MTL - The Magic Healer in the Another world-v3 Chapter 1347 Fallen

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"What do you mean by saying that this is entirely because you want to kill Jimmy?" Bocai’s indifferent voice sounded.

"Yes big brother, Jimmy, I told you before." Bosack had a panic on his face.

Can he not panic? Although the three major families, no matter who is right or wrong, will kill people who dare to make trouble in Thunder Island. But after he is the initiator, I am afraid that he will face huge punishment from the family and may even be killed.

"Well, you can retreat with peace of mind, there is me, you will not have anything."

Bokay’s indifferent voice sounded and made Boss’s mind calm.

"Elder Bokai, the patriarch will let you pass." At this moment, a waiter's voice came from outside Bocay.

"You can go back with peace of mind." Bocai nodded to his brother Bossac and then left his house.

After a while, only the sound of the wind rang, only a large number of people flew out of the Warren family house, and then quickly flew toward the disappearing blood of the sun, and in the other two families of the mountain range, there are also A large number of people flew out at a rapid speed, and the three teams quickly gathered together in midair.

In the sky, the leaders of the three teams met, and the three teams led the two, each of whom was a strong man wearing a purple robe. There were six people, five men and one woman. These six purple robe elders are the three major families. The real powerhouse, the character of the peak of the gods.

"The patriarch said, no matter who is going to make trouble, what is the end, it is also necessary to kill on the spot, to be the name of our Thunder Island." Volende family, Bocai indifferent.

"Oh, it seems that our Thunder Island has been calm for too long, and some people dare to make trouble." The other five purple robe elders are also sneer.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"...

When the voice fell, the six people took a large number of teams to the speed of the inner city.

"Call!" "Call!"...

The wind blew, Bocai flew in front of the six people, feeling the speed of a large number of teams flying behind him, Bocai brows slightly wrinkled.

"Let's go first!" Bocai knew the voice to six others.

Suddenly. Bokai and other six purple robe elders rose sharply, and immediately behind the team behind them, the speed of the six strongest people of the Japanese gods and gods peaked to the extreme, turned into six phantoms, and instantly went to the distance.

On the battlefield of the slaying of the outer city, Jason’s big array was released, and instantly enveloped everyone in the area of ​​a square.

"What's the matter?" Looking at the semicircular front, like a white envelope that covers a large number of blocks. Some black blood-stained warriors and a large number of tourists who have not been enveloped in the periphery are greatly changed.

"It's a battle. This is the battle, they have a master of the battle!"

The strong man who is familiar with the formation has exclaimed.

"Offensive, give me offense!" The outside world. Because of the previous flight, Ace was not covered by the law, and saw this amazing array. Ace immediately yelled at the many black bloodline warriors outside.

Suddenly, a large number of black blood-stained warriors immediately waved their weapons, and suddenly they snarled and attacked the big array formed by the chaos.

But at the moment when their attack is about to hit the big battle...

"Call!" Chaos burst into a big burst.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"...

The impact of countless attacks slammed on the big array, causing the whole big sway to sway, and countless shackles swayed on the surface of the attack. However, after a while, the turbulent chaos of the chaos regained calm.

Silk is not damaged!

The crazy attack of a large number of black blood-stained warriors did not break through the large array of Jason's arrangement.

"What?" Ace and many black blood-stained warriors, as well as the surrounding tourists, were shocked.

So many black blood-stained warriors' full-strike attacks can't break this big array!

And when they were shocked, countless powerful people were shrouded in formation. At the moment, there was not much panic in his face.

"Give me open!" Many of them were screaming in the mouth of the black blood-stained warriors. They were all white, and they couldn't see anything. They could only release their strongest power and squat toward the front.


Under their bombardment, the smoke was lingering. The chaos of the chaos continued to surge, but what surprised them was that his full blow could not break the law.

"What?" The black blood-stained warriors who were separated everywhere were shocked. They all understood that the scope of the law was so great. So the people who are shrouded are also incomparable, but in other places that they can't see. There must have been a lot of strong people struggling to break through, but with their own full blow, they were still unable to break, but they were all panicked.

"What is this array? I am the strongest of the moon and the gods, and there are so many comrades with me. If you go down, even the four-stripe method will be broken. Only the five-figure method can resist. If we live with so many people's attacks, isn't this array of methods a five-pronged approach?"

