MTL - Thank You For the Invitation, I Am In the Box Garden, I Have Just Become a God-Chapter 1208

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At the end, Sandora's voice was getting quieter and quieter, because she actually knew that Mandela was unwilling to inherit the position of leader.

The reason is that the other party's fire dragon bloodline is flawed, and it is not a true pure blood, so it cannot use the many gifts inherited from the community.

In such a situation, according to Mandela's talent, at most, like the eldest sister Sarah Terdorek, she became a four-digit figure, and could not become the pillar who could support Salamanda.

・・・・ Flowers 0・・・・

So it is estimated that in the end, after Mandela returns, he will still find a reason to hand it over to the pure-blooded Sandora.

Sandora, who knew this, was full of pressure and helplessness, and she felt a sense of guilt that she had stolen everything from her brother.

It was naturally impossible for the little girl to hide the thought on her face from Su Jin. He glanced at Sandora and said nothing, but said to himself:

"Uesugi, release the news of 'Mandela's strength has been promoted and he is ready to succeed Salamanda's leader'."

"As for how to get promoted, it is said that I have cultivated it. Well, this should be reasonable, right?"

"It's really reasonable." Uesugi Kenshin nodded. As an ally of Arcadia who didn't give up when he was weak, Salamanda, even if he was forced not to give up, was promoted, but it still echoed the logic. .


At this time, Su Jin glanced at Sandora, and then said:

"But since this kind of news is released, let's solve the problem on Mandela by the way."

Hearing the sound, Sandora raised her head in astonishment and looked at Su Jin.

At that time, Su Jin winked at her, then said with a smile:

"The little girl's family should not be so stressed, it will cause wrinkles."

"No way." Sandora blushed and covered her forehead. After confirming that there were no wrinkles, she stared at Su Jin from a flushed face, but after watching for a while, she felt that her performance was too conspicuous and quickly lowered her head. .

At this time, Su Jin instructed: "Uesugi, let's prepare, this time it is estimated that we will stay in this capital of brilliance for a month, oh, now if someone says that Salamanda is not from Arcadia Important ally, I'm afraid I don't believe it myself."

Hearing this, Black Rabbit couldn't help complaining: "This is true, after all, Su Jin, you haven't stayed in other places except Arcadia for a few days."

"..." Su Jin squinted at him, glanced at Hei Rabbit, and chuckled softly: "It seems that Hei Rabbit, you complain a lot, so you can sleep on it today."

"Huh?" Black Rabbit was dumbfounded.

What are you talking about in front of a child (Sandora)? !


A snowy lizard tribe.

in the largest tent.

The little girl with rose-red hair and a black speckled dress looked at the envelope with the mark of 'Fire Dragon' on her hand, and suddenly fell into contemplation:

"Is Salamanda's invitation letter..." Eight.

Chapter 1782 Pest's Dazed

Inside the camp of the Lizardmen tribe.

The woman wearing a white bikini and looking like a fair-haired fairy said immediately after hearing Pest's explanation:

"Master, this must be a trap."

"Saramanda must have known that we were trying to disintegrate their affiliated alliance, so he would issue such an invitation at this time, otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?"

"Is that what Lating thinks?" Pest, who is not tall and can only be described as Lolita, sat on the main seat of the tent. After listening to Lating's advice, she turned her eyes to another of her subordinates: " What about you, Weser?"

Weser, who was born in a demon spirit, is a demon who symbolizes floods and earthquakes. Compared with Lating, his performance is a little more stable:

"I personally think it's worth a try."

After Weser heard Pest's question, he said in a deep voice, "Four, five, three":

"The people who are summoning me now, although we still don't know their gods and Buddhas, but they must belong to the upper-class gods and Buddhas, and they are the ones who resist the tyranny of Arcadia, otherwise, they will not pay such a Cultivate us at a price."

Although it took a certain amount of damage to the foundation, the people who summoned Pest did deliberately increase their spirituality to a four-digit scale.

