MTL - The Crazy Forensic Doctor Consort-Chapter 32 Liu Tiancai

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With these herbs, it is much easier for Liu Wei to do the next thing.

She experimented with caterpillars with different herbs, some directly let him sniff, some were crushed into powder, and then mixed into pulp, and then rubbed onto the caterpillars.

After an hour of experimentation, she recorded some of the drugs that caterpillars responded to.

These drugs are then reconstituted.

Soon, the result came out: "Kwai root grass, gold stem flower, silver yellow plum, silkworm, wood willow grass, leaching leaf..."

Liu Xiaoli looked at the mother's record and said with a small face: "The sunflower grass and the golden stem flower are all soothing, the leaching leaves and the willow grass are poisonous, the silver yellow merlot, but with the sage, the silkworm What can these drugs do with a hurricane?"

Liu Wei put down the brush and smiled on his face: "I can do more."

Liu Xiaoli turned to look at her: "Hey, you know?"

Liu Wei did not say much, just told: "take out my Huangshan Pill and Yuqiong Pulp."

Huangshan Pill and Yuqiong Pulp are the medicines developed by Liu Wei. Huangshan Pills are used to relieve pain and settle, and Yuqin Pulp is used to soothe the nerves.

Liu Xiaoli didn't know what her mother had to do, but she took out the two drugs.

Liu Wei shakes out two Huangshan pills, then pours half a bottle of jade pulp, and then crushes the herbs that have been reacted by the caterpillars, and then reconciles them into a small pile of mud-like things. She poured it directly into the cup, put it on the table, and used the pliers to pick up the moving caterpillar and throw it into the medicine.

As soon as he entered, the black caterpillars began to stretch out as they came alive, and finally they even got into the medicine.

"Sure enough," Liu Wei smiled.

Liu Xiaoli was curious and died: "Hey, what the **** is going on, what the **** is going on?"

Rong Ling is also waiting for Liu Wei to confuse.

Liu Wei did not sell off: "This insect is nothing special, just caterpillars that are common outside, but some people start them from eggs and breed them with a different drug into a specific variant. This bug should be from people. After entering the brain, the five senses began to lick the human brain. You see, is this smell of medicine similar to the brain of a person?"

"This bug is raised by this stuff. Instinct, into the human brain, will eat the same taste of food. And this bug because of the mutation of the gene chain, if you lose food for a long time, you will not eat other things, Then it will enter death, just like the fertilizer that the insect's body will oxidize into trees. Some of the drugs that cultivate this insect have strong properties, which will make the insect not oxidized by the air, but will be oxidized by itself, which is equivalent to stopping. After ingesting energy, the internal organs will immediately fall into exhaustion, and after death, they will directly evaporate into ash."

"It turned out to be like this!" Liu Xiaoli understood it as soon as he heard it. He suddenly felt that his mother was the smartest person in the world.

Liu Wei is also very happy, she thinks she seems to know what the so-called Southern Xinjiang martial arts is.

It may be the study of microbial variation, but in the distant past, these almost unscientific things were deified.

Both mother and child are very emotional, and stand on one side: "..."

So, what is the gene chain? What is oxidation?


Liu Wei found the crux of the caterpillar, and it is much simpler to develop a restrained formula.

The medicinal properties of the medicinal herbs covered in the syrup are listed, and with the live samples in her hand, she has not slept all night, and the drumsticks can be said to be in full swing.

Rong Ling has been with her, Liu Xiaoli was taken back to sleep, and the air in the room was quiet.

Liu Wei is very focused on research, even if she knows that there is a line of sight that has solidified on her body for a long time, she is not distracted.

Waiting until the fourth day, she felt that her neck was sour, she couldn't help but look up and squeeze her shoulders, but all the herbs were in her hands.

“Is not comfortable?” The man around him leaned against his chin and asked her.

"Slightly sour."

The man got up and went straight behind her. The warm big palm touched her white neck: "But here?"

Liu Wei was very uncomfortable and broke freely with his lips: "No need."

"Don't move." Rong Ling's voice is low, and the faint road: "You are yours."

Liu Wei still wants to refuse, but when the person squeezes it twice, she feels that the whole person is comfortable. She suddenly swallowed her throat and retorted it, but she did not forget her mouth: "I am staying up late to save your talents, you I should have repaid me."

The man laughed softly, and the whispering voice overflowed from his throat: "Yes."

Liu Wei licked his mouth and accepted the welfare of this work.

It is not so easy to develop drugs. Although the cultivation principle and food formula of caterpillars are known, the purpose is not to kill caterpillars, but to develop a medicine that allows the user to produce immunity.

Commonly known as vaccine.

No one knows when the caterpillar was implanted and who implanted it, so she has to do not only to remove the implanted person, but also to immunize the unimplanted person.

This is the top priority!

She is very attentive, enthusiastic, and waits until dawn to make a small success.

Rong Ling always gave her a shoulder, Liu Wei felt very comfortable, and my heart’s prejudice against this person was reduced by a little bit, but it was so small, the nail shell was so big!

On the following day, Qin Zhong was still resting, and the other three were called into the room again.

Because the three people saw the example of Qin Zhong, they felt a lot of relaxation at the moment. Isn’t it just a brainstorming? Mr. Liu has such a skill, he must have no problem.

The faint three of the three have already lined up, and the second one is waiting for the brain to be called Fang Cheng.

As soon as he entered the room, he stood more prominent than others, and stood tall and headed, a sorrowful momentum that was about to go to the battlefield.

Liu Wei didn't look at the three people. She was still holding a pharmacy bottle in her hand. When she saw the three people coming, she shook the bottle. "It may be a little painful for a while, you can't help it."

Fang Cheng’s chest was lifted and he immediately went down.

pain? Doesn't it hurt? Qin Zhong said that it does not hurt.

Rong Ling stayed with Liu Wei overnight, seeing that she had eyes in her eyes, and could not help but frown: "You are in a bad spirit, say tomorrow."

"This is no need for any spirit." Liu Wei said leisurely, put the medicine on a straw stem and looked up at the three people: "Who are you starting first?"

The other two are looking at Fang Cheng.

Fang Cheng took a deep breath and took a step forward.

Even if it hurts, but Qin can bear, there is no reason he can't.

The other two are planning to leave, and they were outside when they opened their minds yesterday.

Rong Ling is also planning to go.

Liu Wei asked: "Where are you going?"

All four looked at her.

Liu Wei just took a shot and said: "I forgot to tell you, don't have to open your mind. I developed a drug guide that can lead your poison out. The total recovery period is too long." And after all, it is a major operation. The risks must also exist.

Even if she can reduce the risk to almost no, she has to pay more for herself.

When she got this high-intensity for a few days, she was only afraid of mental weakness.

Fang Cheng shook his lips and asked incredibly: "No, don't you have to open your head?"

"no need."


"Well, it's very true."

Fang Cheng was excited and excited, and the other two were suddenly hot, and the fears of the previous two days no longer existed.

Rong Ling is not laughing at the side. He still stunned the woman. She could do this in a night. He has seen many Confucian studies in the hospital, and he has only spent the rest of his life.

And she, the young age has been so good.

These characters, the genius.

"Liu Tiancai" still does not know Rong Lang's high evaluation of her. She asked Fang Cheng to sit on the stool and put the straw-stalked stalk on the side of Fang Cheng's ear. The smell on the straw stalk is very weird. Stinky, it looks very disgusting. 2k novel reading network