MTL - The Emperor’s Heart is Rippling-Chapter 29 029

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After staying in the palace for a few days, Chanyi can roughly figure out the temper of Queen Mother Meng, but it is not acute. Although she announced herself to enter the palace, she did not really impatiently bring her and the emperor together. At least, she has not seen the shadow of His Majesty the Emperor so far.

And in general, she speaks very well, like an ordinary lady. However, Chanyi didn't dare to take it lightly, and being a favorite concubine for several years was not as simple as it seemed.

At the beginning of April, the weather is already hot, and it is almost summer. Chanyi put on a light summer shirt and read a book by the window. The peach blossoms in the peach forest outside the window are all in full bloom, the wind blows gently, with petals falling from the branches, and occasionally a few peach blossoms fall on the tree of Chanyi, a peach blossom fragrance mixed with the fragrance of books, tangy to the nostrils.

Chan Yi gently stroked the petals and continued to immerse herself in the book. I didn't even notice the petals falling on the ends of my hair and my collar. She sat here all morning, and the petals gradually covered her skirt.

On the pale green skirt, the petals are very conspicuous.

The Empress Dowager Meng stood at the door, looking at Chanyi who was full of thoughts in the book, the corner of her mouth raised a smile. She didn't see the wrong person, this little lady was amazingly beautiful before she was fully opened, and she didn't know what the future would look like.

Your Majesty, it's time.

After thinking about it, Queen Mother Meng said with a smile: "Chanyi, what are you looking at? I said why you are not seen today, so you are hiding in your room reading a book."

Chanyi raised her head when she heard the sound, saw the Empress Dowager Meng, and hurriedly stood up and saluted: "Chanyi didn't know that the Empress Dowager was coming, and she was far away to welcome her. I hope the Empress dowager atonement."

As she got up, the petals fell to the ground.

The Empress Dowager Meng walked over, took her hand and said, "It's okay, I won't let anyone disturb you. What book are you reading?"

Chan Yi pursed her lips and smiled, and her face was a little red: "It's not a serious book, it's some travel notes, and it shouldn't be on the table."

"Girls' home, it's better to read some serious books to understand the truth. I heard from your grandmother that you don't seem to have formally attended a women's school, and are only taught by your mother?"

Chanyi nodded: "Chanyi lives in Xishan with her mother, there are very few people on weekdays, and my mother concentrates on teaching me to read when she has nothing to do."

"Qingwan is very talented, she is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. With her teaching you, you must be not bad." Empress Dowager Meng nodded, with a tone that understood Chen's very well.

"Chanyi has learned a bit of fur, but I can't do it."

The Empress Dowager Meng said: "It doesn't matter, you are at the time of women's school. The nobles and officials of the Chang'an aristocratic family, if their family understands some truth, will send their daughters to women's school. You are now After entering the palace, the women's school will naturally not be able to go. But there is also the Chongwen Hall in the palace, where the clan children study. Would you like to study with them?"

"This..." Chanyi hesitated.

"The Master's knowledge there is of course the best. Your Majesty is not yet crowned. Occasionally, he will listen to the Master's lectures. Although you are not in the same place, you can also sit in one or two." The defense of men and women is not that serious. It is okay for young ladies and sons to sit together occasionally. Not to mention that polo is also popular in Chang'an. Women wear men's clothes when they go out, and they can ride like men without wearing a curtain. More daring women are reluctant to marry, become a nephew, and then raise their face in a Taoist temple.

Chan Yi thought, finally came.

It has been half a month since she entered the palace, but Empress Meng never mentioned the emperor, treating her like a kind elder, or even worse. But she never let her guard down, and she finally mentioned it today.

"There are clans there, I'm afraid it's not appropriate to go to Chanyi!"

The Queen Mother Meng said: "Hey! Why is it inappropriate, you are my mother's niece, those girls dare not bully you, if anyone bullies you, just tell your emperor cousin and let him Help you out!"

