MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 441

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Steno: "Since my sisters have all gone, I naturally won't stop, and I'm very worried that Yuri Allie is alone in another world."

Long Niang: "Is Steno sauce going to bring Yuri Allie back? It's great, so the three of us can form a female debut. Tell me, what's the name of the three of us? Does it sound good?"

Ling Ye: "You're still in the Little Tigers? Where did you know these names?

Also, my two sisters, why did my younger sister form a girl with you, Long Niang, is it not nice to call the twins 2 when they first debuted?"

,Dragon Girl "3! Great idea Brave Dragon Girl, how about we debut under this name"

Brave Dragon Lady "It's not good, I want to be a movie star, not an idol."

Long Niang: "Crying, I don't help me myself, is it really so difficult for me to make my debut?"

Nero: "How about Long Niang, are you interested in our combination? I am very interested."

Long Niang: "Forget it, your singing voice is too high-end, I can't appreciate it."

Nero "........Runner! Look at the dragon!"

Ling Ye: " guys want to discuss your debut and discuss it later, it's time to get down to business!"

Ling Ye, who was holding the moon machine, suddenly felt his head was a little bit, are these... Heroic spirits are too busy, even thinking about making a debut, can you be more unreliable? Then, ,,,,,Yang Yuhuan "You can still debut as an idol, then I want to form a classical band, called Menghui Datang, now there is a pipa player, who will sign up?"

Ling Ye... Well, there is more time for this, even the band is ready to be formed, I will find you a management company when the time comes, and you can debut together.

Wait..., am I talking about the crew? Damn, this dragon girl can really make trouble.

After reacting, Ling Ye directly sent a message in the group and said, "So, the ones going to sea this time are... the captain, me, the deputy captain Drake, the helmsman Medusa, the cleaner Anna, and the musician Steno. What about this position? It's so strange that there is still a lack of a sniper and a fighter, who will come?"

Atalanta "Come on, I have sailed on the Vargo, and I think I have good eyesight."

Chiron: "Will you go to Atalanta? In that case, I won't go. After all, you have more experience in sailing at sea."

Achilles: "Then I will be the fighter. Fighting is the most interesting thing! My hands are itchy during this time."

Looking at the team in front of him, Ling Ye couldn't help laughing.

Not bad, my fleet can definitely be said to be a ship that has never been seen before or since. Even the Valgo, which was a ship of heroes back then, can't match the combat effectiveness of my ship.

Looking at these people like himself, Ling Ye couldn't help laughing, "In that case, let's get ready to go to sea!"

Drake "Then I'll go and summon my Golden Hart."

Drake immediately prepared to summon his own treasure, however, how could Ling Ye watch the other party summon the treasure, he was the captain of the ship, of course he had to use his own.

Otherwise, the captain can't be Drake, no, how can a man be controlled by a woman, etc...! How can I have a boat with my own boat? ,It’s too troublesome to go to any world to grab one, and I’m not the kind **** people’s things, so,,, "System, exchange for a boat for me."

"It's the master."

The system directly opened the system mall, and seeing all kinds of colorful ships in the system mall, Ling Ye couldn't help being stunned at this moment.

"Fuck, system, you even have this kind of boat"


Chapter 1302━━Arrival, FGO Singularity

Arrival, on the calm sea of ​​the singularity, a group of visitors from another world descended.

The moment the world-transmitting gate was opened, several figures came out of the world-transmitting gate one after another.

Stepping on the ground of this world, Ling Ye couldn't help showing a smile.

"Is this the third singularity? This vast sea really makes people feel majestic."

Listening to Ling Ye's words, at this moment, all the heroic spirits in front of them nodded silently.

Looking at the sea in front of her, Atalanta couldn't help but said, "Is this the singularity of this world? I remember that I descended in this world, but this time I didn't respond to the call, so I don't know what will happen."

Atalanta remembered the plots she had played before, and she also began to worry about the enemies she was about to face.

If she remembers correctly, the enemies in this chapter ━━━━━━━━━ are... the Blackbeard Pirates and the Vargo Sailing Group.

