MTL - The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods-Chapter 726 Invincible in the world

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According to the exchange ratio of the system, there should be 100 million assets, which can be exchanged for a little divine value.

At this time, Chu Mo, after nearly two years of development, already has 5 trillion assets, and naturally, he can exchange 50,000 points of divine value.

And with Godly Value, you can exchange for various skill items in the system mall.

When Chu Mo had just absorbed the Heavenly Spirit Pill in Lei Ting, he had already glanced at his system mall. Although he didn't take a closer look, he already had a general understanding of the things in the system mall and the prices of various skill items.

For example, the simplest Heavenly Spirit Pill is worth 1,000 divine points in the system mall.

For example, a big repayment pill is worth 200 points.

In addition to these items, there are more valuable things, that is, system skills. Skills are divided into permanent skills and temporary skills, and the price of the two is ten times different. For example, a temporary master cooking skill requires five hundred Points of Godly Pride, and if you want permanent master-level cooking, you need a full 5,000 Godly Points.

In addition, a permanent world master piano skill also requires 5,000 God Points, and a permanent sound of nature requires a full 10,000 God Points.

In addition to these skills, Chu Mo also saw something in the system mall that he was very interested in, and that was martial arts.

As an ordinary person, Chu Mo, if he wants to directly upgrade to a D-level warrior, he only needs to spend a point of divine pride. Similarly, if he wants to upgrade to a C-level warrior, he needs ten divine pride points, and a C-level warrior, It takes 100 points, and so on. B-level needs 1,000 divine points, and A-level reaches 10,000. As for the above, it still increases tenfold. According to this calculation, half-step master It is 100,000, and the Grandmaster is 1 million...!

Chu Mo's entire net worth is only 50,000 gods. That is to say, he can only exchange for one A-level warrior at most, and A-level warriors are just entry-level in martial arts. This level of warriors is in the eyes of ordinary people. He can show off his strength, but in front of the real big forces, he is like a cannon fodder. Even Chu Mo himself has dozens of A-level warriors, so there is no need for him to waste 10,000 points. , in exchange for the identity of a Grade A warrior.

Of course, Chu Mo might think about it if he could directly raise himself to the level of a great master, but now, he can only give up. After all, a great master needs a million dollars.

But soon, Chu Mo's eyes were attracted by another system item.

"The great terror is coming!"

During the trial period of this item, the host will gain a great terrifying aura. No matter who, no matter what strength, in front of the host will feel deep fear and terror from the heart!

This item is valid for ten minutes, and the host can terminate it at any time during use!

"The big terror is coming, this item is a one-time item, worth 1,000 gods, please ask the host if you want to exchange it!"

When Chu Mo's eyes were fixed on the virtual layout in front of him, a metallic voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

At this time, Lei Ting, who was beside him, finally absorbed the spiritual power in the Heavenly Spirit Pill, and stood up at the same time. At the same time, at this time, the face of the girl in pink who had slapped her away with a palm showed disgust and ridicule. With a look on her face, she whispered in a low voice:

"Humph! The lower class is also worthy of taking such a precious medicinal's a waste!"

At this moment, Chu Mo squinted his eyes suddenly, he didn't feel bad about the 1000-point divine value, but directly chose to exchange it.

At the same time, when Chu Mo stood up slightly, when he stared straight at the opposite crowd with a pair of cold eyes, the next moment, the system skill that he had just spent a thousand points in exchange was activated.

Great terror is coming...!

In an instant, with Chu Mo's body as the center, within a kilometer radius, an indescribable terrifying pressure directly enveloped the entire space.

Within a radius of one kilometer, a closed space seems to be formed. In the entire space, endless coercion continues to condense, and within this coercion, everything is shrouded in it.

When a towering ancient tree beside the path, a leaf quickly turned into a dead leaf, and then at the moment when it fell, the whole dead leaf completely violated the law of falling objects. This leaf did not slowly dance like a butterfly. It fell, but it seemed to be pulled by some mysterious force, and it quickly fell to the ground at a speed of free fall, without even a slight pause in the middle.