"The Chongwen Pavilion is in front of the Xuanzheng Hall. Your emperor's cousin handles political affairs in the Xuanzheng Hall on weekdays. If anyone bullies you, you go to him! The daughter of our Meng family can't live. Feeling aggrieved." The information revealed by Empress Dowager Meng's remarks shocked Chanyi.

Chongwen Museum is so close to Xuanzheng Hall! In front of Xuanzheng Hall, isn't there a place under the door, the province of Zhongshu? Why is Chongwen Museum a place for reading, and it is also there!

Surrounded by ministers who are working diligently, a group of radish heads in Chongwenguan, wouldn't there be pressure?

Chanyi did not know, the Chongwen Museum was not originally here, but in Xiaoerfang on the westernmost side of the palace. Later, because the children of the clan and the princes and princesses were too difficult to manage, they often skipped classes and fights. Emperor Zhao moved the Chongwen Pavilion under his nose in a fit of anger, and then under the supervision of Baiguan, even those little **** did not dare to skip classes and fight.

"'s good to accompany the empress dowager."

She doesn't want to go to school at all! She hadn't been to school for many years, and she was still under the eyes of Baiguan and the emperor. If she stayed for two days, she would be able to scare herself out of the disease.

"Nonsense!" Empress Dowager Meng said with a stern face, "Ai's family doesn't want you to accompany Ai's family all the time! Just come back at night to accompany Ai's family for dinner, and Ai's family is not that wait-and-see. Kind elders. Reading is a serious business, you must go."

Chan Yi knew she couldn't refuse any more, so she had to answer with a wry smile. Her extremely reluctant appearance made the Empress Dowager Meng laugh: "Your father and your mother are both famous and talented women. It would be better to leave you here, and treat reading as a flood."

The matter of Chanyi going to study in Chongwen Museum was settled like this.

Xiao Ze knew that she was studying, and Empress Dowager Meng came to Xuanzheng Hall to say it herself. Because Xiao Ze was impatient with women, he lived in Xuanzheng Hall on weekdays, and he didn't even go back to his bedroom, Zichen Hall. Empress Meng's move, he probably understood what it meant.

Nothing more than, near the water tower.

Fortunately, that little lady really cares about herself, otherwise it will be another trouble to deal with. Although Empress Dowager Meng's intentions were not pure, it would be good for the little lady to read more sage books. But since that's the case, it's time for him to confess his identity like a little lady. Otherwise, it's hard to explain.

It happened that the second day was a ten-day holiday, so the clothes were slowed down for a day, and the third day went to the Chongwen Museum.

In the early morning of this day, after Chanyi got up to wash and eat, she held a few books in her hand, followed by Mingyu, and carried two small bags in her hand, one with Chan Yi's pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and the other one contains snacks.

There are many trees planted around Chongwen Hall, surrounded by courtyard walls and shaded by green trees. A strong bookish air rushed towards him.

She came very early, and Aunt Ping took her to see several masters. Originally, some of them were reluctant to teach Chanyi, and they believed that Chanyi was a related household. But seeing that Chanyi's attitude was very respectful, she softened her expression and told Aunt Ping to reassure her.

After instructing Chanyi, Aunt Ping bowed to the masters and took them back to the Queen Mother Meng. A gentle-faced master, Chanyi remembered Aunt Ping introducing her to her surname Song. Master Song said, "Let Mo Xin take you to the place where you are in class and read the article you are going to teach today."

Chanyi respectfully responded and followed the maid named Mo Xin to leave.

When Chanyi entered, there was only a little girl with a round face in the last row, who looked the same age as Chanyi. Seeing the stranger, Chanyi, came in, her eyes widened, and she didn't even know that the cake in her hand had fallen.

"Miss Meng, sit here first! The seats in front are already full." Mo Xin said.

Chanyi nodded to the round-faced girl and thanked Mo Xin, "Thank you, Miss Mo Xin."

Mo Xin said that she did not dare to thank, and then introduced Chongwen Museum to Chanyi before leaving. After she left, Mingyu immediately took out a handkerchief, wiped the whole set of tables and chairs, and then set out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone before going out.

In the school building, maids are generally not allowed to serve. If you want to serve, you can only wait outside the room where the class is held. Everything inside must be done by the students themselves.

