MTL - The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe-Chapter 545 Howard the Duck (Happy New Years to everyone!)

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The dragon was really looking at Leo.

Because Leo suddenly discovered that under the cold glance of the giant dragon, he was forced to leave the long river of time and forcibly return to the real world.

The glimpse of the giant dragon actually crossed such a long time, affecting Leo who "peeped" through the time gem a hundred years later.

This giant dragon is suspected to be as powerful as Agamato. At the beginning, Agamato just spit out a word of "go away", and let Li, who passed through the eyes of Agamato and spanned millions of years, "peep" Ao was embarrassed.

As these miscellaneous thoughts came to Leo's mind, Leo suddenly felt anger in his chest, irritable and unpleasant.

He very much wanted to locate the giant dragon through the Eye of Agamotto again, and he had to find out the origin of the giant dragon.

If he couldn't find out the origin of the giant dragon, he would be very useless and incompetent.

Thinking of this, Leo picked up the rune with both hands and quickly placed it on the Eye of Agamotto.

But at this moment, the stone pillar on which the Eye of Agamotto was placed suddenly lit up, and a word flashed by.

The same line of words left by the ancient one-

[Remember my original intention of letting you use the Eye of Agamotto, and remember to do what you can. 】

This short line of words, like a breeze blowing across his face, made Leo suddenly feel shocked, and got rid of the mentality of "going to the horns" just now.

At this moment, Leo felt a moment of fear.

Because he realized that his state just now was extremely wrong, and it seemed that someone was deliberately guiding him. If he continued to inquire about the whereabouts of the golden dragon according to that kind of guidance, there might be some serious consequences in the end.

At the same time, Leo respected the ancient one even more in his heart.

Obviously, all that Leo encountered was within the expectations of Venerable Ancient One.


At this moment, the edge of the Marvel Universe can be probed, and there is a star that has cracked.

The star is already very dim, and the energy contained in it is almost exhausted.

In the center of the star, a giant dragon with dark golden scales opened a slit in one eye, revealing the color of movement and balance.

In the end, the giant dragon restrained the greed in his eyes, slowly closed his eyes, and said to himself:

"Forget it, I have just become a true **** for a hundred years, and I need to continue to cultivate and grow, and the location of the source of this universe is not clear, so I'm afraid that it will not be worth the loss... In this new universe... I still smell the dangerous breath, Don't act rashly..."


In the stone room, Leo took a few deep breaths and activated the Eye of Agamotto again.

But this time, Leo made up his mind that he would never take the initiative to touch the golden dragon again.

Time went back to the 103rd year ago, and Leo located the strange duck king through Rollin.

The strange duck king and a group of ordinary strange ducks fell into the wormhole caught by the golden dragon's claws, and Leo's perspective followed the wormhole.

The power of the golden dragon's claw is huge, and the temporary wormhole formed is naturally extremely violent, the interior is extremely unstable, the cracked space gaps are constantly, and the cutting force is full.

The ordinary strange ducks were all torn apart by the gaps in the space, and the king of strange ducks was also in danger.

At the critical moment, the golden scepter held in the King Duck's hand shattered and turned into a tough light film to protect him.

When the light film was about to be torn apart by the cracks in space, the wormhole finally came to an end, and the strange duck king was dumped on a planet of colonized life that did not know where it was located.

The strange duck king who lived in another world did not pass through the protagonist of the novel, but suffered a lot of heartache.

Because of its strange appearance, it is incompatible with the intelligent people of the universe on that life planet.

So for the sake of his little life, in the early days of his arrival on the alien planet, he kept his name invisible, pretended to be a beast in the wilderness, slept in the wind, and slowly plotted it.

As Elder Luo Lin said before, without the nourishment of the fire rock essence in the rock worm, in just five years, the handsome and handsome Duck King lost his golden feathers and became ugly.

At the same time, he lost his mighty and domineering wings and lost his ability to fly.

But fortune and misfortune depended on the strange duck king who lost these unique appearances, but because of this, his appearance became more like a human physique (except for the big duck head).

With the language and cosmic knowledge accumulated over the past five years, the Duck King seized the opportunity to infiltrate the planet's colony team as an interstellar wanderer, and even gave himself a human name, Howard.

A generation of kings who used to be pampered, gave up their crown and authority like this, played with guns, rushed into the battlefield, and lived a mercenary life with their heads pinned to their belts.

Sixty years have passed.

Howard Strange Duck gradually forgot the days when he was a king, and Aiouxing, and became as drunk as a real mercenary, craving beauty and wine.

And with the excellent physical suits of his strange duck family, Howard has made a lot of fame among the mercenary groups in the universe.

If this is the case, Howard's strange duck's life is also prosperous, and it can be regarded as a proper little protagonist template.

The kind that can gain a large number of fans by writing an autobiography at the starting point.

But the bad thing is that he unfortunately became a prisoner after a hired war.

Even more unfortunately, he was discovered by the commander who knew the goods, and sold to a well-known collector in the universe by the enemy commander on the grounds of "extreme rarity".

Collectors regard Howard the Duck as a treasure and one of his most valuable collections.

Howard was locked in an iron cage for thirty years!

Leo slowly withdrew the magic runes and sorted out the information collected in his mind.

The strange duck king, also known as Howard, is still staying in the collector's lair - the place of nothingness.

The Land of Nothingness was built within the head of an ancient god, which has been run by the collector for countless years, and has long since transformed it into his private domain.

This is explained in the plot of "Guardians of the Galaxy".

This is also the initial reason why Leo is familiar with Howard's strange duck - it is estimated that this strange duck has appeared in "Guardians of the Galaxy" But there are not many scenes, so Leo did not pay attention.

According to Leo's understanding of the original plot, the collector and Odin also know him. He is one of the cosmic elders of the Marvel universe. His lifespan is infinite and his strength is extraordinary.

However, the combat power system in the movie world became a mess, and the director did not have the energy and ability to reasonably arrange the power of the collector. In the end, he chose to let Thanos send the collector a box of lunch.

Simple and rude.

But now in the real world, collectors definitely have two brushes, so if Leo wants to retrieve Howard the Duck from collectors, he has to think of something else.

Like buying with money?

Or do whatever you want and trade other "extremely rare" collections and collectors for Howard's Strange Duck.

Taking a step back, if Leo really chooses to **** hard in the end, he must at least have mastered a cosmic gem before he can have full confidence.

Thinking of this, Leo already had a calculation in his heart.

The matter of rescuing Howard's strange duck was not in a hurry, and Leo was still preparing to go to the Morag planet to hunt for the power gem according to the original plan.

According to the setting of all the fights in the Marvel Universe, once Leo gets the power gem, his combat power can instantly stand at the peak of the universe.

Next, according to his original plan, Leo began to use the Eye of Agamotto to answer his other questions and prepare for his future trip to the universe.

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