MTL - The Daily Life of the Zombie-Chapter 79 No three is a gift

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"There are no other requirements... Actually, I think I am quite lucky, at least it gives me the ability that I have never had before, so that I don't have to be a lamb to be slaughtered in this disaster."

For Xiao Xiao, the system that has been by her side since the end of the world has actually been a bit like a family member.

Although during this period of time, she had doubts and hostility, but after the system rescued her again and again, she finally turned these into gratitude-anyway, this life is also given by it, if it wants to Take it back, give it back and give it back, anyway, it was originally earned.

Xiao Xiao knew in her heart that if it weren't for the system, she would have a very real possibility of dying as predicted.

Seeing Xiao Xiao say this, Gu Chen could only bury his true thoughts in his heart first—he was always wary of that 'it'.

After half a year of research, after researching the magic nucleus and crystal nucleus, the research institute noticed the existence of some creatures or non-living things in an unknown state. Anyway, it felt like seeing another bizarre world through a thin film. .

Gu Chen thinks that what Xiao Xiao said is probably a product from another world, and coupled with what it asked Xiao Xiao to do, it can even be inferred that this apocalypse may have a lot to do with it— Just thinking of this, Gu Chen couldn't let go.

"This way... well, if you really need anything, you can find me, and you can call at any time in the communication device."

For Xiao Xiao's idea, Gu Chen can only respect it, after all, he is not hers. Based on the principle of presumption of innocence, he can't directly sentence it to death when it has not harmed human beings.

The discussion between the two finally ended in failure—at least for Gu Chen.

Gu Chen's purpose of coming here can be said to have been achieved, but it has not been achieved either.

The achieved part refers to those that he was very worried about are no longer a problem, so he can boldly carry out the defense line promotion plan.

The part that hasn't been achieved is the hidden danger in Xiao Xiao - he has never figured out the details of 'it', and he always feels like a ticking time bomb, which may cause Xiao Xiao to have problems at any time.

In the end, after taking a deep look at Xiao Xiao, or the whole park, Gu Chen took the large group of entourage away with him.

After Xiao Xiao sent the person away, he was free to check what the system had left for her.

However, when she was about to do this, she realized how bad her current situation was—she couldn't even use the mental power to use space!

As long as she has the thought of using her mental power, she will immediately have a splitting headache. Xiao Xiao understands that this is the after-effect of her mental power injury.

It's no wonder that she didn't feel it since Gu Chen came. It turned out that the marks and mental power hints she had attached before had all been invalidated.

This accident once again disrupted Xiao Xiao's plan... In fact, it's not a plan, but Xiao Xiao's restless heart had to settle down and stay here to make this paradise better.

Although she could use her almost invincible body to attack in addition to her mental power, but after losing the mental power she was accustomed to, Xiao Xiao retracted into her tortoise shell again.

Soon, the twins woke up one after another a week later, just as the system said, except for their thick skin and thick flesh, they were no different from those with abilities... Well, if you ignore the size.

"Sister, what is this?" Sun Xiaojie, who had just woken up, pulled Xiao Xiao, pointed at the Ferris wheel and asked, "Why is it going around over there, is it a new monster?"

Fortunately, it was not Xiao Xiao's turn to answer this question, and Sun Xiaoya, who was on the side, complained in disgust, "You're stupid when you say you're stupid, that's called a Ferris wheel! I don't want a stupid sister like you, not even this one. Know!"

"Hmph, you are the smartest!" After Sun Xiaojie made a face at Sun Xiaoya angrily, she continued to entangle Xiao Xiao and started her ten thousand whys.

It's a pity that there is always a voice that destroys the atmosphere that will insert into her relationship with Xiao Xiao, breaking all her wishful thinking.

Of course Xiao Jie is not really stupid, they both know the common sense they should have. Isn't this just looking for a chance to get close to Xiao Xiao? As a result, someone has been sabotaging, making her more and more angry.

It's a pity, just like her supernatural powers, no matter how angry Xiaojie is, she is still warm, not sullen and not angry, gentle as water.

