MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 111 Singles are on the rise

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Luo Xuange seemed to understand, and sighed that the technology in this world is not ordinary.

"So we can only stay here now and can't get out?" Luo Xuange asked rather dissatisfied.

The man nodded again and again, and soon thought of something and shook his head: "No no no, he has already modified the program outside. I believe he will be able to go out after a while."

"Do you know where Gu Xunxue's brother is?" Luo Xuange asked.

The man shook his head: "This is an internal secret, and I can't access it at all. Xiaoke should know, but he is modifying the program outside now, and I can't go out until the modification is completed, I can only wait Leave at get off work time."

After finishing speaking, the man added: "But these settings were set by Team Leader Ye, and he is the only one in the entire laboratory who can enter and exit at will, and change the access control at will. Also, he knows all... "

"Shh, someone is here." Luo Xuange looked at the closed laboratory door and said softly.

The man nervously took the stick and tiptoed to the door.

Luo Xuange jumped and hid in a remote place.

He had no choice, he rushed over immediately after sobering up, afraid that this group of people would cause trouble.

But when he entered here, he found that comatose colleagues and his beloved man were placed there like statues.

When Ye Hongyu fell to the ground and couldn't move, the man finally stopped the stick.

If Ye Hongyu hadn't sent him there that day, he wouldn't have been drugged by Luo Xuange at all, and now he wouldn't be living like his last day.

His hatred for Ye Hongyu is not shallow.

Luo Xuange in the dark came out, her eyes shot back and forth on Ye Hongyu, she quickly squatted down and found the electric baton on Ye Hongyu, she threw the thing to the man in black, after the man took it Swallowing his saliva, he looked at Luo Xuange in disbelief, as if he could not believe that Luo Xuange would hand over such a dangerous weapon to him so casually.

Ye Hongyu fell to the ground weakly, Luo Xuange asked softly: "I'm sorry Mr. Ye, although you have been helping me, but now I have to use it again. Please tell me Gu Xunxue Where is Gu Xiaojun, my elder brother. I want to take him away. At this moment, your research team and I, Gu Wujing, will not violate the river water. Otherwise…”

"What do you want to do?" Ye Hongyu asked nervously, Luo Xuange was not good at first sight, he had reminded the group of people long ago, but they are still planted.

Luo Xuange said helplessly: "Otherwise, I can only send you all to hell. Including your Master Xu."

As he spoke, he stood up, took a scalpel in his hand, and walked slowly to Xu Hao, the knife sliding back and forth on his neck.

Luo Xuange chuckled: "Want to try it? How about using him first?"

"Don't!" Ye Hongyu did not doubt whether Luo Xuange had the courage at all. Looking at the fainted people all over the floor, he knew Luo Xuange's ability and her audacity.

"Then be good and take me to find someone." Luo Xuange got up quite satisfied.

Gu Xunxue was checking the route map left by Gu worm when she suddenly received a call from An Ruoshui, and An Ruoshui asked eagerly, "How is Xiao Luo now? She has Have you contacted me?"

Gu Xunxue hesitated for a while, then said, "Well, I just contacted. Don't worry, it's good. I'm in a hurry now, I'll hang up first, bye."


An Ruoshui looked at the hung up phone, threw the phone on the bed weakly, and lay down slowly, although Gu Xunxue said this, she still couldn't worry about Luo Xuange.

But now she has completely lost contact with Luo Xuange, and she doesn't know what to do. Anxiously, he hammered the pillow Luo Xuange had slept on, thinking quite angrily, when that guy came back, he must find a rope to tie her up and keep it beside him.

Gu Xunxue looked at her phone helplessly, she didn't know if she should lie to An Ruoshui, but she didn't know what happened to Luo Xuange, so she couldn't make a rash conclusion and let An Ruoshui Worrying, it is better to panic, so that An Ruoshui can no longer worry about Luo Xuange.

Gu Xunxue hurriedly took the equipment prepared in advance, and was about to leave Gu Wu's lie when suddenly a disciple opened the door and said to Gu Xunxue, "Elder, patriarch, please come over for a while. trip."

Gu Xunxue looked at the classmate she knew very well in Su Ri, and now she respectfully called out to herself as an elder, and a wry smile crossed her heart. Now it is not easy for Gu Wu to get ahead. The seventy-year-old juniors and brothers grabbed a lot of them here.

"Do you know what's going on?" Gu Xunxue was in a hurry, afraid that Luo Xuange would be in danger in the research team if he continued to linger, although that guy usually looks arrogant, it seems No danger could threaten him the same.

