MTL - The First Strong Control In History-Chapter 33 Hunzi's true colors (recommendation ticket requested)

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  Chapter 33 Hunzi True Colors (recommendation ticket requested)

   With the gradual deepening of a group of people.

  The fog became thicker and thicker, from less than 100 meters visible before, to now it seems that there are only seventy or eighty meters left.

  In this vast expanse of whiteness, people would actually feel a sense of loneliness and independence, as if they were abandoned by the whole world. If the five of them hadn't acted together, it would have been difficult to bear.


  In the forest, there seemed to be only the quiet footsteps of five people left, and even the howling of wild animals that could be heard before, disappeared at this time.

   The silence was eerie.


   Zhang Xiner's eyes flickered, and she said in a deep voice, "At eight o'clock, at eleven o'clock, two."

  Yuan Bei was startled, his eyes moved slightly, and he looked with bated breath in the two directions Zhang Xiner had mentioned, but he saw nothing, only bushes shrouded in mist.

   "At eight o'clock, follow the original plan, and at eleven o'clock, Zhao Shiying will solve it."

   Zhang Xiner then ordered.

  Zhao Shiying hummed imperceptibly, moved his hand slightly, and covered his right arm with metallization.

   Move forward for tens of meters again.

  At this time, Yuan Bei finally found the White Smoker at the eight o'clock direction. It was shrinking among the dense leaves. It was very difficult to find if you didn't look closely.

  Yuan Bei's direction, and he could only see a third of its body, with criss-crossed teeth on its ferocious face, and a pair of bloodthirsty eyes staring at them.

   It seems that only waiting for Yuan Bei and the others to reach the attack range, they will directly charge up and tear them all to pieces!

   Several people pretended not to notice, and then moved forward.


  The sound of friction between the leaves and the flesh suddenly sounded.

   "Do it!"

  Zhang Xiner's voice sounded instantly.

   "Machine gun!"

  The identities of the hunter and the prey are swapped in an instant!

  Zhao Shiying raised his arms and spewed out flames!

   Bang bang bang!

   There was a burst of machine gun fire, and the finger seemed to have turned into a real machine gun at this moment, and it was impossible to know how many "bullets" were fired in one second!

  The white smoker who just showed his head at eleven o'clock, before he could make any movements, his body was smashed into a sieve in mid-air, and his tattered body fell directly to the ground.

   And the other side.

  Yuan Bei also made an instant movement, [Falling Deep in Sleep] activated in the blink of an eye, and the body of the other white smoke ghost softened, and the body that came suddenly seemed to be thrown out.

  Zhang Peng stepped forward, and the big ax behind him slashed down diagonally in an instant!


  The sound of a sharp weapon entering the flesh sounded, and blood splattered everywhere!

Perhaps it was because of the first time that his powerful ax did not hit the White Smoke Ghost's vitals, but only hit the lower abdomen, but it was still seriously injured. The ax almost hit the White Smoke Ghost. The crisp and thin body runs right through!


  White Smoke Ghost was awakened instantly by this heavy blow. The severe pain distorted his already ugly face and howled like an ape.

But even so, the first thing that came to its mind was to fight back. The bloodthirsty color flashed in its eyes, and its right claw swung out directly. Peng's arm was cut into three sections!

  Zhang Peng had no choice but to let go of the big ax in his hand, and retreated violently.


  At this time, the White Smoke Ghost fell to the ground together with the big axe, and the axe fell off its lower abdomen directly, and the blood gushed out instantly, and it appeared together with its cry of pain!

  But the alien beast had tenacious vitality. Even with such an injury, it still didn't die in a short period of time.

  Zhang Peng leaned back, directly made an iron bridge, dodged the blow, kicked his legs directly and fiercely on the wound on the lower abdomen of Baiyangui, and kicked him several meters away.

  White Smoke Ghost is still a living thing after all, already at the end of his strength, he was hit again by this blow, fell to the ground, struggled twice, and never got up again.


   Zhang Peng had time to let out a long sigh of relief at this time, and he collapsed directly on the ground, his chest heaving up and down violently like a bellows.