And Xiaoya naturally knew what Xiaojie was thinking about. She couldn't do this kind of shy face begging for comfort and hugs, but wouldn't it be easy to cause damage? hum!

Seeing the two little animals start bickering again, Xiao Xiao couldn't help laughing out loud, comforting the two little animals who were fighting for favor.

"Okay, don't talk too much, let's go and play together, won't we know?"

Although some amusement facilities have age restrictions, they can't stand the owner of the entire park!

Xiao Xiao has never worried about the safety of the twins—if they do fall out, it is hard to say whether the twins will be injured or the place where they hit.

In this quiet and peaceful atmosphere, Xiao Xiao met an unexpected person.

"Are you...Miss Xiao?"

A woman dressed in strong and fashionable clothes, saw Xiao Xiao with two children, and asked a little hesitantly.

"Huh?" Xiao Xiao raised his head somewhat unexpectedly when he heard the name he used before and the slightly familiar voice.

"It's you, Manman... It's great that you're fine." Seeing that the person who came was Li Manman who helped her buy this paradise, Xiao Xiao greeted her somewhat unexpectedly.

Although the two have only had a fate of two days, Xiao Xiao still appreciates Li Manman--just because she is willing to do what she should do wholeheartedly after taking over the mess, it deserves to be treated differently.

"...Really you?" After seeing Xiao Xiao admit it, Li Manman suddenly burst into tears for three seconds, using a woman's greatest weapon.

"Hey, don't cry!"

Half an hour later, the two twins were biting with an ice cream in each hand, and sat obediently on the chair as dolls, while Li Manman was chatting with Xiao Xiao on the side.

"You don't know, when the disaster came, what happened to me..." Li Manman's mood was relieved at this time, so she frantically poured out her experience to Xiao Xiao.

"About a year ago, didn't I take a commission from you to resign? As a result, my ex-boyfriend who had broken up didn't know where to get the news, knowing that I made a lot of money, and it was shameless Adhere to say to compound!"

As Li Manman spoke, his emotions also rose.

"My mother has already seen through his indecisive and indecisive personality. If we didn't talk about it in college for four years, and there were many friendships without love, I would have directly let him know why the flowers are so red! And At first, he was the one who broke up with me first, but now he has the face to come back and say he loves me?"

Seeing that Li Manman was a little excited, Xiao Xiao smiled helplessly and comforted, "Okay, who doesn't meet a few scumbags in their life? So what happened to him?"

"I also wanted to do something to him, but since my parents passed away, he has always been with me. Seeing that he is barely a person, I didn't put my thoughts into action... until he finally showed his true colors. After." Li Manman said this, and the whole tone was a lot lower.

"When the end of the world came, I happened to have an appointment with him to negotiate at the restaurant. He told me that no matter how long it was, he would keep waiting. At that time, he said that the breakup was blinded by lard. Now he knows my goodness, so he wants to come back to find him. I got back together. But my mother knows that these are all excuses—my former colleague told me that my supervisor in Yongqing found out that I would leave as soon as the farmhouse was sold, so he took a walk and made some strange messages, so he would come to the door. Come on, it's just for the money after all!"

"That day, I told him that under the care of these four years, I can give him five million, whether it is a breakup fee or a youth compensation fee, as long as he doesn't bother me again. At first he pretended that he was not for money, but I changed my mind and said otherwise we would get married immediately, as long as he signed the prenuptial agreement first, then he immediately turned around again and agreed to the five million breakup Fee... that's enough!"

Li Manman said this, took two sips from the water glass on the table, and then gritted his teeth and said, "This is not the end. At that time, the solar eclipse suddenly came and everyone fainted. Soon after, I woke up with him almost at the same time. When he saw the zombie, he pushed me out to block it and then ran away, leaving me under the corpse's mouth... If the old lady hadn't awakened the ability to react fast enough, he would have killed me long ago!"

"Then, you killed him?" Xiao Xiao put herself in her shoes and thought, if this is the case, she will kill this scourge first.

