MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 79 One pick five

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The man hurriedly ran to Meng Xiaomeng, followed by Gu Xunxue of the ancient martial family.

"Hey, my..." Meng Xiaomeng looked at the food that was knocked over by the man, she cried out to the man distressed and angrily, but the man grabbed her shoulders with both hands, while she didn't When defending, he pushed her back.

The man quickly ran away from here, but Meng Xiaomeng crashed into Gu Xunxue's arms.


Gu Xunxue watched the man run away, clenched his fist angrily, then looked down at the person in his arms, seeing Meng Xiaomeng in her arms, a pure white rabbit The appearance of Gu Xunxue suddenly became teasing: "Are you so greedy for the tenderness in my arms?"

"Ah, no!" Meng Xiaomeng met either an iceberg like Luo Xuange, or a gentle woman like her sister and Bai Liu. This was the first time she met A woman almost like a fairy.

Meng Xiaomeng was so frightened that she didn't dare to look at Gu Xunxue, so she lowered her head and stared at the cold drink on the ground. To Mother Earth, my heart is full of unwillingness.

Gu Xunxue suddenly didn't care about the man who just ran away, and stood in front of Meng Xiaomeng with her arms folded, as if she was carefully looking at the pet.

After a while, Gu Xunxue laughed lightly: "Wait for me."

The voice fell, and Gu Xunxue walked away.

Luo Xuange, who witnessed all this from a distance, was already very angry. When she was about to intervene in this matter, An Ruoshui stopped her: "Don't worry, take a look first."

Sure enough, the three of them basked in the rising sun for a while, and a few minutes later Gu Xunxue came over with the exact same cold drink and handed it to Meng Xiaomeng: "Take the ,do not Cry."

Meng Xiaomeng was stunned: "I, I didn't cry." It was just a little distressed.

Gu Xunxue chuckled and stuffed something into her hand: "I asked you to, take it."

"Ah? Oh, thank you..." Meng Xiaomeng just took the cold drink from her hand, and before she could thank her, Gu Xunxue ran away like a gust of wind.

"Let's go." An Ruoshui took the lead in walking towards Meng Xiaomeng, and Luo Xuange followed closely.

When the two of them walked in, Meng Xiaomeng noticed that someone was coming. Looking closely, it was Luo Xuange and An Ruoshui, and she suddenly burst out with full of grievances. He rushed to Luo Xuange and hugged him: "Xuange, I finally found you."

"I found you." Luo Xuange pushed the person away with a little disgust, and then righteously corrected her mistakes.

Meng Xiaomeng can finally feel more at ease now, because there are too few gold coins, my sister has gone to other places to find gold coins, let yourself stay nearby and don’t go far, if you find an acquaintance, leave a mark for her , and then follow the acquaintance. After all, staying in the same place all the time is too dangerous.

Meng Xiaomeng 'hiding' for a long time, finally couldn't help but buy something to eat, but it was too cold, so she had to stand under the sun to eat, I didn't expect it to happen just now That scene.

Meng Xiaomeng glanced at An Ruoshui, and then asked Luo Xuange, "How did you meet?"

"I met shortly after the game started yesterday. Xiao Luo and I have already formed an alliance. Do you want to join?" , at least two people are needed. In order for the team to go longer, An Ruoshui prepared to recruit people to come in.

Although Meng Xiaomeng is neither lethal nor self-defense, and looks a little stupid, but...

Well, An Ruoshui admitted that she was looking for Luo Xuange's face and recruited a mascot for the team.

Meng Xiaomeng glanced at Luo Xuange and seemed to be asking if it was true. Seeing Luo Xuange nodded, she happily chose to join.

After Meng Xiaomeng joined, Luo Xuange decided to bring her along to find other players to capture the game life value.

"Ah? You said you were looking for someone else?" Meng Xiaomeng followed Luo Xuange while eating and said, "Just now there was a big sale in the supermarket, you can buy a gold coin There are a lot of things, a lot of people are waiting there to buy something to eat. But I went earlier, and I wasn't squeezed out by the crowd."

"A lot of people?" Luo Xuange suddenly became energetic: "Take us there."

Meng Xiaomeng was a little timid, but when she thought that Luo Xuange was a flying man with stunts, she was no longer afraid, and nodded happily: "Okay, you come with me."

So the mascot took them to the discount supermarket where the players were dense.

Different from the few scattered people on the street just now, it can be said that it is crowded with people now.

"Challenge, endurance test." Luo Xuange shouted a few times from the crowd, and someone stood up instantly.

"I'm coming, I'm me." A middle-aged man stood up: "Compete for endurance, I'll come."

This middle-aged man is a fishing enthusiast. He thinks his stamina is not bad on weekdays, so he filled in his specialty when he signed up, which is beyond ordinary people's stamina.

At this moment, Luo Xuange watched the bracelet keep flashing, she shouted again: "I have formed an alliance, according to the rules, I can compete with five people at the same time, and the one who is willing to come out Give it a try."

Then four people stood up. Anyway, it was past ten o'clock in the morning. If they didn't fight, they could only wait for them to be eliminated at three in the afternoon, so they were willing to form a group to compete with Luo Xuange.