  It sounds long, but in fact, these things happened within a few breaths, but in such a short time, Zhang Peng's back was completely wet with cold sweat.

  Yuan Bei had the intention to go up to help or something, but with his current genetic level, in order not to add to the chaos, he still silently stayed behind.

   But looking at the big ax falling aside, Yuan Bei still had some other thoughts in his heart.

   "Maybe, when I go back this time, I should also master the use of a weapon."

   Don't say anything else.

   The damage is really high!

   "No breakthrough?"

  Zhang Xiner asked without any change on her face.


   Zhang Peng also slowed down at this time, scratching his head in distress: "I feel that there is still a little pressure."

"it is good."

  Zhang Xiner nodded thoughtfully.

  Yuan Bei silently stepped forward to touch the corpse.

   These rich people really do whatever they want.

  Although the gene core of the White Smoker is unpopular and the market demand is not large, it is still a Bronze Rank gene core no matter what!

  The price of a piece of White Smoker's gene core basically fluctuates around 10,000. After all, not everyone can start from the Silver rank, and the Bronze rank is the choice of most commoners.

   It's all money!

   If you all look down on this small amount of money... then I will be impolite!

   After digging for a long time wearing gloves, he finally took out a gene nucleus from the heads of the two white smokers—not all strange beasts have gene nuclei in their heads. After inquiring about Zhao Shiying, he stuffed it into his pocket happily.

  If it weren't for the white smoker's fur and flesh, which were worthless at all, and couldn't even be eaten, he would have packed it up and taken it all away.

   Wearing gloves is not because he is pretentious or something, but the blood of the strange beast is not Qiong Ganyulu—very dirty.

  His physical fitness is not very high, if some viruses enter the body along some small wounds, at least he will suffer a serious illness.

   "In a moment, Yuan Bei and Zhao Shiying are in a group."

   Zhang Xiner waited until Yuan Bei took out all the gene cores before continuing to speak: "Zhang Peng will deal with one alone, and he is not far from breaking through."

  The rest of the people also nodded.

  Zhang Peng didn't dare to speak, and Yuan Bei suspected that he didn't dare.

   It’s just muttering:

   "I want to surf the Internet...why am I here to fight to the death!"

  Zhang Xiner glanced at him quietly.



   "When you have enough strength to protect yourself, I will not care about you until you die in the Internet cafe."

  Yan Huohuo was also very quiet along the way, with a look of general interest, which would be more energetic: "If Zhang Peng is awakened, then it will be easier for our team to win the championship with the strength of our team."

  Yuan Bei remained silent.

  Zhang Peng's genetic value has stayed at 130 for a long time. This should be the limit value of his body, and now he is just waiting for him to break through.

  That's why Yuan Bei always complains that the cultivation methods in this world are so simple and rude.

  The opening of the gene lock is not the so-called impact of genetic value, but intense stimulation. No matter what kind of stimulation, as long as it is enough, it is possible for people to open the gene lock.

   Among them, the crisis between life and death is the most simple and effective.


  The morning passed quickly.

  Afterwards, several people encountered five waves of attacks.

  Zhang Peng dealt with it three times alone, but unfortunately, his gene lock still failed to open.

  The most dangerous time was when Baiyan Gui pretended to be dead and almost tore his neck with a claw. Fortunately, Zhang Xiner kicked him at the last moment.

   At that scene, blood spattered and was extremely bloody.

  Bai Yangui's body was kicked into two sections.

  From this, it can also be seen that Zhang Xiner has actually cared about Zhang Peng all along, but the way is a bit unique.

  Yuan Bei didn't know if it was a big heart or something, no matter how **** the scene was, he stepped forward to take out the gene core happily, and stuffed it into his pocket.

   Just throwing a skill during the battle, it is extremely easy, as if you are on an outing, and you have perfectly played the role of a bastard.

   A group of people then stepped forward.

At this moment.

  Zhang Xiner's complexion changed.

   Looking forward with a solemn face.

   Lao Xu’s book should hit the street, there is no recommendation later, if you have a ticket, give it a ticket!

   But don’t worry, I have my own job, and I am quite happy writing books.



  (end of this chapter)