MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 94 Single Xiao Jiang likes to be a mother

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Jiang Yihan looked at An Ruoshui with embarrassment, after all, the little girl refuted An Ruoshui's face in public.

An Ruoshui didn't care about this, she bent down and looked at Xiaoxi, and asked Xiaoxi, "Don't you want to go home with Auntie?"

"Xiaoxi wants her mother." Xiaoxi said while hugging Jiang Yihan's legs tighter.

Jiang Yihan was about to tell her that this was a show, but An Ruoshui said in advance: "Well, then, Xiaoxi, you will stay here again. Will I come and pick you up tomorrow?"

"I want to be with my mother all the time." Xiaoxi answered An Ruoshui stubbornly.

An Ruoshui looked at Jiang Yihan's helpless face: "This child has to ask you."

What's more, this is An's show, and all expenses are borne by An's.

Jiang Yihan left Xiaoxi, An Ruoshui had to go home alone.

At this time, although the sunset on the horizon was beautiful, no one took a look at it, because everyone had something in their hearts, and the beautiful scenery could evoke their painful memories of the past.

An Ruoshui opened the door, Luo Xuange had already closed the stall, washed quickly, and was sitting on the sofa to check tomorrow's reality show task.

Luo Xuange looked back when she heard the movement outside the door. After An Ruoshui entered the door, the leader Luo blinked curiously at her, and then asked, "Where's Xiaoxi?"

"Well...stay with Xiaojia." An Ruoshui was thinking, how to explain to her lover, she went out for a walk and lost the cute baby.

Luo Xuange looked at her silently, just pure curiosity, after all, the reality show during the day was live, and An Ruoshui did not lose the child.

"I took Xiaoxi to Jiang Yihan's place to play at noon, and then Xiaoxi began to call her mother when she saw Jiang Yihan. I couldn't help but let Xiaoxi stay temporarily."

"Okay, don't stand there, come and sit." Luo Xuange had the feeling that An Ruoshui suddenly became obedient after making a mistake.

An Ruoshui also suddenly reacted, standing beside the door.

When she came to Luo Xuange and sat down, An Ruoshui didn't know what to say. After all, in her impression, Luo Xuange cared about Xiaoxi's child.

At the moment, Master Luo has no sadness or disappointment in her heart, and Xiaoxi is not her child. No matter who gets into her arms and calls her mother, it has nothing to do with her. And she is good to Xiaoxi, this is the content of the filming required by the program team. She's just doing a job.

"What do you want to eat at night?" Luo Xuange put down the tablet in his hand and asked An Ruoshui. In fact, it's still a little early for dinner, but Luo Xuange thinks that An Ruoshui seems to care about this matter. , she was trying to change the topic so that An Ruoshui could take her attention away from Xiaoxi.

An Ruoshui immediately became energized when she heard the food. She is a potential snack foodie, especially Luo Xuange's cooking skills have nourished her stomach. Not delicious anymore.

"Well, eat fish." An Ruoshui likes to eat fish, but does not like fish bones. Now that Luo Xuange is by his side, every fish can be eaten with confidence.

Lord Luo saw information about actress dieting and keeping in shape on the Internet a few days ago. She thought it was the same for An Ruoshui, but she carefully observed that the photos released by An Ruoshui were never posed. , she can eat clean after every shoot.

Sometimes she eats more than her original body, but her body remains the same. Occasionally, she will lose some weight when she is tired from filming.

After dinner, the two of them can close the live broadcast. Although the netizens in the live broadcast room shouted 'no, no, no' as always, they still pretended not to see anything and closed it directly .

"Xiaoxi is not here tonight." Master Luo stood in front of An Ruoshui with her pillow in her arms. What she said had already made it clear what she wanted to do next.

But An Ruoshui wanted to tease her on purpose, pretending she didn't understand, and asked, "Yes, Xiaoxi is not here, do you miss her? Let's call Xiaojia and the others, see Let's see if Xiaoxi is willing to come back now, if you want, I'll take her back, okay?"

"No, it's not good!" Master Luo was anxious and raised the pillow to An Ruoshui: "Xiao Xi is no more, I can…"

"You can sleep well by yourself, don't worry about Xiaoxi kicking the quilt at night." An Ruoshui continued to tease her, and she was interrupted when she saw that the teacher Luo had not finished speaking. , and then blushed anxiously, An Ruoshui found it very interesting.

Master Luo wanted to say something, but finally fell silent: "Well then. Good night."

