MTL - The Perfect Destiny-Chapter 145 Illusory reality (11)

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In addition to Zhou Chun’s episode, everything else was perfect.

Zhou Wei’s plan is all-encompassing, and Chen Liguo followed him without even taking his mind, and his appearance became more and more like a small mentally handicapped.

Zhou Wei sometimes saw him feel funny, reached out and pointed his head and said that I lost you here and you can't go back.

Chen Liguo is feeding the pigeons. Hearing this saying: "If you throw me here, you still have to come to me."

Zhou Wei thought about it and thought it really made sense.

Just all the way to play, the two came back from abroad when they started school.

The school was in the field, Zhou Hao had already fixed the plane ticket.

Chen Liguo is a little bit reluctant to son, although he is usually a slap in the face of Chen Liguo, but he has lost his tears at the airport.

Chen Liguo hugged her mother to call her good.

His mother said, "Son, call the family if you have anything."

Chen Liguo said: "Okay, I will."

Zhou Wei waited in the distance, leaving the mother and son with plenty of time.

After the farewell, Chen Liguo and Zhou Wei entered the security check.

Zhou Wei had a small bag on his body and nothing else. Chen Liguo was stuffed with a lot of things by his mother. Although he was a bit heavy, he still took it.

“Why don’t you send your parents?” Zhou Wei asked, Chen Liguo’s parents wanted to send him to school, but Chen Liguo refused.

"What is good to send." Chen Liguo said, "I am 18 years old."

On the 18th birthday of this year, Chen Liguo and Zhou Wei spent the trip.

On the birthday, Zhou Hao’s birthday gift for Chen Liguo is a key.

Chen Liguo was holding his key and screaming and said, "Is this key the key to unlock your heart?"

When Zhou Hao heard Chen Liguo’s words, he almost laughed and then took Chen Liguo’s head and said, “What are you thinking about all day long?”

Chen Liguo scratched his head and was a little wronged. He said, "What is this key?"

Zhou Wei said: "You don't want a suite in the third ring."

Chen Liguo almost scared Zhou Xia, he thought he would not make a wish anymore, because he would take it with him, if he said that he wants the moon, he will really send him to the moon. ......

In the end, Chen Liguo still didn't want it. Although Zhou Wei was a little unhappy, Chen Liguo's attitude was very firm. He said: "Women, you can't make your dowry more than my dowry."

Zhou Wei said: "How many dowry can you afford?"

Chen Liguo said: "...How do you see me like this?"

Zhou Wei said: "If you send yourself to me, then you are not going to post more gifts."

Chen Liguo: "..."

When Chen Liguo entered the security check, he glanced behind him, but he seemed to see Lin Zhaorong in the crowd. But this seems to be just his illusion, because the figure soon disappeared.

Chen Liguo was a bit distressed. He wondered if he was too arrogant. Recently, he always felt that Lin Zhaorong could be seen everywhere, but every time he looked carefully, he seemed to be wrong.

However, when people disappeared, Chen Liguo did not care too much. He and Zhou Wei got on the plane and started a new journey.

College time is very good for Chen Liguo of the original world.

Although he does not have the opportunity to participate in various club activities like other students, he still has to spend a lot of time working outside of class. However, he has a high scholarship and various tuition reduction policies. It is really poor to find a school loan.

Of course, a big Dali is originally a place where scholars gather, and it is not so easy to get a scholarship. Therefore, Chen Liguo is still reading in the middle of the night. Because of his reading of books, the roommates who lived together at the time also had some conflicts with him.

Chen Liguo and Zhou Yu were familiar because they were a class in two high schools. Later, Zhou Yi slowly learned about Chen Liguo. After knowing his situation, he asked Chen Liguo to go out with him. He is responsible for all rent and living expenses, and Chen Liguo is responsible for cleaning and washing clothes.

Chen Liguo certainly disagreed at the beginning, but was later moved by Zhou Wei's soft and hard foam.

Because he has a little time to go back to the bedroom every day, although it is as light as possible, it will still affect the rest of the roommate. For a short time, Chen Liguo was embarrassed for a long time.

At that time, Chen Liguo had already had some secret unspeakable thoughts about Zhou Wei. However, he was very clear from beginning to end. Even if he lived with Zhou Wei, there was no hint of extravagant hope.

Zhou Wei was too far away from him, and Chen Liguo did not dare to do this.

The world is different. Chen Liguo and Zhou Yi are in the same class and are also in the same dormitory.

Chen Liguo is the upper shop, and Zhou Wei is the bottom shop.

