MTL - The Favored Little Peasant Has Stolen the Heroine’s Life!-Chapter 1 Lao Yuan's family finally has a daughter!

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  Chapter 1 Lao Yuan's family finally has a daughter!

  In the early morning of early summer, the misty mist enveloped Linhe Village, where the sound of chickens and dogs was gradually rising.

  When most of the people in the village were busy in the fields, the old man in the east of the village had no one to go out, and they all stayed in their yard.

   There was a scream of pain from time to time from the west wing.

   The old man sat on the chair and seemed to be calm, but his slightly trembling hand showed that he was not at peace in his heart.

   And next to the old man, three brothers squatted on the ground.

   The eldest Yuan Pandi, the old Eryuan Wangdi, the old Sanyuan Laidi, and the three brothers all have the same expression, anxious.

   On the opposite side of the three brothers, there was a row of boys squatting.

   Lao Yuan's house is really a wonderful flower in Linhe Village.

  Other families are looking forward to having a son, but the Lao Yuan family wants a daughter.

   The old man has three brothers, no sisters.

   And the old man gave birth to five sons and no daughter.

   When the four sons got married one after another, they were still giving birth to sons one after another.

   Oh, yes, the two brothers of the old man, like him, are the life of the son, and their son is also the life of the son.

   Now, the fourth daughter-in-law of the old man is about to give birth, and the whole family is looking forward to having a baby girl.

   "Brother, how are you, has Xiaojiu's daughter-in-law given birth?"

   Just as the old man was waiting anxiously, two old men of the same age broke in one after another, and they were very quick.

   The people who came were the two younger brothers of the old man.

   And behind the two old men, a large group of people followed.

   "Second Uncle!"

   "Three Uncles!"

   Yuan Pandi, Yuan Wangdi and Yuan Laidi saw the person coming and hurried up to greet them

   And that gang of boys shouted "Second Grandpa, Third Grandpa" in unison.

   Then, a group of people who came in with the two Laozi also greeted the old man.

  In this yard, it felt a little overcrowded at once, and it was very noisy.

  The two old ladies who came with the two old men stood in the courtyard for a while, then went straight to the west wing.

  As a result, before the two old ladies entered the door, a deafening cry came from the west wing.

   "Congratulations, congratulations, it's a handle!"

   Granny Wen's voice came from the room, making the people in the yard quiet, but at the same time, it was hard to hide the unwillingness on their faces, why is she a leader?

   "Oops, don't worry, there's one more to give birth!"

   In this extremely abnormal silence, Po Wen's voice rang again.

   As soon as the voice came out, the two old ladies who were guarding the door immediately became anxious and rushed into the room eagerly.

   Then, the howling became a duet!

   "Daughter, it's a girl!"

   At the moment when the duet sounded, a surprise shout came from the west wing.

   is not the voice of the mother-in-law, but the voice of Mr. Zeng, the daughter-in-law of the old man.

   "Haha, well, well, well born!"

   Hearing the words of his old wife, the old man jumped up and hugged the two younger brothers next to him excitedly.

   Then, the old man turned his head to look at his eldest son, Yuan Pandi, and said, "What are you still doing? Hurry up, go and kill the chicken!"

   "Second child, go to town and cut the meat!"

   "The third one, go get some fish in the river and come back!"

The old man    started to assign errands to his sons without any ambiguity.

   At the same time, their two younger brothers also began to command their sons, the one who cut the meat cut the meat, the one who went back to get the chicken, and the egg, each had his own dispatch.

   Their Lao Yuan family finally has a daughter!

   Haha, today is the author's birthday, and a new book will be released at the same time, dear friends, please support, collect, recommend, five-star evaluation, Mamada, love you!



   (end of this chapter)