MTL - The Male Supporting Roles Who Are Lonely and Old All the Time-Chapter 23 .Deposed Prince 6 (Second update)

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On the second day, the old emperor suddenly issued an order to arrest the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion, and the whole family, young and old, were all charged with crimes such as stealing dragon robes and slandering the prince. Hundreds of soldiers surrounded the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion, and the leader was Marquis of Wu'an's old opponent Wei Guogong, who was sitting at the door with a big horse and a sword, scanning the audience, not letting any fly in the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion go.

Marquis Wu An was caught off guard by the beating, and was held backhanded by two tall and burly soldiers and brought out. Right now, he was furious, his face was flushed, and he was yelling loudly, wronged and slandered.

Wei Guogong looked him up and down for a while, gloated and said: "Old Tian, ​​why are you so hard to think about it, slandering the prince, that is your own nephew, what do you think? Tsk tsk."

When Marquis Wu An heard this, he immediately knew that the matter had been revealed, and his whole body became ashamed, and he became a few years older.

At this moment, a group of female relatives in the backyard were also pulled out. Marquis Wu An saw his delicate and weak daughter being roughly pulled by two big soldiers, his heart ached, he struggled and shouted: "Let go of my daughter!"

"Daddy! Help me!" Tian Weirong looked panic-stricken, her hair was in a messy bun, and she looked weak and pitiful.

In the blink of an eye, Marquis Wu'an suddenly remembered that his daughter and nephew are still engaged to each other! He grabbed this life-saving straw and shouted at Wei Guogong anxiously: "The little girl is King Jing's fiancee! You are not allowed to take her away! If you want to send her, you can only send her to King Jing's mansion!"

Wei Guogong was silent, looked up at the sky, with a strange expression on his face: "Old Tian, ​​what are you dreaming about in broad daylight? You are a father who framed King Jing, and your daughter still wants to continue to be Princess Jing?"

The soldiers laughed.

"Besides..." Wei Guogong deliberately paused for a while to whet everyone's appetites, and then he looked at Tian Weirong, who had paled in color, and said meaningfully, "Tian Weirong is meritorious in proving evidence, and she is exonerated. The emperor ordered me to send Tian Weirong to the residence of the common man He Jingwen."

The proof is meritorious! Common man He Jingwen!

Marquis Wu'an and Tian Weirong were stunned by the two words!

Wei Guogong saw that he was stupid, and shook his head, seeing that it was late, he stopped delaying and waved his hand: "Take it away!"

The soldiers mobilized and took away all the family and servants of the Marquis of Wu'an. The property was counted and put into the warehouse, and the gate was sealed with a white strip. The famous Marquis of Wu'an's mansion came to an end.

The people and officials in Beijing were all terrified by this incident, so they inquired about the charges, stealing dragon robes, and slandering the prince! scare! Each of them is a serious crime of beheading and ransacking the house!

There were quite a few people who were related to the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion, some of them were separated for a while, some of them were severed, and some of them jumped out to kill their relatives righteously. They were tremblingly expecting the emperor's lenient treatment, so that Yuchi would not be harmed.

With the resignation of the Marquis of Wu'an, the officials of the East Palace, who were originally from the prince's line, seemed to see hope. Since the prince was slandered, now that the truth is revealed, he should be restored to the position of prince!

Many people's hearts became hot, waiting eagerly for the old emperor's decree.

Yet they were disappointed. The old emperor dealt with the party in the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion vigorously and vigorously, but he did not restore the position of prince. Some people couldn't stand it anymore and asked questions in the early court.

The old emperor only raised his eyelids and said calmly, "King Jing got angry a few days ago, and he was not feeling well. He is temporarily unable to take on the duties of the prince. We will discuss this matter later."

As soon as these words came out, many people clattered and their hearts turned cold. So is the old emperor still afraid of the prince?

The people who were still fiery immediately got up, worried.

