MTL - The Queen’s Gigolo-Chapter 23

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At noon on Friday, Guo Zhi's phone rang. When she picked it up and looked at it, her teeth hurt.

Caller ID "Iron Rooster".

Iron rooster, iron rooster, why are you calling me?

Guo Zhi reluctantly answered: "Hello."

Iron Rooster's cheerful voice sounded: "Guo Zhi, me."

Guo Zhi: "" What the **** is this "I know you well" tone

"It's the weekend, or tomorrow"

Guo Zhi froze when he heard the word "tomorrow". Tomorrow is Saturday, she's going home, she's going to eat her mother's food, she's going to eat her mother's food

"I have something to do tomorrow, or today." She quickly cut off the cheerful arrangement.

"Today" The other party seemed a little hesitant.

"That's it" Guo Zhi said cheerfully, "I'll invite you to a movie tonight, wait a minute, I'll take a look, um, oh, there's a show at 7:40"

She made the arrangement directly: "Then see you at the cinema at 7:15, you can go after dinner, okay?"

She directly saved the other party the money for dinner, and also invited the other party to watch a movie. Iron Rooster only held back for a second, and then happily agreed.

After hanging up, Guo Zhi let out a long sigh. It's okay, she just spends money to find someone to watch a movie with her. This is the best way, he can't still talk about it while watching a movie, but she's tired of listening to him always stressing about his monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan.

I sent him away with a movie, and tomorrow morning she can fly home happily on the high-speed train like a happy bird. Mmmm, I have to tell my mother at night, let her cook her old duck soup at night, and she will drink it at noon tomorrow

If she asked about the iron cock, she could confidently tell her that she had just dated on Friday, and everything was going well, not going well

Good, that's all.

Guo Zhi solved the dinner and entered the movie theater at 7:30. Iron Rooster was already waiting there.

Guo Zhi deliberately made him wait, and said falsely, "Hey, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Iron Rooster doted on his face: "It's okay, all of you girls are like this." He smiled as if he was graceful.

Oops, I'm going

Guo Zhiqiang endured the discomfort and went to the ticket machine to pick up the ticket. It is now possible to enter. Couples of couples walked towards the ticket office, mostly men holding drinks and women holding popcorn.

Guo Zhi glanced at his date lightly. Iron Rooster pretended not to see. Guo Zhi didn't pierce him, smiled lightly, and checked in.

This movie was originally planned by Guo Zhi to find time to watch it, but now it just cost an extra ticket. With this amount of money, you can buy clean ears and no need to be forced to go on a blind date in the short term. Guo Zhi thinks it's worth the money.

The movie is at 7:40, which is not long after dinner. Guo Zhi felt thirsty before watching a third of the movie.

She glanced sideways at the iron cock, and sure enough, seeing him, he snorted.

Seeing that he was also thirsty, Guo Zhi was relieved.

He took out a bottle of mineral water from his bag, unscrewed it, and drank it. Out of the corner of his eye, Tie Rooster glanced at her.

Considering this person's familiarity and self-confidence, in order to prevent him from drinking a bottle of water with her, she calmly put the water bottle back into the bag .

Rooster: ""

Man, you must have the spirit of rejoicing in hardship. If you keep complaining about yourself, you will be immersed in negative emotions all the time. On the contrary, if you can adjust your mentality, you can find fun even in difficult situations.

For example, even if it makes her hate the irritable blind date, change the angle and learn how to tease a hairless iron cock, she can find fun.

Guo Zhi feels that his mentality has been adjusted really well.

Like yourself

It's past nine o'clock after watching the movie. Iron Rooster rarely said generously that he wanted to send her back. Guo Zhi smiled and politely declined.

She actually drove here today. After sending the iron **** away, she hummed a little tune, thinking that she would be able to drink the old duck soup cooked by her mother tomorrow, she walked with ease, and got into her car in a happy mood.

When I got home, I turned a corner in the corridor and was startled. On the ground in front of her house, there are two trolley cases and a backpack. A young boy was sitting on the ground in a daze, when he heard the footsteps, he turned to see her, and stood up hurriedly.

Called: "Sister Guo"

The situation was a little strange, Guo Zhi hesitated for a while, but walked over and asked: "What's wrong?"

Alex didn't say anything, suddenly hugged her tightly

Sometimes what you are afraid of will come.

Alex is eagerly waiting for a sum of money to pay the rent. He also called the company's finance company on Thursday, and asked him in good spirits. The treasurer also promised to notify him on Friday.

On Friday he waited till 10:30 and didn't get a call. Call again, no one picks up. Alex had a bad feeling and rushed over.

It was a small company, not as well-managed as K, such a large company. The financer who answered his phone before was on vacation, and only the other financer looked over and couldn't find his list. He asked the date and said, "I didn't have it for a while. Accountant Ma must have forgotten to hand it over to me when he left yesterday. Just wait for her to come back."

