MTL - The Fugitive White Moonlight of a Powerful Minister-Chapter 21

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  Chapter 21

   "It's the way of the world." Wang You squatted down in front of Wang Qinsheng.

He is always warm when facing his family, and his eyes seem to be stained with spring breeze. At this time, there is a certainty in the gentleness: "Some people are born into power, and they can do whatever they want by relying on their birth, and they are not afraid of doing evil things; some people are born Being poor and humble, struggling to eat more food is an unforgivable crime. Qinsheng is not your fault."

  Wang You's words made Wang Qinsheng cry even harder.

He knew that his son had never looked down on him as a slave, and the master often told him that he was a slave, but he shouldn't really treat himself as a slave. When he had a better place to go, he would treat him as a slave. His deed of sell-out was returned to him.

   "Get up." Wang You pulled him up and handed him a handkerchief, with a smile on his lips, "I feel more wronged than my son."

   "Then I... I'll go buy some vegetables and come back." Wang Qinsheng wiped away his tears indiscriminately, "What do you want to eat today, my lord?"

   "Buy some of what mother likes to eat." Wang You Wensheng said.

  After Yun Tinglou that day, the atmosphere in the Wang family was gloomy, and Wang Fu didn't say anything about his displeasure. Mrs. Wang couldn't get up because of this incident, and she drank two extra doses of medicine every day.

  Wang Qinsheng said yes, and walked quickly.

  It wasn't until Wang Qinsheng closed the door of the house that the smile on Wang You's lips faded. After closing the smile, the melancholy in his eyes overflowed again, and he slowly stared at the branch of peach blossom poking into the wall.

   This world should not be like this.

   It won't always be like this.

  He paced back to the study to read.

  The screens rotated in a hurry, and it was already noon in a blink of an eye, when there was a sudden knock on the door outside. When Wang You put down the scroll, he heard the sound of the door opening, followed by arrogant nonsense: "This dog slave dared to touch Mr. Qin's misfortune. It is Mr. Qin's mercy to spare his life. You can come to the door to thank you some other day! "

  Wang You stepped out of the study quickly, and Wang Fu's cry had already been heard.

   "Qinsheng, Qinsheng! How could..." Wang Fu was rarely flustered, and then shouted, "Excuse me, excuse me, come quickly!"

  As soon as Wang You arrived at the courtyard, he saw Wang Qinsheng lying on a stretcher, which was already stained red with blood.

   "Forgive me, you come to watch Qinsheng, I'll go find the doctor!" Handing Wang Qinsheng to Wang You, Wang Fu hurried out of the courtyard.

  Wang You felt dazzling.

  Wang Qinsheng's legs were beaten to a **** mess, his pale face was spattered with blood, his lips were trembling, and he was almost unconscious.

   But he was clearly sober.

  Wang You just squatted down when he grabbed his sleeve.

"My lord, my lord..." Wang Qinsheng's tears rolled down the corners of his eyes, stained with blood on his face, and turned blood red, "My lord, in this world, there is a distinction between rich and poor, high and low, so it turned out that my biggest mistake... I am the biggest mistake." My fault is that I was reborn in the wrong family!"

  Wang You's forehead was stabbed suddenly, and he only held Wang Qinsheng's hand.

  The hands were also dripping with blood, and they were tightly clasped: "Young Master, you know that I have always been timid and fearful, and I was afraid that I would cause trouble for you. I ran away when I saw him..."

Wang Qinsheng's tears kept falling, whether it was because of pain or grievance: "But they just bully the good and fear the evil. The more I ran and begged, the more fun and vigorous they played. In their eyes , I'm just a plaything for their fun."

   "My lord, isn't the life of a slave your life?"

   "Young master, I don't accept it!"

   "Young master! I don't accept it!"

  Wang Qinsheng cried out one after another, piercing his eardrums and entering his mind, beating his brain again and again.

  Wang You was stabbed by the pain and opened his eyes, it was pitch black.

  He sat up, the room was silent, a table and a chair, under the moonlight, familiar and unfamiliar.

   Another dream.

  Wang Qinsheng's "I'm not convinced" still echoed in his ears.

  He put all his clothes on the bed, took a coat and put it on, and walked out.

  It is already late at night, a bright moon hangs in the sky outside, and the stars are like chess pieces scattered in the sky.

  March 25th, in the dream it was March 25th, today is March 25th.

  He arrived in the yard and subconsciously glanced at the corner.

  An oil lamp was left under the ginkgo tree in the yard. Although the light was dim, by the moonlight, one could still see a branch of peach blossoms in full bloom in the corner to the west.

  He recalled whether he had ever thought of seeing this peach blossom except in the dream just now, and the forehead was sharply painful again.

  He frowned and pressed the button, not thinking about peach blossoms, and walked to Wang Qinsheng's room.

  In other people's homes, a book boy like Wang Qinsheng is required to keep watch at night, but the Wang family has never had this rule, and a bedroom was specially set up for him.

  The bedroom is small, but it is his own after all.

