MTL - The Female General’s Little Childhood Sweetheart-Chapter 61 .sick

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Lu Feng shouted injustice to her own mother, just like the **** who was born shortly before and met the eagle soaring in the sky, she was so scared that she could not stretch her head.

Her mother is careful, her father and peas are so big in her heart that she is a pet in her eyes.

Lu Feng shrugged his lips and didn't want to mention it again, anyway, he was used to it from childhood.

When the two came to "Sweet Baiwei", Ji Ruan left Lu Feng and went to Li's side.

Lu Feng first stood at the door and glanced into the room. When Xu Mu was not in, she came in with a big swing, and arbitrarily found a chair to paralyze. She sighed with satisfaction and raised her head.

Having sore arms and legs all morning, I can rest.

There are countless different kinds of pastries in "Sweetness". The fragrance gathers together but it is sweet but not greasy. Just sitting here and smelling, Lu Feng feels satisfied and squints his eyes comfortably.

When Xu Mu came out of the kitchen, he saw that his wife and his wife were hanging on a chair, and the peach eyes with a three-point smile were filled with a very full smile.

He walked uncontrollably, reached out and poked her face, smiled at her, "Lu Feng."

"Huh?" Listening to the soft voice when he called his name, Lu Feng was too lazy to keep his eyes open.

Xu Muzhen smiled with lips, two shallow pear vortexes on her face, stretched out her hand and pulled the embroidery pier on one side. She just sat by her leg, her elbows on her knees, and held her face with her hands to see her. are you sleepy?"

"Not so sleepy." Lu Feng opened his eyes, tilted his head and looked down at him. Although the peach eyes on Xu Mu's face are not yet open, they have a little peach flower petal shape. The end of the eyes is very beautiful with a touch of pink, especially when looking at a person so focused, it is easy to make people …… Itchy hands.

Lu Feng's fingers on the handle of the chair moved, and she wanted to pinch the white, tender, and slippery face that touched like tofu, but she was afraid of pinching him, for fear of the touch of light on the end of his eyes. The powder was red with tears.

When Xu Mu saw Lu Feng looking at herself like this, the smile on her face could not help but widen again, showing a row of small white teeth, and bending her eyes to look at her. Just like the candied fruit filled with sweet powder, the whole person exudes a sweet taste.

The human-shaped candied goblin, as if remembering something, took out the candied fruit from her arms to please the person who liked it, and reached out and handed the candied fruit to her, rubbing it secretly, eating his candied fruit. It's his people.

Lu Fengxuan pulled his eyelids. Although his eyes were looking at Xu Mushou's candied fruit, his mind had been reading the words for the past two days, and I didn't know where to go again ...

Xu Mu held the candied fruit and saw that she hadn't moved, and asked again, "I'll put it away without eating?"

The words were all intimidating and tempting to eat.

Lu Feng just came back to this, thinking about the storybook, but I would still look at it less in the future. How can I feel that I am stupid ...

Raising his arm to pinch the candied fruit in Xu Mu's hand, he just thought about eating it, and forgot about playing for a whole morning □ □ Now he was sore that he couldn't lift his arm, and the arm moved, so he took a breath.

When Xu Mu saw Lu Feng pumping her breath, she was suddenly shocked, and hurriedly pulled her arm over her sleeves to see, "Where does it hurt?"

"... except for the head, the whole body hurts." Lu Feng's toothache grinning a long time ago, but it still had to be supported on the surface, and it couldn't be wrapped up in a joke.

Neither arm could be bent. Lu Feng could only straighten his arm and pull his hand out of Xu Mu's hand.

Xu Mu knew that even if Lu Feng was fighting with someone, his face would not be hurt but his whole body would hurt. I didn't know the reason, I would think more, biting my lower lip distressed, eyes watching her two arms resting on the armrest of the chair again.

"My mother came back and let me practice for a whole morning. That thing was made of iron. After the winter, I felt like I hadn't touched my frozen hands again ... This morning I played fiercely. His body was sore. "Lu Feng Yuguang glanced at Xu Mu and saw that he was biting his mouth and biting his mouth. There was a certain feeling in his heart. If he didn't explain why his body hurts, he could bite his mouth.

I don't know what mood, although Lu Feng's tone was a little careless, he made it clear to him.

Sure enough, when he heard that Lu Feng was just sore, not hurt by anyone, Xu Mu's biting lips were released.

Lu Feng glanced at his mouth at will, and saw a few teeth marks on the powdery lips. If he bites for a while, he may bite the blood.