The other princes were full of excitement, and the position of prince was left vacant, so it meant they had a chance! Immediately, one by one seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, scrambling to show up in front of the old emperor, and the concubines in the harem also became enthusiastic, working for the benefit of their sons and daughters.

Concubine Wan was promoted to the position of concubine because of the medicine donation. Now she is proud of herself and has a smile on her face. Her family background is low and she only gave birth to a daughter. She is already very satisfied to be a concubine. As long as she can find a reliable husband for her daughter , this life is considered complete.

Because the old emperor issued a seal order about the medicine offering, outsiders didn't know the reason for Concubine Wan's promotion. They only guessed that the silly third princess had won the old emperor's pity again, and the mother was more expensive than her son. All of a sudden, many of the prince's family were eyeing the third princess, so it's okay to be slow, if you get a second son, you can give the prince a boost.

Concubine Wan did not respond to any of the Buddhist teachings throughout the course. She knew the importance of King Jing in the old emperor's heart, so how could she hook up with other princes and destroy her own future.

If Concubine Wan didn't accept the offer, the princes turned their attention to their own backyard. One concubine on both sides could win over three father-in-laws.

It just so happened that the day of the three-year minor election had arrived. These old emperors were not in good health, and people no longer entered the harem. The girls in the minor election were basically allotted to royal family members.

The princes expressed to the old emperor openly and secretly: I am short of a wife!

Those with main concubines wanted to pick two side concubines, while those without main concubines were more anxious, wanting to fill the three positions at once, and didn't worry about future battles in the back house.

The old emperor looked at his young and energetic sons, and felt a little jealous. Thinking that his health had improved a lot, this time he chose a few beauties to enter the palace for the first time.

Wen Xianliang watched the old emperor choose him, pointed out many beauties to the princes and princes, and couldn't help reminding: "King Jing's backyard is still empty."

A few days ago, he was supposed to get married to the eldest daughter of the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion, but one after another, the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion was destroyed, Tian Weirong was sent to He Jingwen's Mansion, King Jing became a widowed old man.

The old emperor thought about it too, looked at the list of beautiful girls and pondered for a moment, and finally pointed to the daughter of a noble family.

side concubine.

Wen Xianliang was puzzled: "The emperor didn't choose a concubine?"

The old emperor spoke earnestly with sign language on his back: "The incident of Tian Weirong made me vigilant. The position of the main concubine is of great importance. The candidate needs to be carefully considered. If you can't choose it for a while, let's point to a side concubine first, so that someone will wait by the prince's side. "

Although the position of prince was not restored, the old emperor was still used to calling people that way in private. Now the old emperor is very satisfied with the crown prince who can make Yangyuan pills and is not greedy for power. Since he is satisfied, he can't help but think a little more. The current concubine Jing Wang will be the crown prince and queen in the future. Naturally, he has to choose a prince. Born in a famous family, dignified and generous.

Right now, I really can't choose.

Thus, without He Dongchen's knowledge at all, there was an extra side concubine.

The selected show girl Shen Weining was even more nervous and terrified. Her family background is called Qinggui, her father and brother are both Jinshi, and both work as errands in the Imperial Academy. To put it bluntly, her foundation is superficial, and the mud on her legs has not been washed clean.

This small election was thought to be just a formality, but unexpectedly, she was suddenly chosen as the side concubine of King Jing, the former prince's side concubine!

After Shen Weining was sent home, he was silent with the panic-stricken Shen family. In their Shen family, the son was determined to take the imperial examination, and he never thought of marrying his daughter into a wealthy family. This time I will enter the palace for a small election, because the in-laws who had negotiated suddenly turned their faces and were caught off guard. It is really a wrong step to enter the backyard of the palace now.

Wu shi hugged her daughter and wept silently. The side concubine said nicely, isn't she still a concubine? Now that there is no main concubine in King Jing's mansion, life can be relaxed, but once King Jing's mansion enters the concubine, that life may be uncertain. Living according to the character of the princess, the Shen family is a small family, and they can't help much, so what should I do.

