MTL - The Only Magician on Earth-Chapter 15 wild dog barking

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   Beside him, a pretty girl with a sarcastic smile on her face stood close to him, looking very intimate.

  Outside the classroom, in front of the window, several students leaned against the wall crookedly, watching the situation in the classroom from time to time.

   Feng Kai, Jiang Meiyuan. Two people who are very related to Gu Feng's predecessor.

   It seems that school has just ended at this time. There is a lot of noise outside the classroom, but it is very quiet in the classroom.

Because they are looking forward to the next exciting things, except for a few students who are particularly timid and afraid of things to leave, most of the other students are sitting in their seats, posing as if they are reviewing their homework. , with excitement.

   There is no way, high school life is too boring, and finally there is such a wonderful drama, no one wants to miss it. If it is the old fashion, it may be seen by less people if it is purely beaten.

   However, with the carport incident in the morning, the combat power of the ancient style has been spread by word of mouth, and it has been exaggerated again and again, which is a bit of a strong rivalry.

  Evil Young Master, Banhua, Can Fight... Each of these is a good point to watch!

   As for the only person in the class who could stop this matter - the senior class leader Xue Ting, she went to the class teacher before class was over. This is the privilege of good students, and everyone is used to it.


  Gu Feng dragged his long voice, stretched his waist vigorously, yawned, rubbed his eyes, and looked lazy, as if these obviously malicious people didn't exist in front of him.

   Being so ignored in front of everyone, Feng Kai's mouth twitched slightly, thinking of the power of the ancient style in the rumors, he finally held back and didn't shoot.

  Although he is not willing to believe that the thin and weak Gu Feng can have such a strong fighting power, unfortunately, it seems to be the truth.

   Therefore, at this time, he could only suppress his inner impulse and force a calm expression on his face. This is what he learned from his own **** father. It is said that big people are like this. Taishan collapses in front without changing color. Only in this way can more people be convinced. This is the charm of men.

  So, when the school was spreading the madness of the ancient style, he still acted as a hero, brought Jiang Meiyuan in alone, and let his younger brothers wait outside the classroom.

   Of course, this was also because he had decided that although Gu Feng dared to fight the monkeys, he did not dare to fight against him, Feng Shao.

   In this Haicheng No. 3 Middle School, the person who dares to attack Feng Shao has not yet been born!

  This is self-confidence!

"I admit, I underestimated you! I didn't expect you to be able to fight." Feng Kai said here, paused for a while, and then changed the conversation, "However, so what? In my Feng Kai's eyes, it is at most a wild dog, although it can bite people, but if I just find a brother in the society, I can cut you into eight pieces!"

  Feng Kai kept a self-righteous smile on his face, looking like he was in control.

  In the classroom, other students heard the words, exchanged glances with each other, and some whispered, and a buzzing sound began to appear.

"I had planned to let you go because of Xue Ting's face. I didn't expect that you would dare to do something to my brother. Humph! Don't take photos of me, my brother Feng Shao, you can do it. of?"

   The smile on Feng Kai's face began to fade away, and his tone was cold. It seems that people don't know about it - Feng Shao is very angry, and the consequences are very serious.

  The classroom also fell silent in an instant, and the humming disappeared. Some people who had been bullied by Feng Kai's group, or who sympathized with Gu Feng, began to look at Gu Feng with worried eyes.

  Although there are rumors at noon, everyone knows that Gu Feng is very good at fighting, but no one thinks that he can handle Feng Shao's methods.

   Feng Shao, who has been running rampant in Haicheng No. 3 Middle School for more than two years. His family background is both black and white. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a middle school student of ancient style can handle it. ….

  Gu Feng had an indifferent expression on his face, tilted his head to look at the sky outside, stretched out his fingers and plucked out his ears.

   "Where did this wild dog come from? The barking was so loud that people couldn't sleep well. They should have been pulled out and killed for the dog-stewed hotpot."

quiet! Needle drop can be heard!

  The classmates in the classroom looked at Gu Feng, some admired him, and some thought he was beyond his own power.

   Under such circumstances, he even dared to fight against Feng Shao, fearing that there would be no room for change between the two.

