MTL - The Last Apostle-Chapter 33 Deathmatch

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Fortunately, the clown Moriarty noticed one thing, that is, the strange power of Du Yuqi is rapidly fading, and the weakening is obviously felt. The clown can be said to have experienced hundreds of battles, although before I have never seen a mystery like Du Yuqi. You can actually use the weapon to destroy its power, but you know very well that this borrowed power can never be maintained.

Therefore, the clown clenches his teeth at this time, desperately desperately guards, and only seeks to protect the key points. He knows that the enemy is already strong and strong, and only needs to support it for a while, then the dawn is in front of him, and he will slowly pick it up It's no problem to drop his skin and use it to dry and tan into Ukiyo-e.

About ten seconds later, the clown suddenly felt his opponent's body suffocated, and then his strength accelerated. Facing this situation, the clown immediately rejoiced, knowing that the other's outbreak period had completely subsided, and immediately sneered. He ran out of a knee and thrust into the other's lower abdomen, and then black gas was already on his right hand, and he was going to drive his own black flame skeleton to completely do the opponent.

Who knew that at this time Du Yuqi suddenly hit a head with a mallet. Clown Moriarty was casting his right hand and could only stretch out his left hand. However, he suddenly realized that the opponent's power was extremely powerful, and he couldn't even fight it. He cried bitterly in his heart, at this time how the clown didn't know that he had done the trick. Previously, Du Yuqi's weakness was completely pretended by him.

When the clown was extremely upset, he was already screaming, his nose was hit by Du Yuqi's forehead, and immediately his nose burst into tears, the nasal bridge bone was crushed, the pain in the face bone was severe, and blood spewed.

At this time, Du Yuqi had already taken a step forward and snatched into his arms. He slaped his left hand against the wound on the clown's chest, pus and blood splattered, and pulled out a half-opened small box in his right hand. What seems to be white granular powder, just tried to pour up on the clown.

The terrible wound on the clown's chest was attacked, and he immediately screamed extremely screamingly, knowing that this was a moment of life and death, and an amazing power broke out, while reaching out and holding Du Yuqi's wrist holding the small box, Waving his fist while beating Du Yuqi frantically.

But Du Yuqi just clenched his teeth silently and completely ignored the pain in his body. Even if the other side beat him frantically, he concentrated his strength on his right hand. Because he was very clear, this was the only chance for revenge.

In fact, the strength drawn from Du Yuqi's body is indeed in a rapid decline. If you cannot give the clown a fatal blow at this time, it will be difficult to find such an opportunity in the future.

Du Yuqi's teeth creaked and he couldn't feel the pain in his body at all. He felt the power in his body was continuously flowing, but he never gave up, but he kept the box towards the clown little by little. Press it up!

"Go to death! You bastard!"

Suddenly, Du Yuqi's left hand flashed out like lightning, grabbed the clown's right wrist, and put his mouth directly up to be a fierce spit. At this time, his fighting method was completely different from that of the beast, which was to wake from his body The original brutal beastly instinct to fight! I only heard a rattling sound. Although the clown shrank quickly, it also screamed. The ring finger was already bitten by Du Yuqi!

Taking this opportunity, Du Yuqi directly splashed the box held in his right hand forward, and the white powder inside was spilled on the clown. Even the wound on his chest was too serious, and he was sprinkled with this white powder at least. Go in for a little and a half.

Unexpectedly, the clown had no time to respond, and could only scream.

Immediately after Du Yuqi opened his mouth fiercely, a large mouthful of blood was sprayed out, and the blood and water fell on the white powder, which immediately produced a very violent chemical reaction. The red flame, mixed with the crackling explosion, suddenly spread to all places sprinkled with white powder!

What is the white powder in this box?

It was the box of sodium hydride brought in the chemical experiment table when Du Yuqi went to pick up Zhao Qiuyu!

This thing is a chemical with extremely unstable chemical properties. It will have an extremely violent reaction when it encounters water. And Du Yuqi also remembers one detail very clearly, that is, another experimental table that has been exposed to water has been burned with sodium hydride. The traces of it are enough to show that this stuff is also effective on the Arad continent. At that time, he also took it with him, but he did not expect it to become an outright killer!

"Ahhhhhhhh!" The clown Moriarty started screaming frantically. Under the great pain and suffering, he broke out with a horrible power. He kicked Du Yuqi to spit blood and flew out five or six meters, then Rolling fiercely on the mud, trying to suppress the flames on his body.

However, the nature of sodium hydride is that it will have a fierce chemical reaction when it encounters water and moisture. Therefore, UU reading books Therefore, the clown is completely self-destructive. After contact with muddy water, the flame on his body is getting bigger and bigger. , The explosion sound from the body is even louder than the sound of fried beans.

At the same time, after the sodium hydride came to the Arad continent, it seems that it is also because of the difference in the world's laws that subtle changes have taken place, and the burning power is obviously more terrible, and the chemical properties are more unstable. , The effect is as if the clown is frozen in the face.

At this time Du Yuqi also fell into the muddy water, bleeding constantly at the corners of his mouth, as if every bone had to be broken, even moving a little finger seemed to take great effort. However, he still stared at the enemy in front of him.

He is going to watch this guy die.

He wants to watch the clown burned to death! !!

He is going to get revenge for his friends, he is going to get blood debts for instructor Golas!

Otherwise, how could the resentment in this heart be vented? How could this full of anger calm down!