MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 6 We met by chance, what happened?

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  Chapter 6 Encounter by chance when going out, what happened?

  Zhou Xiaoxiao raised her eyes to look for the reputation, but saw customers in the mall running away in a hurry.

  Zhou Xiaoxiao immediately took out the walkie-talkie: "I'm Zhou Xiaoxiao, there seems to be an emergency in Yida Mall, I'm going to check the situation now."

   After reporting on the action, Zhou Xiaoxiao squeezed into the crowd.

  Many people immediately told her what happened in the mall after seeing the police coming.

   "Comrade Police, Comrade Police, someone robbed a gold store with a gun at gate 2 of the shopping mall, go and check the situation!"

   Gold rush shop?

   Hold a gun!

  Hearing these two words, Zhou Xiaoxiao immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

  She directed the people to flee while turning on the walkie-talkie, "Call the headquarters, call the headquarters!"

  The voice of the leader of the Yida Shopping Mall detachment came from the intercom, "This is the Yida Detachment, Comrade Zhou Xiaoxiao, what happened?"

   Zhou Xiaoxiao said anxiously: "The gold shop next to the No. 2 exit of Yida shopping mall was robbed by gunmen. I am sorting out the crowd and requesting support from the headquarters."

   "Okay, Comrade Zhou Xiaoxiao, please take care of the masses. We have dispatched the nearest patrol police, and we must protect the lives of the masses!"


   Zhou Xiaoxiao looked anxiously at the crowds pouring out of the shopping mall.

  This is the exit of Gate 1, and the gold store at Exit of Gate 2 is the side entrance to the east of the mall.

   "I don't know what happened to the people in the gold store."

  Suddenly, three mall security guards in security uniforms ran into the mall.

   Zhou Xiaoxiao immediately waved to the other party.

   Now there is an unexpected situation, the most lack of manpower.

  Although the security personnel are not as high-quality as the police, they are considered to be better than ordinary people.

   Besides, Zhou Xiaoxiao saw that the other party was holding some common protective equipment such as explosion-proof shields and isolation forks.

  The three looked up and saw the formal police waving at them, and trotted over quickly.

   "Comrade Police, is there anything we can do to help?"

  Of course they dare not fight the gangsters head-on. After all, a job as a security guard is not worth it, but they can help out as much as they can.

   Zhou Xiaoxiao has been crowded with the crowd, "Now I need you to help me evacuate the crowd here, we must ensure everyone's safety."

  A middle-aged man headed by him, who seemed to be the leader, nodded repeatedly.

   "Yes, yes, this is our responsibility, leave it to us here!"

  One of the young security guards still had a passion for it, and said excitedly: "I am a little security guard, protecting the safety of one party, and finally I have a place to play."

  Zhou Xiaoxiao was speechless, and warned: "You guys, remember to be careful, and evacuate yourself in case of emergencies. I'll go to the gold store to see the situation. Remember to protect the lives of the people, including your own of course."

   After finishing speaking, Zhou Xiaoxiao quickly squeezed into the crowd and went upstream.


   On the other side, shortly after Zhou Xiaoxiao quit Su Yun's live broadcast room.

  Su Yun had to end the live broadcast early because he had consumed all the old cards.

   "I'm sorry everyone, practicing flying cards and cutting wood piles caused all the playing cards to be severely deformed, so I can only end this afternoon's live broadcast first."

  Su Yun apologized to the more than 1,000 viewers in the live broadcast room.

   "I would like to express my admiration for Brother Yili's persistence!"

   "The anchor has been flying for nearly four hours. It's time to prepare to use special effects to make the show more effective."

   "Will it be broadcast tonight?"

   "I'm already rendering the screen recording of the live broadcast, and I can use the special effects on the live broadcast tonight!"

  Looking at the barrage of mixed praise and criticism for him in the live broadcast room, Su Yun inexplicably felt that the water friends were quite cute.

  So he said slowly, "I'm going out to buy some new playing cards and daily necessities, and the broadcast is expected to continue tonight"

  After agreeing with a few old fans to continue the broadcast tonight, Su Yun closed the live broadcast room.

   After taking a long breath, Su Yun moved his wrist.

   "Although after more than a month of training, my arm strength has improved a lot, but flying thousands of cards at such a high intensity is still very tiring."

  Su Yun is currently using wooden stakes as the practice object, causing him to fly out the cards with all his strength every time he exerts his strength.

  If it’s a cucumber, he only needs to simply borrow the force technique and a slight burst, and he can rely on the sharpness of the card to cut into the cucumber.


   Wooden stakes are completely different. It is difficult to cut into the stakes when he bursts out with all his strength, let alone using only part of his strength.

   "How did you achieve the mysterious and mysterious 'sudden enlightenment' state yesterday?"

  Su Yun was thinking wildly, and he was also in a state of epiphany while riding an electric bike.

  He could clearly feel that he seemed to have reached a new bottleneck again.

  The epiphany state is the only way for him to break through the current embarrassing state.

   Suddenly, Su Yun found that the main road to the shopping center was surprisingly smooth.

   "It's already six o'clock in the evening. It stands to reason that there will be a lot of people shopping in Yida at this time every day."

   On the other hand, the left lane was already blocked, and the cars behind were anxiously honking their horns to urge the cars in front.

  There are only a few cars pattering in the right lane, but the left lane is so congested, everything seems very abnormal.

   "This rush hour is nothing more than that, what happened?"

  Su Yun's purpose is to buy some daily necessities and playing cards, and by the way, go to the bank to get some cash on him.

  If it weren't for the fact that the old man in the canteen downstairs only accepts cash, he wouldn't choose to go to Yida Mall to purchase.

   Shaking his head, Su Yun didn't have the heart to pay attention to other things. It's better to purchase the supplies early and go back to start the broadcast.

   Before he knew it, Su Yun had arrived at Yida Plaza.

  Yida Plaza, which was crowded with people in the past, is extremely cold today.

  Su Yun frowned and planned to withdraw some cash first, after all, it would be inconvenient to carry things later to withdraw money.

  Passing by a prefab canteen, Su Yun bought a pack of cigarettes and casually bought up the only five decks of playing cards in the canteen.

   Just as Su Yun scanned the QR code to pay and was about to leave, the old lady's reminder came from behind him.

   "Young man, there seems to be an accident in the mall. I heard that someone robbed the gold store. You'd better not go there."


  Su Yun paused, turned around and asked, "Grabbing gold shop?"

   "Yeah, didn't you see that there are no people today, they were all dispersed by the security guards, and the police have been called, and the police will come soon."

   "Which gold store, I also said to go to the nearby place to get some money."

   "Hey, don't, don't, I heard that the robbers have guns, so don't go near the gold store at Exit 2."

  Su Yun nodded, thanked the old woman and left.

  Walking on the empty Yida Plaza, Su Yun had a problem.

   After thinking for a moment, Su Yun remembered that there seemed to be an ATM machine near South Street in the other direction of Gate 1.

   "It's better to avoid the robbers, go to the ATM on South Street to withdraw the money and leave."

   Having made up his mind, Su Yun changed direction directly and walked towards South Street at Gate No. 1.

  However, what I didn't expect was that a large section of South Street was under construction, and it seemed that the streets of the old city were going to be renovated for the nth time. This caused the road to be bumpy and caused Su Yun to delay a lot of time.

   "It's so twists and turns to withdraw money."

  (end of this chapter)