On the ground under their feet, a group of worker ants are hunting in groups. They transport a fat worm to the ant nest, but when the great terror pressure comes, all the ants seem to feel the threat of life, and they immediately give up the delicious food they have. All fled around like headless flies.

In just a moment, as the terrifying coercion continued to condense, the ants that were fleeing on the ground had not escaped a few steps before they twitched and fell to the ground. Within a few breaths, a group of ants all lost their vitality.

At a height of more than ten meters above the head, a sparrow just flew over the head. With the terrifying pressure, the sparrow that was flying normally was immediately unable to control its flight. Although the sparrow in mid-air kept flapping its wings, it was still unable to control its own flight. Balance, and soon, the little sparrow fell straight to the ground, and then, before the little sparrow flapped its wings again, the coercion around it had condensed to the point where it was real, and the little sparrow didn't have it at all. Any resistance immediately fell to the ground and twitched.

And just as the terrifying pressure continued to condense, opposite Chu Mo, one master, three servants and four people had already made alert actions at the same time.

I saw that the little girl in pink clothes couldn't hold on at first. She was only a girl with half the strength of a grandmaster. Under the constant pressure of terror, the small face of the girl who was still arrogant and domineering immediately changed. She was extremely pale, and at the same time, a deep feeling of powerlessness and fear emanating from her soul began to sweep her heart. At this moment, the girl no longer had the slightest bit of strength and arrogance. On the contrary, she was like a lamb to be slaughtered. , the whole person is full of fear.

Followed by the two middle-ranked grandmasters, black and white, these two old men are obviously the guardians of the Xue family's eldest lady. Facing Chu Mo, who doesn't know the depth at all, even though the heart has already given birth to it. There was a deep sense of powerlessness, but the two old men still fulfilled their responsibilities, and the two stepped forward one after another to block in front of their master.

However, it can be clearly seen that, as the great terror continues to descend, as the incomparably terrifying coercion continues to condense, deep in the hearts of the two old men, a deep sense of despair and fear has arisen. If it is not their duty, The two would probably turn around and flee here.

Among the group of people, the one in the best situation should be the woman in white who is protected at the center. This young lady of the Xue family, who has the strength of a peak-level median grandmaster, although she is also surrounded by fear, but because she is the most powerful, Barely can be lower than the erosion of fear, but as time goes by, her calmness will not last long, even if she has been covered with a light veil, she can't see the expression on her face, but from her There was still a look of fear in his eyes.

At this time, with the activation of the system skills, within a radius of one kilometer, no matter the birds, fish, insects, or all things in the world, they are all under extremely terrifying oppression. All the animals were stiff, and some creatures with powerful vitality could still be lower than before, while some creatures with weak vitality, under this huge pressure, died on the spot.

Just one minute after the system skill was activated, when the girl in pink on the opposite side had collapsed to the ground with tears and snot, and the two old men on the opposite side, black and white, were also struggling to support, even the peak-level median. The eldest lady of the Xue family of the great master, when her legs and feet were shaking, suddenly broke her balance with a loud voice of Dharma.


The next moment, the Shaolin abbot Master Zhishang dressed in cassock appeared out of thin air in front of everyone. This centenarian with the strength of a peak-level high-ranking grandmaster folded his hands and saluted Chu Mo at the same time:

"Goodness, goodness!

Donor Chu, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon! "

When the Shaolin Abbot Master Zhishang appeared, Chu Mo was actually looking for the other party. He wanted to ask for some help from the other party, and at the same time let the other party help him answer some doubts. But now, with the system on his body turned on again, Chu Mo no longer wants to. any help from each other.

With the system in hand, all kinds of props and skills in the system store are Chu Mo's capital and strength. The Xue family, which was originally mysterious and terrifying in his eyes, has now become like an ant. As long as Chu Mo wants, he can use the system Items in the mall, deal with each other in a hundred ways.

For example, now, a big horror skill worth 1,000 points can make the four masters and servants of the Xue family lose their combat effectiveness in an instant.

Chu Mo looked at the Shaolin abbot in front of him. If it had been a few minutes ago, when the Xue family made a move against him, if the other party could come forward to stop him, Chu Mo would still have a good impression on him, and maybe he would bypass the opposite party for his own sake. But now, Chu Mo knew deeply that the Shaolin abbot in front of him was not on his side.

