MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 34 Black Knight (34)

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For the soil improvement of Tuse Star, all the Zerg on the Thur Star have a very high enthusiasm for this project, and they are very active.

The king of his own likes flowers, and the figure star is the only capital star of the Zerg, and the flowers must be spread all over the planet.

Under the guidance of this idea, when the Zerg trades with some newly established diplomatic relations, they will purchase various kinds of flowers from these races.

For a time, the impressions of the various interstellar races on the Zerg were born in the direction of the ‘family of loved flowers,’ and the image of the brutal and fierce image they once had was not a little bit.

The Zerg is also a time when there is a heart-felt love for a purely ornamental effect. Although various ethnic groups have been psychologically frightened, they finally reluctantly accepted this fact.

The flower species that were bought back from the trade were first stored and they had to plan the planting area. What kind of flowers should be planted here in Wangcheng is better, and the top executives of Tuse have not yet discussed the results.

With the Zerg's ability to learn, I have organized a research team for a long time. Now, with the addition of soil science experts from various ethnic groups, the scale of this research team has been considerable.

"The system is all over, and the customs clearance is full. I have to wait for the full time limit." It has been a while since I returned to Tusexing. Now I look down from the high floor of the Military Building and I can see the new building next to the building. In a research room, Gu Huai poked his own system in his mind.

Upon receiving the call, the system quickly responded, but this time the request for the youth was not a simple response, but the voice quietly asked, "Do you like this world?"

But the young people did not answer the question. The system took the words in the next second after the question, and used the same four-character words as the last time. "Be happy with you."

"Like it." Although the system does not ask for its own answer, Gu compiled a positive response to this question, "especially like it."

Recently, the Zerg on the Texus star is busy with the topic of improving the planet soil. The efforts of the Zerg family are in the eyes. They have normal feelings, and Gu Huai will certainly move this.

It is very difficult for Tussex’s soil environment to be improved. After all, it is always only the towering tree that is so strong that it can survive.

It was received from the silver worms, but the Zerg on the Thur Star was not so enthusiastic about the plan because of the superior order. The instructions came down and looked at the content of the plan. The Zerg on the planet remembered that they still owe a gift to their own king -

A late birth gift.

The origin of the Zerg is a cold and dark place. It is totally ridiculous and barren than the so-called abandoned planet. The cognition of this cold and darkness is in the instinct consciousness of every Zerg, and the relative lack of feelings of the Zerg is related to this instinct.

The king's existence is like the sun. Strictly speaking, it is much more dazzling and warmer than the ‘the sun’ that can be seen on the human planet.

The king of their own is their precious treasure, and the birth of the youth should be accompanied by a gift that is enough to match and fully express their wishes.

Since the Mino Star incident, the number of inter-steal and Zerg ethnic groups has increased, and now there are as many as 31. Compared with the state of no previous allies and complete isolation, 31 is already a very large number.

The user registry on the star network has been added with the Zerg race option. As the Zerg joined the Star Network, the information exchange between the various races and the Zerg of the Stars increased a lot, and the understanding of the Zerg was much more than before. In the inherent hostility of the past.

In recent years, on the Guhuai side, the customs clearance value has continued to rise at a slow but very stable rate. On the one hand, it is for diplomacy, on the other hand, he wants to visit the planet where the various races of the Stars are located. From time to time, Gu Huai will accept the invitation from the new target to send him to the other planet.

But they will not be guests for too long, because Gu Huai has found that from the time he stepped out, the Zerg on the Thur Star will start to wait for him to go back.

Tuse Star will also send invitations to the top leaders of other races who have successfully established diplomatic relations. The Zerg’s capital star, in the past, said that some people dare to take the initiative to approach the planet, it will only be regarded as a fantasy. But now that the image of the Zerg in the interstellar world is getting better, there are even a lot of people interested in the galaxies of the Zerg who will drive a small starship to drive.

"Sleepy..." was held in the arms of the silver worms, and the young black-haired youth who had just finished a meeting with the foreign leaders had a narrow eyelid in this comfortable position.

