MTL - The Book of Troubled Times-Chapter 63 Aquatic

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  Chapter 63 Water Fright

   "Would you like to take a ferry? There are freshly caught fish on the boat..." The beautiful boat lady approached the shore with her oars, laughing before saying anything.

  Seeing the two people on the shore, the boat lady let out an "uh", her smile froze, and she seemed to want to row the boat away again, not wanting to pull these two guests.

Zhao Changhe and Cui Yuanyang looked at each other. The clothes on both of them were dirty and torn, and their faces were covered with mud. Like a little beggar.

   This is three or four days of traveling through the mountains and forests after the rain...

   The two of them may not feel it when they stay together all the time. From the perspective of others, maybe the wind and smell are all floating on board.

  Cui Yuanyang asked Zhao Changhe in a low voice: "She still dislikes us, should she be a normal boatman?"

  Zhao Changhe is very relieved, this fool is actually thinking about this, instead of crying and being rejected by others, he is really getting less and less silly, um, isn't he not so cute anymore?

Zhao Changhe looked at the boat, the boat lady hesitated to come over and rowed slowly, another old boatman was steering the helm, his face was a little bit pained, and he didn't seem to want to pull the two of them too much. guest.

  Whether this is a normal boatman is hard to say, but relatively speaking, it must be more normal than a particularly enthusiastic one. Zhao Changhe's own experience is the same, and he can't see any problems so far, so he said: "It's always necessary to cross the river, and you have to choose a boat."

  After thinking for a while, he suddenly smiled and said, "Actually, your father might not even recognize you in front of you now..."

  Cui Yuanyang hummed, and shouted loudly: "Hey, that boatman, how can we go up to eat river fresh food if you don't lean over?"

  The boat lady hesitated and said: "The river fresh food is precious..."

  Cui Yuanyang akimbo, took out a piece of silver and held it high: "I have money!"

   I'm really proud, Fu Luoli's money has hardly been used, and I have been waiting for this moment for a long time!

  The boat lady's eyes lit up, and she paddled over with a smile on her face: "If you catch a big carp today, you'll know that a distinguished guest is coming!"

  Cui Yuanyang smiled: "I can really talk."

  Two people board the boat and enter the cabin. The cabin is a small room with a bed and a table. It is very suitable for a family to go out and have fun. It seems that there are such projects in the world. Looking at it from here alone, "Troubled Times" simply does not live up to its name.

   But it’s not because this place is close to the edge of the Cui family’s sphere of influence, so it’s relatively peaceful and unknown.

   "Does your boat go directly to the other side?" Zhao Changhe asked the boat lady.

   "Look at the guests. If you want to cross the river directly, you can go to the other side. If you want to go downstream, you can go as far as you want, and you have to pay extra!" The boat lady smiled lively.

   Cui Yuanyang handed over the money: "Then take us downstream to Wei County, is this enough?"

  The boat lady said happily: "That's enough, I'll go cook the fish for the guests."

  Seeing Chuanniang go out, the curtains were drawn, and the two looked at each other, feeling like they both let out a sigh of relief.

  When we arrived in Wei County, that was the real sphere of influence of the Cui family. Cui Yuanyang would find anyone who he could immediately be protected three layers in and three layers out, and nothing would happen again.

   And the closer to Cui's house, the safer it is. It was normal for the Cui family not to know the situation at first, but after three or four days in the mountains, more and more bounty hunters might smell the fishy smell, but it is impossible for the Cui family not to know about it. As long as the Cui family's IQ is normal, the elite should definitely go out at this moment, clearing obstacles on the main roads to meet the small public election, and have already begun to strictly investigate the inner ghost.

  Of course, the scope is so large, everyone may not be able to respond accurately, and there is no time to arrange arrangements outside the sphere of influence, but the closer the closer, the safer it is, which is inevitable.

  The most dangerous road is actually the current section. As long as there is no problem with the ferry, everything will be over.

  Cui Yuanyang really thinks it should be all right, he is looking at the scenery outside the window with his little head tilted and waiting to eat fish. But Zhao Changhe's spirit became more and more tense.

  The more this is the case, the more you can't be careless.

  The sky is gradually getting dusk, and the setting sun is reflected in the river water, shimmering, and the scene is extremely beautiful. Cui Yuanyang looked at a carp jumping up from the river and falling back to the water, he clapped his hands and smiled happily; the smell of stewed fish came from outside the cabin, and the singing of the boat lady resounded; The water was rushing, and there were other boats behind him, leisurely going down the river.

  All the sounds, lights and shadows around me flashed in my consciousness frame by frame.

   Footsteps sounded.

  Zhao Changhe touched the handle of the knife.

  It was the boat lady who lifted the curtain and entered, and still smiled before saying a word: "Guest, the fish soup is here!"

  The fish soup was placed on the table, shaking with the boat. Cui Yuanyang squinted his head and smelled: "It's so fresh!"

  Chuan Niang smiled and said: "There is still braised fish in brown sauce, I'll get it right away, so I won't disturb the guests to drink the soup."

