MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 89 clear the enemy

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Wei Shuxun rolled on the ground with his hands on the ground, and there was another bullet mark where he passed. This is an empty slope, more than ten meters away from the underground parking lot, and there are no shelters around, so there is no time to hide. Wei Shuxun flipped several times in a row and avoided a shooting blind spot, leaving a string of bullet marks behind him.

From the distance he was on the ground to the roof, looking in the direction of the bullet, he should have seen nothing. Therefore, the sniper did not hide, but instead continued to aim at his position with the sniper rifle, trying to shoot again. However, Wei Shuxun could clearly see this person from the screen that was zoomed in by the learning machine.

A middle-aged man in his mid-thirties, wearing a black casual jacket. Although he was sniping and killing people in the downtown area, he didn't seem to be worried. The location chosen is also very good. The place where Wei Shuxun is located is empty and empty, but he himself is on the top floor of a certain building in a shopping center.

Of course the sniper didn't know that Wei Shuxun could also see him. After finding that he could not snipe the target in this position, he slowly changed positions with the gun on his back, and Wei Shuxun also rolled over at this time. into the parking lot.

Although it was a mess, it was a safe escape. Wei Shuxun stood up and patted the dust on his clothes and trousers: "Ah, that's really careless."

"DiDi, task." The learning machine issued a task: "Clear the enemy."

Wei Shuxun lowered his eyes coldly: "Well, you don't need to say it, I know it too."

The sniper didn't know that Wei Shuxun could see him. The current situation is considered to be the enemy. I don't want to rely on the learning machine for rescue every time. He left the underground parking lot at the fastest speed and rushed to the shopping mall where the sniper was located. At this time, the sniper was using the scope to find Wei Shuxun: "Strange, where are you hiding?"

Entering the shopping center, Wei Shuxun first looked for the emergency entrance, and at the same time ordered: "Learn the machine, scan it, and find the location of the machine room."

The location of the computer room is usually in a relatively remote corner or basement. After the learning machine scans, a room with the word computer room is found behind the corner of the emergency entrance. Unless something happens to the electrical equipment of the building, generally no one will come to the computer room, and only the anti-theft door is locked.

This did not hinder Wei Shuxun, he easily opened the door to enter. At the same time, the sniper found that the prey had escaped and was quickly putting the firearm into the box.

There are more than ten wardrobe-sized devices in the computer room. There are six small screens and a keyboard console on one device. This is the central control system Wei Shuxun is looking for. After startup, it was found that there was a password, Wei Shuxun said coldly: "Learn the machine, decrypt it."

Learning machine rarely does not bargain: "Password release."

Six screens display different pictures, camera monitoring video, line operation diagram, security facility monitoring, Wei Shuxun adjusted all the screens to the camera monitoring video, switching on and off , look for the figure of the sniper in hundreds of small pictures.


The man in black who had just entered the corridor on the 15th floor from door F of the balcony, carrying an inconspicuous black violin bag, was walking towards the elevator as if nothing had happened.

Wei Shuxun switched to the second screen and returned to the system, and began to tap. "Huh? What's going on?"

Shen Wei received a secret order from his boss to get rid of a student named Wei Shuxun. Although he wondered how such a student could offend his boss, since it was an order, and the boss had promised him the department and position he would transfer after retiring this year, Shen Wei agreed without any psychological burden.

This student's identity is very ordinary, but unexpectedly, he knew the Zhou family and lived in Zhou Quan's apartment in the military community. Shen Wei finally understood why the boss wanted to kill the student. It is said that the Zhou family and the Lin family fought fiercely during this period. Lin Peng of the Lin family was sent to prison by the Zhou family a while ago, and some vassals of the Lin family were implicated. Revenge! They did not dare to openly deal with the Zhou family, so they used the people around the Zhou family to operate.

Did not dare to enter the apartment, Shen Wei wanted to find an opportunity to kill Wei Shuxun when he was out, but the student drove Zhou Quan's car with bulletproof glass every time he went out and went to the crowded In the shopping mall, Shen Wei couldn't find a chance at all. After learning about the situation, the boss ordered coldly: "Zhou Quan has left the military, kill him as soon as possible."

