MTL - The Dead Cycle-Chapter 44 Land of Peach Blossoms

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Yin Yin and Linglong walked along the stream, but this road seemed to be endless. They had not seen a road up the mountain after so long.

But the scenery along the way is really good. If you want to summarize it in one sentence, it must be "hundreds of steps on the bank, beautiful grass and beautiful scenery."

"Vaguely, look at the trees by the road."

"Tree?" Yin Yin glanced past Linglong's eyes. "What happened to the tree?"

"These trees are all planted in accordance with the law of a peach tree and an apricot tree." Linglong looked at the lush tree by the roadside, his eyes were dark.

"Ah, I know, when you look at it in spring, the road will be full of peach blossoms. When you look at it in autumn, it will be rows of yellow ginkgo!" I did not expect that people in ancient times had planned this for cities. Have learned!

Linglong turned her head and gave Yin Yin a slight glance. "I just want to say that these trees were intentionally planted."

"……and so?"

"Someone should live here."


She shouldn't expect Linglong to think of anything romantic.

But then again, there will be people living under this cliff? Who would be fine living under the cliff?


The third law of the novel is that there must be an eccentric person living under the cliff.

Yin Yin suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Shouldn't she still find a martial arts secret book, and then Linglong became a peerless god.

Then, they, the pair of god-carved heroes, began their lives with a smile.

... stop it.

She believed that Ji Ting must not be a fan of Jin Yong, and she would never write such a novel.

About an hour away, Yin Yin was really out of energy. Linglong helped her sit down by the river and picked a few more wild fruits.

Yin Yin took a bite of the fruit in her hand, and it tasted sour and sweet, which quenched thirst.

"What kind of fruit is this?" Yin Yin bit the wild fruit in his mouth and "quacked".

"I don't know, there are many on the side of the road." Linglong also took a bite of the wild fruit.

Yin Yin looked at the fine sweat exuding from Linglong's forehead, and her heart sank. They have been walking for an hour, and they have not seen the end of the road.

In addition, they fell off the cliff. Although the protagonist's halo was not to be killed, they were more or less injured. Especially Linglong, he was poisoned, his body was still weak, and his combat effectiveness dropped a lot. And myself, was originally a war.

If you encounter any danger, the situation is bad ...

Linglong obviously thought of it, but he couldn't show his worry on his face. Otherwise, it will only make vaguely more worried.

"Walking along the river, you will definitely see people living there." Linglong said softly, watching the slowly flowing river.

"Um." Yin Yin nodded, and now there is nothing else he can do, but ... "Linglong, why did you fall down?"

"..." Linglong's face changed subtly, "I slipped my feet."

Yin Yin raised an eyebrow, ah lala, Xiao Linger must be proud of her.

"However, why Du Qianchan pushed you off the cliff?" Linglong frowned at Yin Yin. Yin Yin felt an excitement in her heart. "This ... I don't know very well. Maybe she slipped her hands."

Linglong: "..."

"In short, don't have any more contact with Du Qiangan in the future, you know?" Linglong handed another wild fruit to Yin Yin, Yin Yin nodded after taking the black wild fruit, thinking that Du Qiangan was Is Linglong blacklisted?

That's great, oh yeah.

Well, she admits she's a villain again.

Yin Yin was about to bury her head, wash her face with river water, and faintly saw a figure on the other side.

"Someone!" She grabbed the exquisite sleeve with excitement.

Linglong also looked up and looked at the opposite bank. Indeed, there was a man carrying a basket. The man also seemed to see them and waved at them.

The man waded directly from the other side of the river. The river was not wide, and the water was not deep either. Soon the man stood opposite Linglong and Yin Yin.

"Two people, do you need help?" The man's face is very thick and his eyebrows are thick and very dark. He is the kind of person who can easily win the trust of others.

"We fell off the cliff and were looking for a way up the mountain," Linglong replied.

The man looked at Yin Yin and Linglong for a few moments, and thought, "I see that both of them were injured and have difficulty moving. It is not safe to go up the mountain. It is better to go to our village to rest and rest, and then go up the mountain after the injury is cured It's not too late. "

"Village? There are actually villages here!" Yin Yin was shocked. She thought that she would meet an unborn master, and she came to a unborn master in the village!

The man smiled arrogantly, "Look at the big family members who are dressed in Beijing. Our village is small and there are not many people. I hope the two don't dislike them."

"Don't hate, don't hate!" Yin Yin shook her head in excitement and was finally saved. Linglong frowned a few invisibly. He had never heard of a small village under Yundai Valley.

"I don't know what your village is?" Linglong took Yin Yin to his side, watching the man tentatively.

"Our village is called Baishui Village, which is nearby." The man said, pointing behind him, "Yes, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Wang Sledgehammer."

Yin Yin: "..." = mouth =

"What's wrong with my name?" The man asked Yin Yin looking puzzled.

"No ..." Yin Yin wiped her face. "I just never expected that you would call Wang Sledgehammer."

