MTL - The Public Enemy of Tower Defense-Chapter 362 The second batch of recruits graduates

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Latest website: After Zhao Zilong came to the main world, he didn't care about gold coins at all, but now he suddenly found out that he was very poor, so poor that he couldn't even take out a hundred gold coins.

However, he was indeed very tempted by the Storm Palace.

Think for a moment, in the future, I will sit on the first hill of Jingyang Hill, where there are tigers everywhere, and there will be another Fengbo Mansion to live there, recruit some generals, servants, servants, etc., and open a mecha workshop. Conditions, ask for another beauty, start a family and start a business in that Jingyang Hill, wouldn't life be beautiful.

However, a penny stumped the hero, and Lei Chi asked him to spend 1 million gold coins to buy a storm house. He really couldn't afford it. At this moment, he could only laugh, rub his hands, and plan to give up his old face. Lei Chi asked for a storm house.

Lei Chi is kind to people and said: "Look at your embarrassment, that's all, the city lord will lend you one million gold coins first, and when you have money, remember to pay me back!"

"it is good!"

Zhao Zilong was overjoyed when he heard this.


Lei Chi handed Zhao Zilong a black leather notebook he had just created with the Creation Furnace, and said, "Write an IOU in it and sign your name!"

"This?" Zhao Zilong's face twitched, "Is this necessary? Are you still afraid that I will default on my debt?"

"It's just a certificate!"

Lei Chi folded his hands. It was only one million gold coins. In fact, it didn't matter if Zhao Zilong had not paid it back. He didn't want to exploit his partners by selling houses. The key was to let everyone understand that Zhao Zilong was a turmoil mansion that he spent gold coins to buy, and he didn't get it for nothing. , not for nothing, this is the rule.

Otherwise, if you give it away directly, there will be many players who will join in in the future, such as Bai Yuqing. Is it possible that Chengdu will give away a house for free?

If that is the case, many disputes will inevitably arise, such as complaining that the mansion is not good, complaining that the construction is slow, thinking that Leichi is unfair, etc., etc., and so on, free to take it for granted, this is Shengmien fighting Miqiu, only causing a lot of trouble .

In fact, Zhao Zilong is not someone who likes to take advantage. He also understands in his heart that Lei Chi may not really want him to repay the money, but the IOU must be written, and he will definitely repay the money himself. ,

However, how to make money now is a problem.

You can't go mining in Leichi's gold mine.

The gold coins in the Beast Gold Mine and Devil Gold Mine are unlimited, but the collection positions inside are all occupied by the Skeleton Mine. The gold coins in the resource point gold mine have a collection limit. Zhao Zilong knows that there are two in the gold coin island. The resource point is a gold mine. There are eight-armed monkeys mining in it. If he mixes in, he will definitely be able to collect gold coins, but it seems a bit inauthentic to pay back the money.

On the contrary, there are not many problems in going to the slime dungeon to play gold, but the income of gold mining is not very high. If you want to collect one million gold coins, you know how long it will take. Anyway, it is hopeless in the short term.

"It seems that I have to find a way to get money..."

Zhao Zilong pondered silently while writing the IOU.

Lei Chi really took out one million gold coins and handed it over to engineer Yu Jin, and said to him: "After this Jade Dragon Court is transformed into a sales center, you can sit in town for a while. Both Yulong Court and Fengbo Mansion allow you to build it. , charge gold coins at your cost-effective cost, I don’t care how the gold coins obtained in this way are spent, you can make a charter by yourself and give it to me for review.”

Yu Jin was a little nervous and obviously unwilling to be a "sales", Lei Chi didn't wait for him to speak, and said: "Those who can do more work, I just want you to play a guest role as a developer temporarily and collect gold coins. We will have more talents in Bliss City in the future. Now, this piece of work will be handed over to others."

After Yu Jin heard the words, he didn't say anything more, saluted Lei Chi, and said, "Subordinate... as ordered!"

Lei Chi snorted, he took back the small black book that Zhao Zilong had written the IOU, got up with his feet on the lotus, and said, "Regarding the sale of the house, Steward Connor, please spread the word about the policy and advertise it widely. If you want to borrow money, come to me! This is the case, the city owner has withdrawn first, and you can continue to visit here!"

After saying that, Lei Chi went to the No. 20 Broken Island.

This broken island, Thunder Pond has not fully explored.

And just after Lei Chi left, Zhao Zilong rushed to the side of engineer Yu Jin, and said quite enthusiastically: "Hey, engineer Yu Jin, you are very good, the design of Tianbo Mansion is very good, I don't know when it will be in my scene. Yanggang No. 1 Gangzhong has started construction, and I can't wait to move into my Tianbo Mansion."