Then hugged the pillow and turned to his room.

An Ruoshui was dumbfounded when she looked at the door of the closed room, she was really just joking. As the leader of the demon sect, is your persistence only half a minute? !

An Ruoshui entered her room with a look of crying and laughing, she really didn't expect Luo Xuange to go back to the room directly.

At this moment, An Ruoshui was lying on the huge double bed tossing and turning, and asked herself no less than a hundred times, why did she tease Luo Xuange just now, or she should have fallen asleep with her little Luo Anran at the moment! To die, An Ruoshui thumped the pillow, and secretly asked himself whether he would dare to die next time? !

When An Ruoshui was asleep, she suddenly heard movement at the door, and then someone lay down beside him.

Indistinctly heard a small arrogant snort, An Ruoshui suddenly turned on the lamp and saw Luo Xuange who was about to sleep, obviously her actions frightened the poor little one.

Luo Xuange looked at her at a loss, holding the quilt, just like a stray girl who was abducted by a bad boy to a small hotel, looking at An Ruoshui aggrieved, but only opened up what she wanted to say Mouth didn't say anything.

"Why did you come here?" An Ruoshui regretted after opening her mouth.

Master Luo slowly loosened the quilt holding a corner of his chest, and took the pillow he just brought: "I, let me see if you kicked the quilt."

"Well..." An Ruoshui knew the emotional intelligence of her sect leader, so she didn't expect her to find a high-sounding excuse.

"Then I'm leaving now." When Master Luo was about to leave, An Ruoshui suddenly stopped her: "Wait, it's too troublesome to run around at night, just sleep here. Bar."

"Really?!" Master Luo obviously did not expect such a surprise.

"It works, it works all the time!" Master Luo repeatedly assured, and then like a child who stole honey, lying beside An Ruoshui with a sweet smile.

"Are you so happy?" An Ruoshui was actually happy, but not as strong as Luo Xuange.

Master Luo suddenly stretched out her arms and embraced her, rubbing her head on An Ruoshui's collarbone, smelling the familiar smell, she felt that the whole world was safe.

"I haven't hugged you for forty-five hours, I haven't kissed you for sixty-four hours, you didn't give me a good morning kiss this morning, and you didn't give me good night just now Kiss, but you're next door, I don't think you can sleep." Luo Jiao's main words were unclear, but these words sounded a little awkward, but they clearly expressed her complicated thoughts.

An Ruoshui hugged Luo Xuange quite moved, and offered a sweet kiss, but stopped halfway and pushed the Luo leader away.

Before Master Luo could react, An Ruoshui turned over and started to sleep.

Luo Xuange is not only aggrieved but also full of incomprehension at this moment, why should she push away halfway through the kiss?

An Ruoshui's **** gradually rose. She didn't feel this way before, and even if she did, it wouldn't be strong, but since that time she talked with her elder brother in the office, her elder brother sent her a link, When she opened it, she opened the door to a new world.

Brother An has worked hard for the happiness of his sister in all aspects.

At this moment, An Ruoshui was constantly replaying the pictures in his memory, flipping over and over in various postures, shaking his head and trying to throw those pictures out of his head, but found that he was more awake and clear.

Luo Xuange who was behind him came up again and hugged her, An Ruoshui suddenly sat up, looked at Luo Xuange who was lying on the bed and cast her suspicious eyes and swallowed.

"Can't you sleep?" Master Luo asked curiously, after all, An Ruoshui rarely wakes up in the middle of the night, so she thought about it and asked, "Do you want to get up for supper? "

After all, An Ruoshui ate very little tonight, and Master Luo was afraid that An Ruoshui would be hungry.

An Ruoshui looked at Luo Xuange's clear eyes, and suddenly felt that he was dirty. Did the ancients have to be so subtle and simple?

"I'm hungry." An Ruoshui's voice changed a bit, but Master Luo defaulted that it was because of sleeping at night.

Master Luo turned over and got up: "Wait a minute, I'll get you something to eat."

"Okay." An Ruoshui collapsed on the bed decadently after watching her leave, closing her eyes and still tossing and turning in various postures in her mind.

When Luo Xuange came to An Ruoshui with a hot face, he found that An Ruoshui had fallen asleep.

She looked at the noodles in her hands, and silently returned to the kitchen.

In the early morning of the next day, after the live broadcast room opened, everyone found that their queens were in a little mental state.

It was Luo Xuange, who looked more excited than yesterday.