When he was threatened just now, he didn't choose to take action, but now, when the eldest Miss Xue fell into a disadvantage, he immediately appeared to the rescue!

At least in Chu Mo's eyes, the Master Zhishang in front of him is complicit with the Xue family, and the Xue family is already his own enemy. If this Shaolin monk is knowledgeable, Chu Mo may be able to let him go, but if the other party doesn't know At any rate, Chu Mo doesn't care if he is a high-ranking grandmaster, just solve it together.

"Master Chu, the last time you and I said goodbye, I haven't had time to thank donor Chu for the longevity pill. This pill is indeed very effective. After taking it, the old monk can increase his lifespan by at least ten years. The old monk thanked him again. Patron Chu, the old monk has already hosted a banquet in the temple, please patronize Chu!"

Master Zhishang, the abbot of Shaolin, is the pinnacle of martial arts today. Twenty years ago, Fang Fang was rated as one of the top ten masters in China.

Master Zhishang is one of the only peak-level high-ranking masters in the entire country. Not only is he powerful, but he is also very prestigious. Countless people of martial arts have set foot on Shaolin just to seek guidance from the other party. According to rumors, as long as someone can get wisdom. Master Shang's advice will definitely increase his strength.

And the newly promoted Grandmaster Lei Ting was able to advance only after receiving the guidance of Master Zhishang. It was precisely because of this that Master Zhishang's prestige reached its peak.

The Shaolin abbot Zhishang seems to be in seclusion forever, and it is impossible for ordinary people to see him. Even if some martial arts masters come to teach him, most of them are closed.

And if any martial artist can be met by Master Zhishang in person, it is definitely a matter of great honor for the other party, and if anyone can get a banquet hosted by Master Zhishang in person, this is definitely a sensation enough to stir the whole world. Things in the Chinese martial arts world.

For any martial artist, it is enough to be proud to meet Master Zhishang, but this will definitely not include Chu Mo. To be precise, it is Chu Mo after the system is turned on again.

The system is turned on again, and the system mall is activated. It can be said that the current Chu Mo is definitely the richest person in the entire world!

The almost peerless Heavenly Spirit Pill, Chu Mo can buy one thousand gods worth at will, and it is worth ten thousand gold, and as the main medicine of the longevity pill, the Great Returning Pill, only needs two hundred gods.

As for other messy skills, just one random one can shock all things. It can be said that at this moment, Chu Mo is absolutely invincible in the world. Now, only others ask him for his share, and no one bows his head like others. possible.

Just a Shaolin abbot, even if the other party is a rare peak-level grandmaster in the world, even if the other party's identity is extremely noble, and he is called the head of the top ten grandmasters in China, but in the eyes of the current Chu Mo, it is nothing more than mere.

As long as he has enough **** value, Chu Mo can buy enough Great Returning Pills and Heavenly Spirit Pills. With these two pills, when looking for some people with good qualifications to focus on training, Chu Mo can even manufacture great masters in batches. A master of this level, even if it is a high-ranking grandmaster, can naturally accumulate a large group of masters of this level, even if it is a high-ranking grandmaster, taking Tianling Pill regardless of the cost. He glanced.

"Today's matter is a private matter between me and the Xue family. If Master Zhishang retires, I will definitely come to visit another day, but if Master insists on intervening today, I, Chu Mo, will definitely not give up!"

The dull eyes of Chu Mo glanced at the old monk in front of him at will, and following his gaze, the coercion around him was almost as real. Even breathing became weak.

"Amitabha! The old monk once owed the Xue family a favor, so naturally he can't stand by!"

As Shaolin Abbot once again proclaimed the Dharma, a faint and peaceful atmosphere began to appear on the other side. At the same time, the pressure of the four Xue family members behind him suddenly weakened a lot after being included in that aura.

Chu Mo's eyes were solemn. He saw that the other party did not compromise at all. After squinting his eyes slightly, there was a sudden flash of indifference in his eyes. Then, his whole body actually violated the laws of physics, and his whole body slowly flew into the air.

"System skills, invincible golden body, use it!"

"During the use of this skill, within one minute, the host is invincible in the world!" (To be continued)