MTL - The Fallen Merman-~ Old Wolf and Little Wolf: There are two at home

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"Xiao He, you should keep these two little guys first, and then deal with them after the notification from the superior."

"Squad leader! I'm a big man with two children, what's the matter!"

"Anyway, you have to recover from injury for the past six months, so you can't get out of the mission. Can't you do the work you can when you eat rice in the team? It just so happens that you are the alpha of the North American gray wolf. It's just right for the two little wolf cubs to follow you. Take care of children, get married and start a family in the future so that you won't have children, so it's settled, the captain still has something to do with me, so let's go first."

"Squad Leader, Squad Leader! Come back!" He Zuo was so excited that he pulled on the wound on his waist and abdomen, and there was blood oozing from under the bandage. He gasped in pain and looked up again. There were two little boys who looked exactly the same, looking at them at most one and a half years old, wearing only diapers, holding hands, holding their fingers timidly, and squinting at what it meant.

When PBB was assisting the police station to solve the smuggling case, they intercepted the pair of twin experimental subjects during the arrest operation. The two little guys were found in the temporary warehouse of the smuggler. The two little babies cooperated to kill the warehouse guard. , and then tore and devoured the corpse, and also smashed and devoured the Au nutrient and Ac enhancer in the same batch of goods.

He Suen was shot by a smuggler's shotgun during the arrest. Although he was protected by a total lunar eclipse with the J1 ability, he still suffered serious injuries. Despite the injuries, he still reluctantly took out the two little babies under his arms. , and was frightened for a long time after being told by the police that they were two young experimental subjects.

But now these two little guys are wearing gland suppressors and have completely lost their aggression.

He had no choice but to put on a single shirt and get out of bed. He was naked, with bandages around his waist and back, and said solemnly, "You two, stand at attention."

The little wolf cub was stunned for a moment, then stood up obediently.

"Okay, rest for a while." He said with satisfaction, "Who is the boss and who is the youngest?"

One of the children handed him the resume (experimental subject file) in his hand, and he sat back obediently, like two puppies.

"Let's see, Test Subject 907: The Demon Dog Garm, the twins together form a two-headed dog of hell. They must be inseparable. Once separated, they will die of depression... Hey, children know what depression is." He Zhen looked at them with his chin. "Well, let's name it first, the boss is He Wenxiao, and the youngest is He Wensa... No, Sa sounds like a fool, so let's call the youngest He Wenyi, it's not good, my surname He is not my son. What? How do I get a partner in the future, let's just use the surname He."

The identity of the experimental body is not easy to say, what is the relationship between him and him being a distant cousin of the He family.

The little wolf cubs agreed ignorantly, because the habits of wolves are like this, they obey and respect the wolf king in the group, what is the meaning of saving them, and the blood has the smell factor of the wolf race, so in this dormitory, what do they put The so-called follow as a wolf king.

They suddenly found that He So-called gauze-bound lower abdomen was oozing blood, and they hurriedly surrounded him and licked the wound. He So-called frowned and picked them up and put them on the bed, educating them to live like humans rather than stray dogs.

So He So-called began to raise a child. Because they devoured the Ac booster, they have actually entered the mature stage, and unlike human cubs, they cry without warning, and most of the time they are safe.

Except when taking a bath, it is easy to forget which one has been washed and which one has not been washed. Sometimes, He Wenxiao forgets the order when he loses his mind. He bathes He Wenxiao twice and feeds He Wenyi two bowls of rice.

Sleeping in the middle of the night, the alert little wolf will take turns to watch the night, the other one will squeeze into the so-called arm and curl up to sleep, and then change shifts in the middle of the night, but what danger can there be in the PBB base dormitory? He So-called was so annoyed, half asleep and half awake, he angrily scolded them not to move around.

He Wenyi slept happily under He Suen's arms, smirked at He Wenxiao who was hanging aside, He Wenxiao cried aggrieved, He Suen was woken up after all, and sat sleepily on the bed to coax the child.