Many people began to speculate about what happened that night, and even some brave people drove a car directly in the comment area.

After breakfast, Luo Xuange said while cleaning up the housework: "Today is the last day to get along with the cute baby, there will be an event in the program tonight, and the elimination rules for this round will also come out. The top 100 people in the gold coin rankings will stay, and the rest will be eliminated by the system."

"If it's a gold coin, we shouldn't have to worry about it. Yours is still ranked first these days." An Ruoshui said, afraid that he remembered it wrong, and opened the tablet to take a look .

Finding that Luo Xuange was still hanging first, she felt relieved.

The members of their entire alliance are also in the top 100, but Xu Ru and Bai Liu are around 90, so An Ruoshui still sweats for them.

But what's interesting is that she found that Han Yu was two hundred away, could it be that Han Yu would be eliminated in the second round?

Actually it shouldn't be, after all, Han Yu and Xu Hao treat Nannan very well, and Nannan's family should vote very high. Moreover, the audience in the live broadcast room, watching the two people being tortured by Nannan, should not have low sympathy votes.

Looking at Xu Hao again, and finding that he was hovering in his twenties, An Ruoshui's doubts deepened.

Although Han Yu and Xu Hao were temporarily forced to form partners by the system, but so far it has been a one-night transition. Why is there such a big gap between their gold coin rankings?

Before An Ruoshui could think clearly, Jiang Yihan's call came from the communicator, and An Ruoshui heard Jiang Yihan shouting: "Sister An, come over quickly, Xiaoxi It looks like you have a fever."

"Fever? Take it to the hospital first, I'll go there right away." An Ruoshui panicked when she heard that Xiaoxi was ill, but fortunately she still remembered that there was a hospital in this world place.

Jiang Yihan was stunned: "Yes, yes. Hospital!"

The filming of the show isolated her from the world, and she almost forgot that she was not really imprisoned in this community. Jiang Yihan connected the system with a bracelet, and then the system arranged a vehicle to send Xiaoxi to the nearest 's hospital.

Luo Xuange looked at An Ruoshui's flustered appearance, and she said with relief: "Xiaoxi was fine yesterday, maybe she just caught a cold at night, so don't worry."

An Ruoshui couldn't bear her temper, took her bag and said to Luo Xuange, "Let's go to the hospital first."

"Okay, wait for me." Luo Xuange went to the room and changed into casual clothes and came out: "Let's go."

When the two arrived at the hospital, seeing Jiang Yihan and Xu Jia, An Ruoshui hurriedly asked, "How is Xiaoxi?"

"The doctor said that she caught a cold, and I woke up in the middle of the night and drank too much cold water. Now I put a drip in it." Jiang Yihan said weakly. Last night Xiaoxi said that she was thirsty, so she got a glass of water , As a result, the child was already asleep when it was delivered. Unexpectedly, Xiaoxi woke up in the middle of the night and drank the cold water.

"The child is fine. Don't worry, I'll go to the fruit stand first." Luo Xuange looked at the time on the bracelet: "At three o'clock this afternoon, Xiaoxi's parents rescued him. Picking her up is also the last time for our gold coin competition. I'm afraid there will be a lot of fans voting for their idols in the final stage, so we have to be on guard."

Since the live broadcast is still open, Luo Xuange's remarks also caused controversy among the people in the live broadcast room.

The sow next door is not as fat as me: the child has a high fever, can she still think about the game show? Hehe, this kind of artist is enough.

Warm: The child has a cold and fever, can I leave her alone? !

Mu Xi: Maybe she was really frightened by my Luo's hanging. 2333 thinks that my Luo is really omnipotent. She is not only capable of civil and martial arts, but also to cure diseases and save lives!

Pills: Jiang Yihan will stay with Xiaoxi, Xu Jia will go home with another cute baby, and An Ruoshui just said that she will stay, all the gangsters on the first floor, you see Can the live broadcast bring some brains?

After a bombardment, the voice of Luo Xuange on the Internet was much less. An Ruoshui inadvertently glanced at the comments in the live broadcast room, and suddenly lost the mood to look again, and sat with Jiang Yihan silently guarding Xiaoxi.

An Ruoshui asked Jiang Yihan, "Xiaoxi's parents are coming this afternoon, have you thought about what to say?"

"Sister An, I thought about it all night last night. I think I might not be suitable. I..." Jiang Yihan promised yesterday that it was not impulsive, nor did she think it through.

