MTL - The Black Technology Era of Xueba-Chapter 2 Amazing performance

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"Get Liu Lu (Mr. Liu) 's surprise value +10; get Chen Shuang's surprise value +2; ... get Zhang Feng's surprise value + 1 ... surprise value accumulation: 82."

Xiao Ming opened his mouth wide. This picture is exactly the same as the picture of Pan Shaxing's fiery EV biochip game "Knowledge Pass" in his memory.

Didn't he just go to the higher intelligent planet Pan Shaxing in those lessons he just died and brought back the games in the EV equipment?

But the game also has minor changes.

"Knowledge Clearance" is to answer questions from Pan Shaxing's science and technology for thousands of years. After answering the questions, the treasure chest is opened, and the treasure chest contains travel spaceship tickets, cash and other gifts. The picture in Xiao Ming's mind now is to collect surprise value to open the treasure chest, every 200 surprise value can open a wooden treasure chest, 1000 surprise value can open the aluminum skin treasure chest, more surprise value can open a more advanced treasure chest, and according to the prompt , The treasure box should be the technology product of Pan Shaxing!

Xiao Xiaoming's stunning performance in biology class is just an episode of the class, no one cares about the performance of a poor student.

学生 The students with good grades did not applaud, but bowed their heads. Xiao Ming showed that they were quite disdainful. Xiao Ming was air in their eyes.

"Xiao Ming is good!" Said Chen Lin at the same table: "I thought your kid was sleeping, and he slept all morning, but your kid is in the neighbourhood!"

Xiao Xiaoming said blankly, "I'm not sleeping, I'm suddenly dead."

林 Chen Lin's laughter came to an abrupt end, "What kid is you kidding?"

Xiao Xiaoming got close to Chen Lin and continued expressionlessly, "You don't look like a dead man."

Xiao Xiaoming originally had white skin, and stayed up late without exercising for a long time. Her lips were dark and bloodless, and she looked paler, her eyes were deep, and her dark circles were thick. Staring at Chen Lin so face-to-face, looking stunned.

"Your boy, what kind of ghost pretending to be during the day, terrified Grandpa!" Chen Lin quickly avoided and sat on the seat.

"Heh ... heh ..." Xiao Ming smiled slowly like a zombie, and he was still alive, and he saw the hope of life.

Xiao Ming was still doubting the truth of his experience before speaking the question. When Xiao Ming explained the question smoothly and got a surprise value, he believed that everything was true.

After finishing the questions, Xiao Ming feels that he has the top grade in junior high school, that kind of self-confidence, the kind of gaze from classmates and teachers that has been sincerely since.

In the next class, Xiao Ming continued to sleep because he did not disturb the class discipline and the teacher did not control him.

Xiao Xiaoming lay on the table and made a systematic analysis of himself.

The body does not say, we must strengthen the exercise, otherwise the next sudden death does not know when it is.

On the score, Xiao Ming also has a clear understanding.

Xiao Xiaoming's family is ordinary. To have a good life in the future, there is only one way to go to a good university.

Combining the memories of Pan Shaxing at the time of sudden death, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology, the two worlds are connected. Xiao Ming was surprised to find that he could solve most of the science problems. Although I feel that the memory is a bit distant, I can do it with careful recall, and I also feel that these science questions are very simple.

The ghost gate closed and fled back to study **** to learn tyrants, this change surprised Xiao Ming.

So there should be no problems with science.

The martyrdom was liberal arts, Chinese, English, geography, history and other subjects. These subjects Xiao Ming did not work in the past, and Pan Shaxing's memory did not exist when he died suddenly.

This is because the liberal arts exam questions are unique to Azure Star, while Pan Shaxing does not.

However, because of reading novels in the past, Xiao Ming ’s language and history are okay, and he can barely pass the passing line. However, geography and politics are messy, and even more so is English. Each test can get 60 points (150 points out of 150) That's great.


Although Jiangcheng's college entrance examination does not distinguish between liberal arts and science, the comprehensive college entrance examination is to choose the three subjects with the best results in physics, chemistry, biology, history, politics, and geography to take the total score!

The total score of the college entrance examination is still 750 points (150 points each for three languages; 300 points for each subject, 100 points for each subject.)

That is, Xiao Ming's three liberal arts subjects can be skipped, as long as the three science subjects are well tested.

Since then, the weakest link of Xiao Ming is English. As long as the English test is as good as possible, there is definitely no problem with Xiao Ming's last or even a heavy copy.

分析 Analysis in this way, Xiao Ming Changshu breathed a sigh of relief.

He quickly planned his future, first of all, to get as much surprise as possible, open the wooden treasure chest to see what is inside; the other is to study every day and strive to improve his performance to a level before the college entrance examination. .

In Xiao Ming's heart, there was another task that seemed impossible.

Can I rely on my own ability to raise the scientific and technological value of the Azure Planet, it is best to be able to reach the technological level of the planet Pansha in memory?

Xiao Ming's family is a working class and does not believe in ghosts and gods. He believes that there must be a reason for some inexplicable changes in his body. He also wants to determine whether a higher intelligent planet such as Pan Shaxing really exists in the universe.

The last math class in the morning was when Xiao Ming played ~ ~ he needed to earn more surprise value.

In the math class, Mr. Fang is talking about the last big question in the final exam last week.

"The last big problem is not difficult. Everyone must have the courage to do it! All math problems are paper tigers."

Teacher Fang wrote the questions on the blackboard on the blackboard.

The known function f (x) = 1 / x-x + alnx.

(1) discuss the monotonicity of f (x);

(2) If f (x) has two extreme points x1 and x2, prove [f (x1) -f (x2] / (x1-x2) & lt; a-2.

Mr. Fang was very dissatisfied with the performance of the students, saying: "This question, 67 people in our class, only one who can get full marks! Zheng Xuanyu! What are you doing! The students in this class are the worst I have ever taken. One term! "

The students looked at Zheng Xuanyu enviously, in the third and third grades. Zheng Xuanyu is definitely the goddess in everyone's mind. The grades are generally in the top ten of the first grade, and they look beautiful! The ear-shaped short hair, tall Qiong nose, big watery eyes, and tall figure make the junior high school boys sloppy.

Zheng Xuanyu looked at the teacher with a smile, without showing any pride. Low-key and wise! Real Schoolmaster!

Xiao Xiaoming saw Zheng Xuanyu in the eyes of his classmates and smiled.

He also thinks that Zheng Xuanyu is excellent, the beauty of temperament, and the beauty of unconventional.

东西 Temperament is something that beauty and body cannot bring.

However, seeing that the students gave Zheng Xuanyu the envy and admiration, these were all surprising values, Xiao Ming was anxious!

He couldn't wait for Mathematics Fang to explain, and hurried to the stage.