"Sir, don't worry, all the gold coins have been collected, and I will definitely build Tianbo Mansion for you as soon as possible. Just wait for the completion of the Yulong Academy project here. Within five days at the latest, the work will definitely start, but it still needs the cooperation of adults. Site selection for Fengbo Mansion!"

"Good good!"

Zhao Zilong said hello three times in a row, feeling rather proud in his heart.

At this time, Katinaz, Kesusu and Li Daxing also completed transactions with engineer Yu Jin one after another, and ordered three sets of Yulong Courtyards.

Although these three are previous generation players, all of them have dedicated broken islands as fiefs, but who would think too much of such things as mansion? They are not bad for gold coins. With this spending power, they naturally want to buy them. Moreover, the location of these three Jade Dragon Courts is excellent, which is equivalent to being in the center of the capital. A set of 500,000 gold coins can be won, which is definitely worth the money.

So, in just a short time, Yu Jin received 2.5 million gold coins here. In the face of such a huge sum of money, he was quite overwhelmed. For this reason, he specially summoned all the engineers, as well as the wise elf Amei, Kangnan butler, Secretary Dante and others specifically discussed how to deal with the money.

These guys are not the masters who can spend money, and there is no place to use gold coins in Bliss City. In the end, these gold coins were temporarily stored in the R&D center of the arsenal.

Time passed quickly, and three days later, in Lei Chi's freewheeling exploration, the No. 20 Broken Island was completely explored by Lei Chi.

This fragmented island was named Mithril Island by Lei Chi. The terrain on the island is complex, and for all the broken islands that Lei Chi has explored, there are some ordinary magical beasts on the island. In addition, there is a gold mine with reserves of 500 million gold coins, a Mithril mine, and a crystal vein in an underground cave.

"There are still not enough gold-digging workers! After staying on this Mithril Island for three days, I don't know how many memorial scrolls have been collected in the conference hall. Calculate the time, the military training of this batch of recruits should also end, let's take a look at the past. Bar!"

After Lei Chi left Mithril Island, he went straight to the militia training camp. Sure enough, the military training of this batch of recruits has ended. The members who participated in the military training this time, including the national division A Kang and the human player Bai Yuqing, a total of 2202, all completed successfully. Military training is something that can be made, and both character and ability have passed the test.

In this way, Lei Chi spent more than 220,000 gold coins to transfer 2,200 people at the Altar of Valor to Bronze Hero Units.

Originally, Major General Sward, the captain of the Hurricane Wolf Cavalry Brigade, Major General Li Jue, the captain of the Griffin Knight Brigade, and Major General Gland, the captain of the Horned Eagle Knight Brigade, had already prepared to come over to recruit people. They wanted to absorb some recruits into their own cavalry brigade, but Zhang Taichu made an impromptu idea, and in the end, the 2,200 people kept the organization unchanged and became the new Storm Dragon Knight Brigade, with Tilihua, who had the highest force value, as the chief captain, and Jasmine, Cornell, and Dai Xingyue as the vice-captains.

As for the storm sea dragons, General Zhang has recently arrested 48 of them, all of them around level 80. These 48 storm sea dragons were all handed over to Tilihua and others. Soon, after the soul contract of the contract altar, 48 storm sea dragon knights was born.

The people who have the Stormy Sea Dragon mount are naturally overjoyed, one by one, as if they have climbed to the sky in one step, riding the Stormy Sea Dragon for a ride around, but those who do not get the Stormy Sea Dragon mount are naturally envious, clamoring to catch the Stormy Sea Dragon.

"Is this the naval force of my Bliss City? Not bad!"

Lei Chi nodded silently, the Storm Sea Dragon is a diamond-level creature, and the combat power of the Storm Sea Dragon Knight is above the diamond level. If 2,200 people can have the Storm Sea Dragon mount, its combat power is comparable to the previous Katinaz's army of 100,000 demons. many.

Two of the recruits were not among the Storm Dragon Knights, one was the national division of Akang, and the other was the human player Bai Yuqing.

Lei Chi first found Bai Yuqing and said, "Congratulations on completing the military training. From now on, the city master can accept you as a member of Bliss City. Now there are three human players in Bliss City. Apart from you and me, Zhao Zilong, Zhao Zilong starts the armor, and the fief is the first hill of Jingyanggang. If you are interested, you can go to the second hill of Jingyanggang for the trial. If you pass the test, I will give you the second hill of Jingyanggang. How about a fief?"