Although she has money and enough money to support the child, she is the only one in her family, and she will not go back to the adoptive parents. Her things were sorted and thrown on the street. Fortunately, she didn't stay after school that day, otherwise the things would have been taken away by roadside garbage collectors.

At that time, I met Li Tian, ​​but Li Tian probably doesn't remember her.

Li Tian was out of school that day and saw her carrying her luggage, so she rushed up to help without a word.

But she took Li Tian down a few streets, and in the end she didn't know where to go. Li Tian paid her to stay at a nearby small hotel for two days, otherwise she might have to The sky is the seat of the earth.

Later, she went to see Li Tian, ​​and the school said that Li Tian had moved away. It was obvious that she was studying music, but seven years ago, when she saw a gold medal agent in the industry on TV , Jiang Yihan almost changed his major.

Later, when she saw Li Tian's scandal, she thought maybe the senior sister was also crooked, and if she could get close to her, she might still have a chance.

Five years ago, she actually met her senior once, but the other party didn't recognize her, so Jiang Yihan also rested her mind. Later, five years later, when the senior came back again, she also used her strength to get closer She participated in An's audition program, but found that she didn't like it so much. What she liked was the carefree but extremely enthusiastic **** the street.

"What's wrong?" An Ruoshui suddenly stopped when she saw Jiang Yihan's words, she couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Sister An, I'm the only one in my family. I really brought Xiaoxi back, who will take care of her. It's not that I don't want to invite auntie, but there is no familiar relatives around, that kind of loneliness and loneliness Loneliness is not something a nanny can give. I'm afraid that Xiaoxi will be unhappy when she is taken away by me." Jiang Yihan didn't care about the live broadcast either, she said what she had been thinking about.

An Ruoshui hasn't answered yet, but there are already different opinions on the Internet. Many people threatened to live in Jiang Yihan's nest for free and help her bring her 'daughter'. what.

Just when Jiang Yihan was very distressed, An Ruoshui had secretly contacted his elder brother, and wanted elder brother An to help him check the real situation of the news in his adoptive parents' house.

By the way, let the eldest brother find out who Xiaoxi's biological parents are. After all, although Jiang Yihan's life experience has not been mentioned by her, Li Tian has said that the child was kicked out of the family without the need for high school , and perhaps her family is also complicated.

In short, what is in front of her is a mess, and she needs to sort out these things slowly.

In the afternoon, Luo Xuange closed the stall ahead of time, and made some food and sent it to the hospital.

Then she accompanied An Ruoshui and Jiang Yihan to take care of Xiaoxi. At this time, Xiaoxi's fever had subsided, but the child's health was usually very poor as soon as the high fever subsided. An Ruoshui still suggested to stay in the hospital Waiting for her parents to pick her up.

Running back and forth is afraid that the child's body will not be able to bear it.

After waiting for more than an hour, Xiaoxi's adoptive parents finally arrived late.

Looking at a man and a woman leading a big fat boy, Luo Xuange suddenly laughed, did the boy eat fertilizer for three meals? How can you be so fat against humanity?

An Ruoshui was stunned when she saw the boy for the first time. In her memory, Nannan was very fat. I didn't expect the two Nannans to be incomparable to this boy.

"Xiao Xi, put your clothes on, we're going home."

When the woman came in and saw Xiaoxi sleeping on the bed, she began to urge her.

Luo Xuange saw that Xiaoxi twitched when she heard the woman speak, and it was obvious that there was fear in her subconscious.

Luo Xuange said coldly, "The child just fell asleep, don't disturb her."

"Hey, how can I go home if I don't get up? I'm going to carry it back." The woman wanted to break free from Luo Xuange's hand, but found that Luo Xuange was very energetic, she moved He moved his wrist but couldn't break free.

The man on the side was thinner and looked shrewd. When he saw that his wife was about to quarrel with Luo Xuange, he immediately stepped forward to support his wife, Elbow touches the woman.

The woman suddenly wailed, crying and shouting: "Oh. The star beats people, the stars beat people. Come on, the stars beat people."


An Ruoshui was dumbfounded by this scene. Is this trick popular now? ! She was touched by someone because of this trick yesterday afternoon. Fortunately, there was a live broadcast to prove it, but now Luo Xuange's hand was indeed touching the woman's wrist, and although there was no trace on the woman's wrist, she kept shouting It hurts, this affects Luo Xuange more or less.

Warm: 23333 I beat someone, why is she not disabled? !

! Mama~ bring my small treasury, I will charge me a plug-in for Luo!