"But he's in downtown..."

"It doesn't matter in the downtown, it doesn't matter if you accidentally get hurt, you must get rid of that student!"

Despite this order, the boss still found someone to arrange this sniping. The chosen location is the most remote part of the mall, as the entrance to the underground parking lot is temporarily closed due to sewer repairs ahead. After the target was brought, I thought it would end with just one shot. Who would have guessed that the kid had avoided his sniping like the eyes behind him, and then suddenly disappeared.

This is not a skill that an ordinary student should have, and Shen Wei felt a little uneasy in his heart. But it shouldn't matter. Now he only needs to enter the shopping center on the 6th floor from the 15th floor and join the flow of people. All the surveillance videos entering and leaving this building will be cleared, and the Zhou family can't find him. It's a pity that he didn't kill that kid, I'm afraid he won't get any benefit from his boss.

However, after pressing the elevator, there was no response: "Huh? What's going on?"

Press it several times, but still no response. The 7th floor of the shopping center is an office building, and there are very few people except for company employees. It is easy to attract attention after staying for a long time. Shen Wei gave up the idea of ​​taking the elevator and went directly to the safety ladder.

"What is this guy doing?" At the same time, the security captain who had already been bribed was standing in front of the surveillance video, preparing to delete Shen Wei's related video afterwards, when he saw that Shen Wei suddenly left the elevator and turned to safety ladder.

"What about him!" The safety ladder has no surveillance cameras, and the security captain is happy.

Wei Shuxun watched the sniper walk into the safety ladder, quickly tapped the keyboard with his fingers, and the screen kept switching with his movements.

"Okay." Wei Shuxun stood up and looked at his watch: "Let's start!"

On the screens behind him, the 3rd and 5th small screens show the elevator just opened on the first floor and the empty corridor on the seventh floor. On the other four small screens, the line and system commands run quickly, then automatically shut down.

After Wei Shuxun left the machine room, he immediately rushed to the nearest elevator. Where he passed, the light of the camera that was supposed to be running suddenly turned off.

"Strange?" The security captain who was alone in the surveillance room saw a surveillance video suddenly turn black, just standing up, it suddenly returned to normal, at the same time the other camera went black again, until two Minutes later, when it was about to be called in for repairs, it was back to normal. The security captain sat down in confusion: "Is the line unstable?"

When I looked up, I found that the monitor of elevator No. 6 started to go black again, but from the monitor in the corridor, I saw that people came in and out normally, indicating that the elevator was fine. This time the screen was black for a long time, and the security captain impatiently called the maintenance department: "You guys go and check the monitoring of elevator No. 6. What's going on?"

I just finished the phone call, and suddenly found that the surveillance video of the corridor on the 8th floor was black, and the video of the No. 6 elevator was restored. "This... what the **** is going on here?"

When Shen Wei descended from the safety ladder to the 8th floor, he was suddenly attacked, and the attacker turned out to be his target. The attack came suddenly, but Wei Shuxun was holding a mop in his hand, and it didn't cause any damage except a little pain.

"How did you find me?" Shen Wei asked, he came too fast, Shen Wei worried that he was being watched.

Wei Shuxun waved the mop, his face full of anger: "This building is the closest to that, you definitely won't take the elevator to kill someone, so I'll wait for you at the safety ladder, hum, sure enough Here, who sent you to kill me?"

Just a coincidence? Shen Wei looked relaxed, avoiding Wei Shuxun's attack. It's nice that the target is an impulsive, hot-blooded, ordinary student with some personal heroism and self-righteousness. I was still worried about not being able to kill him, but he actually delivered it to the door!

He easily grabbed Wei Shuxun's arm, threw away the mop, and just took out the dagger from his pocket, when Wei Shuxun hit him hard and broke free, and ran into the building. Shen Wei hesitated for a while, feeling that the opportunity was rare, so he followed.

