MTL - The Mercenary World of Online Games-Chapter 9 Play games (2)

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Pushing, years of gaming experience is still useful. And also successfully brushed a wave of favorability, this sour!

Needless to say, he took the initiative to trigger the mission and showed great enthusiasm for the eradication of the Earl. In addition, his record of killing the werewolf Montico will make Diosset's attitude towards the enemy forces worthy of expectation.

He said, "So, what should we do next?"

Pushing forward to push forward, if he decides how to deal with the super boss like Piaget, he has no clue, following the advice of npc is the correct way of thinking.

Diosy nodded and smiled: "With thousands of years of accumulation, Earl Sindlow's power is infinitely close to the god, even he is the god. In the face of such an enemy, our chance of winning is very small. I am still considering specific plans, but We can weaken Hindlow in other ways. "

I really can't see that you are thinking about strategy. How do you think it is like you want to pit brother in front of the mine? As long as you do n’t pit people, how do you think about it, Dawei said: "Other aspects?"

"The system prompts: Is the player accepting the sideline task [Earl Minions Eradicated]?"

Dawei likes this type of communication, and goes to the task without talking nonsense.

[Elimination of the Earl's Minions]: The vampire Earl Sindlow is powerful, and the servants around him should not be underestimated. The great sage? Diosset wants you to kill the Earl's slaves as much as possible and weaken his power.

After reading the mission introduction, Dawei immediately understood that the task of cursing the forest was not prepared for his whiteboard number. To kill a big boss, grab it from Xiaoyu first, the obvious killing monster upgrade routine, wait until the player level is well-equipped, and then fight the male and female.

Now Dawei, it's no use killing a lot of crickets, he doesn't have attribute data. To kill or not to kill, the Earl is there. Dawei's strength has not increased or diminished, but he is still a small one.

This is really a sad story.

"I don't think those minions will have an impact on us. It is Earl Hindlow who decides the overall situation." Dawei slashed.

The Great Sage Diossai sighed, "That's because of your ignorance, my child."

"System prompt: Players get information about the vampire count."

I go, this can trigger system information, how strong is the count's slave? Dawei suddenly thought that the werewolf Montico was also an earl running dog, even that of Ji Lisi. He thought he was speechless here, and he was really ignorant.

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