MTL - The Most Generous Master Ever-Chapter 820 :You can try

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"What a strong sword intent!"

Feeling the overwhelming sword intent, Ye Qiu frowned. Over the years, he has encountered many sword masters.

However, no one has ever given him such a strong sense of oppression like today.

This person! Is a very dangerous person.

Compared with the same period, Xiao Jinse at this moment was also shocked in his heart.

He never expected that in this short period of a hundred years, such a person would appear in the Heaven-Mending Holy Land.

"It's kind of interesting! This bleak sword aura, dancing in the wind and fluttering, carries an icy cold aura, which makes people daunting."

"It seems that what Master said is true. In the short span of a hundred years, the situation outside the mountain has changed, and outstanding people have emerged in large numbers."

"I didn't know about the opponents in the past, but now I don't know anything about the outstanding ones."

"What have I missed in the past hundred years? A bright moon has appeared, and now an opponent with great potential has emerged."


He bowed his head in silence, no one knew what Xiao Jinse was thinking at the moment.

He may be lamenting that in the hundred years since he left, the times have changed and the past is gone.

Now, he doesn't know any of the new and powerful people who have emerged, and he feels a sense of loss.

Of course, after the loss, there is more excitement, because he is too lonely.

A hundred years ago, he, who was unparalleled in the world, could not find an opponent that could excite him, but now... there are already many such opponents.

He is an extreme sword idiot. He has been trapped by the way of the sword all his life. In order to comprehend the supreme sword intent, he entered the restricted area and practiced hard for a hundred years, and finally realized it.

After leaving the customs, I thought it was an invincible posture, and returned to the peak of the past.

But he didn't expect to meet Ye Qiu on the first day after leaving the customs.

One is above the Dao of the Sword, not weaker than him at all.

At this moment, two strong sword intents were fighting secretly above the nine heavens, and the collision of the torn sword qi tore apart the void, the wind danced wildly, and the entire mountain trembled.

In this weird atmosphere, everyone's breathing became tighter, watching all this intently, for fear of missing a great battle.

However, what is puzzling is that neither of these two men made a move, they looked at each other across the air, as if the exchange of eyes had already started a big battle.

After being silent for a long time, Ye Qiu took the initiative to take a step forward, and said with an extremely calm expression, "Ye Qiu!"

Under the strange and quiet atmosphere, Xiao Jinse was silent for a second, her frosty face remained unchanged.

He calmly responded, "Xiao Jinse!"

This was their first official introduction, and the two were still testing each other out.

No one made a move, and no one was sure that they could completely defeat their opponents.

So, after making eye contact, they seem to have reached some kind of consensus and chose another way.

Slowing down, Ye Qiu suddenly smiled and said, "You are very strong! Among the opponents I have met, you should be the strongest one."

There is no flattery, this is Ye Qiu's most sincere evaluation.

The other party didn't deny it, just said: "Hehe...really? I think so too."

As soon as these words came out, the corners of Ye Qiu's mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything.

He only heard the other party say again: "But you are not bad, for more than a hundred years, there are people who can be so calm and composed in my field of sword energy, there are few people in one hand."

"I can take it as, is this your compliment to me?"

Ye Qiu asked back.

Xiao Jinse didn't deny it, nodded, and said, "Why not? I can feel that you are a swordsman genius, but... I don't think that you can defeat me in the field of swordsmanship."

An extremely confident demeanor, if ordinary people say such things, everyone will definitely think he is bragging.

You have to know who Ye Qiu is, and he has never lost a single defeat since his debut.

And he used his sword to set many legendary records and defeated many powerful enemies.

Everyone is convinced of his strength, but...for Xiao Jinse, a hundred-year-old myth, his words seem to be more convincing.

Everyone is also looking forward to a fair contest between this myth from a hundred years ago and Ye Qiu, the current myth.

I just don't know why, neither of these two seem to have any plans to do anything.

After being silent for a long time, Ye Qiu's expression did not show any change, while Lin Qingzhu, Yaya, Linglong behind him all breathed tightly.

They could all feel that the opponent who came this time was stronger than ever before, full of pressure.

I was very worried about whether Master could resist such pressure.

Unconsciously clenching her fists, Lin Qingzhu felt a little regretful. If she had stopped Linglong before and prevented her from making a move, there would have been no such thing.

But this idea is somewhat naive.

The opponent's intentions were obvious, even if Linglong didn't make a move, he would still appear.

Perhaps it was instructed by someone, and it was aimed at Ye Qiu.


After being silent for a long time, Ye Qiu suddenly smiled. Now the Heaven-Mending Holy Land is becoming more and more interesting.

With the approaching of the Sky-Mending Festival, those true geniuses hidden under the water surface finally surfaced.

Xiao Jinse was the first one, Ye Qiu didn't know who would be next, and he didn't know what kind of terrifying opponent he would meet in the future.

After all, Xiao Jinse was a myth a hundred years ago, and no one can guarantee whether there will be a more powerful myth two hundred, or even three hundred, or a thousand years ago.

Because this Butian Pavilion is too old, and it is extremely huge, with intricate and complicated forces.

No one can tell how many big fish are hidden under this muddy water.

But this is not important, what is important is that the other party has already come to the door.

It was impossible for Ye Qiu to avoid seeing him, this was something he would have to face sooner or later.

Going back to the original question, Ye Qiu answered Xiao Jinse's words head-on.

"Hehe... Can I defeat you?"

"Maybe, you can give it a try!"

As soon as these words came out, in an instant... the air in Sifang Tiandi instantly condensed, and an icy cold air suddenly covered the entire Zixia Dojo.

In the bleak cold wind, the clothes of the two moved with the wind, and the seemingly immobile figure seemed like a sharp sword ready to explode at any time.


"Is this the oppressive feeling of It's too scary."

The sudden cold air made the onlookers tremble with fear, as if facing two sharp swords of death.

Taking a deep breath, no one dared to make any movement.

Are you going to fight?

The result was a bit unexpected. After a long silence, Xiao Jinse took the lead to withdraw his sword posture.

And after he withdrew his sword gesture, Ye Qiu also retracted his sword gesture, neither of them said anything.

Xiao Jinse looked coldly at those disciples of the Heavenly Dao lineage, and said coldly: "You shameful thing, go back."

When the disciples heard this, their faces turned pale with fright. They had no doubt that if they did not listen to Xiao Jinse's words, what would meet them would be Xiao Jinse's ruthless sword.