Chanyi smiled: "My name is Meng Chanyi."

Lu Wan's eyes widened and she was stunned again. Chanyi was puzzled and waved her hand in front of her and said, "Little Lady Lu? What's the matter?"

Lu Wan returned to her senses, a little embarrassed on her round face, and stammered: "You are so beautiful."

"Uh thank you, so do you." Chanyi couldn't keep up with her rhythm.

"Would you like to eat my dim sum, but it's delicious. It's the cook my aunt invited from the south." Lu Wan took out her snack bag and asked Chanyi.

Chanyi took a piece and thanked her. Then he took out his own cake and asked her if she would eat it. Lu Wan's eyes lit up, she took a piece and said, "When I went with A-Niang to visit the Empress Dowager, I ate the desserts in the Empress Dowager's Palace, which were very delicious, but A-Niang wouldn't let me eat more."

Chanyi asked: "You know... me?"

"Of course! Everyone knows it! The day before yesterday, everyone was still discussing what kind of life you were born. Several princesses said that you were born very beautiful, much more beautiful than Wang Jingshu, but they didn't Believe." Lu Wan said while eating the cake.

"You know?"

"Yes, the Empress Dowager waited for my Aunt Ping to come to find the master the day before yesterday. We all saw it, and then everyone guessed it."

Chanyi heard the words, and some admired their gossip ability. She pushed the dim sum in her hand and motioned for Lu Wan to continue eating. Lu Wan shook her head and said, "I've had breakfast before, but my stomach can't eat much, can I eat it after class?"

"Naturally." Lu Wan seems to have a good temperament. It is best to make a friend when she first arrives at Chongwen Museum.

Lu Wan shook her fingers embarrassedly and said, "I'll bring you crystal elbows tomorrow."

"Okay." Chanyi opened the book, and then asked Lu Wan some questions about Chongwen Museum. Lu Wan was also happy to meet a friend, no matter how small or small, she even asked who has a good personality to play with her. Well, whoever hates death has said it clearly.

There are several younger sisters who are raised by several concubines on weekdays. Chanyi had seen Empress Dowager Meng several times. Because she was Empress Dowager Meng's niece, the princesses were still polite.

"That's all you need to pay attention to. If anyone bullies you, tell me and I'll let Sister Huayin vent your anger. Sister Huayin is the daughter of An Wang's uncle, Xie Luange dare not bully you …”

"Yiyang, what are you talking about me again?" Lu Wan didn't finish her words, but was interrupted by a flamboyant female voice. Chanyi raised her head and looked over.

"Sister Huayin, you're here!" Lu Wan pursed her lips and smiled and waved to her, "Come and see our new classmates, they are so beautiful."

"This is the second lady of the Meng family, her boudoir name is Chanyi. You have been curious for a few days, and now I finally meet someone." She introduced to Xiao Fang, the head of Huayin County, and Xiao Fang heard Yan looked at Chanyi, who smiled and nodded.

It turns out that this little lady named Lu Wan is still with the county master. She didn't mention a word to herself, this Chongwen Pavilion is indeed a clan school, and it is simply the prince of the county master.

"Chanyi, this is the sister Huayin I told you, the word is one word." Lu Wan pulled the sleeve of Chanyi again and introduced.

Chan Yi bowed slightly and said, "The Lord of Huayin County."

The Princess of Huayin, dressed in a fiery red dress, sat in front of Lu Wan with a book in her arms, turned around and waved her hand: "Call me Huayin, or follow Yiyang to call Huayin Sister is fine too, don't stick to etiquette."

Chan Yi responded with a smile and called out to Sister Hua Yin.


Nanxiang is the princess of Nanxiang, Chanyi has seen her several times, she is a quiet little lady.

Several people were talking, and many people came one after another, gradually filling the room. Having made friends with Princess Huayin and Lu Wan, they all came to say hello to Chanyi, and they were quite friendly. Others looked at them curiously and went back to their seats. And the seat that Lu Wan pointed to, Xie Luange, was always empty, and no one came.