In the end, it was the old lady of the Shen family who said, what can I do, let's take a step and see.

At night, after sending away the sad-looking Wu family, Shen Weining lay in bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep, and couldn't help searching for bits and pieces about King Jing. But after thinking about it, it seemed that she only remembered one scene. She attended a flower viewing banquet last year. The eldest girl of Marquis Wu'an's mansion was also there. It was a bright spring day. King Jing, who was still the prince, wore a white robe and held a jade fan.

Since childhood, Shen Weining knew that the prince and Tian Weirong were unmarried couples, and the two of them attracted attention wherever they went, while he, who was of low status, acted as a silent passerby. Never thought that one day, passer-by A would come to the front and marry that man who was Qingfeng Jiyue and Lanzhi Yushu.

Feeling apprehensive and yearning, Shen Weining tossed and turned, unable to hold his eyelids in the middle of the night and gradually fell asleep.

In King Jing's Mansion, He Dongchen was still calm and calm in the face of the system's jokes, flipping through his medical books, the hot tea on the stone table in front of him kept tumbling, the tea was fragrant and smoky.

Looking from a distance, one can only feel that there is a banished immortal sitting in the gazebo, which should not be desecrated.

The official from the Ministry of Rites who came to discuss the side concubine's entry into the mansion was taken aback for a moment, and after regaining his senses, he hurried forward to salute and explain the purpose of his visit.

"These are a few days selected by Qin Tianjian, please choose one, my lord."

He Dongchen took it over and saw that the days were very similar, and the farthest one was only in the middle of next month, so there was no difference at all, so he said, "Arrange to enter the house as soon as possible."

"Yes." The official of the Ministry of Rites, Xindao King Jing, looked at the exiled immortal. In fact, there is still a need.

He Dongchen looked at his wrinkled face with a clear expression, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he waved his hand, asking him to contact Xiao Lingling.

The system lay down on a piece of pastry, spread itself into a light cake, gloated and said, "Is it a surprise, is it a surprise, suddenly there is an extra daughter-in-law."

He Dongchen said calmly: "Fortunately, not two."

"I have Shen Weining's data card here, family background, hobbies and specialties, height measurements, who has a crush on, I guarantee it is accurate, do you want to see it, only ten points!" The system starts its daily activities, soliciting consumption. is its only current task.

"No need." He Dongchen refused.

"Okay." Disappointed, the system flipped through the mall, and quickly continued its efforts, "Does the boss need a golden gun, seven times a night! Now there are activities in the mall, just one point, and you will be rewarded!"

"Cough, cough, cough." He Dongchen, who was drinking tea, choked, put down the teacup and said speechlessly, "The glory is still there, no need."

This system is unorthodox.

"Okay." The unscrupulous system sighed, as if drooping its head, turned over the mall, and finally hugged He Dongchen's thigh crying, "Boss! You just spend and spend, and you still have kpi!"

The corner of He Dongchen's mouth twitched, he flicked away the ball of light hanging from his leg, and said unhurriedly: "But I don't need anything."

"Why not? Think hard. You are about to marry a wife. Do you have to prepare beauty products, as well as Shengzi Dan Baotai Pill postpartum repair and beauty cream? Arrange everything!"

"I can do this myself." He Dongchen remained unmoved, and poured himself a cup of hot tea in a leisurely manner.

The system cried loudly, hid aside and shut itself up.

He Dongchen felt that if the system had an entity, the expression would be particularly vivid. Thinking of this, he opened the system mall, quickly found a puppet in the shape of a dog according to his memory, and clicked to buy it.

In the next second, a palm-sized little yellow dog appeared on the stone table out of thin air. The autistic system let out a snort, and then, ecstatically, jumped onto the stone table with a whoosh, circling around the little yellow dog worth five thousand points. Excited and puzzled, the dog said, "Boss, why are you buying this?"

"Of course it is..." He Dongchen stretched out a finger, and flicked the little ball of light dangling around into the artificial dog.

"Have a pet."