Everyone's heart is full of shock. In the gods and gods, the ability to set the three-pronged method is already called the master. The four products are the masters, the five products, and the whole gods are few and very difficult to find. One, is there such a group of people who have a five-product master?

When this thought came out, everyone in the room was shocked, but it was just a shock. Although it was impossible to distinguish things around, I could not break this method, but I was trapped in this large array except for a large number of ordinary black blood. In addition to the soldiers and some tourists, there are three teams of elite adults.

With the strength of their gods, the fact that so many people have broken a five-pronged approach should not be a problem.

Many black blood-stained warriors have such a thought in their hearts, but when their thoughts have just risen, they have not yet fallen...


A black light passed through the void, directly hitting the eyebrows of the black blood-stained warrior. The head of the black blood-stained warrior burst open instantly. When he died, he still stunned his eyes, not understanding. What happened?

"Hey!" "Hey!"...

In the rest of the array, there are also a lot of black light passing through, and they have pierced the heads of a large number of black blood-stained warriors. Those soldiers have failed to respond at all, and they are instantly degraded.

In the blink of an eye, there are dozens and hundreds of black bloodline warriors falling.

"It's too easy!" A light passed, and the figure of Emperor was revealed in the void.

With the strength of his gods and gods, killing these is the black blood-stained warrior of the moon and the peak of the gods. It is very easy, and in this big array, those black blood-stained warriors seem to have no heads. The flies are general, but under the control of Jason, he is able to walk through at will, so that the speed at which the Emperor kills them is simply raised to a terrible level. Killing people is like taking a breath and relaxing. It’s just horrifying.


"Kill!" And in the other part of the big array, the eighteen elite warriors who surrounded Rontas were snoring, and there was no panic in the moment when they were covered in a large array, still killing Ron Tas.

Jason’s array of methods is exactly what the black-blooded warriors think. It’s a five-piece array. It’s not that Jason doesn’t want to arrange the six-stripe method, but the six-strand method is really Too terrible, in the gods and gods, the position of the Master is extremely noble. A master of the five-pronged approach is enough to cause an earthquake and invite countless forces to invite.

The masters of the six-products are rare in the gods and gods for almost tens of millions of years. They are rare. If Jason really exposes his identity as a master of the Six-Functional Law, I am afraid that even the Eight Kings will be alarmed. This is also the reason why Jason deliberately hides and cannot be easily applied.

When the sword is in the sword, it can be said that it is the forbidden land of the ancient swordsman. If you play the six-character array here, everyone will know the identity of the master of the six-figure method of Jason, I am afraid that it will be in the whole gods. Caused an uproar.

Under the five-pronged approach, the 18 elite warriors who are the gods of the sun will be affected, but they can rely on their powerful knowledge to lock the opponent's position and attack.


The murderous murder of the sky, the eighteen amazing powers sweeping everything, and tearing open a channel directly in the five-strand array of tactics. Wherever, the chaotic gas is retreating, and many of the strong outsiders can clearly See these obvious attacks.

"Dead!" The face of these eighteen elite warriors showed a sly killing.

But they haven't waited for their attack to fall on Ron Tas's body...


Suddenly a few terrible forces came in the distance and flocked to all of them. Under the power of this horror, Jason’s law was destroyed, and the area was clearly revealed. I saw Akasaka and Ba. The three faces of Shem and Soros rushed to the eighteen people with indifference, and the amazing pressure released from the weapons in their hands made the eighteen Japanese gods and gods strong.

"The three of them..." A strong sense of crisis raged in the hearts of their eighteen people. Their original, murderous expressions were pale at the moment, and their eyes were full of horror.

"No!" Can't attack Longtas again, the 18 elite soldiers were shot in horror, and the weapons in their hands tried their best to recover, trying to intercept the attacks of the three.

However, it is already late, and they have not waited for their weapons at the Akasaka trio, a folding fan, a long knife, a big gun, three weapons like three meteors, and instantly crossed the heads of their eighteen people. .

"Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!"...

A series of buzzing sounds, the heads of the eighteen elite warriors burst out in an instant, and the shackles of the law chain were scattered all over the place.

This sultry scene made everyone who was clearly seeing the whole process stunned. Everyone was dull, like a ghost.

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