Pills: Just insulting me, too much! Did the ancient martial arts disciple beat people with plucking meat? Tsk tsk tsk, up the posture!

Mai: Oh, that's too much. Is this touch of porcelain an insult to our IQ, or does she owe her own IQ? Isn't this the trick the kid used yesterday afternoon?

The three were blood-stained three feet.

"You two, we are still live, so your every move is recorded by cameras. There are thousands of netizens watching, I hope you can pay attention to your sweat when you speak."

An Ruoshui's words calmed the man down, but the woman was still wailing, and finally the man saw his wife still howling, he stepped forward and kicked the woman's heel: "Stop crying, It's enough for your rough skin and flesh to hurt for a while."

The woman kept howling, looking at her wrist and her husband, she really hurt. It was indeed pretending just now, but after a while, her wrist suddenly felt heart-wrenching pain.

But she couldn't see the tears, she was afraid that she couldn't tell what she was feeling now.

An Ruoshui and the others watched the woman cry and thought to herself that if there were more tears, the woman's acting skills could be considered to be able to crush some third-tier actresses in the circle.

Master Luo looked at the woman calmly. There was a man who died in the rivers and lakes, and it had nothing to do with the demon religion. Later, it was rumored that the demon religion killed that person.

In the end, she personally slaughtered the whole family. If the sins that do not belong to them should be blamed on their heads, the Demon Sect will not justify it, but will only make these things a reality.


A woman's hand will be completely useless in a few days, and it will hurt when it touches cold water. After a long time, it will gradually lose its strength, and finally the bones will die.

After a while, the woman suddenly stopped crying, wiped the corners of her eyes without tears, and then began to deal with Xiaoxi.

An Ruoshui and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the woman had finally stopped.

And the woman also gave a sigh of relief, her hand finally no longer hurt, and there is a comfortable feeling after the massage.

In fact, after the woman was so noisy, Xiaoxi on the hospital bed had already woken up, but she didn't dare to speak when she saw her mother.

Fortunately, Jiang Yihan was by her side to accompany her, and Xiaoxi wouldn't hide at the foot of the bed with a bear and tremble.

"Okay, Xiaoxi and you... go home with your mother." Jiang Yihan stroked Xiaoxi's back, as if to comfort her, but Xiaoxi hugged her tightly Jiang Yihan refused to leave.

"Okay, hurry back with us. There's a lot of work at home, how can I stay with you in the hospital." The woman stepped forward and reached out to pull Xiaoxi off the hospital bed.

Jiang Yihan wanted to reach out to stop her, suddenly thinking of what happened to Luo Xuange just now, she had an idea to pick Xiaoxi up from the hospital bed and protect the child in her arms: "She is still sick, she…"

Go back, or just throw it here?"

"I..." Jiang Yihan was speechless.

Xiaoxi hugged Jiang Yihan's neck and shouted weakly: "Mom, don't drive me away. I will eat very little food, I don't want toys or nice clothes. Go to school and don't drive me away."

"Cough cough, Xiaoxi is good... I won't drive you away." Jiang Yihan listened to Xiaoxi's words and softened, and looking at the family's attitude towards Xiaoxi, Jiang Yihan also faintly did not want to change the child go back.

But custody is with others after all.

However, if you can discuss with the family and take over the custody of Xiaoxi, but looking at the current situation, I don't know what the family's attitude is.

What's more, she can't directly negotiate with the family because it is still live.

Luo Xuange raised his wrist to check the time, and said to everyone: "It's already five o'clock in the afternoon, the system prompts you to close the live broadcast, and some members will be eliminated later, all viewers and friends, if you have Maybe, see you tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, Luo Xuange took the lead in closing the shooting in the live broadcast room.

And Jiang Yihan and others also followed her to close the live broadcast room.

Now this matter is closed to the live broadcast room, Xiaoxi's affairs can be discussed with the Yan family slowly.

"I want custody of this child, I don't know what you think." Jiang Yihan asked first.

The woman was stunned: "What nonsense are you talking about, the child is ours, how can we give it to you."

Just after the two finished speaking, the fat boy suddenly said, "No! My grandma said that I won't be able to marry a daughter-in-law in the future, and she wants to keep it for our family. I can't give it to you. "


Everyone in the ward looked at each other in dismay, Jiang Yihan said angrily: "What do you think of Xiaoxi?! Are you a child bride!"

"What are you doing? Her grandmother made a joke with the child, and you take it seriously. I think you are wrong." The man immediately interrupted Jiang Yihan's words.

