MTL - The Female General’s Little Childhood Sweetheart-Chapter 4 .You got the wrong person

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Lu Feng ran to the door of the house in a hurry, and almost came out to find her sister-in-law and ran into it head-on.

When Xiao Feng slaps her chest straight, she sees Lu Feng and said with a bitter face, "You can count back to the Lord. The Lord sent someone to come to you just now. Please hurry."

Lu Feng was shocked, thinking that Xu Yu was here?

It's really bad luck to think about it. I finally squeezed the saved moon money from the gap between the teeth and sneaked to buy a package of candied fruit. I ate a turn around and stuffed it to others. When I came back, maybe Xu Yu was in her father A rake in front of her said that she had bullied others, what a bad day it was.

"Wood," Lu Feng said, holding a small snuggle who was waiting for her, lowering her head and lowering her voice as she walked to the house, "No one is coming, right?"

She didn't ask questions without thinking, but the wood immediately understood, and she lowered her voice and said, "I'll stare after you go out. No one will go to the Lord to sue you."

When Lu Feng heard that no one had come to sue, she was relieved. When I was talking, I lowered my head and raised my waist, the waist rod was straight, and I had a fan in my hand, and my tone was careless. "So what did my dad ask me?"

Mumu smiled and said, "General Ji is back."

"Aunt is back ?!" Lu Feng stepped forward, and then a gust of wind ran to the backyard.

When Lu Feng ran to the house, panting, his father was pulling Ji Ruanhan to ask for warmth.

"Aunt!" Lu Feng shouted loudly, skipping to give Ji Ruan a hug, "I thought you had two days to arrive."

Ji Ruan was an elder brother Ji Ji grew up hand in hand. He grew up in Lufu since he was a child. He has a good relationship with his 11-year-old niece. It can be said that Lu Feng brought her up.

Ji Ruan smiled and reached out and touched Lu Feng's head, and turned back to Ji's, "Xiao Feng has grown a lot this year, and will catch up with me in two years."

Lu Feng listened to Lao Gao's tail.

Ji's eyes were full of smiles. Looking at Lu Feng, who has now reached Ji Ruan's shoulders, he was full of pride, but he was polite to expose her bottom. "She doesn't eat rice honestly, All day long Jing thought about eating snacks, where can grow taller.

You said that she was not a boy's family, so why did she like to eat some sweets, I was afraid she had broken her teeth and banned her twice. She's fine. No one in the government dared buy her preserves, so she went out to buy it. "

With Ji's coming over, he couldn't help but poke to Lu Feng, "You said, did you go out and buy candied fruit again? It seems that there is still too much money."

Lu Feng's eyes glared, and he hurriedly said, "Daddy, the monthly money can't be deducted anymore!" The original monthly money was half deducted. If it were less, she would not be able to afford the preserves.

Ji Shi snorted from his nose, and did not let Lu Feng pass until he didn't turn anything out of his hands.

Ji Ruan watched the whole process without any help. He stared at Lu Feng with a narrow eye: It's very clever. This is to know that there will be surprise inspections, so hide the candied fruit first?

Lu Feng looked at her bitterly and rolled her eyes ruthlessly. As soon as the candied fruit was bought, it was put into someone else's pocket. This matter could not be mentioned any more, otherwise she couldn't control herself to grab a little red crying bag and grab the candied fruit.

Ji Ruan reached out and touched her head. After blinking twice, she let go of her eyes. Lu Feng's eyes brightened. Auntie is here to take her out to play.

As long as you can go out, afraid of no sweet preserves?

Ji Ruan comes back only once a year. Ji Shi pulls her and asks Dong Wenxi that she is reluctant to let go.

"Brother, I may return to work in Beijing Central this time. We will spend more time talking in the future, and a sister-in-law will be able to stay in Beijing for several months." Ji Ruan saw the surprise of Ji's face and immediately smiled. Explain things to him.

In recent years, the frontier has been peaceful, and there have been fewer wars. The emperor let her first serve in Beijing.

Ji's face was rejoicing, and he even said that the arrangement was good, and when he said it, he mentioned another thing, "You are not too young. You followed your sister-in-law in the frontiers to defend the country for two years, but you missed the opportunity to start a family Time. Now, you can work in Beijing, but you ca n’t delay anymore. I ’ll be up in two days. After a year, I ’ll pick up a good day, and I ’ll take care of everything. . "

As soon as Ji mentioned this, Ji Ruan couldn't answer, and he could only stupidly say that it was up to him.

Regarding Ji ’s preparation, Zhang Luoji, Ruan did not ask, but she reminded him that her husband ’s queen ’s position cannot be high, it is better to be below the fourth grade official, if he is an ordinary son better.

The two generals of the Lu family had military power in their hands. In addition, the eldest son of the Lu family was married to a maid of law earlier this year. If the Lu family did not want to be too eye-catching, it would be better not to marry another minister, otherwise they would Provoked His Majesty.

Ji's heartbroken for a while, "It hurts you."

Ji Ruan laughed: "I married my husband with my intentions, and I didn't marry the family behind him. There is no hardship."

