MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 92 Mermaid (ten)

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Gu Huai came to the studio in advance, and after finishing the Weibo, he sat down on a bench nearby and lowered his head and quickly flipped the script on his head. It’s true that Gu Huai’s focus on the plot that he is going to shoot today, first set up the scene of Jiang Li’s appearance in his mind.

Although Jiang Li is a male No. 3, his appearance is even earlier than that of the male one and the second male. He appeared in the face when the plot was just beginning, and he met with the female host Chen Yu.

Since it is going to be played, Gu Huai will not be lazy. In the world of the last plane, it is indeed the head of the family. It is true that he is also a bit far from the ‘natural appearance’.

To say that the true true character appeared, Gu Huai thought about it, he had to go to the direction of his grandfather. Enough power and pressure, do not need to let all men respect themselves, but they must have a fear in their hearts.

In the past ten minutes, the crew's makeup artists and stylists were all present. Gu Huai put the script down and he almost went into the dressing room.

At this time, several other starring actors have also arrived at the studio from the hotel provided by the crew. When Fu Renzhou walked into the shooting location, he saw the young man sitting on the bench and thought about the fun that started on the Weibo from last night. When he stepped past the youth, he deliberately smiled and asked, "Is it so early, did you sleep well last night?"

Gu Huai did not get up and continued to sit, heard the words and looked at the other side, and returned with a faint smile and nodded. "Well, the hotel environment provided by the crew is good."

The attitude of the young people is so polite that they are not able to make a mistake. The two are artists who entered the entertainment industry during the same period. The qualifications of Fu Renzhou are not the predecessors of the other party. Therefore, the young people can’t answer the question.

Fu Renzhou originally wanted to pass the way to poke the pain of the youth. However, I didn’t expect that the young man’s intention to point to him seemed to be completely unaware, so the smile and the faint response made him alive.

Shen Qiqi, Fu Renzhou looked around in this fashion, so he asked: "How come I haven’t recruited an assistant yet, do you want my assistant to come to you to help, see you blame hard? ""

Gu Huai looked at the other side and looked at him with amazement. Then he unknowingly accepted the other person’s suggestion. "That’s a problem, but I don’t need it now, let’s wait until noon. come on."

"...good." Fu Renzhou's face changed and changed. After a while, he finally squeezed the word out of his throat, and then walked away poorly.

It’s not that he can’t hold his breath. He’s so obvious that he can’t afford the assistant, can’t he understand what he’s saying? ? With the assistant walking away to another place in the studio, Fu Renzhou now suddenly feels like being played.

"Hey, hey!" Gu Huai squinted at the body of a black coal ball that he wanted to rush out. Since this is a public place, his movements to do this thing should not be too large, so it is a quick eye. The black coal ball was pulled back to me.

"You can't just attack ordinary people." Gu Huai put the black coal ball that was pulled back to his lap. The other three looked at the scene and all of them ran to the young legs. Together.

The dark red eyes of these Yi people have become scarlet since the beginning, not only the one that just wanted to run out, but also the three who stayed behind the youth. It is only because the task of protecting the youth is more important than attacking the enemy, so only one Yi is responsible for the attack.

"吱!吱吱——" The scarlet erects of the Yi people are very similar to the Tak zerg. As a species similar to the evil spirits, they are also cold and violent in their eyes. But when I heard the words of the youth, so sitting on the young legs, the black coal briquettes quickly settled down, even though the voice was still expressing criticism to someone.

"I am not angry, so I don't have to attack that person." Using mental power to convey his thoughts, this can still be done by Gu Huai. He slightly brought some helpless expressions and touched the four black briquettes on his legs. When the couple of round eyes turned back to the dark red of the usual period, they stopped.

When Fu Renzhou came over to tell him the first sentence, Gu Huai did not feel that there was anything about this degree of provocation, but several black coal pellets in his family had already started to bark before he responded, and squatted on each other. The eyes are getting redder.

Taking turns to enjoy the feeling of being touched by the youth, the few black coal **** that were still screaming are now completely quiet. Their king said that they can not attack ordinary people casually, they must obey, so that they can get the youth's stroke reward.