When making the bed, Zhou Wei said that when the sophomore school allowed it, they went out to rent a house.

Chen Liguo said: "Isn't it good at school?"

Zhou Wei said: "The school is not convenient."

Chen Liguo said: "What is inconvenient?"

Zhou Wei had a deep understanding of Chen Liguo and smiled. "Of course, it is inconvenient for husband and wife to live."

Chen Liguo: "..." Why do you think Zhou Wei is getting yellower?

Chen Liguo, a university student, basically forgot about it. After many years, Chen Liguo has completely remembered the appearance and appearance of his classmates, but his current class and previous classes are not a class.

On the first day of school, the squad leader, Zhou Hao sat down and did not move.

Chen Liguo said: "Are you not going?"

Zhou Yan held his chin and said, "It’s too much trouble, don’t want to go."

Chen Liguo said: "Hey, you will actually feel trouble."

Zhou Wei said: "Things other than you are very troublesome."

Chen Liguo blushes without a good night.

After getting familiar with Zhou, I will find that this person is actually a little tempered, and occasionally lazy, not a perfect person. But it is because of these shortcomings that Zhou Yi is a more lively person. Chen Liguo feels that encountering Zhou Wei is really the best thing in his life.

After class in the afternoon, Chen Liguo did not go to dinner with Zhou Wei, but went alone.

Zhou Wei asked him what to do.

Chen Liguo said to go to see a friend who used to play together.

Zhou Wei said: "You have friends here, go, come back soon."

Chen Liguo said: "Good."

Zhou Wei said: "Well, hey."

Then Chen Liguo rushed out like Sahuan's rabbit. Zhou Wei looked at Chen Liguo's appearance and wondered if he was too tight with Chen Liguo and occasionally let the wind out.

Chen Liguo went to the office of the Association of Societies.

Before he even walked in, he heard the clear laughter from the girl alone. Chen Liguo knocked on the door and heard a voice coming in.

Chen Liguo pushed in and entered the house and saw a face that had not been seen for a long time.

"Do you have something?" The girl has short hair, a bunny-patterned t-shirt and a black cowboy. How to look cute, she is sitting at the table and holding a paper flower.

Chen Liguo gently screamed her sister in her heart.

This girl is called Xu Shu, is the school sister of Chen Liguo, but she is two years younger than Chen Liguo, so she recognized Chen Liguo as her brother.

The two met in the community and later became more and more good.

If Chen Liguo, who is an orphan, tasted the taste of love in Zhou Wei, Xu Shuli told him what is affection.

"I want to ask you when to recruit new ones." Chen Liguo asked with a smile, "I especially want to come to you."

"Ah?" Xu Shu has said, "Are you originally from the recommendation?"

Chen Liguo said: "Yes."

Xu Shu has not spoken yet, another student smiled and said: "Yes, we need your courageous talent here, which department do you want to come to?"

For the first time, they still saw that they hadn’t recruited new ones.

The student Chen Liguo was not impressed. He wanted to come to the minister of which department. Chen Liguo pointed out that Xu Shudi said: "Where is she in the department?"

A few students got up, Xu Shu's face was a bit red, she didn't say anything, other students answered: "Xu Shu's pity is the propaganda department, you have to come?"

Chen Liguo said: "All right, I am decathlon."

"Okay." One of them said, "We will recruit after the National Day, you must come."

Chen Liguo should be down.

Xu Shu's character is not as straightforward as the original world. When looking at Chen Liguo, he is inexplicably blushing.

Chen Liguo didn't think much about it. After talking a few words with them, he turned and went back.

Zhou Wei was waiting for Chen Liguo in the dormitory. When Chen Liguo came back, he told him to go to dinner together.

When the two went out together, Chen Liguo asked Zhou Wei if he would like to add something to the community.

Zhou Wei said: "What do you add?"

Chen Liguo said: "Society Federation."

Zhou Wei said: "Well, I am with you."

After Chen Liguo finished this, he regretted it a bit, because the original world Zhou Yi seems to have no community, and he has been busy since the freshman year.

Chen Liguo said: "You don't want to be stubborn, I just add play..."

Zhou Yanmei is gentle, he said: "Well, I will play with you."

The freshman curriculum is more than the other grades. Chen Liguo does not have to work, so he concentrates on learning.

Zhou Wei sometimes accompanied him, sometimes doing his own thing, the two were very tacit.

The relationship between Chen Liguo and Xu Shu's is also good, but he vaguely feels that the world's Xu Shu pity and the original world seem to have a different attitude towards her.

At first, Chen Liguo didn't want to understand. Later, Zhou Hao ordered him. He said, "The girl likes you."

