stared at Cong Xia fiercely.

Cong Xia swallowed and insisted, "The reason why I can't do it is because I can't withstand your attacks. I have never thought of this before. It is the document that reminds me. This method is actually a paradox. On the other hand, if I absorb the energy of living organisms, I must endure energy attacks. If the attack is too violent, I may die. Therefore, I say that I cannot absorb the energy of living organisms. For one, I might survive. This is our plan. "

Cheng Tianbi sternly said: "This is your plan!"

Cong Zhenzhong's face turned blue, and he did not expect that the papers developed by Cong Xia turned out to be such risky content. His lips were shaking and he said nothing.

Zhuang Yao pursed his lips and said nothing.

Cong Xia looked at Cheng Tianbi with a guilty conscience, "Tianbi, listen to me ..."

Cheng Tianbi pointed at him and said coldly, "Nothing to say, I don't agree." He kicked the door open and walked away without looking back.

The room fell into embarrassing silence.

Zhou Fenglan sneered: "It's not that we don't cooperate now. What do you plan to do? Tie Chengtian Wall?"

Cong Xia closed her eyes, "I will convince him."

Yao Qianjiang chuckled his face, "How do you convince him? Cong Xia, I can't accept this plan. Are you alone in bearing the energy of ten of us? Are you crazy? You absorb our energy at the cost of your own injury, Do you think you can survive? I don't care what Wuseishi tells you, it's too risky, too nonsense, I don't think it will succeed. "

Cong Xia argued, "King County, it ’s not my body that absorbs your energy, but the five-colored stone, but the five-colored stone needs me to put your energy into it, so that I can transfer the energy into the jade again. Since Duan Wenshu dare to put forward such a bold plan, he should be able to guarantee that I can survive. Five-colored stone rescued me more than once in a crisis. I believe it can protect me. "

Li Daojiu also said: "Cong Xia, I don't know what the principle is. That's too ridiculous. All I know is that any one of us can make all living things within a radius of five kilometers before my sentence ends. If you kill a piece of armor without leaving, you have to bear our attack? What do you bear? Once the energy attack enters your body, it is too late for you to regret it. If the five-color stone cannot help you resist the attack, you will be crushed in an instant. I do n’t see much assurance about it. We still need your ability. You are also our friend. I do n’t want you to make fearless sacrifice. ”

Cong Xia smiled, "King County, Officer Li, thank you. From the day I got Wu Shi Shi four years ago, all my abilities are given by it. Without it, there would be no output from me, without it, me and me Many people around have died thousands of times long ago. It is really a fetish and the crystallization of Zhang Tianshi's life's work. I believe in it. I believe it will spare no effort to help humanity. In the end, it will not take me. Life is a joke. This is our only chance, and I must try it. "

Yao Qianjiang sighed, "You persuade Cheng Tianbi to talk first, as long as one person doesn't cooperate, everything is nothing."

Cong Xia looked out of the snowy door. The tall figure in the snow fog had disappeared. He secretly shook his fist, "I will ... convince him."

The author has something to say: Lao Qian's customized book is about to end, and next time it will be opened next year.