   Sure enough, Shao Feng was angry! Feng Shao is angry! The good drama is about to begin... The unscrupulous classmates are looking forward to it.

   Although Feng Kai tried his best to pretend to be mature and calm, in the end he was just a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy. He was used to being arrogant. Even his father was very fond of him. He never made him feel wronged. How could he tolerate such abuse?

  's complexion changed from gloomy to livid, which was extremely scary.

  Gu Feng was still doing things that angered Feng Kai, and turned his face:

   "Huh? It won't be you! Come on, little wild dog, call for another one."

   Everyone is watching Feng Shao's reaction, wanting to see how the furious Feng Shao will react. No one noticed that while Gu Feng was talking, his hand fell, and he inadvertently crossed strange arcs, and the magic power in his body that had returned to its peak state began to become active.

   Black magic casts, imitating everything!

  Imitates everything, and whoever is recruited will imitate the object requested by the caster.

  So, the next development of things surprised the people around.

   The angry Feng Shao didn't curse or hit anyone, but... his hands were curled up to his chest, his tongue stuck out—

   "Wang! Wang! Wang!"

   is crisp and loud, and the dog barks three times.

   He was aggressive just now, but after being scolded by a wild dog, instead of fighting back, he learned to bark like a wild dog, which is too cooperative?


   I don't know who couldn't help but laughed.

   In this case, it is said that one should not laugh, otherwise, Feng Shao's face will definitely be difficult, and it is possible to get burned.

   But, this kind of thing is so funny, I can't help it!

   was like an introduction, and then the classroom burst into laughter, almost tossing up the roof.

  Feng Kai lost control in an instant, but his consciousness was very clear. As soon as you regain control, withdraw your hands and tongue. Thinking about what happened just now, his first reaction was not shame, but shock.

   He knew very well that he didn't want to learn to bark at all, but his body was out of control.

   Evil door! It's so wicked!

   Could it be that the ancient boy has some sorcery that he can control other people's bodies? Just thinking about it, Feng Kai couldn't help being horrified.

   When the attendants outside the classroom heard hilarious laughter, they all looked in through the window and immediately felt relieved when they saw Feng Shaoan standing there safely.

   "Feng Shao must be humorous, I don't know how to satirize that kid!"

   "That's right! Otherwise, if you kill these poor students, you wouldn't dare to laugh at Master Feng!"

   Jiang Meiyuan looked at Feng Shao with embarrassment on her face. Until now, she didn't understand what was going on.

   Could it be that Feng Shao deliberately pretended to be a dog to make everyone happy?

   This is also not right! When people call you a dog, you act like a dog. This...this is too cooperative! Moreover, no matter how you look at it, it seems that it is not Gu Feng who is embarrassed, but Feng Shao himself!

   Looking at Feng Shao again, he didn't have the usual arrogance. Looking at Gu Feng, there was a look of horror and fear in his eyes. He didn't even dare to say a word of cruelty.

   Jiang Meiyuan had been paying attention for a long time, and immediately reached out to support her.

   At this time, the few people outside the door also noticed that something was wrong, and pushed the door open and walked in.

   "Feng Shao, what's going on?"

   "Feng Shao, do you want to cut this kid?"

   Several people looked at Gu Feng with a slap in the face, as if no one was a coward.

   "Go! Go! Get out of here!"

   Feng Shao hadn't reacted from his panic at this time, how could he dare to trouble Gu Feng, the **** of plague?

   These people are usually very familiar with monkeys, and they think that their skills are not as good as monkeys. Even the monkeys were cleaned up so badly in the morning. Now they have no confidence to deal with this suddenly powerful ancient style.

   Hearing what Feng Shao said, he immediately got off the donkey along the slope, helped Feng Shao and left.

   Jiang Meiyuan looked back from time to time, her face full of incredulity. Beside her, she didn't know what happened just now, but she knew that Feng Shao not only learned how to bark, but also seemed to be very afraid of the ancient style. this possible? A mere poor student with no background can make Feng Shao afraid?

  If this ancient style can really make Feng Shao scared, why would he use him as a backer to win Feng Shao's attention?

   Jiang Meiyuan felt that her worldview suddenly collapsed.
