MTL - The Black Tech Life of Scum-Chapter 228 : Sing Red Song

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After discussions with expert Li, after Zhang Yifan improved many times, the finished product of his own sofa finally came out;

There is a cup holder that can hold mineral water or a travel cup on the front, a hook for trash bags on the side, a removable bracket on the top, and a canopy on the top.

There is also a small luggage rack in front, which can hold one or two travel bags;

The seat also has electric adjustment, which is similar to the electric seat of a car, except that the angle of the backrest cannot be adjusted so large, and the maximum can be adjusted to 140 degrees;

In addition to the specially added anti-collision rings on the front, back and sides, the length of the entire self-made sofa reaches 1.5 meters and the width is 65 cm. The overall look is a bit like a simplified version of the ancient sedan chair;

In order to facilitate the occupants to get on and off, Zhang Yifan also designed a retractable pedal and a guardrail that can be easily accessed;

In order to avoid the bite of mosquitoes in the wild, Zhang Yifan also installed a laser insect killer, and the space in front of the occupants is almost no dead angle protection.

It can be said that Zhang Yifan took a lot of effort to make this self-made sofa, and thought of everything he could think of;

After seeing the finished product and after many experiments, even Zhang Yifan wanted to make such a car for himself, saving time and effort and avoiding the pain of climbing mountains.

Only considering that time is too late, and it is not good to do special things in front of so many employees, he just gives up;


On the third day of their departure, Wang Beibei finally arrived at the day when everyone in Yifan Technology started together;

Everyone in the company changed into the trench coat with the company's special printed logo, gathered the roll call according to the requirements of HR, and then boarded the bus cheerfully and went straight to the airport;

On the bus, the HR comrades distributed the breakfast prepared in advance, which is actually some bread and snacks, and a bottle of mineral water.

Zhang Yifan is also on the bus, but his own sofa has been arranged for check-in in advance ...

This thing has an inconvenience, that is, it is diesel-powered, and it will have a little diesel inside, and then with the easy battery, it is basically impossible to handle air consignment.

Zhang Yifan, who had already considered this issue in advance, could only ask the institute to help, and it took a lot of twists and turns. At last, I didn't know which layer of relationship was used, so he won the guarantee of a green light ...

On the bus, because they were all company employees, HR's assistant, and a girl who volunteered to be the leader, in order to activate the atmosphere, they also started to stand up for some small activities;

When she shouted to let Zhang Yifan come out to speak, Zhang Yifan sitting in the front row stood up and waved his hand: "Everyone have fun, just come out and play. No one is the leader. What more words to say?"

This little girl is also very humorous: "General Manager Zhang can do not speak, so come out and show a show for everyone? Have general manager Zhang please!"

Zhang Yifan is stumped at this moment. He doesn't even watch TV very much. It is really important to let him design something, but he has no acting talent.

Can't you perform mechanical drawing or circuit drawing live on the bus?

"I don't have much talent," Zhang Yifan said after thinking about it, and he didn't want to keep the girl off the stage, but he really couldn't.

"Sing a song? Click a song, too," the little girl began to give a step;

The employees in the car also started to coax. Most of the employees who had been with Quancheng had worked with Zhang Yifan. He usually saw that he did not participate in the management of the company, and had no temper to the employees, so he would be more casual.

Besides, there are eight interns here. These interns have the longest contact with Zhang Yifan, and they have a famous teacher-student relationship. Naturally, they are not too afraid of him, so they are the loudest.


Zhang Yifan has also heard a lot of popular songs, but he can only remember the lyrics of the handful. The important thing is that he only remembers the chorus, which is the best part, and the tone is not sure ...

I still remember a few songs about children's songs. I swam a group of ducks under the bridge in front of me. I was on the side of the road and picked up a penny ... After all, there are very few lyrics and simple tones.

It's just that, on the way of traveling with this company, how can I also be one of the company's chief executives, is it really appropriate to sing a nursery rhyme?

It is not appropriate to not sing. If you are not willing to cooperate with such a boss, it will become a display. No matter how you resolve it later, the atmosphere of the journey will become worse;

So Zhang Yifan took the microphone and said, "I don't usually sing K, and there are very few songs, but today everyone asked me so hard to sing, and I sang it out!"

