MTL - The Black Card-Chapter 1380 More arrogant than anyone else

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() On the steps, a maid is waiting for Shi Lei and Tom to arrive.

Shi Lei shook his head and smiled, thinking that this Jackman was really downright, he had already burned his eyebrows, and hadn't come out to meet him in person.

From the materials that Wei Bodhi gave him, Shi Lei already knew that Jackman was in desperate need of a large amount of money now, and the other party had given him an ultimatum to require him to repay all the money within five days.

Although it is no longer the United States in the early days of gangster rampage, Jackman's creditors are not likely to sweep a large swath of guns at every turn, as in "America," but Shi Lei believes that Jackman is not him. Now Jackman would rather spend money and dissipate disasters than blame those young people.

After getting out of the car, Shi Lei didn't follow the maid into the house, but walked along the house to the backyard. When Tom saw this scene, he couldn't help worrying.

"Mr. Shi, Mr. Shi ..."

Shi Lei stopped, looked back at Tom, and smiled slightly.

"Mr. Shi, let's meet Mr. Fris in advance. Although he also wants to sell this house, but you are now doing this, I'm afraid it will cause him discomfort."

Shi Lei said with a smile: "I'm here to buy a house, not to meet him. Can't I see if this house can satisfy me?"

The implication is that if you are not satisfied, it does n’t matter if you do n’t see it.

Tom is embarrassed. Shi Lei's behavior is indeed a bit rude, but Shi Lei also makes sense, which makes him wonder how to deal with it.

Seeing this, the maid did not dare to say more. Since yesterday, Jackman has been in a state of anger and has smashed a lot of things. She understands that what Jackman needs most now is to sell the house.

Entering the house in a hurry, the maid went to report to Jackman. Jackman was furious when he heard that Shi Lei's move.

"This guy who doesn't know how to be polite! How could he dare to walk around my house without asking my master's consent ?! Go and drive him out ..."

However, before he finished speaking, a man in his thirties began to say, "Boss, I think we can bear it. After all, this is a property worth over one billion yuan. I want to find someone to take over in the short term. The possibility is extremely low. Although this gentleman from Huaxia is somewhat impolite, after all, he is the one who is likely to help you fill the debt in the shortest time. You don't want the other party to find trouble, right? "

In a few words, Jackman calmed down. Indeed, it is imperative now to sell the house, not because these sections are angry with Shi Lei.

"That is to persuade me, otherwise, I have to smash the head of the guy who does not know how to be polite!"

The man shrugged, not paying attention to Jackman's self-seeking steps.

"Boss, he wants to see the house and just go with him, I think, why don't we welcome each other in the backyard?"

"Also let me meet him? He really thought ..."

The second half didn't say it, because the expression of the man had explained everything, Shi Lei now really has such qualifications, but Jackman does not have any arrogant capital.

Helplessly, Jackman could only snorted, struggling with a cane, and knocked twice **** the ground. Accompanied by the man, he walked to the backyard.

In the backyard, Shi Lei was gesticulating. It seemed that he was dissatisfied with the auxiliary building, as if he was about to prepare for civil engineering after taking over.

Seeing his appearance, Jackman was furious, but the man next to him whispered to remind him something, which made him still hold back the dissatisfaction in his heart.

Seeing Jackman still resentful, the man greeted Shi Lei with a smile.

"This must be Mr. Shi. Hello, this is Mr. Lawrence's lawyer, and my name is Lawrence."

Shi Lei looked back and looked at Lawrence with a smile.

"This house is generally acceptable, but ..." He pursed his lips and shook his head.

When Jackman saw Shi Lei being dissatisfied with his house, he was furious. He stunned the crutch in his hand and said, "What else are you dissatisfied with? I tell you, if not ... hum! I'm not at all Willing to sell this house. "

Lawrence wanted to stop, but it was too late, and Jackman had already said this.

Shi Lei listened, and smiled slightly, "This is the case, then it's not reluctant. Tom, I don't want this house, let's go."

Shi Lei has already been firm. Now, of course, it means to leave. With his hands on his back, he directly bypasses Jackman and Lawrence and walks to the front yard.

Jackman's irritated chest kept rising and falling, his hands were shaking a little, and Tom was stunned.

But Shi Lei is his employer, and of course he has to follow his employer's mind.

Tom hurried to catch up with Shi Lei, and while leaving with Shi Lei, he turned back and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Fries, Mr. Shi is not very satisfied with your house."

Just as Jackman wanted to speak, Lawrence hurriedly held him.

Lawrence shouted, "Mr. Shi, you have already come, and you are not in a hurry to leave so soon. It is better to have a glass of wine in the advanced house, and let us chat.

Shi Lei didn't return his head, but Tom was quite moved. After all, if the house can be sold, the commission is definitely the biggest in his life. After it was completed, his commission was less that he could get an ordinary villa housing.

"Mr. Shi, please stay. Don't you really want this house?"

Shi Lei looked at Tom and stopped. "The house itself is okay, but many of the auxiliary facilities are outdated. I'm afraid that a lot of work will need to be done after I buy it. And Mr. Frith hasn't said that just now. Do n’t want to sell this house? If that's the case, why not force it. "

Lawrence also caught up at the moment, and said with a smile, "Mr. Stone, Mr. Fries did not mean this, but he has lived in this house for many years, and now he wants to sell, it will inevitably be a bit reluctant. Don't mind Let's talk about it first. "

From the words of Shi Lei ~ ~ Lawrence also heard that Shi Lei did not want to buy at all, but just wanted to take advantage of the price. He honestly felt that the offer of Jackman was too high. If he was not in a hurry to sell, he might as well report it higher. However, since it is hoped that a transaction can be reached within three to five days, this price is a bit inappropriate.

This point, he also talked to Jackman before, Jackman also slackened, saying that the price can be negotiated.

Therefore, Lawrence believes that as long as Shi Lei is left behind, everything remains to be discussed. After all, the deal is Jackman's top priority.

"Can you represent Mr. Frith?"

Shi Lei said, looking at Jackman.

Lawrence hurriedly squeezed his eyes at Jackman, and Jackman could only swallowed and said, "I'm just a bit reluctant, mainly to see if Mr. Shi is sincere."

Shi Lei smiled and said, "I'm generally satisfied with this house, although some details are not satisfactory. However, if Mr. Fries sells in good faith, it's OK to talk about it."