  Wang Qinsheng was sleeping soundly, feeling a little light in front of his eyes in a daze, as if someone had lit the oil lamp in his room.

  He rubbed his eyes and got up, opened them, and froze.

   "Your...Young master?" Wang Qinsheng looked at Wang You in surprise.

   This was the first time he came to his room at night, I don't know if it was because it was too late, his face looked a little pale, "Young master, what's the matter?"

  Wang Qinsheng quickly got off the bed.

"No need." Wang You swept across his legs, knowing that it was just a dream, now seeing that his legs were intact and his whole body was still alive, he was inexplicably relieved, "You continue to sleep, I see I see you go."

  Wang Qinsheng: "Huh?"

   "I just had a nightmare." Wang You pressed his forehead again, got up and left.

   Halfway there, he turned around and said, "Qinsheng, you probably haven't gone out these few days?"

  Wang Qinsheng shook his head sleepily: "Master let me rest well, so..."

   "For the next few days, continue to rest in the room."

  Wang Qinsheng Zhang Er couldn't figure it out, originally planned to talk to the master tomorrow, let him go out to buy some household items, why did the young master come and tell him not to go out...

  Wang You didn't explain much, and left after saying this.

  Wang Qinsheng had no choice but to scratch his head, and continued to get under the quilt to sleep.

  Wang You, who was woken up by the night wind when he went out, also felt that he was a little baffled, but he had only two dreams in a row, which made him feel uneasy.

  He discarded the picture in his dream, and went to the study.


  Chun Wei, which occurs once every three years, is a major event in the court. The capital city was bustling with naked eyes, and many people were looking forward to the next palace test and the final result. Even some underground banks are placing bets.

   Among them, the most gambled is of course whether Wang You can win the palace examination again, becoming Dayin's first 21-year-old No. 1 champion with six yuan.

  The capital city is busy, and the affairs of the court and China are also busy. Wen Tingchun and Wen Lan almost leave early and return late every day.

   This gave Wen Ning a lot of freedom.

  In the past two days, she went out every afternoon, listened to a play in a teahouse, went to a restaurant for dinner, and then went to the Ministry of War to find Wen Qi.

   Today is the third day.

  Tomorrow is the palace examination, the teahouse is unprecedentedly lively, and all the plays on the stage are all champion plays.

  Wen Ning listened a little absent-mindedly.

  The two days of soaking in the teahouse gave her some inspiration, but... things were a bit out of the ordinary, and she felt a little nervous. And I don't know what the odds are, if I lose...

  Linglan looked at her girl with her chin resting on her shoulders, her eyes downcast, her mind was not on the stage at all, she just clasped her knuckles on the table, wondering what she was thinking about.

  Suddenly, a light flashed in those clear eyes, and then the whole eyes lit up, with a firm brilliance in their eyes.

   She winked at her.

   Linglan immediately understood and bowed over: "Girl, what's wrong?"

  Wen Ning whispered a few words in her ear, and Linglan's eyes instantly widened like copper bells, and she tremblingly said, "Gu... Miss, what are you going to do again?"

  Wen Ning patted the back of her hand reassuringly: "Don't worry, just go and find out for me."

  Linglan was overwhelmed by this action in surprise.

   That's all, the weird things her girl has done recently are not bad for this one.

   With a bitter face, she gave Wen Ning a helpless expression, and turned away.

  As soon as Linglan left, Wen Ning took a sip of tea slowly.

  She asked Linglan to find someone to inquire about a candidate named Liu Ye, if he bet on him, what are the odds.

  That's right, the gambling game in the underground bank was the most talked about in the teahouse these few days, so she also moved her mind.

  A few days ago, she bought a lot of jewelry and got some silver notes.

   But those banknotes are far from enough.

  Although there are some more valuable big items in the house, it is not easy to **** those things secretly. If Wen Tingchun finds out, she will probably be **** to death.

  Since there is an opportunity to make money right now, although it is indeed... a bit embarrassing. But the next time such an opportunity will be unknown, why not firmly grasp it?

  She hesitated for two days, thinking that she couldn't miss such a good opportunity. Just asked Ling Lan to ask Liu Ye about the odds, because she wanted to bet on him.

  The result of this time is that Wang You will undoubtedly be the leader. But his previous performance was too good, he would be the number one pick, and he won't make much money in the end.

  Shen Jin is a bit unpopular, so the odds must be high. But in this life, she retired before the engagement, and his result may be different from the previous life. The last time I saw him drinking heavily in Yuntinglou, it would be risky to bet him.

  She thought about it, and remembered that at that time there was a scholar named Liu Ye, who ranked second only to Pei You, and was the second place in the ranking. He was a big upset, so the odds must not be low.

   Sure enough, after a while Linglan came back and leaned into her ear: "If you bet on him to be the top seven, the odds will be five times, if you name him the second place, the odds will be ten times!"

  Wen Ning gasped, and immediately lost all scruples.

   "Let's go!" She slapped the table and stood up, "Go home and get the bank note!"

  (end of this chapter)