At this time, Li Manman was silent for a long time, and finally said, "...No, I can't do it."

"I just stood quietly in the middle of the corpse pile and watched him rush out the door. The billion energy in my hand couldn't be sent out..." Li Manman laughed at himself, and this smile was bitter.

"Am I particularly stupid?"

"...No, it's him who is stupid. He missed you, a good man, and maybe he's already dead on the road." Xiao Xiao analyzed it very calmly, and said with relief, "You can change your mind, he missed tens of billions, yes Do not?"

Hearing Xiao Xiao's humorous remarks, Li Manman finally couldn't help but laugh out loud, "You said...well, I feel better when I think about it this way, yes, this is his loss! Haha!"

"What about the past six months? You have been on the defensive line?" Xiao Xiao saw that Li Manman had recovered, and asked her how she was doing.

"...No, the place I negotiated with him at that time was in K city, but I was very sad to see what he did, so I simply went to the army to sign up, went out with the team to fight zombies, and rescued those besieged by the way. The survivor." Speaking of which, Li Manman had returned to her high-spirited appearance.

"I originally thought, anyway, I have no relatives, and I simply contribute my last bit of strength to this world. If you can save one, you will be one. If you die, no one will grieve for me anyway... It's a pity, I am not dead , how many times I was lucky enough to escape from danger, and even sat in my current position."

Li Manman suddenly looked directly at Xiao Xiao and said, "Get to know me again, I am Li Manman, I belong to the Third Rescue Brigade, and my current rank is Lieutenant Colonel, please give me more advice!"

Seeing her being so formal, Xiao Xiao couldn't help but cooperate "...Well, I have to admit, my surname is not Xiao, my surname is Xiao, I am Xiao Xiao, and I am subordinate to...the Marshal's direct assistant? Oh yes, the current main business is Run this park."

When it comes to the words "Marshal's Assistant", Xiao Xiao feels a little ashamed. To be honest, her assistant is a white worker!

"Huh?" Seeing Xiao Xiao say this, Li Manman not only didn't mind what she was hiding, but asked enthusiastically, "Marshal's direct assistant? Could it be Marshal Gu? Is it true? So this paradise is It was set up according to the wishes of the marshal?"

"I really want to say it... It's right to say that, if it weren't for his full support, this paradise wouldn't be able to open." Xiao Xiao waved Gu Chen's banner without blushing at all. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with her statement.

"Really! I'm just saying that who is so stupid and will give out so many magic cores as prizes, it really has an official background, so this is a place for everyone to release pressure! Those little brats under me still don't believe this. Say, I must tell them when I go back this time!"

Being treated as a fool, Xiao Xiao can only show the silence of these remarks is golden... Anyway, whether it is a fool or a fool, as long as it is beneficial to human beings, she will do her best.

"What? According to you, have you challenged those mini-games?" Xiao Xiao rarely met a guest who could chat with her, so she quickly wanted to ask Li Manman how she felt about those challenges.

"Do you really want me to say it?" Li Manman only then remembered that this person is the person in charge of this paradise. Her words just now seemed to be a slip of the tongue?

After seeing Xiao Xiao nodded affirmatively, Li Manman gave her answer bluntly, "If I really want to say, these magic cores are like free gifts! As long as the honed warriors come here, they can make a fortune. Return the bowl full!"

"Is it that simple?" Xiao Xiao asked in surprise.

She designed these little game booths for a long time, but you told me it was easy?

"It's like the net for catching fish. It's difficult to catch five out of ten nets, but for us power users, even if we don't need to use powers, relying on onlookers and muscle memory, five nets will be enough. If you can understand the principle, the sixth and seventh will catch five and still not break the net!"

"And not to mention the balloon shooter. If you play twice, everyone will become a perfect marksman. Your distance is too short, and you usually don't get close to zombies!"

In fact, Xiao Xiao took it for granted. The customers she targeted before were the people in the rear, not the soldiers who returned from the front line, and this caused this big oolong.

Presumably with this lesson, Xiao Xiao will know how to design it better.