The growth rate of the experimental subjects is much faster than He so-called imagined. After half a year, they have grown to the appearance of human junior high school students. They have taken care of all the housework, rushing to mopping the floor, washing clothes, cooking and washing dishes. They are amazingly simple. As long as you get a compliment, you can be happy all afternoon, and if you get rubbed on the head, you can even show off to another one for a whole week.

They are not allowed to go out, so He So-called will come with some textbooks to teach them foreign languages ​​and chemistry. Because of the battle chip in the body, the homework of human students is easy for them, and they learn quickly.

He's so-called injury has also healed. As the date of separation is approaching, this most annoying and indecisive tough guy locked himself in his room, made a phone call with a cigarette in his mouth, and used all his connections to keep the two children by his side.

But it was a big deal, and no one dared to help him, so he had to bite the bullet and go to the major.

He So-called Zhuang Li is asking Xia Jingtian: "They are very obedient. I can be their guardian and guarantor and let them stay with me."

Xia Jingtian had just returned, and before he could take off his coat, he was caught by He Suen, who was squatting at the door. He sat down, took off his military cap and leather gloves, and calmly said: "In this case, once they hurt someone, you will You were shot. You are a soldier I personally picked, don't you cherish this future?"

He Zuo asked nervously, "Where will they be sent?"

Xia Jingtian stared at him inexplicably.

He So-called had a chill on his back and looked stunned: "You want to execute them? You said that the PBB only divides the enemy and me, regardless of race."

"Yes, I said," Xia Jingtian clasped his hands and held his chin, "what are you going to do? You want to tear off the epaulette and slam the door and leave the Stormtroopers? It's a man, just like you."

"No." He So-called did not lose his temper. He lowered his eyes and said word by word, "If the death penalty is necessary, I will execute it. My marksmanship is better than those of the beer-belly police officers, and I don't need to refill."

After a few seconds of silence in the room, Xia Jingtian laughed, poured a cup of hot tea and pushed it to him: "Don't worry, just send them to the military academy for classes, and take two days off every month."

He Zuo was stunned for a while, his expression softened, he bowed to Xia Jingtian before turning around and withdrawing from the room.

After the door was closed, Xia Jingtian let out a long sigh, and his palms were sweating nervously just now. He was afraid that the person was really motivated and slammed the door and left. He so called a soldier he had chosen from thousands of recruits. Xia Jingtian placed his trust in him. High hopes, it turns out that I didn't see it wrong.

He So-called happily sent the two eldest sons to school, but when it came to nothing, Gu Wuxuan, the nephew of PBB commander Gu Wei, also went to school in the same year, which happened to be the same time as the two little wolf cubs.

As a result, He Suen sent two little wolves away at the beginning of the month and brought back two Huskies at the end of the month. On the day of the military academy's monthly vacation, two alpha males broke into the door and knocked He Suen down.

Fast forward to the Encirclement and Suppression Research Institute, and a team of PBB Storm Troops was stationed in Aphid City and had not yet evacuated.

He Wenyi was lying on the bed in the dormitory, a plastered leg dangling leisurely outside the bed, and sighed at the ceiling: "My dad's date is gone again, what a pity—" He raised his lips and looked proud, "IOA's The little ones are really blind."

"That's right, that fox beauty still rolls her eyes when she sees little dad." He Wenxiao did push-ups on the ground, with one hand on the ground, the other hand behind his waist, dripping sweat soaked the bed under him newspaper.

"I really envy Bai Chunian."

"Envy what?"

He Wenyi propped himself up from the bed: "He's full of mimicry, fluffy, pretending to be cute and a good hand, and fascinated Rimbaud, but we, without mimicry, have no reason to speak if we want a collar, it's really boring."

"I think you're very good at pretending to be sick." He Wenxiao pouted, "You have suffered when your little father found out."

There were footsteps outside the door, and He Wenyi hurriedly lay back: "Hurry up, little dad is back, remember to help me lie, I will give you all the pocket money this month."

