MTL - The city of Monkey King-Chapter 1253

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It is because it is not in the territory of the demon.

There is no way to open the door of the void, there is no way to cross the void.

Now, when you enter the demon territory, it is not the same. You can go straight through the void and go where you want to go.

And, the speed is extremely fast.

Qin Feng directly stepped into the door of this void, and a few people behind Yun Ling, who also stepped into the door of the void.

The seventh world.

An unnamed small world.

At the moment, within this small world.

In the sky above a mortal country, there is a void crack, and several people in Qin Feng have stepped out from this crack.

"My mother and sister are in the palace below, you can go first."

"I am a little hurry now and I have to deal with it right away."

After Qin Feng left this sentence, his first body directly rips away from the void.

As for his second flesh.

It is to directly find a place of the sea, directly into the depths of the ocean, continue to refine the power left by the king of evil.

He didn't want to let his second body go to see his mother.

This is a matter of concept.

As the saying goes, the body is skinned and affected by the parents.

The soul of Qin Feng, passed down to the tenth, naturally cannot be the edge of parents.

The only thing that can be related to Song Yu is the body of the first body.

That is the flesh and blood.

Also, Song Hao gave her body.

Therefore, in the concept of Qin Feng, if you want to see Song Yu. Then, you must use your own first body.

Yun Ling and Lin Yuexi,

After looking at the position where Qin Feng left, the two looked at each other and looked at the palace below, hesitating for a moment.

Both of them are galloping toward the palace below.

The reason why hesitated is because Song Yu is the mother of Qin Feng.

Even Yun Ling and Lin Yuexi are no longer the ones in the past.

Now they are one of Ashura and the other is Emperor.

These identities are extremely high.

However, no matter how noble they are, they dare not show their points in front of Song Yu.


at the same time.

Autumn borders.

The demon palace.

At this moment, the demon palace is still noisy.

Those demon emperors, since they have been in the demon palace, one by one is not to go.

The reason why they rely on not to go is also very simple, that is, to order together.

This order is to play.

According to their words, if they did not get the order to play today, they would have been waiting in this demon palace until the day when the order came.

To know.

At the border of the Yaozu, there are large-scale Heavenly Soldiers.

Once the battle takes place.

Without the presence of the demon, there will be a very dangerous situation.

These demons.

They themselves naturally understand this.

One side is clear.

On the one hand, they also want to use this.

To force the monarch to order.

Because the current holy deities are retreating, they really have no intention of disturbing Sun Wukong.


They only want to get orders from the mouth of Jun Jun.

Because they are very clear.

As long as Jun Jun opened his mouth.

It is an arithmetic.

Because the trust of the saints to the monarch is not comparable to any demon.

Even if the Holy Spirit is going out, knowing that this order is under the command of the monarch, there will be no blame for the sins.


At this moment, the demons are helpless.

They can't find Jun Jun at all.

As soon as Zixia Fairy got it, Jun Jun had already seen the opportunity to slip.

Inside the demon palace.

In the house where the secluded residence lives.

Inside the pavilion.

At this moment, the two are sitting.

These two people are secretly secluded, and there are many princes who have escaped many demons.

"You are hiding in me, sooner or later, it is not a problem. I advise you to go back. I can hear that the demon emperors were almost stunned by the demon palace in order to find you."

With a smile on his face, he looked at Jun Jun and said with a smile.

In this case, the meaning of ridicule is full.

"You kid."

The helplessness that Jun Jun said in these words can only be shaken and shakes his head.

Then, the face is positive.

"I am here for you, not just to avoid those guys, but I have one more thing, I want to ask you."

Jun Jun said, he said.

"Just ask."

It’s no surprise that it’s a secret.

As if he had known that he had come to him this time, there is something to ask.

It’s not surprising that Jun Jun is the power of the shackles, measuring some of the things that are going to happen, such as asking for something.

This is extremely normal.

"The power of heaven and earth, even beyond the power of heaven, will not be involved in this battle."

Jun Jun, I am still worried about this.

Since the last time, he said that in this catastrophe, there will be a heavenly level of power to enter, and Jun Jun will not be able to put down the big stone in his heart.

"I don't know for a while"

Feng Yu shook his head.

He also wants to know about this.

Therefore, during this time, almost all his energy was placed on top of this matter.

However, since then, there has been no substantial gain.

"However, one thing is fortunate."

A quiet turn of words.

During this time, he spent a lot of effort to measure this matter, although he could not measure the existence of this power.

At what time will it be involved in this battle?


Sealed, but got some news.

That is...

"This power is not a perfect state now, but it has not reached perfection. To be born, it must be a perfection."

“It will take a long time to get away from it.”

Said the secluded voice.

This news is already extremely important.

at least.

Can make the heart of Jun Jun a little more stable.

What he is most worried about is that this powerful force suddenly appears in this world, and it is simply unprepared.


For Yu Jun.

Whether it is the current power, it will appear in the future.

There is no way to find a solution.

after all.

Beyond the power of heaven.

This is already manpower.


For them, it is already a wonderful thing.

Not to mention the power of transcending the heavens, it is simply unbelievable.

And, just at this time.


A very frenzied force emerged from this demon palace, and it was suddenly rising from the sky.

I saw that there was a golden red flame above the sky. In the sky, it covered the entire sky.

And the source of all this flames.

All are...

This demon holy house.

Feng You and Jun Jun, the faces of the two, at this time, are all Qi Qi.


It’s all instantly noticeable.

The source of this flame comes from their holy sage, from, Sun Wukong.

In the demon palace.

Those demons are shocked.

One by one, all of them look at the golden fire, all of them are round eyes! 2k novel reading network