MTL - The Hunter’s Lucky Little Lady-Chapter 47 Li Shun disappeared

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Seeing the money in their hands, the two old people seemed to see hope, with a happy smile on their wrinkled faces.

"Thank you!" The old lady said thanks again, picked up the bamboo basket in her hand, and supported each other with the old man before going home.

Luo Cheng watched the old couple leave, and was about to turn around to help Li Xiaoran clean up the tables and chairs.

In an inadvertent moment, Luo Chenggong noticed a man with a different expression, and his eyes kept looking in the direction where the old man and his wife left.

Luo Cheng sneered and immediately understood.

He did bad things with good intentions before, and he was afraid that he might bring trouble to the old couple.

Thinking of this, Luo Chengcheng put his hand on the table and tapped it.

As soon as the secret guard saw Luo Cheng's finger tapping, he immediately cheered up, understood what Luo Cheng meant, and chased in the direction where the pair of old people left.

When everything was packed, Yuan Cheng and Mao Dao also noticed the movement here, so they came over.

"Brother Luo, are you not setting up a stall?" Mao Dao asked.

"It's not available today, the noodles are already sold out!" Luo Cheng replied succinctly.

"Also, there are a lot of guests in the official road today, and our steamed buns can be sold for a while before we can go back!" Mao Dao nodded and said in agreement: "Brother Luo, let's go first! The rest We brothers will help you clean up the things you put down!"

Yuan Cheng nodded and said, "Yeah! We were taken care of by Brother Luo, and our sister-in-law taught us how to make steamed buns. We are very grateful, so we want to help with something. Leave the rest to us!"

Luo Cheng glanced at Yuan Cheng and Mao Dao, thought about it, and nodded.

"That's good! You must remember that the sparks in the stove must be extinguished, and after the ashes in the stove are completely free of sparks, pour it with water and then leave!"

Yuan Cheng and Mao Dao nodded, promising to do it well.

So Luo Chengcheng and Li Xiaoran sisters left with other things.

Seeing Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran leaving, the people around the stall cast envious glances.

Of course, some people are secretly happy, such as Zhao Chunhua.

Zhao Chunhua thinks that Li Xiaoran and sisters are gone!

When they leave, she will be the only one in this place that sells gnocchi soup. By then, all the gnocchi soup she makes will be sold out.

Li Xiaoran naturally didn't know Zhao Chunhua's thoughts, and she was also happy at this time.

Sliced ​​noodles are getting better and better these days. After a while, she will be able to save some money and build a small shop beside the official road.

At that time, you don't need to be exposed to wind and rain, and you don't need to be stared at by others all the time.

To be honest, Li Xiaoran felt that he was doing business in an upright manner and was not afraid of others watching.

It's just that when I'm doing things, I always feel that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at my back, which feels weird.

Luo Cheng is also thinking about this matter.

To be honest, he didn't want people to stare at them all the time.

Anyway, he has money in his hand, and building a shop is not too difficult, so he will talk to Li Xiaoran in a while, and try to persuade her to agree to his money to build the shop.

Or wait until her noodle stall makes money to build the shop, I am afraid that the cold winter and twelfth lunar month have already come.

Luo Chengcheng frowned at the thought of shivering in the cold wind.

Soon, a group of people arrived at the house.

At this time, Li Xiaoran only saw the figure of his mother, so he asked, "Mother? Where is father?"

"Aren't you going to make that big umbrella that can keep out the wind and rain? Your father went to the bamboo forest to chop bamboo!" Zhao Xiu just put the chopped wild vegetables in the wooden bucket, Going to get it for the chicks.

"How long has my father been gone?" Li Xiaoran asked casually.

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Xiu's steps stopped for a while, and a puzzled look appeared on his face.

"It's been almost two hours since your father went out! It's time to come back now!"

I don't know why, when Li Xiaoran heard his mother's words, he suddenly had a bad feeling.

Just when Li Xiaoran was very flustered, Luo Cheng's cold voice came.

"Don't worry, I'll take Xiao Hei out to have a look, and I'll find my father-in-law and bring him back!"

Speaking, Luo Chengcheng whistled, and soon Xiao Hei ran out.

"You are waiting at home, remember, don't leave this house, don't panic if you encounter anything, there is rhubarb protecting you!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Chengcheng gave Xiao Hei an order, and one person and one dog ran out.

After Li Xiaoran and Li Xiaoqing put the things in the stall, they also looked anxious at this time.

"It must be the hands and feet of the people from Grandpa's side, maybe he brought Dad back to Lao Li's house!"

Li Xiaoran also has this speculation, but now he can't go out to see, so only one heart is like being scratched by a cat's claws.

"No, your father will not follow your grandfather back to Lao Li's house!" Zhao Xiu said with certainty.

Li Xiaoran and Li Xiaoqing looked at their mother, not understanding why she was so sure.

"Since we arrived at Luo's house, we have lived a stable and comfortable life. You two sisters set up stalls and sell noodles to make money, and you have a son-in-law to protect us. We are also very relieved. Life is something we can't even ask for, and your father will definitely not be confused."

"Besides, when your grandfather and grandma brought me, your father and Xiaoqing to marry me, your father gave up on the people from your grandfather's side. It's also divided, and the dowry is also dowry, your father has been talking fiercely, he is now in the son-in-law's family, and the old Li family has nothing to do with him!" Zhao Xiu said what he knew.

Li Xiaoran felt that such random guessing was not a solution, so she kept thinking about what to do.

Li Shun, who was worried, was lying unconscious in a dark cellar.

When Luo Cheng and Xiaohei arrived at the bamboo forest, they only found some chopped bamboos and a hatchet thrown on the ground. Other than that, there was no trace of anything.

Luo Cheng frowned and continued to look for something.

Sure enough, in a very hidden grass not far away, Luo Cheng found the unconscious guard.

Luo Cheng took out a porcelain bottle from his arms and shook it in front of the dark guard's nose.

Soon, the dark guard woke up.

"The subordinates are negligent, please punish the son!"

"Tell me, what's going on?"

"Returning to the young master, Master Li was chopping bamboo, and suddenly an old woman came to ask for directions. Just when the subordinate felt that something was wrong, suddenly it was dark in front of him, and he passed out. ."