MTL - The Black Tech Life of Scum-Chapter 226 : Footless Wheelchair

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Gao Yong really didn't know that Hou Gang's melon was not bought because of human feelings, but Wang Beibei knew it well.

The fruit was bought online. I did n’t know who the boss was just before I bought it.

However, there are others in the car, and Wang Beibei also revealed this ...

Seeing Wang Beibei's silence, Gao Yong thought he had convinced him, and asked, "All your funds have been invested?"

"It cost more than 10 million yuan to buy the equipment, and various materials, fruit trees and the like, and it was almost spent," Wang Beibei said frankly.

"What kind of equipment do you buy for fruit trees that are so expensive?" Gao Yong said suddenly;

He was just an ordinary civil servant, using his veteran's money and his family's money, and paying down a house in the county seat, he felt that this might be the biggest expense of his life;

The house price in Yangxian County is less than 5,000 yuan per square meter. His house in his early 100sqm is already very good;

Millions of money have never been seen before. He knew that Wang Beibei made a lot of money, but he was surprised to spend it like this.

Wang Beibei's purchase of Lamborghini can be understood as prolonged poverty and wealth, and spending money, but this is personal consumption;

And the investment of this orchard, if you invest tens of millions of equipment at once, it is very risky;

"The main purpose is to install a full-automatic laser insect killer for Shatang Orange. I will go back and give you a window to install your living room to ensure that no mosquitoes and flies can fly in, and they are accurate," Wang Beibei showed off.

"How many fruit trees do you have now? How are you going to sell them?" Gao Yong asked.

"More than one thousand, six thousand, shipping costs are extra;"

"Then you do n’t even have to sell all these fruit trees. Not to mention the expensive, who would buy them? Did n’t you think about it before? How can you do this business?" Gao Yong said, quite a bit hated The meaning of steel.

"We don't sell insecticides. We only sell fruit trees. This thing can be recycled," said Wang Beibei.

"If I sell the insecticide together, how much will it cost?"

"If the profit is guaranteed, no two thousand trees will come down. This is how I figured out. Invert the insecticide to the top of the canopy. A tree only needs one insecticide, or it will be more expensive." Wang Bei North said.

"It's crazy, you still have to find a way, how to open the popularity, how to stop the loss? This is tens of millions of money, so you were ruined ..." Gao Yong sighed and said.

"Isn't it so serious?" Wang Beibei, a careless expression;

"It may be more serious than imagined, just kill a worm, a tree will cost tens of thousands, really dare to think and dare to do it, have courage!" Gao Yong sighed again;

People are more popular than death, and they are toiling for a month's salary of thousands of dollars and future retirement benefits, but Zhang Yifan and Wang Beibei throw a lot of ten million, it is estimated that their frowns are not frowned, and the difference is really too big Already.

"I have a way to do a paid sweepstakes. Everyone pays a dollar to buy a lottery ticket. If they sell 6,000 copies, they will win the prize. The winner will get a fruit tree. I have spent hundreds of dollars. Money was drawn on the phone, but unfortunately nothing was drawn, "said the watchmaker sitting in the back row suddenly.

"You have a mobile phone, it has a fixed value, and the platform must be a ghost, and it's okay at the beginning. Who will spend money on this in the past two years?" Gao Yong countered.

"Moreover, this product is not well-known, and people who can afford it are not willing to buy it, unless you find some experts to advertise, fake experts can do it, you can find a few TV stations to saturate and publicize, there may be hope."

Wang Beibei reluctantly said, "Actually, we have no money to advertise. Don't crow's mouth. Maybe you can sell well. It doesn't matter if it doesn't sell well. Come back next year."

Gao Yong was speechless, sighed there, stopped speaking, and was a bit mad at his cousin. What a bad thing to do, you have to do this! Update Fastest Qiqi Novel https: //

The car suddenly fell into a weird tranquility. In order to relax the atmosphere, sitting on the back of the table, he constantly gave out fruits and snacks to Li Bing and Grandma Li, and then pretended to ask Wang Beibei and Gao Yong by the way. ..