He Suen really pushed the door and came in with a cigarette in his mouth, a large bag of snacks and a large bag of fruit.

He Wenxiao greeted him attentively and took the things: "Brother, are you back? It's delicious, did you buy fried chicken legs?"

He Wenyi got up from the bed weakly, his calf in cast trembled and dared not touch the ground, the dog raised his eyes pitifully: "Brother..."

He So-called took out the steaming fried chicken legs, passed the drooling He Wenxiao, handed it to the poor He Wenyi, turned around and instructed Wenxiao: "I bought it for the sick patient, what are you kidding me? The two have already matured, eat less of this kind of thing, and now the Medical Association has not mass-produced synesthesia, what should I do if I eat too much and get worse? You are not injured again, just eat some fruit. "

"Hey, thank you brother." He Wenyi took the fried chicken leg and shook his head proudly.

He Wenxiao gritted his teeth secretly, snorted, and sat aside to peel the oranges.

"Brother... I want to eat oranges too." He Wenyi moved his position pitifully, and fell back to his original position weakly, while He Wenxiao giggled while watching his brother's exaggerated performance.

Unexpectedly, I heard He Zuo turn his head and shout to himself, "Wen Xiao, peel an orange for my brother."

He Wenxiao widened his eyes: "Why?"

"Why, how did I educate you? You are brothers, family members, and family members have to help each other. It's inconvenient if the text is hurt. Should you take care of it..."

"Okay," He Wenxiao shoved the peeled orange into Wenyi's mouth, gritted his teeth without smiling, "You are delicious, ah, oranges full of brotherly love."

But this kid put his nose up on his face, and said happily with an orange in his mouth, "Wen Xiao, go and wash my vest and pants for me, and I threw it on the edge of the sink."

He Wenxiao endured the fire: "Are you lame, not a lame hand?"

"Go, don't quarrel." He Zuo squatted down to examine He Wenyi's legs carefully, and rubbed his thighs for him, "It's not good, why are you doing this, okay, be good, don't move around, when I'm not here Let your brother take care of you."

He Wenyi nodded obediently.

He Suo received a call at this time, it was a call from the security guard at the door of IOA, saying that there was his courier. He So-called settle down Wenyi well, asked Wen Xiao to take care of his younger brother, and went downstairs.

He stepped out of the dormitory door with his front foot, and He Wenxiao grabbed He Wenyi's neck, and the two scuffled together.

He Wenxiao: "I also wash your panties? I think you look like a pant—"

He Zuo came back with the express box, pushed the door and saw a mess, two little wolves were fighting together, you kicked me and I gnawed your mouth, with a click, the plaster on He Wenyi's leg hit the corner of the table , fell into two halves and fell to the ground, but the battle was in full swing, and He Wenyi didn't notice it at all.

When the two of them found out that He So-called was standing behind them, it was too late.

He So-called squatted down, grabbed He Wenyi's leg and looked at it. The leg was unscathed. The wound that was bitten by the experimental body of the research institute had already healed as before.

"Brother, brother, listen to my explanation, I didn't mean that," He Wenyi sat on the ground and rubbed back with a smile, and asked He Wenxiao for help: "Wen Xiao, I was wrong, please help me, ah—"

"Stinky boy, you dare to lie to me, you don't need to eat dinner, write upside down for me to check!" He Suen picked up He Wenyi and dragged him into the back room, closed the door, and beat him with his trouser belt. Beaten all over the place.

"Deserving it, daring to lie to little father, this is the end." He Wenxiao sat back at the table with a smile, peeled an orange, and was a little curious when he saw the newly brought back courier by He So-called, and quietly opened it.

The box in the carton is very delicate, and there are two black leather collars choker, embossed with the letters X and Y for decoration, and some blank birthday cards from the merchants.

He Wenxiao looked around in surprise, packed the box as it was, pushed it back into the express box, and sealed it with tape.

He decided not to tell Wen Yi the news, and deprived him of the joyful expectations in the next few days as punishment.