MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-Chapter 1 Giants compete for production

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  Chapter 1 Rich families contend for property

  In Xiangjiang in July, the sweltering heat makes people upset.

  In an old-fashioned villa in Repulse Bay, in the hall on the first floor, there is a coffin, a photo of a kind-faced old woman is placed in the middle, and there are many incense burners and tributes.

   It's just that in the living room, there is not much sadness, more depression, and the feeling that the rain is coming.

   There were quite a few people sitting in the living room, but the only young man was an eighteen-year-old Chu Huan.

Chu Huan was wearing a black suit, leather shoes, and a white cloth tied around his arm. He was sitting there in a calm manner. He had been busy in the mourning hall all day, and he was already very tired. Looking at the lawyer's letter in his hand, Chu Huan knew that there was still a big drama waiting for him in the Chu family tonight.

  Chu Huan has seen such scenes in another time and space, no matter in TVB dramas or in various news, about the property dispute case of Xiangjiang wealthy family.

   It's just that Chu Huan never thought that he would experience such a **** plot in less than a month after he was reborn.

Chu Tianxiao sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, without saying a word. There was still a cup of steaming ginseng tea in front of him, his expression neither sad nor happy, like an old monk who had entered meditation. Only forty years old.

   It's just that I am a little curious about Chu Huan who has no words. When will my silly nephew manage to make the Mount Tai collapse in front of his eyes without chaos?

Although the status of the Chu family in Xiangjiang is not considered a first-class wealthy family, it is still a family with a net worth of tens of millions. The family business Jiahu Textile Factory can even be ranked among the top ten factories in the textile industry in Xiangjiang. It stands to reason that my nephew When he found out that he was kicked out, he should have cried bitterly and begged for mercy, or cursed furiously.

  But now, he looks calm and calm, making it impossible to connect the young man in front of him with the stupid nephew who only knew how to read.

   "Second brother, you can't do this, Huanzai is still young, you let him out now, how will Huanzai live in the future?"

  Chu Huan hasn't said anything yet, his sister-in-law Chu Duanqing is already complaining about her nephew.

   "Little sister, what are you talking about? When my father was eighteen years old, he had already started a factory in Shanghai. Why can't Huanzai live?"

  Chu Tianren, Chu Huan's third uncle, reprimanded him.

"Third brother, you can't say that. When my mother passed away, I told you to take good care of Huanzai. Now that my mother just passed away, you are going to drive Huanzai out. How will you explain to your mother in the future?" Chu Duanqing Arguably said.

   "Little sister, you don't understand the family business, so don't talk too much, we are doing this for the good of Huanzi!"

  Chu Tianyi, Chu Huan's fourth uncle, said lightly.

   "I don't know, but you do. You have been working in your father-in-law's company all these years, when have you cared about the family business?" Chu Duanqing still disagreed with their treatment of Chu Huan.

   "Big sister, have you forgotten how big brother treated us in the past? Whatever we want, big brother will buy us. Why are you doing this to Huanzi now!" Chu Duanqing asked his big sister, Chu Duanjing, for help.

   "Brother has passed away for three years, Huanzi, of course we have to take care of it, but now the company is really in trouble, and we can't help it!" Chu Duanjing was wearing a cheongsam, sitting on the sofa with jewels.


   "Sister." Chu Huan suddenly interrupted what Chu Duanqing was about to say, and then stood up with a flat expression. Regarding the upcoming result, Chu Huan did not have any emotional fluctuations.

  In fact, the result has already been doomed. It is impossible for me now to be Chu Tianxiao's opponent. Because of his faceless earning here, I still have to leave in the end.

   Instead, it is better to walk in a chic way. As for the family business, it is nothing more than letting Chu Tianxiao help him take care of it for a period of time.

  As for how proud they will be today, how sad they will be in the future.


  Chu Huan never thought so.

   "Second Uncle, it's fine if you want me to leave the Chu family, but I'm afraid it's inappropriate to let me leave in such a despondent way!"

   It’s okay to go, but before you go, you can still fight for some, after all, you still need funds to start!

   "Huanzi." Chu Duanqing's voice was a little anxious.

   "Sister, I know it well!" Chu Huan gave Chu Duanqing a reassuring smile.

  Although Chu Tianxiao was curious about the change of his nephew, but now that the arrow is on the line, he will naturally not allow any accidents to happen to his plan.

   "Huanzi, it's not that the second uncle doesn't show affection, it's just that the company is struggling and owes a large amount of loans to the bank. The reason why you left the Chu family is to protect you!" Chu Tianxiao said.

Chu Huan shook his head. When the strengths of the two parties were not equal, Chu Huan seemed very easy-going: "I don't care about the company's affairs at all, but it's still the same sentence, second uncle asked me to leave the Chu family like this. impossible!"

   As Chu Tianxiao's loyal follower, Chu Tianren immediately said, "Why do you still want the company's shares?"

  I want a company, not just a share

   "Of course not. I just want some cash. I don't think Second Uncle wants people outside to say that you are bullying your nephew, right?" Chu Huan laughed.

   "You still want to show up"

  Chu Tianxiao waved his hand, interrupted Chu Tianren, and said with a smile: "As long as Second Uncle has what you want, I will definitely give it to you!"

   "Don't worry, second uncle, you can definitely get it." Chu Huan replied, "I only need 50,000 Hong Kong dollars!"