Grandma Li was polite with anyone, curious about everything, but afraid of causing trouble, even when she saw some novelty on the roadside, she kept her voice as low as possible when discussing with Li Bing;

Most of the time, Li Bing was quietly looking at the scenery outside the window. Except for chatting with his grandmother, there was almost no sound all the way;

Gao Yong sat there, sometimes swiping his cell phone, and sometimes eating fruit;

Wang Beibei chewed gum, and drove the music to a volume that sounded pleasant, but did not feel loud;

This is the dynamic of the people who set off in the first wave of the Yifan Technology Annual Conference.


For the first annual meeting since the company was founded, it can be said that many people attach great importance to it, especially the senior management of Yifan Technology;

The itinerary was drawn up by Lexus and then approved by Zhang Yifan;

The first stop is Lijiang Ancient City, the second stop is Dali, Butterfly Spring and Erhai Lake one day, Tianlong Temple and Yulong Snow Mountain one day, Dali ancient city plus Tianlong Babu Film and Television City one day ...

The four-day and three-night tour can be said to be relatively loose, and it can be considered to include the highlights. Anyway, the company is booking a pure play group, and the time is very generous.

The price is not expensive, less than 5,000 yuan per person, and the dinner is ordered by the company, so the lunch standard is also high;

Zhang Yifan himself is quite satisfied with this, Lexus is very good at handling things;

However, Lexus proposed to choose to host a gdp conference on one of the nights, and Zhang Yifan directly rejected it; Qiqi's novel was launched on the Internet.

It's annoying to go to work and meetings, but also to let employees meet on the road? Any interest is lost;

Change to yourself, if you want to work for a job, the first thing is to think about the money and the less things to stay close to home, it is anxious that the big family does not fight the western family, this is all human nature;

Of course, it is because of this idea that he is unemployed after graduating like Wang Beibei;

It is not difficult to find a job, but it is difficult to find a good job.

It's not that Zhang Yifan is going to interfere with Lexus's management, but his idea is: let the employees have fun and enjoy themselves when they come out to play, and then go back, how to rectify, how to rectify.

These days, the most talked about by the company's employees is the annual conference travel, which includes some negative comments, Zhang Yifan intends to try to clear these people out of the team before the trial period expires.

These people may have some abilities, but for the company, it will only have a negative impact;

For example, when the company said to travel, they said the first time: it must be those bosses who decide, we have no choice.

The company issued welfare products, which said which department must have received the rebate, otherwise it would not send such a bad thing;

Paying bonuses, seeing that I have less than others, and it is a stomachache: everyone who has a good relationship with their superiors, so I paid so much, I have a bad relationship, so that's the point, the company closed sooner or later;

The food in the canteen is bad, and it is also directly aimed at the high-level: the owner of the canteen must be related to the high-level ...

Just because I heard such remarks occasionally in private, Zhang Yifan was very angry. Even if he had studied some management sciences, there were still many urges to directly fire people;

The company is so small, and there are only three people at the top.

Don't hundreds of millions of companies do not want to do a good job, if they want to go to small places like those canteens for cheap? Who is cheap to be greedy?

So he feels that retaining such employees is useless!

I really want to fire them before the lottery, even before traveling. He submitted a list to Lexus;

The reason is simple, without a sense of belonging, let him go where he wants to go.

You can complain about the heavy workload, you can complain about excessive overtime, and even complain about the bottom of the salary. This is normal, but you just throw up some conjectures and put yourself in a forced attitude;

Zhang Yifan feels that this kind of person is an unfamiliar wolf-eyed wolf. Which company thinks they are easy to use and which one to use, anyway, the resignation certificate will definitely say that there is no sense of company belonging.

The payment in lieu of notice should be paid to them by a lot of points. Anyway, there is not much money. It is not as high as the cost of attending the annual meeting.

With such a big move, Zhang Yifan felt much more relieved. He couldn't stand some people eating their own meals, and then turned the bowl over and scolded the mother there.

It didn't take long for Shuang, Zhang Yifan's head quickly became big.

What made Zhang Yifan's head big was that as soon as the company's specific travel itinerary was published by hr, Wang Beibei sent a WeChat to himself to protest.