After a while, Master Song came in, introduced Chanyi to everyone, and explained that Xie Luange was sick at home and would not be here for a few days. He took out his textbook and started teaching.

Chan Yi obediently took out the book and began to listen to the Master's lecture. The morning time passed like this.

"Chanyi, you go to dinner with us!" Chanyi was sorting her textbooks, and Lu Wan next to her waved to her. Chanyi glanced at it, the Princess Huayin and a young girl in yellow stood there, waiting for Lu Wan. Seeing Lu Wan calling Chanyi together, she said, "Chanyi too!"

Chan Yi thanked her, got up and went to dinner with them.

The four of them walked under the corridor, bypassing the green bamboo forest, and there was an inkstone washing pond in front of them, the environment was elegant and quiet. As the girls walked away, they talked in low voices.

Suddenly, a loud noise came from somewhere, and someone shouted: "Your Majesty is out, Your Majesty is out!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a chaotic footstep, and it seemed that a group of people ran past.

Chanyi looked puzzled, Lu Wan was eating the cakes that Chanyi gave her, and said vaguely: "You will get used to it after a few days, those guys respect your majesty very much, and they often talk to each other. Seeing His Majesty coming out of the Hanguang Hall in front, he rushed up to ask questions. His Majesty is also very cherished, and occasionally gives them some pointers. Sometimes in martial arts classes, His Majesty will have two moves with them to practice their skills."

"If you want to see it, you can go and see it."

As they talked, they turned several corridors and came to the entrance of Chongwen Hall. The place where the students of Chongwen Hall dine is unified in the dining room in front, together with the officials. Chanyi and the other women are better, with separate compartments. As for those princes and princes, they were very unlucky, sitting with Baiguan. Unlucky, suddenly there is a great Confucian next to him, something is wrong, and he can talk about them to death.

That pressure is not ordinary.

While speaking, Chanyi saw a large group of people standing at the corner not far from Chongwen Hall, craned their necks to look around the corner, and shouted from time to time: "Come here!"

"..." What do you think, His Majesty the Emperor is quite popular.

"Come!" Suddenly, someone shouted.

Chanyi looked over subconsciously, and saw a group of people walking from a distance, the head of which was wearing a black tiara and a bead crown on his head. Due to the bead curtain hanging down from the bead crown, some people's faces could not be seen clearly.

She watched the man get closer and closer, and a familiar feeling came to her heart.

How does she feel, where has she seen this majesty?

The author has something to say: Xiao Ze: Not good! I'm going to get off my horse! >_<

Because of the reason for the clip tomorrow, the next day is eleven o'clock tomorrow, and the fairies will brush after eleven o'clock. After the clip is removed, it will be changed again at 8:00 in the morning, and then it will be fixed at 8:00 in the future to keep the daily change. If you can't swipe it out, it means that Jinjiang has drawn, please enter it from the directory. If not, I will ask for leave in the copy and comments.

So the name like Xiaoerfang is not made up by me, it is real =_=

Seeing my diligent face, I tweeted a text =_=, and take a look at it if you are interested. The article "Obstain Qingqing Don't Relax" by Gu Haohao, a friend of the base, is very dirty and sweet. It has been more than fifty chapters, and it is very fat to be slaughtered. See clearly, it is insisting on Qingqing, not chirping. I really don't want to admit that she is my friend, it's too dirty =_=



This is the story of a smart and beautiful young lady of Yuan, who conquered Chang'an's first golden bachelor step by step, telling him to go from "loving and ignoring" to "slap in the face every day".

Yuan Cixian dreamed that she was given to death by the old emperor many years later and became a bridge stone.

Waking up and remembering the fear of being dominated by the soles of her shoes, she was determined to find a support.

Instructed by a staff member "to do what she likes", she wrote a love poem for the future new emperor and emperor.

Seeing the poem, Lu Shiqing vomited three liters of blood and stormed into the boudoir of Yuan Mansion.

He taught her to do what she liked, but she thought he was good at poetry?

His goodness is clearly...!

APP directly search for the title of the book: "Obstained that Qingqing will not relax"

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