The Blackbeard Pirates side... has no effect, but the ones summoned by the Valgo should be myself, Jason, Hercules, and Hector And Medea, but because of my own reasons, it is impossible for this world to summon Hercules and Atalanta, which means that there will be variables.

"However, the strongest combat power of the Valgo is Hercules. If Hercules is held down by us, then there will be nothing difficult in this world."

Atalanta began to mutter to himself at this moment, there are so many heroes on the Vargo, but most of them are relatively average, so Atalanta doesn't think she can't fight the opponent, but, against the former comrades in arms, Atalanta is still not used to it.

But beside her, Achilles... looked indifferent.

"I heard that guy Hector has also come to this world, interesting guy, Ling Ye, when the time comes, leave that guy to me, don't worry, I will definitely make the name Achilles his eternal nightmare .”

Looking at the appearance of Achilles, Ling Ye couldn't help but sighed, Hector was already very unlucky, but if he met you, Achilles, he should be even more unlucky.

Ling Ye thought for a while, and then said helplessly, "Okay, don't think too much, let's see which island this island is, in case this is Yuri Ellie's... island."

"Maybe, then, let's search this island separately first, and come back here to gather after an hour, how about it?"

On the one hand, Atalanta directly made an opinion, seeing it is still very reliable, after all, no one in the sea knows what will happen, so it is very important to do a good job of detection.

After listening to Atalanta's words, everyone nodded and walked in all directions.

Ling Ye is the strongest, one person, one Achilles is very strong, one person, one team 1.

Drake is very strong, one person, one team 1.

Atalanta and Mash a team 1.

Valgon Three Sisters and One Team 1.

In an instant, the five 55 teams began to search the island continuously.

And at this moment, on this island, a group of pirates are actively searching for everything on the island.

This is a small group of pirates, they don't look like little bosses, they can be said to be a group of small gangsters, but at this moment, these gangsters don't have the consciousness of being a part-timer at all.

"Bangbei, you said that the eldest sister asked us to come out to find the prey. We have been looking for it for so long but we still can't find it. How can we explain to the eldest sister when we go back?"

"How can we explain that we can't conjure prey without prey?"

"Why is there no prey? If you hadn't caught that wild boar just now, we must have caught the prey!"

"Then you can rely on me! It's not because of your bad marksmanship!"

For a while, the two young men began to quarrel, and their boss asked them to go hunting, but unfortunately, these two guys were too weak, and they couldn't even handle a wild boar in such a long time, so the two complained here.

Not far away at this moment, Drake, who was searching the island, obviously heard this voice, and when he heard the voice on this island, Drake also showed a smile.

The first task in an unfamiliar place is... to get the information of the current place first.

in spite of....

Whether it is an enemy or one of our own, as long as there is someone, it means that you can ask for information.

Drake knows very well that most pirates in this world don't have such strong courage at all. Many pirates only need to hold a gun: they can ask questions when they are frightened.

Drake believes, unless he meets his own pirate group.

Otherwise, she would be sure to be accurate as soon as she threatened with a gun.

Thinking of this, Drake excitedly clenched the gun in his hand and slowly walked past the two of them.

At this moment, the two pirates are still there: discussing where to hunt next, and at this moment, they feel two pistols fall on their heads.

"Don't move, don't look back, tell me, where is this island!"

Chapter 1303━━True and False Drake

True and false Drake "Don't shoot, we're good people!"

The little pirate Bombe said embarrassedly, he was also a little scared, but he knew that if he didn't... Seriously, he would probably die straight away.

And listening to the other party's words, Drake snorted disdainfully, there are still good people making jokes in this sea, even she herself doesn't think she is a good person.

"I am from the Drake Pirates. This is a small island where we are temporarily stationed. Our boss is drinking. Let's go hunting and get her some snacks."

Drake...Damn! After a long time, it turned out to be someone from my own family! Drake began to think about the name of the other party. Now Drake has not completed the world tour, and the power under her is not so huge. But it is also a large pirate group with a scale of 100 people.