"Great, I'm just waiting for you to arrange it like this!"

Although Bai Yuqing has been busy with military training and is being practiced by Zhang Taichu, he is not oblivious to things outside the window. He already knew that Lei Chi had assigned the first hill of Jingyang Gang to Zhao Zilong, and Zhao Zilong seemed to plan to build the Storm Mansion in it. Bai Yuqing was right. This is quite envious, thinking of looking for an opportunity to mention it to Lei Chi to see if he can give him a fief too, but Lei Chi took the initiative to propose it, which made him quite flattered.

Lei Chi said again: "Don't be too complacent, whether you can win the second hill of Jingyanggang depends on your ability. According to the rules of Bliss City, you must have the strength to penetrate the second hill of Jingyanggang. , after completing the trial in it, I will distribute the second hill of Jingyang Gang to you."

"Well, I'm a seal master now, so I still have some confidence in my combat power." Bai Yuqing smiled lightly, clenched his fists, and said: "Also, I heard that it only costs one million gold coins. I can buy a Fengbo Mansion, can I also buy one?"

"Do you have a million gold coins?"

"Can I give you 100,000 yuan first and borrow 900,000 yuan from you? When I have money, I will return the principal and interest to you!"

"It seems that you even know about Zhao Zilong borrowing money, that's it, let's do it!"

While speaking, Lei Chi took out the black booklet of the IOU, and asked Bai Yuqing to write the IOU and sign his name on the second page.

In the IOU, Bai Yuqing wrote it very succinctly, and then like Lei Chi asked for a place, he couldn't wait to go to Jingyang Gang Second Gang to participate in the trial.

Lei Chi originally thought her strength was good, so he followed the past curiously and saw that Bai Yuqing summoned a black coffin as soon as he entered the second hill of Jingyang Gang. Carrying the black coffin, he ran. After that, the black coffin was turned over three times by the five tiger generals. Finally, the black coffin was carried to the exit of Jingyanggang Second Gang.

Although this was not considered to have beaten Jingyanggang head-on, from the point of view of the trial, Bai Yuqing could be considered to have successfully passed the trial.

After thinking about it for a while, Lei Chi also gave the second hill of Jingyang Gang to Bai Yuqing as a territory, and the pre-purchased Storm Mansion also began to be built.

In addition, the iron tower prison that the engineer Xing Feng wanted to build, Lei Chi also decided to build it in the second hill of Jingyang Gang. Bai Yuqing has the means of sealing, so it is most suitable for him to supervise this iron tower prison.

After leaving Jingyanggang Second Gang, Lei Chi found Yao Kang again.

Yao Kang is the national teacher of A Kang. This guy is a super crazy believer. In terms of the ability to provide the power of faith, he is stronger than Princess Huya, who has a bright soul.

Lei Chi felt that this guy was a bit mysterious, and after thinking about it, Lei Chi agreed.

When he thought about it, such a character should not be so easy to burp.

The next day, the legendary national teacher of the former Holy Machia Empire finally got his wish and boarded the black sail battleship.

It was also knees. When Yao Kang boarded the black sail battleship, the whole body of the battleship shone with light, the huge black sails twisted, and the hull swayed lightly, as if all of a sudden he had a vigor and was alive, showing emotions of excitement and joy.

"Sure enough, Li Daxing can't play the function of this artifact warship at all!"

Lei Chi watched quietly. In his field of vision, the black-sail battleship slowly flew away from the water, the brilliance on its black sails flowed, and suddenly a bright road, like a Changhong, was in front of the black-sail battleship. Appeared out of nowhere.

"Great Lord of the City!"

Yao Kang shouted to Lei Chi at the bow of the black sail battleship: "It is my mission to go to another dimension to welcome my, no matter what, I must go there, if I can come back , from now on this little life is yours!"

"Go!" Lei Chi waved his sleeves.

His attitude is super indifferent now, and he is already mentally prepared. If Yao Kang really brings back the previous generation player Yao Yao, then if Yao Yao is not dead, he also recognizes it. It's a big deal. There is no harm in the Lord, and he will not invite an enemy for himself.

If you think in a good place, if Yao Yao is already dead, Yao Kang may be able to bring back Yao Yao's relics and the Taifang Ark on this trip.

Lei Chi had already asked Li Daxing to understand that Yao Yao was a well-known **** of looting in the previous era, and his most famous artifact was also his reliance on the world, the Taifang Ark.

According to Li Daxing, the Taifang Ark is an artifact that can be compared to the main temple, and it can even be said to be a super artifact. But it ultimately failed, and its whereabouts have remained a mystery.