MTL - The Rest Of My Life Is For You-Chapter 20 She must!

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As soon as Fang Zhen really spoke, Xiao Liuliu took the initiative to poke out her small head from the bed.

The feverish face was flushed.

Turned his head and looked at Fang Zhenyi ...

Everyone looked at this scene with great surprise, and even Fang Zhenyi felt that he was about to succeed.

For a second, she squinted.


Crying heartbreaking cry, spread across the room in an instant.

Ji Fang Zhenyi wanted to say something, but before she approached Xiao Liuliu, Xiao Liuliu had rushed into Yu Yuehan's arms, like an abandoned child, holding him and crying.

"very scary……"

"I don't want her, I just want a pretty sister ..."

"No beautiful sister, Xiaoliu Liu is going to die ..."

"Nonsense!" Yu Yuehan twitched, holding her arm and tightening silently, "with a dad, it won't make you ill."

"There is no beautiful sister, I'm sad to die, oh ..." Xiao Liuliu Bai Nen's little arm was raised, and she wiped tears pitifully.

I sobbed twice, and tears fell down.

Yu Yuhan: "..."

"What are you doing? Don't go to Nian Xiaomu yet!"

"Young, young master, do you mean, let Nian Xiaomu come back to take care of the young lady again?" The steward was stunned, and then asked blankly.

越 Yu Hanhan glanced at him, "Otherwise?"

I ca n’t make it. Is it really up to his little princess to die?

"Yes, yes, I'll go immediately!" The steward took the lead and hurriedly turned away.

As soon as the housekeeper left, the atmosphere in the room seemed to be relaxed.

When Xiao Xiaoliu heard that Nian Xiaomu was coming back, her tears stopped and Douda's tears hung on her eyelids, and she would not cry if she did not cry.

In the arms of Yu Yuehan, the soft and waxy coquettish, "Hug ~"


Yu Yuhan looked at the little girl who turned from a sudden rain to a sunny day, and reached out and rubbed her eyebrows.

"Take the medicine first."

"Don't, feed it from your pretty sister." The sixty-six little ghost buried his face in his chest, and refused milkily.

不到 I can't see my pretty sister and can't take medicine.

What if she took the medicine and 粑粑 did not let the pretty sister come back?

越 Yu Hanhan was holding the little girl who even guarded him, not to mention how worried he was.

"Call the housekeeper and let him bring Nian Xiaomu back to me in the shortest possible time!"


Single apartment.

The next year, Xiao Mu returned home, turned her grief and drowsiness into sleepiness, and washed and fell asleep.

He didn't know if he was confused, or he was so relieved that he couldn't sleep.

I tossed into the middle of the night, just a little sleepy.

"Ding Dong——"

"Ding Dong——"

"Ding Dong-Ding Dong-"

I urged the same doorbell, ringing again and again.

"What time is it? Believe me or not, I will complain to you about disturbing the people ..." Nian Xiaomuzhen opened the door and saw the person standing outside the door. When he reached the mouth, he paused.

The steward was in black and white professional attire, with a few bodyguards, standing at her doorstep like a door god.

Haw looked at her eyes, scorching like looking at a gold bark, and she couldn't help shaking and shrinking.

Is she dreaming, or is it a hell?

"Miss Nian, that's it. I found the address of your home from your interview resume. This time, I hope you can return to Yu's home and take care of our young lady." .

"... Please, let me go back?" Nian Xiaomu pointed at his nose and asked again, uncertainly.