MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 27 Black Knight (27)

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In the first time when the stranger was noticed, that is, the first second after the auction dome was blasted, the young cub in the youth’s arms stopped the movement of the tip of the tail, and changed back to the original form. The tail protects the youth circle.

As the dome was forced to be demolished, the various ethnic guests in the auction house were naturally unsettled, and the entire auction site suddenly became turmoil.

No alarm sounded, and Minor Star was infiltrated into the interior by the minority gnomes of the Penn Empire, including most of the guards added to the auction, which were actually part of the Penn Empire.

At the moment, it can be said that this auction venue is surrounded by enemies inside and outside.

The dome was blown up, and the fallen stones caused a scream. After returning the youth circle to the territory, Arvis opened a huge silver wing on his own, wrapped the circle back to the youth in the vicinity, and then cleaned a huge slate from the tail. Crushed into a powder.

The goblin auctioneer on the auction floor still doesn't know how to react in the same place. Now the influx of goblin soldiers into the auction site is an enemy. For the various ethnic groups in this area, they are in a state of isolation. status.

Of course, there are exceptions to this.

Without lowering the platform, the Tucker on this independent platform used its huge body to directly block some small pieces that fell, allowing the youth to stay in a safe environment, and by the way blocked two humans. .

The shadow of the black body was cast by the huge body of the Tucker, and although the two human generals knew that they were only attached, they were still moved.

"Karu." Seeing the Tucker Zombie who was kept in front of himself and was shattered by small stones on his back, Gu Huai, who had emerged from his silver wing, stretched out his hand.

It was discovered that the young man showed his head from the silver wings that sheltered him. The Tak worms made a low-pitched snoring, and they urged the youth to retract their bodies and not to be exposed.

This small stone squats on the body for a Tak worm, but it is not painful, but even if it is replaced by a gun, the Tak zerg will make the same action as it is now.

Protecting the king, for the Zerg, this will not be shaken by anything, especially for the low-level Zerg who does not have too much wisdom.

The youth in front of them are born and watched by them. When they first abandoned the planet, they guarded a pure white giant egg. Later, the scorpion that loaded the treasure opened, and the precious treasure inside it appeared.

Because looking at the birth of this treasure, the Tuckers who once lived on abandoned planets are not only instinctively loved and surrendered to the new king. They also believe that they have the responsibility to care for the youth.

However, just as the Zerg unconditionally protects himself, Gu Huai also does not want any damage to these Zerg. In the beginning, the choice of the more difficult ‘peace’ customs clearance rather than the simple and rude ‘conquering the universe’ was not only because it didn’t want to ruin other people’s homes at random, but another, more important reason.

The moment when Gu Huai reached out and took the forearm of the Tektron, the space on the top of the flight platform was created by his abilities to create a twisted vortex. All the fallen stones were shattered into dust at the moment of touching the vortex of the space. , **** into this distorted space.

As the interior was infiltrated, the alarm sound of Minor Star was late, and it was only now that it reacted to the army. At the moment, the fleet of the Penn Empire is over the air, and the weapons such as the phase gun are all ready. It can be said that the situation has been basically controlled.

The Penn Imperial Soldiers, who were armed with guns and poured into the auction site, surrounded the entire auction site. The various ethnic groups on the flight platform were all pointed at by the guns and ordered to land the platform.

After the platform landed, the various race bidders on these platforms were driven to the same place by a small number of goblin guns. For a time, the luxurious auction house seemed to have become a slaughterhouse. The various ethnic groups pointed by the muzzle could only be slaughtered at this time.

Deliberately creating a climate of terror, these minority goblins issued the same instructions to the last floating platform on the central high ground.

There was a space anomaly just above the flight platform, but now this anomaly has disappeared and the situation is already in control. These goblins are not so concerned about this accidental accident.

I know that the various ethnic groups who are waiting on this platform are hopeful, but soon their hopes are extinguished, because the flight platform suspended in the central high altitude is now slowly descending.

Although it is a ferocious race that makes the whole interstellar taboo, there is no way to confront an army in the case of only a few people. This is in line with common sense...

However, this idea was just finished. I felt that the various ethnic groups who wanted to go out were watching the moment when the final flight platform fell to the ground. They heard the huge roar of the space tear.