The 8th floor is also an office leased to a company. Most of the companies have closed doors and only have nameplates outside the doors. Maybe it was too anxious, Wei Shuxun didn't knock on the door of any office, just ran forward in a hurry, and even fell, which increased Shen Wei's courage.

As long as you catch this student, it won't even take a minute to kill him. With a bright future in front of him, why is he hesitating?

The security captain sitting on the surveillance camera received a call from the maintenance department: "Captain Yuan, there is no problem with the monitoring line of the elevator on the 6th floor."

“I…I know…”

The temperature in the monitoring room with the air conditioner turned on is suitable, but the fat face of Captain Yuan was full of sweat. On the surveillance video in front of him, the screen kept going black, on, black, on. The black screen time of each video varies according to the length of the monitoring path, and the recovery time varies. Captain Yuan is very familiar with this building. He roughly calculated that the time of the black screen is equivalent to the time it takes for a person to walk this road.

If you draw the route map from the black screen at the beginning, it seems that someone enters the elevator from the first floor, goes up to the 8th floor, and then enters the 8th floor safety elevator. After a few minutes, he came out of the safety ladder, and behind him was the man Captain Yuan had ordered to clear his image.

Captain Yuan thought that this person wanted to go upstairs to steal something, so he agreed without hesitation. Anyway, if the security department is complained, at most, he will be fired. With such a large amount of money, what are those wages?

Now Captain Yuan regrets it, where is this stealing, he, he is clearly catching ghosts!

That person is obviously chasing a person that Captain Yuan can't see. If he hadn't been monitoring on the spot and watching the video in the future, except that there was a slight problem with the route, I would never have imagined that there was a person here ...should say something that goes by. Captain Yuan never believed that someone could control the camera to go black when he just passed by. What else could this ability to control on the spot beside a ghost?

Wei Shuxun seemed to have broken his leg, stumbled while walking, and stopped from time to time, which made Shen Wei unable to give up. In front, Wei Shuxun's figure disappeared in the corner, and Shen Wei hurried up. Having caught up to this point, this kid must not be allowed to escape. Running to the corner, he suddenly found an empty office with an open door ahead. From the window of the office, it was shown that this was the end of the corridor, and he had no way to escape. Shen Wei rushed into the empty office and found no trace of Wei Shuxun. Suddenly he heard a soft click. Shen Wei ran out and saw the target jumping in from the window - it turned out that he was hanging on the window just now.


Sometimes a transparent glass appeared in front of him, Shen Wei slammed into it, and became dizzy on the spot.

"I specially selected the floor." A pair of slender legs appeared in front of Shen Wei who fell through the glass: "The data shows that this company has just moved out, and they installed electromagnetic induction Glass doors, and…”

Shabu Shabu Shabu Shabu Shabu-!

The automatic fire extinguisher above his head began to spray a lot of water for unknown reasons, so that Shen Wei couldn't hear Wei Shuxun's words. He stood up and kicked the glass door with his foot, the tempered glass remained motionless.




In addition to the electromagnetic induction door, this company also installed the anti-theft iron door, at this time the anti-theft iron door above the head is falling rapidly. Shen Wei quickly opened the violin cover, took out his gun and shot at the glass door. The muffler was already installed on the gun. Shen Wei didn't worry about being discovered. He fired several shots without hesitation. After all, tempered glass was no better than bulletproof glass. After two shots, the glass shattered. But the bullet that flew to Shuxun's body seemed to be blocked by something invisible, stopped in mid-air and then fell to the ground.

Shen Wei was stunned, what is this?


The time wasted, the anti-theft iron gate had fallen to the point where adults could not pass through, and at the same time, Shen Wei was horrified to find that there was electric light flowing on the iron gate - and the ground was full of water!


Shen Wei turned around and ran, the water splashing under his feet. When the iron gate of the power grid fell to the ground, Shen Wei screamed and fell to the ground.

Before falling, Shen Wei looked at Wei Shuxun who was standing outside the iron gate. This ordinary student said to him expressionlessly, "Bye-bye!"