"Before singing this song, I have a few words to say, I think what kind of background company is Yifan Technology, some of us know, some do not know yet;"

"I'm telling you here today that we are a private enterprise, but also a patriotic enterprise for both military and civilian use. Many of you can only access the civilian products. A large piece of business is in the field of defense military industry. Don't be curious about specific business, and don't make random guesses, keep it secret! "

"The so-called national defense means that there is a country only if there is a defense, and a home only when there is a country. The tranquility of our tens of thousands of households depends on the stability of the international community. The army was there all day bombing and missile attack ... Our tranquility depends on the national defense cause, which is guarded by tens of millions of children. I start to sing below. I hope you and I will sing: "

"Get up, people who don't want to be slaves ..."

The whole car suddenly echoed with neat songs, and even the bus driver who was driving could not help but sing along ....

Zhang Yifan also sang more and more excited, I do not remember how many years have not sung the national anthem so loudly;

Sometimes watching the flag-raising ceremony, or even just some exciting videos on the Internet, will quietly weep, and then secretly wipe it off, pretending to be nothing ....

But the pride in my heart, the excitement, and the love seem to have been carved into my bones;

Maybe I will curse this country all day, cursing certain systems, and even seeing some rich or powerful acts, I will always be very repulsive;

But it was in my heart silently, guarding that buried love ...

And once I saw an outsider cursing, I was anxious to immediately turn my sword against one another-in my home country, no one else could slap his fingers ...

We know she still has deficiencies, we know that someone is not doing well, so we curse; we hope that she can be better, so we work hard and try to make her the way we want .....

"..... brave the enemy's gunfire, move forward, move forward, move forward, move forward!"

Zhang Yifan returned the microphone to the lead girl with red eyes, and then sat back to his place.

He sang such a song, he really felt very cool and comfortable.

Recall that when you were a child, even if the conditions in your own home were better than others, it was difficult to eat a snack;

Most of the meat can only be enjoyed during the New Year's Day, and many people in the village can't even eat enough food;

It can only be lit in the dark. People who have a bit of money can order kerosene. Those who have no money can only order oil lamps, even turpentine strips ...

The young people in the village can go to the mountains to find the goods, just to get some rice noodles back in the city ...

In order to fight for the water, it is not uncommon to wave a **** to fight at the edge of the field, and even pull a group of people to fight each other;

In a few more years, the village was powered on and used the phone. Almost every household bought a TV, the village built a cement ditch, and installed a pump .....

When I went to college myself, the village was on a cement road, and every house was built, including five protection and poor families ...

Mud houses, with the exception of some people ’s pig pens or sundries, still use brick and tile structures, which have almost disappeared;

These changes are all visible to the naked eye, not to mention, this is just a small humble rural village in a remote mountain area .....

Not to mention the magic capital, the economy of one of the four first-tier cities has exceeded that of Hong Kong City. I don't know how many times ...

The environment, law and order, and people's quality have also improved day by day. Of course, there is still room for improvement ....

But these changes are really great.

When Zhang Yifan was immersed in this feeling, he heard the singing in the car again :,

"A big river has wide waves ..."

He suddenly found out, alas, this one seems to be part of himself too ... and then sang along;

Singing all the way, red songs all the way, the atmosphere is very active ... even Zhang Yifan, who does not like group activities, also likes this atmosphere a bit.


And Zhang Yifan didn't know that the company's group was very lively at this time ...

Yifan Technology has a group. In order to facilitate communication, Lexus pulled almost everyone into the group, but Zhang Yifan gave the group the screen on the first day, only receiving, not prompting to receive information.

Because Zhang Yifan didn't like to be disturbed when doing things or thinking, even if it was a message, he was a little annoyed;

What's more, there are hundreds of people who occasionally take a few WeChat groups that have nothing to do with themselves, even the company's;

Since Zhang Yifan started singing, some employees began to record videos. Although Zhang Yifan was not recorded, some colleagues also sang the national anthem;

Later, people in the group kept posting these videos of singing red songs, which were very warm and exciting ...

Lexus has also begun to show resignation. The team in Zhushi is actually just beginning to build, and because of Lexus's stability, the scale is still small;

Everyone attended the annual meeting without any shortage, and some employees brought their families, including Lexus and his wife and children at their own expense. Even so, they were still not satisfied with a bus, leaving nearly ten empty seats;

However, even if this is the case, Lexus still stood out, stood on the front of the car, and pulled away the cushion on which the guide leaned:

"Everyone has seen a cell phone? In the company group, let's see, how warm is the colleagues in the Quanzhou branch? How high is the morale?"

