MTL - The Legendary Roll-Chapter 1503 The weakest scourge

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In a sense, the injury suffered by the Lord of the Other Shore is also a kind of road injury. But for this kind of road injury, Yunchuan Yuanshi Dao is facing this kind of road injury, but it is no longer like the previous one. They are so weak that they can even transform the rules that caused road injuries into the nutrients of Yunchuan's Yuanyuan Avenue.

Soon, under the inhalation of Yunchuanyuan's Taoist Road, a few breaths passed and the master of the other side's road injury had recovered as usual.

"rush out!"

Yunchuan narrowed his eyes and glanced in all directions. The next moment, he locked his position. The whole body turned into a streamer and went away.


At this moment, the sound of thunder and humming like a thunder constantly reminded him around Yunchuan. This fascinates the emptiness on the disaster-stricken star. Yunchuan did not use the Void Road to force a jump, but directly relied on the incomparable The powerful and arrogant force forcibly broke through the voids, which also made the voids here, forming a void channel that even the magic could not erode in a short time.

Because after being knocked open by him, this void is no longer a void, but a void. Under this void, even the magical spirit that devours all things, assimilates all things, and corrodes all things, cannot play any role in nothing. effect.

The Lord of Forgotten Rivers, the Lord of the Other Shore, and the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts are also the same as Yunchuan's. Among them, that surging magical energy cannot spread.

Previously, the magical spirits that formed the general interlacing of the Tianluodi network also burst directly under this piece of nothingness. The Tianluodi network could not be truly cohesive for a while, so that several people in Yunchuan also had the opportunity to escape. .

Although they were forcibly crushed by a few people in Yunchuan, they quickly reunited, but after a period of delay, the current people in Yunchuan have suddenly reached the edge of the stunned star. .

"I said that none of you can escape, especially you, Yunchuan, and I want you to stay here forever and always be immortal."

But at this moment, the black giant baby in the distance made a sharp howling sound at this moment. The whole man's original black body was like a baby's body, and it swelled up again as if it were inflatable. Then the next moment , It covered the entire fascinating disaster star.

His flesh and blood, and his skin, were all covered by the huge scourge, or the black giant baby did not have such a large body. At the same time he covered, the scourge of the scourge Actively let the skin of this black giant baby cover it completely.

And the skin of this black giant baby is enveloped here, and it has the same roots with the entire power of the fascinating disaster star, completely enveloped together, it seems that the black giant baby at this moment is the entire The Strange Catastrophe, which is also the black giant baby.

Under this barrier, the power of the three giants, the Lord of the Other Shore, the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts, the Lord of Forgotten Rivers, or Yunchuan, cannot defeat the fur of this black giant baby.

No matter how great their power is, they can't solve this illusory disaster star until they reach the dominion level. Now, the black baby already represents the entire illusory disaster star, trapped here stiffly.

Staying on that star-studded catastrophe, one by one, the monsters in the devil's realm were born, and by that time, it was their dead time.

"But there is still a chance!"

But at this moment, Yunchuan's eyes brightened, and together with several people, he continued to rush towards the edge of the confused star.

The entire fascinating star has become a dark color, but in the area where Yunchuan rushes, there is a gap. The gap is constantly overflowing with magic energy, and you can even see from there that there is a little bit Starlight is diffused.

Several people from Yunchuan had previously come to the star-studded disaster, and naturally knew that this was the home of dark will. Under this home, without the dominion of cultivation, they could not compete with them, and they would even face life and death. crisis.

Unless it retreats at the beginning, in that case, it will not be left by this dark will, but in that case, the dark will born will be in its heyday, and they will also face the darkness of the heyday The will, even soon, the master's will that fascinated the scourge will be promoted to his dominion under this distraction.

Previously, several of them have destroyed one magic pit after another, but they are constantly weakening the strength of this black giant egg, and it is born inadequate. After Yunchuan saw the broken shell that could not stop the black giant egg, He dragged it out directly, and at the moment he pulled it out, it was also difficult for the Lord of the Rivers to escape, because this black giant baby has full control over the entire confusing star.

However, it was the same that they pulled out a little vitality for them. This vitality was because the magic baby had been forcibly pulled out and had not been fully nurtured. This caused the black giant baby's skin to have cracks that did not heal.


The previous actions of Yunchuan were exactly to find the cracks and holes in the skin. At the moment when these cracks and holes appeared, several gods suddenly turned into a stream of light, and suddenly burst out of this crack. .

The void is constantly flashing. After passing through the heavy void followed by the heavy void, the next moment, Yunchuan directly jumped into the starry sky of the outside world, and several people appeared with the Lord of Forgetting.

Looking back, I can clearly see that the stunned star has become no longer bright, but has been covered with a layer of hazy vague shadow, it is the black giant baby's devil skin.

Although several people have left the special void in which the scourge disaster star is located, Yunchuan can still hear the sound of extremely angry roar above the scourge disaster star.

"However, we can say that our actions have achieved great success this time. The fainting stars have been weakened one after another by me, especially the destruction of the magic pits, and Yunchuan has absorbed a lot of magical gas, which has made this The disaster star has reached its weakest period in history. "

The Lord of the Devils smiled and said.

"Naturally, but maybe we can go further!"

Yunchuan licked his lips, staring at the starry stare and blinking.