Wang Sledgehammer: "..." So what happened to his name?

Seeing that Wang Sledgehammer had no internal force, Linglong was indeed reluctant to go up the mountain, so he took Yin Yin and followed Wang Sledgehammer.

"I came here today to fish. The fish in this Baishui River is the most delicious. If the two are not disappointed, you can taste the crafts of my wife and children tonight." Wang Daqiao introduced the way in front of him, and introduced it enthusiastically. .

"Okay, okay!" Yin Yin is really hungry. From morning till now, she has only eaten a few wild fruits. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Wang Sledgehammer waved a big hand and smiled arrogantly.

Followed by Wang Sledgehammer, a small village suddenly appeared in front of Yin Yin and Linglong.

"It's really a village." Yin Yin looked at the peaceful village in front of her.

"Two people here, my home is here." Wang Da hammer led Yin Yin and Linglong into the village. All the residents in the village were kind-looking, and they saw Yin Yin and Linglong smiling friendly.

"Yo, sledgehammer, where did you find two celestial people?" A middle-aged woman drying clothes in the yard saw Wang Sledgehammer and asked with a smile.

"Isn't this fishing by the Baishui River, just happened to be met by me. They came from the capital to see how well it was raised." Wang Sledgehammer smiled hesitantly, the two rows of neat teeth looked abnormal in the sun White.

Yin Yinjue sounded so weird. Is this ready to stew the two of them?

Wang Da hammer's home is just opposite this family, it is a very ordinary family. Some dried carrots and dried fish were dried in the yard, and there was smoke rising from the kitchen. It seemed that someone was cooking.

"Xinghua, I'm back." Wang Sledgehammer lowered the basket on his back and raised it in the kitchen. "You see I caught a lot of fish."

"Sledgehammer, you came back so early today?" A woman stuck her head out of the kitchen window. It was a very ordinary village woman with yellowish skin and rough skin, but she was very kind and easy-going.

Xinghua saw Linglong and Yin Yin standing in the yard, and then she wiped her hands on her clothes and greeted her from the kitchen. "Sledgehammer, don't tell me why you came here, you Look at me, there is nothing to prepare for. "

Yin Yin smiled embarrassedly, "You're welcome. We disturbed you."

"Girl, you see what you said." Xinghua took the basket from Wang Daham and set it aside, and came over. "Our village is rarely visited by outsiders. There are even fewer VIPs like you. Slowing down the guests! "

Xinghua led Yin Yin and Linglong to the room to sit down. The decoration in the room was also very simple, just a bed, a table and a few stools. Let Yin Yin and Linglong sit down at the table, and Xinghua was busy pouring tea into them. "This tea is made with water from the Baishui River, and it tastes very good."

Yin Yin took a sip of hot tea and sighed from his heart, "It's delicious!" Linglong also tasted a bowl of tea and nodded in satisfaction.

The corners of Xinghua's eyes were bent, and they sat down opposite them, "Looking at both being injured, but what happened?"

"It's true, we fell off the cliff in Yundaigu and were planning to find our way back." Yin Yin replied.

Xinghua nodded and said: "The two are really blessed and fateful, and they have no worries about falling from such a high place."

"Hehe." Yin Yin smiled stiffly, holding the protagonist's aura.

"I don't think so. Can you stay in my house first and wait for the wounds to be healed? How about I let my sledgehammer take two people up the mountain?"

"Will it bother you too much?"

"No, no, it's our honor to be two guests at our house!"

Yin Yin glanced at Linglong who was sitting beside him, Linglong thought for a while and thought, "Then we'll forgive you for a few days."

Xinghua grinned and grinned, "Where is the boy, no boy in our village looks so good."

Yin Yin: "..."

So, do you know the importance of your face, everyone?

"Ah, I'm still cooking in the kitchen. The two sit first, and I won't say hello." Xinghua stood up in a hurry and went to the kitchen.

Wang Sledgehammer chopped firewood outside the courtyard. There were only Linglong and Yin Yin in the room. Yin Yin's eyes couldn't help looking around.

"What's the idea?" Linglong took a sip of the tea in the bowl and asked Yin Yin around him.

"Um ... very enthusiastic," Yin Yin swallowed, "excessive enthusiasm."

"I think so." Linglong put down the bowl in his hand. "This village is not as simple as it looks. At least before today, I have never heard of Baishui Village."

There is a paradise-like village under the cliff, which is a bit unnatural.

"It's not a good time to stay here, we will leave as soon as we are well."

"Um." Yin Yin nodded, and then saw a cloth curtain in the room being lifted up, revealing a little girl's face.

Linglong also followed Yin Yin's gaze. The little girl was dull. After seeing Linglong, her eyes brightened, and she spit out two words from her pink lips.

The author has something to say: You grinning little fairies are really carnivorous animals [dig nose]

When the nest is brewing for a chapter or two, there will be meat ... the end. ==