Lu Fengying pulled his eyelids to watch his straight legs, the fingertips of the fingers resting on the armrest moved, and then slowly curled into a fist, slumped together, the dangling eyelashes trembled, and his lips were crippled. Say, "Candied."

Xu Muzheng turned to see Li's. He wanted to sneak out Lu Feng's arms while his father didn't notice. He turned his head only when he heard Lu Feng shouting candied fruit.

"Huh?" Xu Mu looked back at her, and for a moment it was unclear whether she was calling herself or whether she wanted to eat the preserves in his hand. After all, since these days after being reborn, Xu Mu hasn't heard Lu Feng yell at him.

Lu Feng wrinkled her nose, her eyes began to flutter again, her eyes flickered over Xu Mu's doubtful face, and she finally stopped at the preserve in his hand, as if she had just called this preserve.

Xu Mu didn't mind, reached out and squeezed a hand to her mouth, the corner of her mouth showed the pear vortex, "This is sweet."

Sweet preserves.

As soon as Lu Feng's eyes glanced at Xu Mu, she quickly flew to another place, opened her mouth, and drew the candied fruit from her mouth into her mouth.

Tongue rolled up with candied fruit, Lu Feng said to him vaguely: "If anyone bullies you in the future, I will beat her for you."

This is eating his candied fruit, is he going to support him?

Xu Mu lowered her head and squeezed another hand to her mouth, her eyes brightly asked: "Then eat another one, will you marry me when you grow up?"

"Cough cough--" Lu Feng was choked by the bitten candied fruit in her mouth, crooked so badly on the side of the chair.

Xu Mu smiled silently and bent her eyes, put away the candied fruit and stretched her back.

When Lu Feng managed to catch his breath, he choked on the chair and panted, leaning his head on the back of the chair, and coughed his eyes with misty eyes looking at Xu Mu, whispering, "You ca n’t make it easy Can't eat. "

Lu Feng ran to the door of the house in a hurry, and almost came out to find her sister-in-law and ran into it head-on.

When Xiao Feng slaps her chest straight, she sees Lu Feng and said with a bitter face, "You can count back to the Lord. The Lord sent someone to come to you just now. Please hurry."

Lu Feng was shocked, thinking that Xu Yu was here?

It's really bad luck to think about it. I finally squeezed the saved moon money from the gap between the teeth and sneaked to buy a package of candied fruit. I ate a turn around and stuffed it to others. When I came back, maybe Xu Yu was in her father A rake in front of her said that she had bullied others, what a bad day it was.

"Wood," Lu Feng said, holding a small snuggle who was waiting for her, lowering her head and lowering her voice as she walked to the house, "No one is coming, right?"

She didn't ask questions without thinking, but the wood immediately understood, and she lowered her voice and said, "I'll stare after you go out. No one will go to the Lord to sue you."

When Lu Feng heard that no one had come to sue, she was relieved. When I was talking, I lowered my head and raised my waist, the waist rod was straight, and I had a fan in my hand, and my tone was careless. "So what did my dad ask me?"

Mumu smiled and said, "General Ji is back."

"Aunt is back ?!" Lu Feng stepped forward, and then a gust of wind ran to the backyard.

When Lu Feng ran to the house, panting, his father was pulling Ji Ruanhan to ask for warmth.

"Aunt!" Lu Feng shouted loudly, skipping to give Ji Ruan a hug, "I thought you had two days to arrive."

Ji Ruan was an elder brother Ji Ji grew up hand in hand. He grew up in Lufu since he was a child. He has a good relationship with his 11-year-old niece. It can be said that Lu Feng brought her up.

Ji Ruan smiled and reached out and touched Lu Feng's head, and turned back to Ji's, "Xiao Feng has grown a lot this year, and will catch up with me in two years."

Lu Feng listened to Lao Gao's tail.

Ji's eyes were full of smiles. Looking at Lu Feng, who has now reached Ji Ruan's shoulders, he was full of pride, but he was polite to expose her bottom. "She doesn't eat rice honestly, All day long Jing thought about eating snacks, where can grow taller.

You said that she was not a boy's family, so why did she like to eat some sweets, I was afraid she had broken her teeth and banned her twice. She's fine. No one in the government dared buy her preserves, so she went out to buy it. "

With Ji's coming over, he couldn't help but poke to Lu Feng, "You said, did you go out and buy candied fruit again? It seems that there is still too much money."

Lu Feng's eyes glared, and he hurriedly said, "Daddy, the monthly money can't be deducted anymore!" The original monthly money was half deducted. If it were less, she would not be able to afford the preserves.

Ji Shi snorted from his nose, and did not let Lu Feng pass until he didn't turn anything out of his hands. 2k novel reading network