Through the huge voids that were demolished through the dome of the auction house, the various ethnic groups who were driven out in the same place saw a ship that had been hovering high in the sky and was torn apart by a torn space. The lower half crashed into the ground they could not see, and it was followed by an explosion.

In the face of this sudden change of scene, no matter which side is present, it is a second.

The various race bidders pointed by the guns were like a roller coaster ride, and the minority goblin holding the firearms now turned the muzzle all the way to the landing platform that had just landed, aiming at several figures on the platform.

Is there something in common with this? ?

After all the people who have experienced this round of ups and downs, they only feel that the world in front of them is extremely unreal. They have seen that there are auxiliary uses that can be used for space transmission, or various attacks, but Said to dismantle the battleship -

Following the wave of power fluctuations, the initiators of the abilities were found, looking at the silver worms who did not know when they appeared on the flight platform. The various ethnic groups present in the field now have the feeling of scalp tingling.

It is clear that there are fewer than ten Zerg on this small flight platform, but from these zerg ones have almost shrunk into thin-lined erects, they suddenly feel that these zergs seem to surround them with weapons of destruction. The minority goblin is even more fierce and dangerous.

If you can read the obvious anger from the face of the Zerg accustomed to the expressionless face, it means that the Zerg is basically in a state of anger.

Targeted by countless weapons, the discerning eye can see that the anger of these higher Zerg is soaring.

If you are only aiming at the guns, these higher Zerg will not feel anything, just ordinary combat.

It can be said that the target is also included in the family, this is no longer a normal battle, but as a declaration of war against the entire Zerg.

A battleship crashed. Not long after that, the high altitude above the dome of the bombed auction site followed the sound of the battleship's crossfire, most notably the sound of the energy stored before the phase gun was launched.

The Yula warship is a temporarily unmanned Ula warship.

As a self-aware biological warship, at the moment of receiving the link of the spirit of the royal family, these Eurasian warships, which were originally in the airport, were transformed into the most powerful battleships of the Destroyer level in an instant, to the royals at the auction site. The area is advancing at full speed.

After the arrival, that is, now, for a second pause, the warship's weapon device is not powered to 100%, and the target is targeted for attack.

The **** fleet, which has cut the number of two-thirds of the warships, is still impressive, and it does not fall into the battle with the fleet of the Penn empire to launch the general attack.

"There was a hand fast, and I accidentally sent a signal for help." Alger said with a smile, is it really not careless to know.

The two captains on the planet, plus the size of the escort, actually sending a signal for help to Tusestar is not a necessary act, but since the other party has declared war on their entire race...

For this confession, the silver worms are undecided, he just picked up the erect, a glimpse of a handsome face with a militant smile.

However, in the case of guarding the youth with the tail circle, Yalves did not let himself go to fight, but simply used the ability to destroy the weapons of destruction held by the surrounding goblins.

There were no weapons in the hands of the enemy. The various ethnic groups in the auction room suddenly had the ability to confront each other. It was only after a long period of resistance. They found that the situation outside had new changes.

In just a few seconds, the outside did not know what was happening. The whole sky was covered with cold and cold black. This kind of icy black like a black cloud is actually a dense group of Yula warships.

Everyone who comes out of the auction floor and sees the outside scene now has only one idea -

Who is invading now? ?

Can't blame people coming out of the auction site for this kind of thinking, after all, the scene is too shocking.

It was only now that I realized that I had kicked a piece of iron. It was too late. The first reaction was to abandon the car and the coach of the Penn Empire. The commander of the fleet of the Penn Empire was ready to let the men continue fighting to win time for him. The battleship will soon be able to escape.

"Accumulate energy, 5, 4, 3, 2..."

The last number was also read out smoothly. The momentary space movement caused by the battleship migrating also appeared, but only the hull was slightly shaken. The commander of the Penn Empire found that his warship was still at the original coordinates. Way to leave.

In the next second, the battleship suddenly fell like a free fall. There was no chance to turn around. The warship crashed straight on the ground and made a heavy sound.

Not the same as the previous volatility. The initiators of the abilities were found following the fluctuations in the abilities. The crowd saw the young black-haired youth being guarded by the silver worms with their tails.

The other person's black eyes, which were originally round pupils, have now become golden erects similar to the silver worms next to them.