MTL - The Fierce Illegitimate Miss-Chapter 17 Alcoholic madman (two more to receive)

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In the ready-to-wear store, the situation of being despised in the drunken building just because of poor dressing almost happened again. However, the cold face of the clerk was as soft as the muddy water when he saw the silver ingot thrown by the weeds. Also tired.

"Two ladies, this is a good golden satin. The five first-class embroidered embroidered the embroidered for ten days. You can see this texture. This work, you can't match it..."

Who knows that Yu Ling does not even look at it, and points to a few dresses: "This, this, and that, wrap me up."

God knows that she has no interest in shopping. The clothes of the predecessors are all well-matched by the top image designers. It is so troublesome to use.

After finishing his own, Yu Linglong pointed to two sets: "The two pieces are taken down, scribbled, you try."

"What?" I haven't recovered from the accident that I just started to manage the money. The scribbles are surprised again. "The slaves also want to buy clothes? The slaves... the slaves are just awkward!"

Yu Ling took a look at her: "What's wrong with you, you don't have to wear clothes? Let you try and try, which is so much nonsense!"

Just because the weeds have just maintained their own way, how can they be worthy of these two sets of clothes.

When she was a big sister in the past, she always had a strict rule. However, the merits and demerits of the subordinates were also rewards and punishments. Since the **** was followed by her, she naturally could not be wronged.

The clerk went to the clothes and smiled. I didn't expect that it would be a big surprise to make such a big business in the big night.

Yu Ling looked at herself in the bronze mirror, only to see the woman in the mirror dressed in a water-green trolling bird, brocade dress, and more and more, her delicate face was shiny, bright, and the hands were full of nobility. style.

She nodded slightly with satisfaction, and it really turned out that people rely on clothes to wear gold, so that the clothes are worn on the body, the whole person is completely new.

Since you have come to ancient times, come to a new beginning!

The master and the servant just changed their dresses, and suddenly there was a nervous voice at the door: "Fast! Close the door!"

The clerk was shocked and looked up. I saw a middle-aged man in a long gown hurried in and shouted a few people in the store: "I didn't hear it? Hurry up!"

The clerk refused to ask Yu Ling and the two, and hurriedly greeted him: "The treasurer, what is wrong with this?"

The middle-aged man was anxious to swear: "Don't you hear it? The devil is coming again!"

Just finished, he only saw Yu Ling and the two, I must have thought that there would be guests so late, the shopkeeper’s half-turned back to the gods, busy paying a smile: "Two ladies, the shop is going to fight, please also ask Two displacement steps, come back later."

I didn’t wait for Yu Ling’s questioning. Outside, there were voices in the shops that were messing up and closing the door. The shopkeeper’s shopkeeper was even more anxious: “Or, these pieces of clothes will be kept for you, and you will come back and pick it up!”

As I said, the side of the shopkeeper made a gesture of giving away.

Yu Ling’s exquisite eyebrows are slightly picking up. What happened in the end, so that the business of this shopkeeper is not done, and the ones who want to send customers out?

She quietly picked up the already wrapped dress on the counter and said, "No need to bother, scribble, pay the bill." Then turned and went out.

The squat of the treasurer, waiting to return to God, quickly sent a few steps, hesitated for a moment before saying: "The two ladies are still going back to the house, this outside ... not much to stop!"

At this time, the street has already heard the sound of the horseshoes from far and near, and the treasurer of the shopkeeper said much, and he closed the door behind Yu Ling.

Yu Ling praised the raised eyebrows. It was really interesting. I didn't expect to go out to have a meal to buy a clothes, but I could watch the ancient times.

At the moment, the door of the house was closed, and the door of every household was closed. The people on the street hurriedly rushed into the alley in a blink of an eye. In the blink of an eye, there were only two masters and servants left in the street.

"Miss, let's go." It seems that it was also infected by this tense atmosphere, scrambling to look around and whispering.

Yu Ling nodded and turned back to the road.

When I first came to ancient times, she didn't want to provoke a misfortune. Looking at the people around me who were afraid of it, the comers seemed to be not good at all.

Unfortunately, this world is not that you don't want to cause trouble, things will not come to you.

The hoof of the hooves that was far away from the street was just around the corner, accompanied by a burst of laughter: "Ha ha - good wine, good wine -"

Yu Ling is slightly frowning. Is this person drunk?

In the quiet streets of the night, only the sound of the hooves and the arrogant laughter of the man sounded very disturbing.

It is no wonder that the family has to close the door and shut down the door. If this person is in a hurry, it is not easy to send it to any store to harass the harassment.

The sound of the horse's hooves is getting closer and closer, and the eyes have come to the back of Yu Ling's master and servant. Yu Ling picks up her eyebrows and looks back.

The green horse of a golden jade saddle is flying fast, even in the middle of the night, it still looks extraordinary, the horse is like this, the person riding on the horse is more elegant and handsome, through the faint gleam of the lantern at the end of the street. I saw that the man's gown was like snow, and a few scattered hairs were randomly scattered in the wind, and the silhouette of the Qing Jun's side was more and more perfect. Although he was drunk, he still did not lose his grace and grace.

The man was holding a blue-and-white bottle in one hand, and holding the reins very casually in one hand. People couldn’t help but worry that he would accidentally fall into the hay, but he was so stable and sitting there, from time to time. Urging the horse to move fast, while still screaming at the verse: "There is a long history of green mountains and rivers, and who cares for me to help me..."

Just look at this well-dressed dress and even the gentle and noble style, Yu Lingyi can easily come to a conclusion that this person is not an official second generation or a rich second generation. There are only such people who have the leisure to drink more wine in the middle of the night, and do not care about the feelings of the civilian population.

Yu Ling glanced at him with a scornful look, and gave birth to a good skin. This man has only one word to describe: the wine bag!

Not a wide street, the man was quickly ran back and forth, until the second time passed by Yu Linglong, the man found their master and servant.

"Hey, obviously seeing me in Hummer, why don't you avoid it??"

The whip with gold inlaid jade waved, and unknowingly pointed to Yu Linglong, the man’s slightly hoarse voice suddenly screamed, full of embarrassing arrogance.

Yu Ling’s coldness flashed through an intolerance. Is this road his home? Why did he come to harass the people, but also others to avoid! ?

The scribbles on the side were a little scared. They sneaked around the jade and whispered, and whispered, "Miss, don't ignore this wine madman, let's go."

Since last night, my temper has changed, and I don’t want to be so bully. The men in front of you are obviously not rich and expensive. They are two weak women, and it is better not to have a positive conflict with others.

Yu Ling snorted and turned away. She had to leave by herself. The grass was right. The man had more alcohol and didn't have to know him.

Who knows that the man sees Yu Ling to go, the whip in his hand went straight, although the strength is not big, but still behind the jade Linglong with a faint cold wind.

"I am talking to you, you dare not answer!?"