Alex begged for a long time to no avail, so he could only ask Accountant Ma when he would come back.

"Next Tuesday, no, no, it's next Tuesday." The other party said.

alex walked out of the company and looked up at the sky. The rare good weather in the imperial capital, you can see the blue sky and white clouds.

He was full of sorrow.

A penny is a hero. I have only seen this sentence before, but now I really feel it.

He wandered outside for a few hours, staying in a Maiji, flipping through the phone's address book, and found a few people who could be considered friends. Pull down your face and open your mouth to borrow money.


When the pink sunset began to appear in the sky, he strolled back to the basement. Unsurprisingly, he was greeted by a large iron lock.

Alex looked at the lock, silently took out his mobile phone, and called the landlord.

In a few minutes, the landlord came down with a shirtless cigarette, a round beer belly, and Tara Tara in slippers. When I saw him, I asked, "Do you have any money?"

alex was silent for a moment, then replied: "No."

The landlord nodded clearly and asked, "Do you know the rules."

Alex nodded silently.

The landlord happily opened the big iron lock and watched Alex pull out two boxes from under the bed until he sent Alex out of the basement, still saying: "You are so handsome, you can't make money by doing something. Ah. Hey, I heard that there is such a store, you know, male public relations can earn tens of thousands of dollars a night."

Alex dragged the box and walked forward, and heard the landlord shouting to him from behind: "I tell you, handsome man, this is a face-seeing world, you are so handsome, you can still earn money If you don't have money, it's definitely your own problem."

Alex's footsteps paused, then dragged the box forward. He went all the way to the side of the road on the Second Ring Road, where he stood the box. Sit down on the curb yourself.

I took out my wallet from my trouser pocket and looked at it, and there was less than four hundred dollars left. I barely have enough to eat, and if I stay in a hotel, I probably won't be able to survive.

Alex finished smoking the last pack of cigarettes on him, and there were cigarette butts all over the floor.

He crushed the last cigarette butt, took out his phone again and opened the address book. He has made several more phone calls, whether it is to borrow money or sleepover, for one reason or another, it has not been successful.

He had a feeling that he had nowhere to go, and he even thought to himself that he could just sleep under the overpass and get out of the rain, but it was a bit noisy. In summer, how cool is it to feed mosquitoes. Ah

Just as he was mocking himself, the address book was drawn to the beginning of the G by him.

The name "Guo Zhi" just entered his sight.

Sister Guo is not a ruthless person, let's have a fight, if you have anything in the future, you come to me.

Sister Guo

Alex stared at Guo Zhi's name for a long time, then pressed the dial, it rang for a long time, but no one answered.

Alex certainly didn't know that Guo Zhi set his phone to mute in the movie theater. He just felt anxious. When a person is desperate, if he finds a straw, he subconsciously wants to grab it tightly.

Alex put the phone back in his pocket, stood up and patted his butt, and reached out to stop a taxi.

He was very lucky. On the side of the road outside the Guo Zhijia community, he met the aunts who just finished their square dance. He greeted him all the way: "Aunt Cao, Aunt Zhang, Aunt Liu, Aunt Sun, Aunt Sun, wait for me to go with you, I didn't bring a door card"

He followed Auntie Sun who lived on the 5th floor and entered the building door. In front of Guo Zhi's house, he gathered up his courage and knocked on the door. No one has been driving, and it seems that there is no movement in the house, Guo Zhi seems to have not returned home.

He sat on the ground a little slumped, and the courage he mustered up just now disappeared. He was in a daze, not knowing how to speak to her when Guo Zhi came back.

She said she had something to call her, but he wasn't really an ignorant child, he knew that those words were more polite and just casual.

Guo Zhi is not willing to sleep with him, how could he let her take him in

If she also refuses to take him in, he really can only sleep under the overpass.

How did he get to this point? Alex is very disappointed.

He remembered the last words the landlord said, and he knew he had a problem. He even actually knew what his problem was.

He is weak.

Weakness, how to correct and overcome

He can't help it. He couldn't refuse his father.

That's his father.

But he also knew that if he continued like this, no matter how much money he earned in the imperial capital, he would be sucked up like a vampire by that couple.

Can't, really can't go on like this

He leaned against the wall, dazed and confused.

After some time, he heard footsteps. He turned his head and saw Guo Zhi.

He hurriedly stood up and called out "Sister Guo", a little embarrassed.

He saw Sister Guo hesitate for a while, but he still walked in front of him and asked softly, "What's wrong, Alex?"

He saw some instinctive alertness in her eyes, but there was always a trace of concern in her eyes.

It was that little concern that made Alex, a boy who was never called a smart mind, suddenly feel blessed