Among them, although only Pest is probably full of elites and is close to the legendary stage of Lingge, La Ting and Weser are only four-digit benchmarks, and may even be unable to beat some five-digit legendary stage powerhouses, but Anyway, it also ticked the four-digit side.

In Hakoba, the four-digit number is the overlord of one side, and one can easily grasp the outer door without any accident.

If you want to cultivate such people in a heap, even the big forces at the lower level will have a lot of headaches. Only the gods at the upper level can easily come up with such resources.

Summoning their employers to pay such a price is certainly not for them to play.

"The subordinate alliance that eliminated Salamanda was summoned by our hirelings and covered up by the members of the Ouroboros. I believe that with their means, it is unlikely that Salamanda would discover it."

"Destroying Salamanda and removing Arcadia's wings is the task that the one gave us, so I think it is necessary to participate in the invitation from Salamanda."

"I don't say whether it's a trap, but as long as there is a chance to defeat Salamanda and control all its combat power with the authority of the Demon King, we must act..."

Speaking of this, Weser's face sank, and he said with a gloomy expression;

"After all... Arcadia is stronger!"

Hearing this, in the tent, Pester and Lating fell silent.

Yes, Arcadia is stronger! !

"Usually five-digit level, four-digit number is the thirteenth team leader, the total number is undecided, the adventurer team led by Silent Alphia has not yet been named, but there have been four-digit numbers for more than ten meters. The demon army, and the group of godslayers who are currently making a fuss in the southern district, in addition to that, there is the ghostly witch, and her entourage..."

"This is not counting the members of Arcadia garrisoning the headquarters, the allies of other major alliances, and the various communities of the Greek gods that were incorporated by Arcadia..."

Lating counted these forces, and suddenly felt that it was not unreasonable for them to be lurking like this.

Who in the normal community would think about fighting such an Arcadia?

When several teams unite, they can swept them. This is still after their strength has been improved. If they have not improved, they can send a city team over to solve it.

On the other side, seeing Lating subconsciously ignoring the most important things, Weser immediately said solemnly:

"Don't forget, what you said is only the backbone of the grassroots. The real trouble is the big cadres of Arcadia."

"Let's not talk about the twelve main gods of Greece for the time being, the highest dragon knight, the king of the first generation of Hakoba knights, Leticia Decrea is the most dangerous existence for us, because she can be stationed in Arcadia headquarters. Dispatch at any time to reduce the threat of the lower layer."

"And even if we defeat the dragon knight, we still have to face the goddess of wisdom Athena, the moon **** Artemis, even the legendary magic star, and... Arcadiana A real 'monster'."

Thinking of the monster made Weser's scalp tingle.

As a demon, he shouldn't be afraid, because demons are a race that controls souls and emotions.

And once there is fear, there will be a fatal flaw in his spirituality.

But for this, Weser has no way, because that monster has no solution at all...

"Killed the god-king Zeus, seized the sovereignty of the Greek gods, defeated the high-level giants of the Ouroboros, the one who was about to become the commander of the Heavenly Army, who held the legendary 'great secret treasure' of the simulated star creation map, The man who holds the miracle is our real target of revenge."

Pest didn't refute Weser's statement that 'our real revenge is on'.

Because in her eyes, both the Canary and Arcadia are the targets of her revenge.

After all, one of them was the decision maker of the Black Death, and the other was the executive party. Only by defeating them and using the power of the Demon King to seize their support, can she have the opportunity to participate in the biggest gift game of Hakoniwa and get the history-changing game. Chance.

"A man who holds a miracle in his hand..." Thinking of the man who had become one of the most powerful men in Hakoniwa in that year, Pest was at a loss for a while.

The enemy is too strong, so strong that she doesn't even know how to win. This huge gap that she can't see makes her even fear and fear.

Because these emotions have no meaning at all.

Realizing the emptiness in her heart, Pest hurriedly murmured in a low voice:

"Let's start small, small, weak Salamanda."

Thinking of this, Pest said to Weser in a deep voice:

"Weser, I've decided to agree to this invitation, so I'll trouble you and Lating to come with me."