The disciple shook his head: "I don't know, but the patriarch is very serious. Let you go as soon as possible."

Gu Xunxue nodded and said anxiously, "Tell the patriarch, I have to leave urgently."

Gu Xunxue walked away from the disciple as she spoke, but at this time the door was suddenly pushed open, and several familiar faces stood outside the door, each of them holding their own Weapon, looked at Gu Xunxue and said: "We came here specially by plane and want to compete with you. The patriarch Guwu has already accepted the challenge letter, how can you leave?"

"Get out of the way! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." Gu Xunxue looked at the group of people, a little puzzled why they suddenly appeared here.

The agreed martial arts competition is scheduled for the beginning of next month. It is still early. Even if these people want to compete with her, they don't need to come a month earlier.

A flash of light flashed in his mind, Gu Xunxue seemed to have found the truth.

At this moment, there is no longer any delay, and without a word, I start to move.

The group was initially disrupted by her quick attack, but recovered quickly, and the two sides started a melee.

The little disciple was frightened when he saw this posture, and wanted to go out to find someone to come in to help, but he was dragged into this fight before he even walked out of the door.

Luo Xuange followed Ye Hongyu to the dungeon.

She looked at the people, or animals, held in these dungeons.

There are both men and women here, and they are wearing the same white clothes, probably for the convenience of the research team.

Maybe it's a monster called mutated by later generations.

She has no extra sympathy to sympathize with these things, she just wants to find Gu Xunxue's brother quickly.


"Take him out." Luo Xuange wouldn't be stupid enough to go in and find someone, pushed Ye Hongyu, and said to him: "Hurry up."

Ye Hongyu didn't mind Luo Xuange's rude treatment of him, he opened the door of the secret room, and inside lay a very weak young man, who looked a bit like Gu Xunxue .

"In fact, we have seldom studied him. Because he is no different from ordinary people except for the change of face in the few days he was just brought. And no more There has been that kind of state." Ye Hongyu explained: "But the research team announced that he was dead, so he couldn't let him go, so he had to be kept here."

Luo Xuange nodded thoughtfully, and understood the research team's idea of ​​abandoning the car and keeping the handsome man. It is because the small loses the big.

"Bring him out." Luo Xuange said to Ye Hongyu.

Ye Hongyu wanted to say something else, but of course he chose the former to expose the crimes of the research team and save Xu Hao's life.

After entering, she brought Gu Xiaojun out.

Luo Xuange looked at the unconscious young man and frowned slightly: "Put him on your back, go out and wait."

The man in black hurriedly threw the stick in his hand and stepped forward to carry Gu Xiaojun on his back.

Ye Hongyu was beaten so hard, and now his body is barely able to move on his own, he really doesn't have the strength to leave behind Gu Xiaojun's back.

Leaving the secret room of the research team, there are many people here who are also clamoring for Luo Xuange to take them out together.

Luo Xuange thought about opening the cages of several animals, Ye Hongyu saw that Luo Xuange wanted to open the door, he hurriedly stopped: "Hurry up, these animals have many viruses and diseases, It would be life-threatening to others if it is released hastily."

Luo Xuange looked at the large beasts running out, and she stopped after thinking.

Several people came to the laboratory of the research team, the man in black put Gu Xiaojun on a relatively flat place, and then walked back and forth anxiously inside, saying: "What's going on? , why isn't it okay?!"

Xu Hao and Ye Hongyu's certificate can only allow him to enter and exit alone, so the method of Ye Hongyu taking them away is ruled out, but Luo Xuange watched Xu Hao's mind.

"Mr. Ye, please go out and change the access control." Luo Xuange walked over to Xu Hao and slashed the knife on Xu Hao's face, but the skin was broken and bleeding a little. But no problem.

However, seeing such a small opening, Ye Hongyu felt distressed.

"Don't be impulsive, if you dare to touch him again, I guarantee that no one will get out." Ye Hongyu said angrily to Luo Xuange.

Luo Xuange looked at him indifferently, raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "Well, then I have to take good care of him."

Luo Xuange took out the Gu worm and put it on Xu Hao's body, and soon the Gu worm seemed to have found very delicious food, and slowly crawled along Xu Hao's shoulder to his neck On, something like a small spider burrowed into his flesh so quickly.

Ye Hongyu looked at Luo Xuange nervously and asked in disbelief, "What did you do?"

Luo Xuange threw the knife in his hand: "Don't be afraid, just put a little cutie in his body. As long as he can get out safely, this thing will never happen."