When Chen Liguo heard it, he said, "Ah?"

Zhou Wei was a bit worried about Chen Liguo's emotional intelligence. He found that the child didn't know anything about his charm. He said: "Xu Shu has a good impression on you, what about you?"

Chen Liguo said: "I only want to be her sister!"

Zhou Wei said: "Then I suggest you pay attention to the boundaries."

What can Chen Liguo say, can only say good. If he likes girls, Xu Shu may be a good choice, but he is a gay, but also secretly loves Zhou Wei, so he can only go far with Xu Shu.

Xu Shu prayed that Chen Liguo had not seen him many times and asked if he had any opinions on himself.

Chen Liguo thought about it and told her the truth and said, "I'm sorry, I like men..."

Xu Shu pity the whole person is stupid, said: "Do you like men? You don't like me?"

Chen Liguo: "...sorry."

Xu Shu has said: "You won't like your roommate?"

Chen Liguo said with amazement: "You can see this?"

Xu Shu has said: "...I have no eyes."

Both of them fell into the silence of the fans, and finally Xu Shu sighed and said: "Forget it, good men either have a girlfriend or gay."

Chen Liguo: "..."

Xu Shu has said: "If you can't be a boyfriend or a friend, be a sister."

Chen Liguo listened to this and wanted to cry. The original world is still a brother or sister. The world has changed its gender.

Xu Shu's pity is obviously more sad than Chen Liguo, sighing away.

Zhou Hao’s goal was achieved, and Xu Shu’s time to find Chen Liguo was reduced by half.

To be honest, since I went to college, Zhou Wei felt as if he had become a dragon guarding the treasure, and all the people who had to pay for the treasures were killed. However, the treasure he was guarding was not conscious.

Chen Liguo did not realize it. He never thought that there would be many people who liked himself.

So when he was confessed for the first time, he still thought that the girl was joking. The second time he was a little panicked.

Chen Liguo, who was confessed, ran back to the dormitory and found Zhou Wei: "How can they like me?!"

Zhou Wei was reading a book and heard Chen Liguo saying, "What happened? Someone confessed to you today?"

Chen Liguo said with a sigh: "Yes, this is only half a month after school."

Zhou Wei said: "This is called first to be strong..." He seems to think of something, his eyes are slightly paused.

Chen Liguo said: "But where are I?"

Zhou Wei said: "You are growing well."

Chen Liguo: "..."

Zhou Wei said: "Hey, don't like it and refuse."

Chen Liguo never dreamed that he could have this kind of treatment in this world. Probably because he is too close to the people, the people who confessed him were more than the ones who confessed to Zhou Wei. There were three in just half a month, and all of them were school sisters.

Later, Chen Liguo analyzed the reasons and felt that it was very likely that Zhou Hao of this world rarely appeared in front of everyone. Although he participated in the society like him, he would not appear unless necessary activities.

Chen Liguo is so popular, quite a bit flattered.

He and the system said: "There are so many people who like me."

The system said indifferently: "Yes, look at how bad their vision is."

Chen Liguo said with shame: "You didn't choose me at the beginning."

System: " must mention this black history to undermine the friendship between us."

Chen Liguo said: "You chose me~ I chose you~ this is our choice~"


The university is wonderful.

Have a lot of time to squander, do what you want to do, and read the book you want to read.

Chen Liguo either dunks the library or goes to play basketball, and the life has been particularly moist.

Zhou Wei is more busy than Chen Liguo. He has already taken over some of their home industry. Chen Liguo does not understand these things. He only knows that he will give himself a greeting in advance, no matter what Zhou Yi does.

After the freshman year, when he was a sophomore, Zhou Wei moved out of school as he planned.

Of course, Chen Liguo was also picked up by him.

In this world, Chen Liguo has a good relationship with their roommates, so she was slightly disappointed when she left.

Zhou Hao did not give Chen Liguo the opportunity to choose, and directly went to Chen Liguo to go through the formalities.

So the two began living together.

In the original world, Chen Liguo and Zhou Wei lived almost six years, and lived together after graduating from college. What are the little habits of Zhou Yi, Chen Liguo, are clear.

In fact, the time when they lived together in the world was ahead of schedule - high school lived together.

Moreover, the house does not know whether it is rented or bought, the decoration is particularly beautiful, and there is a large balcony that Chen Liguo likes very much.

Chen Liguo actually likes small animals, but he has no conditions to raise, so he likes to look at other people's dogs or cats.

In the second month of moving out, Zhou Hao received a small golden hair.