He was very clear that at this time, Wang Beibei was already on the way, allowing him to send a message to protest on the way. Obviously, it was at least the time for the first driver change.

At this time it is estimated that Wang Beibei sat comfortably on the co-pilot, and then leisurely sent his message ...

The content of this protest is really not picky;

"What about Li Bing's grandma? Lijiang, Dali are two stone cities. Dali is okay, at least most of it is flat. There are steps everywhere in Lijiang, you need to take a wheelchair person across the bridge, how to play ? "

"There is also Yulong Snow Mountain. After going down the ropeway, it is almost all mountain climbing, and you have to buy oxygen to rent down jackets. It is enough to go up alone and bring a person? There are Tianlong Temple and Butterfly Spring.

"I was able to handle the last car into a hotel. I climbed a mountain with a hundred-pound wheelchair, and I couldn't help it! It was still a problem if I couldn't lift it. I asked a few people to lift the wheelchair. Do n’t want to play anymore; "

"You have to help and think of a way. It's also impossible for people to look down at the bottom of the mountain and then wait for everyone there. What if everyone plays on the mountain for a few hours?"

Zhang Yifan was still in a daze, and Wang Beibei's messages were sent one by one.

"Don't worry, I think of a way," Zhang Yifan said a few words.

"You think about it, but if you can't figure it out, it's better not to let the employees take turns to lift the wheelchair. It's very bad," Wang Beibei said a few seconds later.

This is not exactly Wang Beibei's embarrassment for Zhang Yifan. Indeed, with an old man who can only walk a few steps slowly, the tool of action is indeed a wheelchair;

With this wheelchair, it means that you can't go up the stairs, and it is difficult to pass some obstacles.

Wang Beibei's starting point was just to take a shot. This time, the travel experience of the Li Bing family will definitely be poor. At most other people can play attractions, they can only play half of them;

Don't blame yourself, and try your best, but under such a condition, there is no way to tell you in advance.

However, in Zhang Yifan's view, this is indeed his own thoughtlessness, not to say that taking people to attractions is considered to be tourism, at least to make people experience the fun of traveling;

I do n’t want to listen to the guides, I ’m going to play by myself. Anyway, there are a lot of online guides. I ’ve been to the place I ’ve been to, I ’ve seen the place I ’ve seen, and then I ’ll take a picture and read something.

If you want to learn about the local customs, listen to a few words from the tour guide, and listen to the explanations in various places of interest, it is also a good thing;

The problem now is that Grandma Li can't go up the mountain, and it will also drag others down, such as ~ ~ If she can't go up the mountain, it means that Li Bing will stay with her, it is impossible to go up the mountain, or make a group of young people People carried her up the mountain ...

These are what Zhang Yifan does not want to see;

After finally getting Li Bing out to take a trip, but also to participate in the company's tour, it was so difficult for Grandma Li to leave her second home and come out to see the great mountains and rivers of the motherland. As a result, she could only stop at the entrance of the scenic area to see the tourists ...

The solution to the problem is also very simple, allowing Grandma Li to go up the mountain by herself, or to go up the mountain without the help of others, then everything is solved.

To achieve this goal, it is not difficult for Zhang Yifan!

The military version of the Maverick, there is a model in it that allows soldiers to ride it to patrol, but in the plateau mountains, there is no road to walk, and diesel and batteries are mixed, no conditions for charging , You can directly use diesel drive;

Adult men's weight is higher than that of Grandma Li, who has always been undernourished. He also has firearms, ammunition, food, drinking water and other things, which are almost twice as heavy.

However, Zhang Yifan also knows that after the wing tiger product is installed, it will definitely not be directly used for civilian use, even by itself;

Moreover, letting Grandma Li ride this six-footed robot, Zhang Yifan also worried that she would fall down halfway ... after all, there was really no protection around it.

Therefore, the problem that Zhang Yifan faces is to make a modified version of the wing tiger before Wang Beibei and his party come to the scenic area;

A wheelchair with only six legs, no wheels, autonomous power, control at will, protection around the occupants, autonomous climbing and downhill, and even stairs.

When encountering such a thing, Zhang Yifan never counseled!

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