"Don't believe her! Activate the mechanism and let us all die here!" Xu Hao shouted at Ye Hongyu exhausted.

Ye Hongyu heard it, but began to hesitate. He knew that Xu Hao would not live like this, but he couldn't activate the mechanism and ruin Xu Hao's life.

"I'm sorry! This time, I can't obey your orders." Ye Hongyu said this sentence with red eyes, and then backed out.

Xu Hao watched Ye Hongyu leave, his resentful appearance made Luo Xuange very happy.

Xu Hao didn't want to let Luo Xuange go just like that, but when he was about to bite his tongue and commit suicide, Luo Xuange suddenly raised his hand to remove his chin.

After Ye Hongyu left, Luo Xuange became bored again. I wonder if An Ruoshui was worried about her at this time.

At this moment, An Ruoshui does have a Luo Xuange worried, but what she is really worried about is what to say and do next, after all, the future sister-in-law was really brought back by the elder brother.

"You, you really..."

Feng Qianling looked at An Ruoshui in disbelief. She never thought that the man she married was An Junfeng, the president of Anshi Group, and she couldn't believe that one day she would be able to meet An Ruoshui who often appears on TV. If the water is so close.

"Hello, sister-in-law, don't be nervous." An Ruoshui's expression softened a little. It wasn't that she deliberately frightened her with a cold face, but she was very socially phobic when it came to strangers they met for the first time. Difficult to relax.

This is also the reason why An Junfeng chose a cold character for her, at least outsiders will not feel that she is hot and cold.

Feng Qianling could also feel An Ruoshui's deliberate softness, and her nervousness was slowly hidden. It wasn't just the two of them at home, the president of An Da was still busy in the kitchen.

And today Xu Xiu and Li Tian also came over, Luo Xuange couldn't be found, Xu Xiu regretted why she didn't stay with Luo Xuange at first, but now it's too late to say anything.

Luo Xuange has had an accident, and there is no definite news from Gu Wu, but through Meng Xiaomeng who asked Gu Xunxue, he found that Luo Xuange really had an accident. Currently in a coma, it is still unknown whether he will be able to wake up and continue filming in the future.

Li Tian also felt that Luo Xuange was a pity, but in sympathy for Luo Xuange's colleagues, she was distracted to comfort Xu Xiu, so it seemed that she was actually more haggard than Xu Xiu.

At this moment, the two are resting in the guest room. After all, they have been working tirelessly for Luo Xuange until now.

An Junfeng was thinking about the ingredients in the kitchen. While cooking, he pricked up his ears and listened to the two women in the hall chatting.

An Ruoshui slowly put down her guard and told Feng Qianling an interesting story about her brother's childhood, which made Feng Qianling laugh again and again.

"That, the time of your brother, her legs..." Feng Qianling finally couldn't help but ask what she was curious about.

Well, the president of the big group, why would he post a blind date on the blind date? It is too unbelievable to pretend to be a lame man to marry himself.

An Ruoshui didn't know how to explain it, so she couldn't tell her that my brother's leg was crippled by my daughter-in-law, but the injury was not serious, so he recovered on his own.

"On that day, my brother knew that he was getting married, and he was so happy that he accidentally fell when he went out. He injured his knee. Now that so long has passed, his The legs are slowly recovering."

Feng Qianling nodded thoughtfully, and said in surprise: "I didn't expect him to be so happy. I always thought he was sympathetic to me, that's why he..."

"How come, my brother has liked you for a long time. It's just that you don't know it." An Ruoshui chuckled: "Did you play in the south last year, and remember that you encountered a robber on the road that day. At that time, someone's bag was robbed. There were so many people, but you were the only one who ran out to stop the robber and help the old man get the bag back."

An Ruoshui took a sip of water while talking, Feng Qianling looked at An Ruoshui in shock: "Are you there at the time?"

"I'm not here, my brother went to see a friend and happened to pass by there. But he was on the second floor of a nearby hotel at that time, so it's normal that you didn't see him." An Ruoshui said leisurely. Finish.

An Junfeng from the kitchen almost vomited out a mouthful of bruised blood. Was this part written in the script?

My sister has been filming for a long time, and now she can add to herself anytime, anywhere. This scene of love at first sight and goodbye is so sour? !

"It's all about last year, I didn't expect you to remember it so clearly." Feng Qianling bowed her head shyly.