When Chen Liguo saw the little golden hair, the whole person was happy to jump up, and he ran wildly in the room with his little golden hair.

Zhou Wei looked at him and looked like a smile. He said, "Like?"

Chen Liguo said: "I like to die, I like to die." That little golden hair also likes him very much, has been shaking his tail and Chen Liguo.

Chen Liguo said: "Ah, ah, so happy, so happy!"

Zhou Yan’s eyes were soft and he said with a smile: “We have been doing this for a long time.”

Chen Liguo heard a glimpse and immediately smirked. He said, "Okay."

Zhou Wei said: "Well, waiting for your birthday, I have an important gift for you."

When Chen Liguo heard the gift, he remembered the key. He said, "Don't give me a room."

Zhou Wei thought about it and said, "It is something more precious than the house."

Chen Liguo thought what was more precious than the house.

Zhou Wei said slowly: "It is very precious."

Chen Liguo guessed a few, did not guess right, he looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao's face and smiled, thinking that he was too lazy to guess, anyway, Zhou Wei will decrypt.

With a dog at home, Chen Liguo has a little more focus on his life. He even has an illusion of living with Zhou Wei. Everything is perfect except for no **** life. Oh, for the system now It is the most perfect state.

Time passed slowly, and a semester passed.

During the winter vacation, Chen Liguo was taken by Zhou Wei to see their company.

Chen Liguo hadn’t entered yet. He looked at the building and he was stunned. He said, “Is this your home?”

Zhou Wei said: "Well."

This is a home entertainment company, the scale is very large, even Chen Liguo, who does not follow the stars, knows one or two.

Chen Liguo said: "How many industries does your family have?"

Zhou Wei said: "There are quite a lot of things when my dad and his ex-wife divorced."

Chen Liguo said: "Ah, local tyrant, do you still need a leg pendant, the kind that went to college."

Zhou Wei said: "There is no need for the legs, and there is still one missing in the crotch. Are you coming?"

Chen Liguo said incredulously: "...When did you learn this swearing?"

Zhou Wei said: "Who and I are talking about Huang Duan every day."

Chen Liguo said aggrieved: "Quiet me."

They all blame him for dyeing his white-colored male **** into a dirty yellow...

Chen Liguo now thinks about it, no wonder that after the change of his job, the boss is so polite to himself, and the welfare is still so good. It is estimated that the company is also owned by Zhou Yijia. The employee introduced by the boss must be better.

Zhou Wei said: "I will take you to my office."

Chen Liguo followed Zhou Wei to his office.

On the way to go, there are people who say hello in the same week, calling them all bosses.

Zhou Hao looked faint, and did not see the gentleness in front of Chen Liguo.

Zhou Wei’s office is on the top floor, behind which is a huge floor-to-ceiling window that fully satisfies Chen Liguo’s imagination of the high-level people. He put his face in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked down and sighed: “It’s so high.”

Zhou Wei said: "I graduated later, come here to work with me?"

Chen Liguo said: "Then I am not coming in through the back door."

Zhou Wei said: "Can't you go?"

Chen Liguo said: "Go and go."

Zhou Yi laughed again. He liked the character of Chen Liguo. With the gradual understanding of the two, even if he clearly knew his family, he did not change his attitude.

Chen Liguo now feels that he has nothing to be inferior. Although he is very poor, he is also a person who has been a mech-family and has become a gangster.

Zhou Wei has not seen much of what he has seen.

Zhou Wei said: "Chen Liguo, I am very happy to meet you."

Chen Liguo did not expect to hear this sentence from Zhou Shuzui. He was a bit flattered and said: "I am also very happy to meet you."

Zhou Wei showed a gentle smile.

Chen Liguo looked at Zhou Wei, and suddenly felt that Zhou Wei, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, seemed to be waving his hand in the next moment, and said to himself: Look, Chen Liguo, this is the Jiangshan that you have laid for you.

Chen Liguo: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

System: "..." This mental retardation can be laughed at like a floor-to-ceiling window.

Chen Liguo said: "I like Zhou Hao, how can I like him so much?"


Chen Liguo said: "Dad, you too."

The system said: "Silly son, you are a stupid son."

Chen Liguo said: "Dad, I really love you."

The system was slightly touched by Chen Liguo’s sentence and was preparing to respond. He heard Chen Liguo’s next sentence.

Chen Liguo said: "I really can't help myself. Let me have a haircut this evening."

System: "..." He finally knows why Chen Liguo wants to smirk. This **** looks at Zhou Wei, standing in front of the glass window, and actually looks at himself hard... Chen Liguo, are you a reincarnation of Teddy?