There are really not many who can fight against her in this sea.

"You two guys turn around and see who I am!"

Drake yelled, and then the two pirates turned their heads silently.

Seeing the figure in front of them, the two little pirates breathed a sigh of relief.

"This,,, big sister, don't scare us like this, we are timid!"

Bombay said embarrassedly.

"Yeah, big sister, why did you come out? Don't worry, we will find you something to eat right away!"

Bumby immediately too.

made a guarantee.

At this moment, the two pirates thought it was Drake who couldn't wait to come out and be self-sufficient.

However, how could they possibly think that the figure in front of them is not their eldest sister at all, or that the one in front of actually...a heroic spirit who came from the future! Seeing the two little pirates so respectful, Drake also I remembered the other person's name, no matter what, it was the person who followed me first, even if I couldn't remember the name, I could still do it if I was familiar.

Not to mention why Drake has such a bad memory, who can remember these after so many years......, just like you can now remember the average-looking and middle-class students in the next class What's the name of the classmate you haven't talked to yet? "That...,Bang,,,,Bang,,,Bang,,,"

"Bumby, Bombey."


Drake remembered vaguely, "I'm lost, take me back."

Looking at Drake in front of them, the two naturally had no doubts. Although the eldest sister's sense of direction has always been very good, she might be drinking too much now. past.

And at this moment, in the gathering place, a figure was sitting in the very center, she was feasting on the freshly baked seabird wings with a glass of wine in one hand.

"Why haven't Bomby and Bombey come back yet? Maybe they didn't succeed in hunting and were killed by their prey."

The figure took another bite of the bird's wing as he spoke, and then took a sip of the ale.

This figure looks extraordinarily bold, she is obviously an extremely **** and hot Yujie, but her temperament is extraordinarily shocking.

Francis Drake! The maritime overlord of this world is also a legend in the future, but at this moment, the overlord's mood doesn't look very good.

And beside her, the pirates are also happily drinking the ale in front of them. Although the quality of the wine is not very good, they don't mind... the men in the sea, and I don't see the eldest sister eating these something?

What are they dissatisfied with? "Sister, don't worry, those two guys will be back soon."

On one side, a pirate said respectfully to Drake, it is not difficult to see from his eyes that he respects the Drake in front of him from the bottom of his heart, and he also respects the Drake in front of him sincerely. It's the same whether it's him or any other pirate.

"I don't doubt their strength, I'm just worried that the two of them hunt enough prey for everyone to eat."

Drake shook his head helplessly, then she teasingly said to the subordinates in front of her, "However, if they don't hunt enough, it will be bad if everyone is hungry."

"Don't worry, boss, even if we are hungry, it's okay, as long as we follow the boss, even if we starve to death, we will die well!"

"That's right...! Following the eldest sister is the right way!"

"The eldest sister's head is my real mother in my heart!"

"Damn, you **** is too much!"

All of a sudden, everyone began to express their sincerity. Although Drake is not the kind... who likes to listen to flattery, there is no harm in a few compliments. Sure enough, at this moment, Drake has a happy expression on his face. expression.

It was at this moment that someone suddenly yelled, "Hi! Bumby and Bumbe are back!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone became excited. They didn't know what prey Bumby and Bumbe had brought back this time, but the excitement hadn't passed yet, and the next sentence made them feel a little dazed.


Chapter 1304 - Drake vs Drake

Drake Drake "Everyone, we are back, why did you let the eldest sister run out first,,,"

Bombay walked over silently, and the heroic spirit Drake was also walking slowly behind him, she felt lost for a while looking at the familiar faces in front of her.

"Kura, it's good to see you alive."

"Jinke, your hands are still there, your legs are still intact, and your eyes are not missing. Sure enough, you are still quite handsome when you are complete."

"Corvo, why are you so young, but this is fine, but you have to be careful of a woman named Della, she will give you a cuckold in the future."

"Baylor... I'm glad you're not captured yet."