Since Luo Xuange proposed the competition, she politely asked the five opponents to choose the way to compete for endurance.


But because someone started to compete here, other players also consciously formed a circle and began to watch the fun.

Many people also started looking for the same type of competitors to start the competition.

System: [Phantom Sect leader Luo Xuange vs. Hu Junnan, Liu Chu, Zhang Xue, Duan Fengnan, Wu Jie] Endurance competition, the winner and loser quiz begins...

In the live broadcast room, someone has already started to make bets and guesses, An Ruoshui and Meng Xiaomeng looked at Luo Xuange nervously.

Luo Xuange closed her eyes, her inner strength was transported away in her body, the exhaustion from yesterday to now was slowly dissipated by her inner strength, and she began to meditate on the spot with a fresh air.

The other players also felt that they could no longer hold it. Meditation seemed simple, but when it was really a competition, it was indeed a will-killing project.

A player has already been eliminated directly, and the only gold coin left in his bracelet has been transferred to Luo Xuange's bracelet, and then Luo Xuange's body has an extra day of life.

The game is still going on, Meng Xiaomeng is watching with great interest by An Ruoshui's side.

Only villains and bear children are difficult to raise in this world, Xu Ru found 30 gold coins, but when she would find Meng Xiaomeng in place, Meng Xiaomeng was long gone figure.

When Meng Xiaomeng and Luo Xuange left just now, she forgot to leave a signal to her sister.

Now Xu Ru began to wonder if Meng Xiaomeng had lost her way, or if she had been eliminated directly.

Xu Ru could only stare at the big sun and look around outside. Her move made fans in the live broadcast room feel distressed, and many people began to accuse Meng Xiaomeng of being careless.

Some people said that Meng Xiaomeng instantly forgot Xu Ru when she saw An Ruoshui and Luo Xuange.

Although this is true, Meng Xiaomeng's original intention is completely different from what netizens guessed. She didn't see highs and lows, but saw Sister Youwang.

Xu Ru looked for Meng Xiaomeng everywhere, so she came across a tired Jiang Yihan and the woman behind Jiang Yihan.

"Sister Xu Ru? Why are you here alone?" Jiang Yihan saw Xu Ru and rushed over immediately.

Xu Ru asked anxiously, "Have you seen Xiaomeng?"

"Xiaomeng? I didn't see it. I only met Bai Liu and a drag oil bottle from yesterday to now." Jiang Yihan hummed, Xu Jia who was following her Hearing this, he immediately reached out and twisted her ear: "What did you say?!"

Jiang Yihan stretched out his hand and patted the sadistic hand on his ear: "Go away, you violent maniac. Ouch~ it hurts..."

Xu Jia snorted and removed her hand, but seeing Jiang Yihan's red ears, her mood suddenly improved.

Xu Ru watched Xu Jia for a while, and suddenly remembered that Xu Jia was the manager who was airborne by the company, and suddenly understood something.

"You guys, where is Bai Liu? Isn't she with you?" Xu Ru was still worried about that person, but she didn't dare to go to her.

Jiang Yihan frowned slightly: "She separated half an hour ago, she seems to be looking for someone. I didn't tell me when I asked, she always went alone. It's like for the live broadcast room. The audience is like a tour guide, introducing the environment and analyzing the current situation while walking."

"That's it." A trace of anger suddenly rose in Xu Ru's heart. Although this was only a large-scale reality show, the island was real. What if something happened to Bai Liu here? manage. Also, since she has entered the entertainment industry, can she take it seriously. The reality show is going to be hotter than anyone imagined.

Xu Jia, who had been standing silently beside Jiang Yihan, suddenly pointed behind Xu Ru: "Hey, Bai Liu."

Xu Ru looked back quickly, and saw Bai Liu standing behind her slightly tired, silent.

Jiang Yihan said to break the silence: "Don't be stunned, I heard that the supermarket in front is having a discount. If you don't go now, you will miss it. Will Sister Xu Ru come with us?"

Xu Ru hesitated for a while, then thought that Meng Xiaomeng might also follow others, she nodded: "Well, let's go together."

"Alright, let's go with Bai Liu too. Anyway, you ran into us again after going around, so why don't you just go together. The number of people is great." Jiang Yihan has been very optimistic about inviting the two of them together.

Only Xu Jia looked at the two with their eyes changed, and seemed to feel that their relationship was very unusual. , As for when to understand, that is still unknown.

The author has something to say: Jiang Yihan: Sister Xu Ru, let’s go with you, and Bai Liu, let’s go too. Xu Jia, follow me, hurry up!

Li Tian: Did the school girl steal my life?

Xu Xiu: I think yes, but people still know to bring Xu Jia, when will you bring me?

Li Tian: Huh? What are you taking with you? Are you going on a business trip too? When are you coming back? I'm so irritable. The president gives me salary increases and bonuses every day, forcing me to do all kinds of overtime, otherwise I feel uneasy. But our president is really handsome, and Qian Duoyuan is handsome and heart-warming... Hey, why are you gone? I haven't finished speaking yet. hey, wait for me...