Gu Huai sat on the bench again. When the staff in the dressing room was almost ready, he got up and went inside with some of his own Dai people.

"Come on, sit here." Gu Huaigang was noticed as soon as he walked in. A pretty makeup artist who took a look at the front seat chair was very enthusiastic.

Gu Huai looked down at the courtesy and walked over. After sitting down on the chair, he was again seated on his lap by a few black briquettes. Since the family likes to do this, Gu Huai will certainly not refuse. He bows his head and looks at the few Yi people who are looking at his round eyes and looking at him. He bends his eyes and agrees.

"Your foundation is very good." Zhao Kezhen took some sighs in her tone. She has also worked as a makeup artist with many crews. So far, she has never seen such a beautiful woman who still makes her feel impeccable.

"Thank you." Gu Huai took a three-point smile and responded, then set aside in the backrest chair to let his opponent toss his face.

The makeup artist gives the actor a make-up. It is necessary to consider what role the actor plays or what kind of makeup is needed. For the first time, Zhao Kezhen felt that he had little to do, because the young man sitting in the chair in front of her was a natural jade.

The skin itself is white and delicate, the eyebrows are clear and beautiful, and the facial features can't be picked up a little, which makes Zhao Kejun not want to put makeup on this face. Considering the young role played by young people is the young and beautiful gangster boss. Zhao Kezhen eventually moved more youthful eyebrows, and the eyes also made some modifications, while the rest were only solved with dispensable light makeup.

"Okay." Finally, she finished the work of adding a piece of natural jade, and Zhao Kejun sighed with relief. She was very satisfied with the makeup she had done for the youth.

Gu Huai, who was asked to close his eyes, just opened his eyes. Compared with the reaction of other people in the dressing room, Gu Huai first noticed a few black briquettes screaming on his legs.

Wang, look good. Staring at the youth, the black coal **** nestled on the young legs were crowded together and they expressed their thoughts in words.

Can't do a big difference in the action, Gu Huai can only stretch out the fingers at this time, the action is slightly touched

A few on your own legs.

Before the filming, the youngsters had already changed the black suits required by the crew. The peacetime preference for wearing simple casual clothes was not the same. The difference after makeup was even more.

When the phoenix phoenix is ​​light, the youth shows a lazy atmosphere, and when the other person raises his eyes, the person who has been swept by his sight seems to feel a kind of cold light, and the beautiful and beautiful face is unprovoked. A little pressure.

"Scratch." The sound of the shutter.

Zhao Kezhen finally couldn’t control his hand and touched the phone to take a photo. When he reacted to what he had done, she snorted a little and reluctantly explained: “The staff responsible for taking care of the crew Weibo I said that I am going to put some photos of the shooting scene tonight. I think your style is very good, so..."

The first half of the sentence is true, and the latter part of the sentence is Zhao Kezhen's temporary editing. She is just a moment of itching and can't hold back her hand.

"Yeah." Gu Huai smiled and saw the other party's embarrassment but did not break it, only to leave a step to the other side.

The female master and the male one are both wearing makeup artists. When the actors who have the dramas are finished, the shooting work can begin officially today.

In the story setting, the father of the female actor Chen Hao is a gambling gambler. He has not fulfilled his responsibilities as a father. After taking the loan shark and owing millions of gambling debts, he patted his **** and left. Simply throwing this debt to his family.

When the woman first met Jiang Li, when she was chased by the loan shark, she ran rampant as she rushed into one of the sites that Jiang Li was in charge of.

Jiang Li saved the female lord, but this is not because of the plot of the love at first sight, but because the debt collector is just the opposite of Jiang Li. With the idea of ​​making the home uncomfortable and comfortable, Jiang Li will save the person.

Gu Huai’s performance today is the scene. The camera has already come over. Fang Qing, who plays the female lord, fled into this antique shop, and she has no extra time to explain anything. She can only panic. Under the mantle, I hid behind the counter on the side of Gu Huai.

After less than ten seconds, more than a dozen seemingly tall and fierce social workers followed the antique shop, and the passers-by told them that they were running in the store, so they followed it. After catching up. But when I came in this antique shop, the more than a dozen men who were just arrogant, the attitude was somewhat convergent. They knew who the place was and why they were jealous.