"Are our colleagues in the Pearl City Branch obliged to lose?" Ling Zhi shouted.

"Don't agree!" Replied sporadically in the car.

"If you look at it like this, you have to be convinced. If you look at you, you look weak and weak," Ling Zhi said loudly. "I will meet President Zhang and President Wang, and they will definitely ask me, what is going on with your Zhushi branch Everyone went out on a tour, why were they so dead? "

"How should I answer? I have to tell them that our Zhu Branch is not full of breakfast, and we have more dinner for us today." Ling Zhi said, touching his face: "It's all from a company, The breakfast configuration is the same. I do n’t care about my old face, do you want it? ”

"Yes!" Everyone began to shout in unison.

"did not hear it!"


The lower compartment was almost deafening, because most people yelled;

And Lexus saw that his daughter and his wife were also yelling, but his wife was still holding back, and her daughter was yelling with the energy of feeding;

Lexus felt that the atmosphere had almost moved, so he said there, "Well, now that everyone is not convinced, let's sing a red song with colleagues at the Quancheng branch!"

"Everyone wants to show our momentum, don't be afraid to sing tiredly, you can sleep for two hours when you get off the plane ..."

"Five-star red flag flutters in the wind, ready, get up!" Lexus opened his head in a low voice.

Then the car began to sing neatly and enthusiastically. Many people sang while recording videos .... after recording a dozen seconds, they were sent out in the group ...

The meeting location is about forty minutes by car from Sanzhao Airport, but it just happens to catch up with the morning rush hour, so it will definitely be blocked;

So red songs were sung one after another, and the short videos in the company's group were also posted one after another, reflecting each other with Quancheng, very lively.

At the back, there was a lot of you singing, and our momentum continued, and the atmosphere was very good.


Wang Beibei's car, because it was out of the hotel early in the morning, and it was only 200 kilometers away from Lijiang at this time;

It was not long ago that he switched to Wang Beibei when driving, so Gao Yong played Wang Beibei's cell phone aside, mainly because the information was almost constant.

The voice of Wang Beibei played the loudest volume, and Gao Yong opened the message a little bit, that is, a young man in a car all wearing a coat with a sail technology logo, singing revolutionary songs out loud ...

And there is some provocative message inside:

"Colleagues in Quancheng, your voice is not loud enough, work hard!"

"Colleagues in Pearl City, please follow ..."

After watching a few short videos, Gao Yong handed Wang Beibei's cell phone to Li Bing. After spending two or three days together, plus the information learned from Wang Beibei, he also knew that the girl's Personality is still a bit introverted;

It ’s good to let her know about these new friends who will be playing together for four days.

"Li Bing, look, Xiaofan and Beibei's two companies have now set off and are singing on the road," Gao Yong said.

Li Bing opened it and watched a few paragraphs, and then took it to my grandma to show her a few paragraphs ~ ~ Finally handed the phone to the last row there ...

"It's so lively!" Li Bing said, envy in his tone.

"Let's play with them in the afternoon, and it must be more lively at night," Gao Yong also replied.

He understands Li Bing's feeling a little, even if he himself feels a little envious. Whenever the unit organizes a tour, he always feels boring;

I can only act according to the leader's preferences. I dare not speak loudly. I have to rank according to seniority for a meal or a photo. These are also endurable. After all, it is a common problem;

It's just that it's hard to come out for a trip, and it's always lifeless. It's really hard to make people feel happy. Where can there be Wang Beibei's company like this, young and dynamic, but also with a strong patriotic atmosphere.

At this time, Wang Beibei suddenly came up with a sentence: "Why don't we also sing a song? We can't let their two teams take up the momentum?"

"Okay, okay!" Within a second, a voice of joy from his back was heard in the back row, and then he lowered his tone and said, "I'm afraid to affect Grandma Li's rest."

"What are I afraid of, I also sing. When we were in the production team, wouldn't we sing this revolutionary song?" Grandma Li, who didn't squeak along the way, suddenly said loudly, full of gas.

"So what do we sing?" Gao Yong asked;

"Unity is strength, how about it? They all sang," Wang Beibei made a suggestion.

"Okay, just sing this, let me pronounce it," Grandma Li was full of energy and began to sing: "Unity is strength, preparation, get up!"

At this time, no one knew that the video of singing a red song during the trip to the annual meeting of Yifan Technology had been put online by several employees ....

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