Jiang Yihan looked at Xiaoxi who was holding back tears in her arms but did not cry, her eyes were red with distress, she looked helplessly at Luo Xuange and An Ruoshui, hoping that these two could help her.

An Ruoshui was also stunned by the fat boy's words. She looked at Luo Xuange, hoping that Luo Xuange could say something.

Luo Xuange didn't say anything. This kind of situation was very common in the past life. It was just a child bride, and many big families could do it.

She received two glances, and in An Ruoshui's eyes, she saw surprise, Luo Xuange frowned and said, "How much does it cost?"

"It's not worth the money, this child belongs to our family."

"Xiao Xi is still young, and you may not be obedient when you grow up. At that time, you can still force her to stay with your family? Money is different, the money is in your hands You can spend what you want. If you have money, you are afraid of going to many good daughters-in-law Can you have a good life or not? It’s different if you have money. One can’t find two, and two can’t find three. You say, this is the reason. At that time, you can buy a car and a house, and you can buy food and food as you like, and go to the street. The last time the neighbors looked at you, the eyes were different. Think about it again, you won't lose money in exchange for children."

Luo Xuange's voice was very cold, which made Jiang Yihan and others tremble, as if Luo Xuange really just treated Xiaoxi as an object and discussed with others how to buy and sell.

I even analyzed the benefits one by one, which made the couple excited.

"Then, is what you said true?" the man asked, and the fat boy next to him tugged at his clothes: "Dad, why are you asking this. They lied to you, How can you spend money on this girl?"

"What are you talking about, sir." The man waited for him, then asked Luo Xuange, "Is it true?"

"Of course it's true." Luo Xuange snorted coldly.

Although Luo Xuange's attitude is extremely bad now, the man begins to believe it, because in his eyes, the rich look like this.

"How much can you give?"

Luo Xuange glanced at Jiang Yihan, gave Jiang Yihan a look, Jiang Yihan said immediately after meeting, "Tell me how much you want."

"Two million! Not even a single point less." The man said firmly.

When Jiang Yihan was about to agree, Luo Xuange suddenly shouted: "Why don't you go grab it, two million?!"

"Only two million, not less than a cent." The woman also immediately agreed.

Jiang Yihan, Xu Jia and An Ruoshui were quite surprised by Luo Xuange's performance. After all, 2 million is really not much for Jiang Yihan, she can take it out easily. If Luo Xuange doesn't agree now, what if the family regrets it later? !

However, Luo Xuange quietly gave them a calm look.

Luo Xuange knows this group of people, if they agree to 2 million very readily, they will feel that they are less, and now the custody of the child is still in their hands, they say no If you don't change it, no one can do anything about it.

So they can only be surprised first, let them think that 2 million is already a high price, so they will only stick to 250, and will not go back and ask for a higher price.

Sure enough, after Luo Xuange finished speaking, the two of them must insist that it can only be two million, and they will not agree to hand over custody to Jiang Yihan.

Luo Xuange argued with them for a long time, and finally succeeded in exchanging with the couple at a price of 1.8 million.

Luo Xuange temporarily wrote the contract in triplicate, but all the three present at the scene knew that the contract written by Luo Xuange had no legal effect.

And above Luo Xuange also promised that if the fat boy can't get a wife with money in the future, he can come to Xiaoxi again.

Coaxed the group of people to press their handprints happily, but those were just pieces of waste paper.

Jiang Yihan was afraid of unforeseen circumstances, so he asked the system for leave in advance, and took Xiaoxi to accompany them to change custody.

Fortunately, it was settled soon. Jiang Yihan looked at her 'new daughter' with extremely complicated feelings.

I used to say that if I couldn't find someone who was in love with me, I would adopt a child and spend the rest of my life with me.

I didn't expect the joke before, but now it's done by surprise.

And it's the children who come to the door by themselves.

It even crushed Luo Xuange, who was the most searched.

When Jiang Yihan brought Xiaoxi home, An Ruoshui and others had left the hospital and returned to the program group to wait for a new round of elimination notice.

At night, An Ruoshui asked Luo Xuange about the day.

Did you take action on that woman?"

The author has something to say: An Junfeng: I sent the resources to my sister, but she saw it but did not dare to practice.

Mu Ling: When interviewing Jiang Yihan, she suddenly has a daughter, how do you feel?

Jiang Yihan: I don’t dare to think about it, I…

Xu Jia: Alright, get up. I'll give you another keyboard.