"Jiang Shao, have you ever had a woman in a white dress coming in?" The headed portrait was a good voice, but all the people including him have already started to look around the store with sight. local.

Hearing the words of the chasing person, Fang took the hand and pulled the clothes of the young man next to him. His face was begging for fear. Can't make a sound, Fang Qing can only express her pleadings with physical movements, but her lucky thoughts are shattered when the youth speaks.

"Yeah." He played a jade ring in his hand. Gu Huai did not look down on his clothes, nor did he look up at a group of fierce men who were squatting at the door. While rubbing the ring, he said the words in an understatement.

"Where did the man go, Laofan Jiang gave us a clear road." The headed person continued to ask.

"Just here." Gu Huai finally raised his eyes, and the phoenix phoenix was so unpredictable that his face was filled with a few smiles.

This is exactly what Jiang Li should have, and the youth is very perfect. Song Ze, who was sitting in the director's chair, couldn't help but observe it more seriously. At this time, the person next to him whispered: "Old Song, you are not plain and smashed, you make a big profit." ""

There is no choice in appearance, acting and acting. Is such an actor actually mixed in the circle for several years? ?

This is a kind of burial... I don’t know the youth’s past. At this time, a middle-aged man next to Song Ze has only this sigh.

The young people have already exposed themselves. Fang Qingqing no longer hides and hides, but stands up with resentment, "You-!"

There are so many people coming, but it is obviously not a good person at first glance, but the other party actually sees death and does not care, and ignores her pleading. As long as the young man in front of her eyes says "I don't know," she will be saved.

Found the target, the dozens of people at the entrance of the store now have some smiles on their faces. "Thank you Jiang Shao, then we will..."

"No thanks." Gu Huai also interrupted the other party with a slight smile. He put the ring on his hand and put it on the table. When the snoring sounded, he slowly added: "I didn't say you can take people. go."

The atmosphere of the two sides of the conversation suddenly became stiff. The former received the smile and the look became less beautiful. "What does Jiang Shao mean?"

The youth seems to be more interested in this scene. In his beautiful and beautiful face, the eye tip is slightly bent, but the smile never reaches the bottom of his eyes. "I entered my territory, so people are now in charge of me. ""

“Or do you want to start here?” The antique shop didn’t seem to have any guards, but the young man sitting on the seat said nothing when he said this to the door number of ten people. Only a pair of phoenixes stunned. When passing through the doorway, everyone was holding a cold and cold light, giving a heavy sense of oppression silently.

When it comes to this, it is natural for the family's men to dare to make such a torn face when they don't speak at all. Therefore, a group of debt collectors at the entrance of the antique shop can only retreat.

"Very good! It’s been over." Song Ze, who was sitting in the director’s chair, ended the game, and his face could not be restrained with a clear expression of satisfaction. He really did not expect that the only actor in the circle would be a bad acting actor. Actually, I can really play the role of Jiang Li. If the youth can maintain this level, perhaps the role of Jiang Li can be the biggest highlight in the drama...

"Hey, hey." The four black briquettes on the side of the race are now dancing. Although they have no hands or legs, they are still very excited around the youth, and their eyes are focused on their own king.

The human beings who say that their king is not good are not visioned, and their king is the most powerful and best-looking.

The crew immediately took a break from work. On the evening of the same day, the official Weibo of the crew sent a photo of the shooting site as Zhao Kezhen said. But what triggered a series of heated discussions was that in the nine pictures sent by the crew, one picture was taken on the studio's dressing room, and a young man wearing a black suit appeared... or it can be said that The protagonist in the photo.

The young man is sitting on the backrest of the dressing room, only the side face is photographed at this shooting angle, but this does not detract from the discussion caused by this photo.

Young people who only show their side faces look very beautiful and beautiful, especially the phoenixes are fascinating, and there is an indescribable and terrifying attraction at this angle.

Seven Lakes: "Seek your face! Seek your face!! Seek your face! Important things say three times, Wang Wang cried."

This comment has been overwhelmed by the top ten, and hundreds of responses below this comment are similar.

This photo was saved by a large number of people and forwarded to Weibo. Overnight, the word "positive face" directly fell on the top three of Weibo's hot search.