Chu Tianxiao was slightly taken aback. He didn’t expect that Chu Huan only needed 50,000 Hong Kong dollars. Although 50,000 Hong Kong dollars is a lot for ordinary people, the annual salary of an ordinary worker is only four to five thousand Hong Kong dollars. As far as Haifeng Textile is concerned, it is really nothing.

   "You are telling the truth!" Chu Tianxiao asked.

   "Of course, now that Second Uncle gives me the money, I'll sign it now!" Chu Huan responded lightly.

   "No way!" Chu Duanqing shouted immediately, his nephew looked shrewd just now, why is he so stupid again, he is really stupid in reading, what can 50,000 Hong Kong dollars do?

   "Little sister, Huanzi has already agreed, what are you talking about?" Chu Tianren said dissatisfiedly beside him.

   "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I know it well!" Chu Huan once again showed a reassuring smile to Chu Duanqing.

Chu Tianxiao did not go to see Chu Duanqing, but took out a check book in his arms, wrote a series of numbers, tore it off, handed it to Chu Huan, and said: "This is a check book from HSBC Bank. Cheque!"

  Chu Huan took the check, glanced at it, and said with a smile, "Lend me the pen!"

  Took the pen from Chu Tianxiao, and signed his name on the document in front of him. He knew that after signing his name, he would have nothing to do with Jiahu Textile.

  Chu Tianxiao watched Chu Huan sign his name on the document, and smiled, and said, "You can stay at home for another night, and you can find a place to move tomorrow!"

  Chu Huan put the check in his arms and said, "No need, I'll leave today, otherwise I'm worried that you won't be able to sleep well, second uncle!"

Chu Tianxiao, who had already achieved his goal, did not care about his nephew's sarcasm. For him, holding Jiahu Textile firmly in his hands was the most important thing. Now that the first obstacle has been cleared, the remaining next is

Chu Huan, who was about to leave, took a look at Chu Duanjing, and couldn't help but said: "Auntie, can you take off the earring on your left ear, the one on the right is gone, it's really awkward to carry one !"

   This **** obsessive-compulsive disorder didn't go away with rebirth, Chu Huan had endured it all night.

  Going back to his room, he tidied up casually. In fact, he took a few clothes and some necessities, and Chu Huan left the Chu family villa.

  Seeing Chu Huan leave the Chu family villa without looking back, Chu Duanqing gave his brothers and sisters a hard look, and then chased them out.

"Huanzi, why are you so confused, Jiahu Textile was made by your father himself, and you just give up like this, how can you be worthy of your father?" Chu Duanqing grabbed Chu Huan's arm outside the villa, Said angrily.

  Chu Huan, who was reborn for a month, after merging the memory of this body, was lucky to find that the name of this body was also called Chu Huan.

  At the same time, Chu Huan felt family affection not only from the late old lady of the Chu family, but also from this sister-in-law during this period of time.

  So Chu Huan is also willing to explain to her.

"Sister-in-law, there is nothing I can do if I don't agree. Daddy has been dead for three years. In these three years, Chu Tianxiao has already taken the iron bucket of Jiahu Textile. If I have to argue with him , If he uses any means, I may not have anything left, and now I still have at least 50,000 Hong Kong dollars to take!"

  Jiahu Textile has a market value of more than 10 million, or Xiangjiang in 1971, with a market value of more than 10 million. Chu Huan naturally knows what this is, but so what?

  Now he is just an 18-year-old boy. No matter whether he is in Xiangjiang or in a factory, he can be said to have no foundation. How could he possibly beat Chu Tianxiao?

  Since this is the case, it is better to seize the interests that you can grasp.

  This is Xiangjiang in 1971, a place of prosperity and a hero!

  Chu Huan believes that with his ability and memory in his previous life, he will definitely be able to leave his footprints in this era. As for the immediate gains and losses, in his opinion, it is not important at all.

  Chu Duanqing fell into silence, she knew that what Chu Huan said was true, not to mention Chu Huan, after what happened tonight, she knew that she might not be staying at this house for long.

"Sister-in-law, I don't think you can stay in the Chu family for long. If Chu Tianxiao really wants to drive you away, you will be like me. Ask him for money or cash. You don't have to quarrel with them. They won't Listening to your troubles, when you come to Hong Kong University to find me, I will definitely let you live a richer life than them!" Chu Huan said.

   As for whether sister-in-law Chu Duanqing would listen, Chu Huan didn't care.

   After all, Chu Huan is still very self-centered!

  Chu Duanqing's mind was a little confused at this time, and he didn't answer Chu Huan's words, and asked, "Then where are you going now?"

  Chu Huan thought for a while and said, "Let's go to Mandarin Hotel and get a room first!"

  Now Xiangjiang is not peaceful, ICAC has not yet been established, the four chief inspectors have not officially retired, clubs are rampant, it is the era of demons dancing wildly, Chu Huan does not want to let himself be arrested and beheaded.

  Chu Duanqing was dissatisfied when he heard that Chu Huan was going to Wenhua to open a house, and immediately said dissatisfied: "Why go to Wenhua, it's so expensive, it's not as good as before, Huanzi, you have to have a plan for your future!"

  Chu Huan didn't explain either, he just said he knew, then he stopped a taxi and left here.

   As for the Chu family, how Chu Tianren plans to deal with his brothers and sisters is not what Chu Huan needs to consider, but what he needs to consider at this time.

  How to survive in this era of dancing demons.

   Adorable new author, new book please collect, please recommend~~



  (end of this chapter)