MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 72 class president

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Moreover, the feelings Zhou Quan expressed through his lips and tongues were also undisguised.

Although Wei Shuxun sometimes finds girls annoying, he never thought of falling in love with a man, so he had to run away in panic.

When I got back to the dormitory, I realized that I forgot to take the video camera. Wei Shuxun hesitantly sent a text message to Zhou Quan: I forgot my watch at your house, can you send it to me by courier?

Zhou Quanhui: I want to get it myself. this a hostage?

If you think about it anyway, Wei Cheng will not be caught. The video camera is usually just a decoration, and it is not even qualified to be a watch. It doesn't matter if you wear it or not, as long as Zhou Quan doesn't take it It's the same wherever he goes - at least he doesn't want to see Zhou Quan until his heart is calm.

The next day, Wei Shuxun found Mr. Deng from the "Electrical and Electronics Training" class and promised to be the class representative - the corpse last night still irritated him to some extent. Wei Cheng had to join the battlefield in order to survive. He felt that if he worked a little harder, he might have a better life for future children and grandchildren.

There was an "Electrical and Electronic Training" class in the afternoon. Mr. Deng happily gave Wei Shuxun a USB flash drive on the spot, which contained today's PPT lecture materials and the key to the electrical laboratory.

Wei Shuxun returned to the dormitory to open it up, and saw that the afternoon course was electronic welding. The first page is preparation tools and precautions, and the second page is today's homework: thinking question: 1 What are the resistance numbers represented by black, brown, red, and green?

2How to judge the polarity of diodes and electrolytic capacitors?

3What are the installation steps for the potentiometer?

4What should I pay attention to when welding diodes?

Wei Shuxun turned to the next few pages and found that the following are just instructions for the installation steps of welding. These must be manually operated and can be put aside, but theoretical work can be done in advance. I finally discovered the benefits of being a class representative, at least the homework can be done in advance.

In the middle of the homework, Wu Feng and the three came in with a basketball. Seeing Wei Shuxun sitting in front of the computer typing something, he asked with a smile, "Shu Xun, you come back to the Internet after class, why? Won't you play ball with us?"

"I want to write the homework of "Electrical and Electronic Training"." Wei Shuxun replied.

"Huh?" Wu Feng scratched his head in confusion: "Has Mr. Deng assigned homework?

"Homework in the afternoon." Wei Shuxun kept beating on his hands and said leisurely, "I'll finish it while I have time now."

As for first reading the lecture notes and then listening to the teacher's explanation, the knowledge and foundation are more consolidated, etc. Wei Shuxun will never consider this aspect.

The three people in the dormitory asked for help when they learned that Wei Shuxun had become the class representative of "Electrical and Electronic Training". The four of them went to the material room to apply for tools and components, and assigned them to each workbench one by one according to the materials prepared in the PPT.

"5 resistors, 2 potentiometers, 8 diodes..." Wu Feng's personality is carefree, and he can't stand it after a few workbenches: "Damn, when will this be sent? When the time comes, let everyone get it by themselves.

"It will be more messy then. Things are so small that it is easy to lose." Wei Shuxun debugged the PPT and walked off the podium: "I will come here, you can put the tools."

Wu Feng was sent to put tweezers, pliers and other tools, and Wei Shuxun distributed the small components one by one. These components are not big. There are hundreds of them in a bag. They must be distributed strictly according to the quantity in the handout. The work is quite complicated, and Wei Shuxun himself does not like it. But he has always been responsible for his work, and he still pressed the impatience to distribute them one by one.

In the afternoon's "Electrical and Electronics Training" class, each person still has a workbench. Mr. Deng first opened the PPT to explain the precautions, and then briefly talked about the homework, so that everyone remember to think while making, so as not to go back I don't know how to write it, which caused a wailing. The three of Wu Feng were relieved that they, like Wei Shuxun, had already completed their homework ahead of schedule.

"Quiet." Teacher Deng knocked on the table: "The homework is a test of your learning today and must be written. Next, let's talk about how to bend the component feet, Wei Shuxun will come up and do it. Demonstrate."

Wei Shuxun came to the stage and took the electrode components and tweezers from Mr. Deng's hand. Mr. Deng pointed the camera at his hand and said: "The bending length of the component feet depends on the holes of the printed circuit board. The distance is determined. When the component feet are bent, a distance of 1-2mm must be left. Shuxun, you use tweezers to clamp the component feet, and gently bend it into a U shape, not too hard, be careful to break... uh..."

The students couldn't see clearly. But you don't need to see it clearly, everyone will understand when you see the finished product.

"Teacher, we understand, let's experiment directly!" Someone shouted in the audience.

"How can it be that simple!" Mr. Deng seems to have identified Wei Shuxun, and the next pin bending and L-shaped bending are directly called Wei Shuxun's operation demonstration. These basic guards don't need to listen to the teacher's guidance. When Teacher Deng is talking, he has already done it.

Seeing that the classmates were already impatient, Teacher Deng said helplessly: "Okay, now each person will have a workbench, a drawing, and make their own. The number of components has been determined, and repeated applications are not allowed. .The qualified ones only need to complete the first page of homework, and the unqualified ones need to complete two pages of homework.”

PPT homework, the first page is the theory question, the second page is the thinking question, it is to let the students think for themselves, do not need to write, if they are unqualified now, it means that the homework is doubled, and the students Finally, I didn't dare to make any noise, and turned my attention back to the workbench.

I just watched Wei Shuxun bend the component feet very easily, just use tweezers to clamp the wire and twist it, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult to make by myself. The metal wire is very small, and it will break if you twist it with a little force. At the beginning, several students raised their hands to report that the component foot was broken and asked for a new one.

Teacher Deng slowly pushed the glasses: "I said that the number of components has been fixed, and there is no replacement."

This time finally made the students honest, and they all began to operate carefully.

The component drawing this time is a single circuit board soldering, and there are not many components. Wei Shuxun did it very quickly. A girl next to her stretched out her hand and pulled La Wei Shuxun with a coquettish tone: "Shu Xun, you can't help me twist the component foot, I'm afraid it will break."

Wei Shuxun has one hand with solder wire and the other with an electric iron, without distraction, and without the love of his classmates, he said, "Make it yourself."

In the middle of the production, something went wrong. Zhongyou in the other row suddenly raised his hand and shouted, "Teacher, I have one less diode."

Teacher Deng walked over to take a look, and asked, "It was a small number at the beginning, you didn't break it?"

"No, absolutely not." Zhong You's tone was a little excited: "Teacher, Wei Shuxun must have deliberately given me less, he has a conflict with me, and avenge his personal revenge!"

"Too noisy." Wei Shuxun unplugged the soldering iron, put the tools away, and walked over. Let the learning machine scan and find that one has fallen off the workbench, pick it up and throw it on the table: "Are you suffering from paranoia?"

Wei Shuxun didn't take Zhongyou at all. After he finished the production at the fastest speed, he was able to leave early. After a night, he also calmed down a little. Anyway, Zhou Quan didn't say anything, so he didn't know it. In short, get the video camera back first.

Dial Zhou Quan's phone, turn it off, Wei Shuxun ran directly to Zhou Quan's house, opened the door and found no one. There is a note on the coffee table in the living room: "I have a mission and can't come back for the time being. I took the watch with me. When you are willing to share your secret with me, exchange it anytime!"