After hearing this, Ji Shi immediately said: "You can rest assured, I will pick you up, whether you are married or not, I will listen to you. You are the master of this marriage, and I will not interfere with you."

Ji Ruan nodded indifferently, but didn't take it to heart. His eldest brother is like his father. Ji's had been working hard to pull her up from a young age. She had to eat and drink before she came first. Later, she married to Lu's family. When she married her husband, she gave up her hands to Ji's while taking Landing Maple to hang out in Beijing.

Ji Ruan will not take office until the year after, but this period of time was quite generous.

Lu Feng was so shy, she followed Ji Ruan to eat and drink. One day, I also watched the ball, listened to the song, and had a fight. Lu Feng felt itchy in his heart.

On the way back, Lu Feng saw the small shop at the alley entrance, and Lu Feng's eyes lighted up.

How could Ji Ruan not see her careful thinking, "It is not appropriate for us to go around and go back, I think there are some cakes selling there, let's pick some to go back and taste for your dad?"

Lu Feng couldn't ask for it, and nodded naturally. The two walked side by side to "Sweet Baiwei". Ji Ruan, who had planned to buy a cake, happened to be in a scene.

Inside the shop, a 20-year-old Lang Jun seemed to be the owner of this shop, and he looked down and wrapped the picked pastry for the woman on the side.

Na Langjun looks extremely iconic. When he lowers his head, he reveals a white and slender neck, elegant like a white swan, thin shoulders, thin waist and good-looking face. He wears a used blue-green cotton coat on him. His bones were full of style and charm. Ji Ruan's face was hot, his eyes moved uncomfortably, and his eyes caught a glimpse of the woman.

Seeing that woman's eyes showed 猥. Zou's eyes, Ji Ruantong for the woman naturally knew what she was staring at that Lang Jun thinking about 龌. ,, suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Ji Ruan watched the woman reach out to Lang Jun, who was concentrating on pastry, striding forward, holding her wrist when she just stretched out her hand before touching it, and the woman who was in pain was so awkward.

The movement was not small, Li's head turned back in shock.

Although Lu Feng's eyes lingered in a pile of sweets, he did not miss the scene that just happened. His mouth was light, and he reluctantly removed his eyes from the candied fruit. The old-fashioned comment: "癞. 癞. 蟆 wants to eat swan meat."

After watching this scene, Li knew almost what hadn't happened just now. His eyes were cold and he politely said to the woman, "I won't agree with what you said. If there is such a thing again , I will go to the newspaper officer and say you tune.

"The newspaper officer can't cure such people," Lu Feng suggested sincerely. "In my opinion, she should be severely beaten up until she dares not get ill."

Although Lu Feng's words have never been adjusted, Ji Ruan thought seriously about the possibility this time.

The woman was pinching her wrists, her face pale, her forehead exuding cold sweat, and her mouth was still unwilling to ask, "Do you know who I am?"

Li's brow lightly frowned, his face was not obvious, but his eyes appeared worried.

Lu Feng raised her corner of her mouth and smiled. "I felt itchy as soon as I heard this." She shook her arm, clenched her fist, and nudged the woman's stomach.

King Lu Xiaoba swept across the West Street by a pair of fists, and now someone is standing in front of her.

Lu Fengren has a small strength but not a small one. The woman who snorted snorted, "I want you to remember who I am. No. 30 West Street, surnamed Lu, but don't look for the wrong door!"

... Ji Ruan can understand why someone always comes to Lu Fu to sue.

When the woman heard it, she was named Xi in the West Street, and her face turned whiter. She closed her mouth and didn't mention who she was, but she kept asking for forgiveness and said that she would never dare.

Ji Ruan looked at her niece who was picking up the limelight, and then she was a little bit nervous, and she should have said this in front of Xiaolangjun ...

Ji Ruan came to the woman's ear and whispered two threats before she let go, watching her stumble and ran away before she turned back and asked Li, "Did she force you?"

Although Li thanked Ji Ruan for his help, he did not intend to tell her these private matters, shook his head with a smile, and turned the topic away.

Zhang's wind blew last night, and today he was a little uncomfortable, so he stayed at home and didn't come. This is why Li Shi, who has always been in the back kitchen, came out today. The woman also saw that there was no talent in the store. Before, she asked the Iceman to persuade Li to be her waitress. After this, she came here in person. She had intended to humiliate and threaten Li, and was ruined by Ji Ruan before she could do it.

Xu Mu kept watching the fire in the back kitchen until the cakes in the cage were steamed before he came out. He hadn't heard anything before and when he came out he saw his father talking to Ji Ruan.

Ji Ruan's appearance has hardly changed since a few years, so Xu Mu recognized it all at once. He hesitated slightly, then thought of something, and glanced at the shop, and saw Lu Feng standing back to him, and shouted joyfully: "Lu Feng!"

The scene of this voice was too familiar. Lu Feng's spine was stiff, and he suddenly felt scalp numbness. He subconsciously raised his clothes to cover his face. His voice was snoring and suffocating, and he said angrily without turning his head: "You're wrong!

The rest of the shop: "..." 2k novel reading network