  The boat lady came out again, and Cui Yuanyang couldn't see anything unusual, so she happily took a spoon and scooped a small spoon, and was about to try something new.

  Zhao Changhe shot like lightning, grabbing her wrist.

   Cui Yuanyang looked at him inexplicably, Zhao Changhe shook his head slightly, but did not speak.

  Cui Yuanyang didn't quite understand, so he put down the spoon and sniffled silently.

  The fish soup is so won't taste good if it's cold...

  Under Cui Yuanyang's tormented salivation, after an unknown amount of time, the boat lady finally brought the braised fish again, and she was surprised to see the untouched soup on the table: "Why don't the guests drink the soup, it's almost cold."

   "It's nothing, we like to drink it cold." Zhao Changhe smiled: "Put the braised fish there to dry."

  The boat girl looked at Zhao Changhe inexplicably, and muttered, "What a quirk."

  She didn't urge her, she put down the braised fish with a puzzled expression, turned around and left. Cui Yuanyang over there didn't think there was any problem with it, and secretly thought that Zhao Changhe was really suspicious this time. Just as he was about to speak, a knife flashed in front of him.

  Cui Yuanyang is stupid.

  The scene at the next moment made her eyes widen even more.

  Chuan Niang's tender body twisted slightly, and she stepped on lotus steps, lightly and deftly avoiding Zhao Changhe's knife in the back, turned around and stabbed Cui Yuanyang's heart with a dagger.

   "Bang!" Zhao Changhe slashed across the bar, and at the same time pulled Cui Yuanyang away with one hand, kicked the table over with the other, and the fish soup was poured out of the door. As if at the right time, just as the fish soup was poured out, there was a wind blowing outside the curtain. The pole in the old boatman’s hand took off the bamboo cover at the front end at some point, and turned into a sharp spear with a cold light, piercing straight from outside the door.

  The scenery of the fisherman singing late and leisurely along the river suddenly turned into being in a tiger's den, frightened every step of the way.

  Cui Yuanyang didn't have time to adapt to such a role change, and subconsciously pulled out the sword in his hand, and the green water of Cui's swordsmanship pierced the boat girl's face far away.

  Chuan Niang giggled: "Mr. Zhao is smart, and Ms. Cui is also good at swordsmanship."

  Over there, Zhao Changhe's knife had already slashed on the bamboo tip, and the seemingly thin bamboo pole made a crisp sound of gold and iron, and the sharp spear spit out letters like a snake, directly poking Zhao Changhe's throat!

  Zhao Changhe's footsteps were slightly wrong, he got out of the way, put the gun under his arm, and slashed - the back of the boat **** the other side.

  Boat Girl: "?"

   She had just uttered her teasing words when a strong wind hit her from the back of her head, and she was caught between Zhao Changhe and Cui Yuanyang. The boat girl can't understand, what is this Zhao Changhe thinking, you are clamping the opponent's gun, but the knife is slashing to the side, this is a typical empty door, the opponent kicks your dantian and you can kill half of your life , you want to kill me that much?

  Or is Cui Yuanyang's safety more important to you?

With a sound of "bang", the boatman kicked Zhao Changhe's lower abdomen, but the boat lady on the other side finally failed to avoid the attack from both sides, she dodged dangerously to the side, broke out the window, and jumped into the river. Zhao Changhe's knife had cut a deep **** in his back, and blood spouted from the river, and he didn't know if he was dead or not.

  Zhao Changhe didn't seem to feel the hurt of the boatman's foot, he forced the boat lady to jump into the river with a knife, and without stopping, he returned the knife to the boatman's neck and cut it.

  The boatman saw the boat lady running away, he also let go of the bamboo gun decisively, turned back and left the cabin, but also disappeared after diving.

  Zhao Changhe was only half kneeling on the knife at this time, panting for breath while clutching his lower abdomen, that foot was of course injured.

  Cui Yuanyang urgently supported him: "Brother Zhao!"

   Finally called out this title, but Cui Yuanyang no longer felt goosebumps, and was extremely anxious: "What's wrong with you? I, I have medicine for internal injuries."

   "Well, I chose this plan because you have good medicine."

   "Why do you have to fight hard to get hurt? I, I can actually deal with her temporarily..."

  Zhao Changhe swallowed the medicine, shook his head and looked at the river outside the window: "Do you know why I suspect that they have problems?"

  Cui Yuanyang shook his head in a daze, the other party really didn't show any flaws.

"Because I found that our boat was slower than others... During the process of cooking fish, more and more boats followed. I must deal with these two people as quickly as possible, otherwise I will be killed in this river." There is no doubt that you will die if you are caught in a tight siege, and you will not hesitate to get injured for this!"

  Zhao Changhe adjusted his breath a few times while talking, and found that the Cui family's wound medicine was really effective, and there was only a little pain left after the blow. He stood up holding the knife: "Can you row a boat?"

   "My house has a river, so I know how to do it."

   "Okay, you go rowing, rowing to the shore. I must get into the water now, otherwise the two water ghosts will be under the boat, and once we scuttle the boat, we will all die here."

  (end of this chapter)