An Ruoshui shook his head: "I am very forgetful, I have to memorize a lot of scripts and memorize so many lines every day, so my memory is very vague. But my brother talks about this every day. Say, it's hard for me to figure it out."

Feng Qianling had a deeper affection for An Junfeng, but they had never met before. And An Junfeng even mentioned her often, and Feng Qianling's face suddenly became crimson.

An Junfeng: "...Haha, it's good that my sister is happy." He doesn't care, it's not fake anyway.

In fact, he did have a relationship with Feng Qianling at that time, but he didn't care about it at the time. When he was investigating Feng Qianling a while ago, he saw this scene in the documents, and then I remembered the one at that time again. The girl who is quite a tiger is his current daughter-in-law.

An Ruoshui began to design a warm and romantic secret love story for them, and he was the bitter president who had secretly loved the little girl for a whole year.

Only the two brothers and sisters know these things. Now in Feng Qianling's place, just follow this story.

Although he didn't fall in love with her at first sight, he did admire the girl at the time.

An Junfeng continued to cook, while Feng Qianling and An Ruoshui outside didn't know what they were talking about, and they both looked very happy.

"It's okay, I'm so hungry." Li Tian wiped a handful of bitter tears and went downstairs. When she saw Feng Qianling, she shouted, "Madam, how are you."

Feng Qianling blushed and didn't know how to answer, after all, these people are people who can only be seen on the TV network, but now suddenly standing in front of her, she also showed a very friendly appearance, She said it was impossible not to be nervous.

Feng Qianling smiled at Li Tian, ​​Li Tian chatted with her again, then went to the kitchen, leaned against the door and asked An Junfeng: "Boss, when will dinner be served? ? My child is almost hungry."

"Oh, the child is almost gone. Go to Xu Xiu and ask for another one." An Junfeng went straight to the past, and now he is also a man with a wife, no longer a single dog, expressing no Eat dog food again.

Feng Qianling looked at Li Tian outside the kitchen door and silently listened to the chat between Li Tian and An Junfeng.

Li Tian sighed: "Oh, Xiao Luo is not here. I don't want to eat fruit alone. No one is rushing to eat it with me."

Li Tian's words instantly aroused An Ruoshui's mind, and soon An Ruoshui fell silent.

An Junfeng in the kitchen was too big for Li Tian's words. He came out with a kitchen knife and looked at Li Tian: "How about I ask the housekeeper to bring Wang Cai in and grab it from you?"

He managed to coax his sister well, and even abducted his own daughter-in-law home to accompany her sister. Now that he's done, Li Tian's few words have moved his emotions.

Grab food, so forget it. She doesn't tremble that much.

An Junfeng smiled and went to the kitchen again with a knife.

After such a commotion, An Ruoshui was no longer in a low mood, and continued to chat with Feng Qianling with a smile.

Li Tian sat beside the two of them with a fruit platter and ate silently.

Feng Qianling asked curiously, "That... the Xiao Luo you're talking about, is Luo Xuange?"

"Yes, yes." Although An Ruoshui knew that the other party was going to cooperate with Gu Xunxue, and knew that the other party was very strong, she couldn't rest assured. The tension in the throat can be induced anytime, anywhere.

Feng Qianling nodded: "She will get better." In fact, she is also a small fan of Master Luo. There were too many things happening at home a few days ago, and she didn't have much energy to pay attention to idols.

"Yeah." An Ruoshui nodded, she also believed that the guy would come back soon.

Feng Qianling stopped talking and watched TV with Li Tian.

"I haven't seen any good dramas recently. I've watched the films of several acquaintances. Is Xu Ru on vacation this time? I've contacted, but I'm not very clear. I'll ask Xiaomeng later." Li Tian said to herself, she's been busy with Luo Xuange these days, and indeed forgot to pay attention to other people.

Li Tian looked for a few online dramas, An Ruoshui suddenly stopped: "That, that is good."

"Huh? This... are all newcomers." Li Tian carefully looked at the crew list, from the director to the troopers, they were all newcomers.

An Ruoshui nodded: "I watched a little bit on the crew, it was very interesting, let's continue to watch it now."

Hearing what An Ruoshui said, Li Tian pressed play.

Because she knows the relationship between An Ruoshui and Luo Xuange, she will follow her heart for An Ruoshui at the moment, otherwise she usually sees this kind of online drama, in order to Avoid affecting An Ruoshui, she will prevent the other party from scrutinizing it.

However, Feng Qianling, who was listening to their conversation, blushed slightly, she actually wrote the play.

The author has something to say: this chapter has been revised