Upon hearing the words of the youth in the arms, Yalves took one of the roads from the conference room on the top floor of the military building to the sofa in the private lounge on the next floor, but after that, he did not put the youth on the sofa. .

First, I sat up with the youth, and then Arvis lay down and let the youth kneel on him. The tail protects the young waist and plays a fixed protective role. The silver wings spread out behind the youth. It is a good use of blocking light.

Outsiders can't see what's happening in the space covered by silver wings. Of course, there are no other people in this private rest room. The dark environment had no effect on Yalves. He raised his hand and took the young man’s back and slept, but at the same time he looked at the young man who was already sleepy and half-squinted. He would like to take this very close distance and get closer. Go gently and kiss the young man's eyebrows.

The warm and soft touch appears on the cheeks from time to time, and occasionally on the lips. Gu Huai is very comfortable and familiar with this feeling of being kissed by the silver worms.


The soft touch appears on the lips. In the dark environment, Gu Huai hears the low and cold voice of the silver worm.

If you don't use the power to show the golden erect, then there is no night vision ability. The vision is affected by the darkness, but the hearing is not. I clearly hear this snoring. Gu Huai opened up some of the eyes that he was about to smash, and fumbled and took the initiative to kiss him on the lips of his silver worm.

The singer's buzz in the humanoid form has the meaning of reward. After discovering this, Gu Huai will take the initiative to respond after the other party finishes. However, the silver worms are usually very easy to meet, and it would be nice to kiss them back like this.

To the reward, Arvis put a little bit of his erection, and satisfied the silver tail of the youthful waist with a little satisfaction, and the tip of the tail was slightly tilted.

Because the kisses of the silver worms are already very familiar, even if the other party continues to kiss gently, Gu Huai will not become awake, but will gradually hang down in the comfortable environment created by the silver worms.

When the young man in the arms was completely blindfolded and his breathing became smooth and gentle, Arvis stopped the action of kissing the young cheeks.

In addition to the tail, Arvis put his hands on the young man in his arms. Although he didn't feel sleepy, he also picked up his pale gold erect and tried to fall asleep.

I want to sleep with my partner. Yalves thinks this way, and he did the same.

The door of the private rest room is closed. I have seen how many times my own heads are holding their own kings into the restroom. The high-level Zerg who worked in the military department has long been eccentric.

The leader and the king of their own family are already in a relationship. When they discovered this, the Zerg on the Tuse star said that it was impossible to be surprised, but after the surprise, they only left the idea for granted.

At present, in the 12-star alliance, the race that has established friendly diplomatic relations with the Zerg is nearly half. According to this regulation, which has been able to join the Star Alliance by half, the Zerg has almost reached the conditions for joining.

The first default threshold for joining Star Alliance is the strength of its own race, measured by conditions such as military power and financial resources. For most races, the first threshold is a harsh condition that cannot be crossed, but for the Zerg, this obviously does not pose any problem.

In the next step, which ethnic group in the Star Alliance established diplomatic relations, Gu Huai was thinking about this issue not long ago. He had put humanity in the final position of the attack, and he slept with the silver worms for an afternoon. The chief of staff sent him an encrypted letter sent by the Earth Federation.

It was an invitation to the talks, and the venue of the talks was specially set up on the third-party planet to avoid any concerns between the human and the Zerg.

Stretching out his fingers to swipe the virtual screen, the black-haired youth who just woke up for a long time took back their hands and scorned the corner of their eyes. They said to their chief of staff: "Respond to change the venue to earth."

No trust, just for the current peace situation, how can the human side not actively break, which is not good for them. In the past few years, Gu Huai has been able to practice his own abilities. Even in the event of any unexpected incident, he is able to transfer himself and his fellow troops to a safe place.

In the current situation, Kui Huai does not care where the meeting place is, but he has not seen the Earth for a long time, and is interested in the earth in the current future world of the interstellar.

Then choose on this planet and open a new page for this new era of interstellar.