Hearing this, Lating and Weser looked at each other, and finally lowered their heads and said:

"Yes!" X2


In the morning, the capital of brilliance, the main hall of the Dragon Palace.

With the identity of 'Mandela', under the guard of a bunch of dragon girls, Su Jin slowly entered the hall with the aftertaste of enjoying the rabbit, then sat down in the main seat, and then looked at the three people below. The leader, tall and strong, looked like a mercenary man, strangely said:

"Are you the 'Black Death Spot Demon King Pest'?"


The tall and strong man raised his head, showing Weser's face, and nodded in response.

Su Jin looked at Pest in front of him, and then looked at the petite rose-haired loli standing next to him, like a guard, and her expression became even more strange.

Chapter 1783 Seeing fellow villagers

"So you are Pest!"

Su Jin looked at the tall man in front of him with a leisurely tone.

Pest, Pest, the obvious exchange of identities, he understood after thinking about it.

However, although their identities have been exchanged, the two of them are not real bodies now, but fake bodies made by some kind of authority.

It seems that the Buddhists who supported them behind the scenes were still cautious enough, for fear that he was a trap, so he took the fake body of the boarding idea and came over.

At that time, even if the talks collapse, it will only be a loss of a fake body, and there is not much risk.

Of course, when Su Jin was here, they encountered Hakoba's biggest 'risk'!

"By comparison, you are Mr. Mandela?"

When Weser saw Su Jin seated, he immediately felt a heavy pressure.

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A small leader of the Arcadia affiliated alliance, even a fire dragon with impure blood has such pressure, which makes him, a person who barely has four figures, feel terrified. How many people in Arcadia headquarters should be? monster?

All four figures legend?

When Su Jin saw Weser talking, Pesto next to him didn't move at all, but his tone was the same as before:

16 "In the fire dragon birth season, if you were defeated by me, the reward was ten 'Dragon Tears', no problem?"

"Dragon tears, as an important material for a four-digit high-level physique, is naturally no problem as a reward."

Because Peister claimed to be a five-digit demon king, naturally there was no refutation for the 'remuneration' given by Su Jin, because refutation would only destroy their character.

"Then I'll make sure again that it was attacked in the single season of Fire Dragon 21 days later, and was finally defeated by you. Is this the requirement?"

"Well, under such conditions, we need five Dragon Tears as a deposit to ensure that you are not fishing law enforcement."

"Of course, this deposit will have the Ouroboros as an intermediary, and it won't bring you too much risk."

In Little Garden, the Demon Lord generally refers to those who abuse the authority of the organizer, force others to participate in the gift game, and are branded as the Demon Lord by the center of the small garden, which is the so-called 'villain'.

As for the authority of the organizer, there are basically four digits. If the number of people is large, there are naturally all kinds of strange things in it. Therefore, there is naturally no shortage of "good devils" who "receive money to do things".

"Exhibition competitions" like this often happen in Hakoba, and the good old demon kings will change their names for a long time, so as to ensure the freshness of "ordinary people".

After all, you have to be on guard against things like 'the wolf is coming' that ruins the atmosphere.

Therefore, Weser's appearance as a businessman is not too uncommon for the community leaders who need it in Hakoniwa.


"The agent of Ouroboros is this little rose-haired girl?"

Su Jin looked at Pest, who stood up and was about to accept the deposit, and almost didn't say, "You guys are shameless".

Are you kidding? The devil himself acts as an intermediary to collect the deposit? In Hakoba's circle, this is an obvious fraud.

However, at this time, Pest raised her hand and bit off the glove of her left hand, revealing the marks of the three-headed tailed snake on the back of her hand:

"This is my Ouroboros mark, does Mr. Mandela have any objections?"

Su Jin looked at the Ouroboros pattern on the opponent's hand, um, it was genuine, and even according to the information converted from the pattern, it was still the Third Alliance Action Team directly under the 'Sun Kings'.

Okay, it's really done.... But there's no record, right? Is it the kind of virtual identity that can be printed and shared at any time?

Su Jin smiled when he heard the words, and then showed the back of his hand towards Pest with a smile.