MTL - The Black Technology Era of Xueba-Chapter 9 Loofah vine and nutmeg

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"Your boy is the last countdown, okay!" Seeing Xiao Ming cursing himself like this before the exam, Chen Lin and Wan Tao didn't get angry.

"Hehe." Xiao Ming shrugged and sat on the seat. He was restless and took only a black ink pen and a 2B pencil.

Chen Lin and Wan Tao were struggling to die. Chen Lin wrote something on the table with a pencil. Wan Tao also took out a small note to recite a poem.

According to Wan Tao's words, he thinks this poem needs to be tested.

Slang language test curled down, Xiao Chen began to answer questions.

Slang language questions often have ambiguous answers.

For example, in the first question, is the pronunciation of the word charming chǎnmèi (three, four) or (four, four).

Xiao Ming, who did not take a Chinese class, was aggressive. Everyone speaks not so standard. Is n’t the two pronunciations similar? Then he chose one (three, four).

Besides reading, this question is the most painful. Many times the author who wrote this article came out with feelings and no deep thoughts.

The teacher who asked the question thought hard about how to answer it.

For example: "How does the sentence express the feelings of the author?" "How to understand the role of XX words here?" "What is the meaning of this article?"

Xiao Xiaoming: ...

I soon passed an hour and a half, and Xiao Ming filled the space regardless of whether or not it was, then the composition.

Proposition composition: "Loofah Vine and Nutmeg".

Xiao Xiaoming: Labor and capital ...

The loofah vine Xiao Ming knows, but what kind of ghost are the beans? What kind of ghost are these two terms together?

I will fall in love or fight.

Loofah vine and nutmeg ...

Xiao Xiaoming clutched his hair, but still seriously underestimated the teacher's standard.

Xiao Xiaoming: Ruthless!

I do n’t understand, I still have to write. Xiao Ming only wrote a dissertation which was painless and itchy, and looked disgusting when he looked at it--the loofah vine climbed high and the nutmeg climbed short.

The bell rang, and the two-and-a-half-hour Chinese exam was finally over.

Xiao Ming was going to eat in the cafeteria, and Wan Tao was still talking innocently in his seat.

Xiao Xiaoming went to the past and only heard Wan Tao saying to himself: "A piece of ice heart is in the jade pot ... A piece of ice heart is in the jade pot ..."

林 Chen Lin shouted: "Wan Tao, go, eat. I'm stupid what to do, I still take math in the afternoon, I will eat more and go back to memorize two more formulas."

Wan Tao looked sad and looked at Xiao Ming and Chen Lin crying. "Xiao Ming, Chen Lin, what is the last sentence of Bingxin on the jade pot? I just remembered it! I knew I would take the test, and I would I know I have to take the exam! But I just go along and know that the last sentence can definitely memorize the next sentence. This ... how can I write the next sentence for this exam! "

Xiao Xiaoming: ...

Chen Lin: ...

I know that after lunch, Wan Tao still didn't remember what the last sentence of "a piece of ice heart is in the jade pot".

I returned to the classroom, Wan Tao quickly flipped through the book.

"Digging grooves! If friends and relatives in Luoyang ask each other, a heart of ice is in the jade pot." Wan Tao shook his head and yelled, "I just carried it back, why can't I remember it!"

Xiao Xiaoming comforted and said, "It's all right, even if you fill out this poem, your language will still fail, and it will not affect the overall situation. Don't tangle."

Wu Wantao roared: "Xiao Ming, labor and capital are going to kill you! Ah !!!"

Zheng Xuanyu turned his head to look at the messy students, and then turned to continue to do math problems.

Mathematics in the afternoon is definitely a nightmare for poor students.

The difference in language between the poor and top students may be the difference between 120 points and 80 points, and in mathematics, it may be the difference between 140 points and 30 points.

Bloody math test, crushed how many poor bodies and souls.

Sure enough, Chen Lin and Wan Tao both bowed their heads. Try curling it down, and seeing a lot of mathematical symbols and Arabic numerals is like seeing alien language, stunned.

Chen Lin bit his pen, Wan Tao bit his nails, he couldn't write, and the two began to look around.

Sui Naihe is surrounded by poor students, everyone is looking around.

The proctor's teacher patted the table gently and reminded: "This is a first-diagnosis exam. Everyone pays attention to the test discipline. If cheating or plagiarism is found, the grade is cancelled. All penalties will be recorded. The disciplinary materials must be entered into the file. It has an impact for a lifetime. "

The students sent their heads down immediately.

Xiao Ming looked at the mathematics test paper. Xiao Ming, who possessed the memory of Pan Shaxing, is now a good hand in science. This math test paper is moderate in difficulty and similar to the college entrance examination.

Xiao Ming buried his head and answered the questions seriously.

Smooth, very smooth.

Xiao Xiaoming enjoyed the feeling of writing on the paper with a pen tip. He seemed to be back in junior high school. At that time, he had excellent grades and doing questions was a kind of enjoyment.

两个 For two hours in the math test, Xiao Ming spent fifteen minutes talking about multiple-choice questions. At this time, many students were still struggling with the first five of multiple-choice questions.

Xiao Ming persisted, after finishing filling the blank questions, began to brush up the big questions.

Xiao Ming's condition is different from most people in the test room. Everyone shook his head and sighed. Xiao Ming answered the question with fluency.

This realization made the proctor's teacher somewhat puzzled. He was a math teacher. He just read the test papers. It was not too difficult, but it was not very simple. The test room was mostly poor students and it was not easy to answer. Let's go to ~ The proctor came to Xiao Ming to see how Xiao Ming answered.

Xiao Xiaoming's handwriting is very neat and beautiful, and it looks pleasing to the eye.

Supervisor watched the teacher randomly check the first short answer and a geometric proof.

Xiao Ming's thinking is smooth, the steps are clear, full marks!

"This classmate is good!" Exclaimed the teacher.

"Surprising value from Li Fei (Invigilator): +50."

Surprise value accumulated: 52 points.

Xiao Xiaoming was happy, so he could get a surprise value.

He did not look up to see the proctor teacher, but moved his left hand calmly, revealing the second question of the short answer question—probability question based on domestic water consumption.

Combining life and mathematics is the future development trend of high school mathematics, and it is also a weak link for many students.

Even if he has some high-level students, he can do simple number problems, but combining number problems with common sense of life and words, he is aggressive.

老师 In the view of Teacher Li Fei, this question is a relatively difficult probability question, and the first question is to draw a probability distribution chart, which is very testable.

"All right !?" Li Fei looked at Xiao Ming's neat pattern and the answer at the back, all right!

"High student!" Li Fei couldn't help but nodded again and again, and looked at Xiao Ming more.

"Surprise value from Li Fei: +50."

Xiao Ming gave Li Fei 100 points of surprise value, he was happy, but it was difficult for Chen Lin next to him.

同学 Mr. Chen Lin was thinking about taking out a cheat sheet and looking at the formula. Where did I know that the proctor's teacher was not around?

林 Chen Lin had ten thousand XXX in his heart, gritted his teeth: "Xiao Ming is so good-looking? Why haven't I left here!"